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Received: 18 June 2020

DOI: 10.1049/mia2.12122
- -Revised: 28 January 2021

Accepted: 2 March 2021

- IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation

Microwave intracavitary applicator using 434 MHz conformal

patch antennas for hyperthermia treatment of gynaecological

Tharrini Rajendran | Kavitha Arunachalam

Department of Engineering Design, Indian Institute Abstract

of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
Feasibility of a 434 MHz microwave intracavitary applicator with conformal patch an-
tennas is presented for hyperthermia treatment of gynaecological cancers. 3D numerical
Kavitha Arunachalam, Department of Engineering
modelling was used to design a 434 MHz resonant conformal rectangular patch on a
Design, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, cylindrical alumina substrate. A conformal array applicator designed using four conformal
Chennai, India. patch antennas was evaluated in muscle tissue phantom. Applicator measurements
indicated that the conformal patch resonated at 434 MHz with power reflection coeffi-
cient ρ < −35 dB, penetration depth of 12 mm at 434 MHz and −10 dB bandwidth
Funding information
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Grant/
>40 MHz. Normalised power deposition in the applicator transverse (X Y) plane yielded
Award Number: EDDRMFXKAVT; Science and 25% Effective Field Size (EFS) of 180 and 175 mm2 in simulation and measurement,
Engineering Research Board, Grant/Award respectively, for excitation of single conformal patch. The 25% EFS for excitation of two
Number: SB/FTP/ETA‐461/2012
antennas was 500 and 510 mm2 in simulation and measurement, respectively. Simulations
and measurements suggest that the 434 MHz intracavitary microwave applicator with
conformal patch antennas could be used to deliver adjustable and localised power
deposition at the target sparing the surrounding healthy tissues.

1 | INTRODUCTION tissue to 40‐45 ℃ for a duration of 60 min. HT of cancer of the

cervix reported in clinical trials was delivered using external
Cancer of the cervix continues to be a major oncological prob- heating devices. The external devices include 70‐100 MHz
lem in developing countries such as India [1]. Cancer of the multiple annular phased array (MAPA) of 8 dipole antennas
cervix is one among the 10 leading cancer sites in India [2]. The (BSD‐2000), 70 MHz 8‐element waveguide array (AMC‐8) and
National Cancer Registry Programme ( NCRP), India, has pro- 27 MHz capacitive regional heating applicator [15]. These ap-
jected the number of cancer cases for cervix as 1,00,479 cases in plicators operate at low frequencies to provide deep penetration
2020 which amounts to 14.3% of the total number of cancer in the abdomen area. Typically, large number of antennas (8‐12)
cases for women in India [3]. Cervical cancer, though on the and/or high power of up to 1300 W are required to deliver tar-
decline, stands second next to breast cancer [4, 5]. Unlike women geted heating at the cervix [15].
in economically developed nations, women in India are often Unlike external heating devices, intracavitary and interstitial
diagnosed at advanced stages [1, 3–6]. Irrespective of the stage at hyperthermia devices require relatively low power (≤ 100 W) as
diagnosis, high dose rate (HDR) intracavitary brachytherapy is they are positioned at the tumour site via the natural body
administered as postoperative radiation therapy for endometrial orifice [16, 17]. Clinical trials on intracavitary HT combined
cancer patients as it helps to reduce vaginal recurrence and has with chemo/radiotherapy showed improved local control and
better gastro‐intestinal toxicity than external beam radiotherapy long‐term survival for cancer of the nasopharynx [18, 19],
[5, 7]. Several clinical trials on cancer of the cervix have clearly larynx [20], oesophagus [21], prostate [22–24], anus [25] and
indicated that heat sensitises chemo and radiation treatments and rectum [26].
improves clinical outcomes [8–14]. Hyperthermia treatment Intracavitary microwave applicators reported for HT
(HT) involves selectively raising the temperature of cancerous include 915 MHz helix coil for treatment of vaginal and rectal

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2021 The Authors. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.

IET Microw. Antennas Propag. 2021;15:1117–1126. 1117


cancers [27], 915 MHz coaxial dipole antennas for prostate

cancer [28], semi rigid 915 MHz coaxial dipole antenna with
metallic reflector for rectal cancer [29], and 434 MHz half wave
dipole for transurethral, rectal and prostate cancers [30, 31].
Wire‐type intracavitary applicators were also reported for HT of
gynaecological cancers [29, 31–37]. Inductive and capacitive
applicators with matching interfaces were reported by Franconi
et al. for intracavitary HT of prostate cancer at 27 MHz [37]. A
half wavelength dipole antenna with reflector was reported by
Kouloulias et al. [31] for prostate cancer at 433 MHz. These
wire‐type intracavitary applicators are typically long (>120 mm)
with small radiation cross section (diameter <3 mm). Further-
more, they maintain omni‐directional power deposition and are
significantly influenced by their insertion depth in tissue. Intra- F I G U R E 1 Illustration of dipole antenna inside a water filled catheter
cavitary applicators with sectoral power deposition and power radiating EM wave in the surrounding tissue
deposition pattern independent of insertion depth are needed
for HT of vaginal cancer. Unlike wire antennas, patch antennas
are aperture type antennas that are compact, low profile, that explained using a simplified model illustrated in Figure 1. In
possess directional radiation pattern and high gain. Thus, patch Figure 1, a z‐directed resonant half‐wave dipole located at the
antennas are widely used for passive [38] and active medical origin is surrounded by three concentric cylinders. The inner
microwave imaging [39] and external means of tissue heating for most concentric cylinder containing the dipole is filled with de‐
HT [40–44]. However, there are no intracavitary applicators ionised (DI) water, the intermediate concentric cylinder of
reported in the literature employing patch antennas. The feasi- radius R is the polypropylene intracavitary applicator shell of
bility of intracavitary applicator with conformal patch antennas 0.5 mm wall thickness and the outermost concentric cylinder
for selective power deposition at the target was reported in our of radius 2λt is the cervix tissue, where λt is the wavelength in
preliminary numerical study [45]. Several conformal patch the cervix tissue. The height of the concentric cylinders hc was
shapes were investigated and the study indicated the highest chosen to be electrically large compared with the dipole length
specific absorption rate (SAR) for spiral and fish tail patch an- Ld ¼ λw =2 at the operating frequency that is, hc/Ld > 10,
tennas, and homogeneous power deposition with the largest where λw is the wavelength in DI water. The dipole wire radius
effective field size (EFS) for rectangular patch [45]. a is electrically thin that is, a=λw ≪ 1. The water‐loaded dipole
In this work, we present the detailed design and experi- antenna represents the simplified model of an intracavitary
mental verification of a 434 MHz intracavitary applicator using applicator of radius R inserted in the cervix tissue defined at
conformal rectangular patch antennas for HT of vaginal cancer radius r ≥ R. The computational model was realised in HFSS
with sectoral power deposition confined to the applicator. The simulation software. The dielectric properties of DI water and
key contributions of this work are as follows: applicator shell were taken from HFSS materials library and
cervix tissue was assigned the properties reported in literature
1. Choice of 434 MHz to ensure HT coverage from tissue [46]. The external surfaces of the computational model were
surface to a depth of 20 mm using intracavitary applicator truncated with radiation boundary condition to absorb the
2. Choice of conformal patch antennas with applicator di- outward radiated wave. The time harmonic EM field radiated
mensions comparable with HDR vaginal brachytherapy by the resonant dipole was numerically solved in HFSS at the
applicator to deliver targeted heating within 15 mm target following ISM frequencies: 434, 915 and 2450 MHz. Power
depth spanning 40‐50 mm extent deposited by the applicator at location r ¼ |r | in the tissue is
3. Development of a compact intracavitary array applicator given by,
(40 � 50 mm cylinder) for delivering sectoral power
deposition !
| E |2
4. Experimental verification of the applicator in tissue Pðr; ωÞ ¼ σ ; ð1Þ
mimicking phantom 2

was calculated at each ISM frequency. In Equation (1), σ and

2 | DESIGN OF INTRACAVITARY E are the electric conductivity and electric field intensity,
MICROWAVE APPLICATOR respectively, and ω is the angular frequency. The penetration
depth of the EM field inside the tissue can be expressed in
2.1 | Applicator frequency and radius terms of the normalized power,
PðrÞ ½ E ðrÞ�2
The rationale behind the choice of operating frequency and ¼ ! : ð2Þ
PðRÞ ½ E ðRÞ�2
radius of the intracavitary applicator chosen in this study are
- 1119

F I G U R E 2 EM power decay in tissue at ISM frequencies for varying

applicator radii R

In Equation (2), power at a distance d ¼ |r − R | inside

the tissue is normalised with respect to the power incident on
the tissue surface defined at r = R.
Figure 2 shows the normalised power density versus tissue
depth d for varying R and ISM frequencies widely used for HT.
From Figure 2, it can be observed that power penetration depth
in tissue increases with a decrease in the operating frequency. For
a given ISM frequency as the applicator radius R increases, the
50% power decay d50 gradually approaches the planewave
penetration depth. From Figure 2, it can be concluded
that 434 MHz provides the deepest penetration and d50 for
434 MHz excitation approaches planewave penetration for
R ≥ 20 mm. Based on the dimensions of the vaginal cylinder
applicators used for HDR brachytherapy [47] and simulation
results in Figure 2, intracavitary applicator with 20 mm radius
was selected for patch antenna design at 434 MHz.

2.2 | Applicator with conformal patch


Figure 3(a) shows the 434 MHz conformal rectangular patch

antenna modelled on 10 mm thick alumina substrate with 40 mm
outer diameter (OD), 20 mm inner diameter (ID), 50 mm height
and 1 mm ground plane on the inner side, and 1.5 mm thick
polypropylene (PP) shell as the (ε0 = 2.25) outer cover. The
length and diameter of the intracavitary applicator model were
selected based on the numerical analysis in section 2.1. The F I G U R E 3 Intracavitary applicator with a conformal patch. (a) 3D
conformal patch has a shorting pin and was probe fed using simulation model, (b) Power reflection coefficient ρ and (c) current density
50 Ω RG401 cable. A high dielectric substrate and shorting pin J ðrÞ on the patch at 434 MHz for the optimised patch dimensions
were chosen for patch size reduction at 433 MHz.
The 3D model of the intracavitary applicator with a materials used in the model are listed in Table 1. The patch and
conformal patch antenna was placed in a cylindrical tissue the conducting parts of RG401 cable, feed and shorting pins
block (240 � 180 mm) as shown in Figure 3(a). The applicator were assigned to be a perfect electric conductor. The outer
was modelled in Ansys, HFSS. The electrical properties of the boundaries of the tissue were assigned radiation boundary

TABLE 1 Electrical properties of model subdomains

Sl. no Domain Conductivity (S/m) Dielectric constant

1 Alumina 0.00 9.00

2 Teflon 0.00 2.10

3 PP 0.00 2.25
4 Tissue 0.83 51.38

5 Air 0.00 1.00

Value at 434 MHz [46].

condition. The antenna was excited with 1 W swept frequency

continuous wave (CW) signal over 350−500 MHz. The length
(L) and width (W ) of the patch, and locations of the feed (F )
and shorting pin (S) were optimised using pattern search al-
gorithm in HFSS to satisfy the design criteria:

(i) resonance at 434 MHz,

(ii) power reflection coefficient, ρ ≤ −10 dB at 434 MHz,
(iii) −10 dB bandwidth (BW) ≥ 25 MHz to accommodate
variations in tissue impedance, and
(iv) predominantly tangentially oriented electric field to avoid
power deposition at tissue layer interfaces.

The patch dimensions were limited to fit within a quarter FIGURE 4 Simulation results of intracavitary applicator at 434 MHz
! !
of the substrate's outer circumference. Electric field, E ðr ; ωÞ for the optimised conformal patch. (a) Electric field E ðr Þ orientation in
radiated in tissue was calculated by solving the time harmonic applicator midplane (z = 0 mm), (b) volumetric power P(r) coverage in tissue
wave equation. The power density P(r) and SAR in tissue at 434 MHz for 5%, 10%, 25% and 50% of the volume average power Pa in
the target volume
given by,

! conformal rectangular patch for 50%, 25%, 10% and 5% of

SARðr ; ωÞ ¼ ðσ=2ρÞ| E ðr ; ωÞ|2 ð3Þ the volume average power Pa. Figure 4(b) indicates confined
sectoral power deposition with Px of 18.7%, 58.1% and
were calculated at 434 MHz from the electric field. In 93.1% for 25%, 10% and 5% of the tissue volume,
Equation (3), ρ is the tissue density. The power deposited by respectively.
the patch in the tissue was calculated in one‐third of the
tissue volume, V1/3 defined by ±60� centred about the patch
with 50 mm height, and inner and outer radii of 25 and 2.3 | Applicator with antenna array
40 mm, respectively. The 15 mm radial distance defined for
volumetric power deposition in tissue is based on the depth An array of conformal rectangular patches distributed uni-
of the clinical target defined for HDR intracavitary brachy- formly around the substrate outer circumference was modelled
therapy delivered using vaginal applicator [47]. Volumetric to facilitate sectoral power deposition in the target tissue by
power coverage in tissue Px, defined as x% of tissue volume selectively switching on and off the desired patch antennas
with power ≥xP a , where Pa is the volume average power based on the clinical extent of the disease. The antenna ele-
inside the pre‐defined tissue volume was calculated to assess ments were probe fed using waveport in HFSS. The feed di-
applicator performance. The optimised patch dimensions mensions were based on RG401 cable assembly. Figure 5(a)
L = 33.5 mm, W = 27 mm with feed (F ) and shorting (S ) shows the 3D model of the 4‐element array applicator for the
pin offset from the patch centre (z = 0) by +5 same substrate and ground plane dimensions in Section 2.2.
and + 8.5 mm, respectively, satisfied the design criteria for Due to cross coupling between the array elements, the length
the intracavitary applicator. Figure 3(b) shows the power (L) and width (W ) of the conformal patches, and locations of
reflection coefficient ρ of the optimised patch. The z‐directed the feed (F ) and shorting pin (P ) were fine‐tuned to satisfy the
surface current distribution on the patch (Figure 3(c)) design criteria defined in Section 2.2 with antenna cross
maintained predominantly tangential electric field in the tissue coupling ≤−15 dB. The total electric field maintained by the
as observed in the applicator midplane shown 2 mm away !
array E array was obtained by superposition of the field radiated
from the tissue surface in Figure 4(a). Figure 4(b) shows the !
volumetric power deposition (Px) maintained by the by the individual array elements E i and is given by,
- 1121

inner and outer radii of 25 and 40 mm, respectively. Figure 5(c)

indicates uniform power deposition and 360� coverage for
equi‐power and equi‐phase excitation of all antennas.

2.4 | Influence of tissue EM property

As tissue electrical property plays a crucial role on applicator

performance, simulations were carried out for ±10% change
(Δε0 Þ in dielectric constant (ε0 ) and ±10% change (Δσ) in the
bulk conductivity (σ) of the tissue. The percentage change in
tissue dielectric property was based on the dielectric properties
of cervix, uterus and muscle tissues reported in [46]. Table 2
summarises the resonance and volumetric power deposited by
the array applicator for variations in the tissue environment
with respect to the nominal values used in the simulations
(Figure 5). Simulation results in Table 2 are for equi‐power
equi‐phase excitation of 4 antennas. Table 2 indicates that
the patch resonance shifted above 434 MHz for Δε0 = +10%
and Δσ = +10%, and it shifted below 434 MHz for
Δε0 = −10% and Δσ = −10%. However, due to the large BW
(≥25 MHz), 95% of the input power was coupled to the an-
tennas at 434 MHz. Volumetric power deposition, Px in
Table 2 indicates acceptably low variation in applicator per-
formance for variations in tissue dielectric property.


3.1 | Applicator fabrication

Hollow alumina substrate with low loss tangent was manufac-
tured by re‐crystallisation of electrical grade (99.98%) alumina
F I G U R E 5 Intracavitary array applicator model. (a) 3D model of array powder with 23 nm average particle size (Alfa Aesar, UK). The
applicator, (b) power reflection coefficient of antennas in the optimised
electrical properties and dimensions of the sintered alumina
array, (c) Power P(r) deposition in tissue at 434 MHz for 5%, 10% and 25%
of volume average power Pa in the target volume substrate depends on the compressibility of powdered alumina,
compression pressure, temperature and humidity inside the
furnace and the sintering cycle. Electrical properties of alumina
! !
E array ¼ ∑4i¼1 E i : ð4Þ fabricated using the sintering process adopted in this work were
measured by fabricating cylindrical samples with inner and outer
The volumetric power deposition and SAR calculated using diameters of 3.25 and 6.87 mm, respectively, and less than
E array were used to assess the performance of the optimised +/−50 μm variation in dimensions. Sample lengths were 20.43
array applicator for 1 W power at pre‐determined phase delay. and 19.97 mm. The electrical property of alumina samples was
Figure 5(b) shows the power reflection coefficient measured using an air coaxial line (85,051‐60,007, Agilent
10log10 | Sii |2 of the individual antennas in the optimised Technologies, USA) connected to a Vector Network Analyser
array with L = 32.5 mm, W = 27 mm, and feed and shorting (VNA) from Agilent Technologies, USA (E5071 C). Figure 6(a)
pin at z = 0 and + 5 mm, respectively, where Sii is the voltage shows the dielectric property measurements of the alumina
reflection coefficient at the input port of the ith conformal samples. The measurement average of ðε0 ; ε″ ; μ0 ; μ″ Þ at 434 MHz
patch. Less than 6% variation in patch dimensions was is (8.75, 0.05, ≈1, 0.001). The loss tangent of the sintered alumina
observed in the optimised array. Array simulations indicated was measured as 0.0057, which is desired for applicator fabri-
more than 95% power coupling to the antennas at 434 MHz, cation. The deviation between the measured and simulated
−10 dB BW > 30 MHz and <15 dB cross coupling with the substrate dielectric constant is less than 2%. Applicator array
adjacent antennas. simulations for the measured substrate dielectric property
Figure 5(c) shows the volumetric power deposition Px at resulted in conformal patch with dimensions, L = 33.5 mm,
434 MHz for the 4‐element array calculated inside the tissue W = 27 mm and feed and shorting pin locations at z = 0
volume defined by an annular cylinder of 50 mm height with and +4 mm, respectively. The patch length increased due to the

T A B L E 2 Performance of 434 MHz

Volumetric power coverage in
intracavitary array applicator for varying tissue
target, Px (%)
dielectric property. Simulation results for equi‐
Tissue property at 434 MHz Resonance (MHz) P50 P25 P10 P5 power equi‐phase excitation of all antennas
Nominal (ε =51.38, σ = 0.83 S/m) 434 9.5 28.7 73.4 88.8

Δε0 = +10%, Δσ = +10% 440 9.58 27.9 73.1 84.0

Δε0 = −10%, Δσ = −10% 430 9.70 27.6 73.1 87.0

FIGURE 6 Fabrication results of intracavitary applicator

decrease in the substrate dielectric constant. The alumina pow-

der was compacted using a die and sintered in 1500 ℃ furnace.
The holes for the feed and shorting pin were drilled using a
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine when the sub-
strate was in yielding state during the sintering process. The
sintered substrate was finally finished to the desired dimensions
using diamond grinding blade. The maximum variation in the
length and diameter of the fabricated substrate was less than
1 mm which did not significantly alter the patch resonance and F I G U R E 7 Applicator measurements in muscle phantom.
power deposition in tissue. Figure 6(b) shows the fabricated (a) Illustration of the measurement setup, (b) experimental setup,
intracavitary applicator. Adhesive copper tape was used to realise (c) applicator power reflection in tissue phantom
the conformal patch antennas and RG401 micro‐coaxial cables
feeding the antennas were guided inside the hollow extended dielectric property was characterised by using an open‐ended
ground plane. coaxial probe connected to the VNA. The phantom dielectric
permittivity was measured as ε0 = 55.7 and σ = 0.79 S/m at
434 MHz which is close to the value used in the simulations
3.2 | Phantom measurements (Table 1). Figure 7(a) illustrates the applicator measurement
setup. A picture of the measurement setup is shown in
The applicator was suspended in a scan tank containing liquid Figure 7(b). The applicator was suspended inside the ho-
phantom mimicking the dielectric property of muscle tissue mogeneous liquid phantom using a plastic clamp and the
used in the simulations. A homogenous liquid phantom with coaxial cable was guided through the inner hollow copper
the following mixture composition was used to assess the tube during measurements. The phantom was maintained at
performance of the intracavitary applicator: 66.66% diacetin body core temperature (37 ℃) during measurements by
in 33.33% deionised water measured by weight. The phantom circulating temperature‐controlled water outside the phantom
- 1123

applicator. Power measurements were normalised with

respect to the maximum value in the respective measurement
Figure 8(a) shows the simulated and measured normalised
power distributions in phantom corresponding to the appli-
cator mid plane (XY) defined at z = 0 mm for excitation of one
patch antenna. The circular periphery in Figure 8(a) indicates
the applicator boundary. Figure 8(b) shows the normalised
power distribution in XZ plane located 5 mm from the
applicator periphery for excitation of one patch antenna.
Figure 8(c) shows the normalised power in the applicator mid
plane (z = 0 mm) for excitation of two antennas. Antennas
designed for thermal therapy are often characterised in terms
of EFS defined by the 25% power contour line. Applicator
EFS in XY plane (z = 0) for single patch excitation is 180 and
175 mm2 in simulation and measurement, respectively
(Figure 8(a)). EFS increased to 500 and 510 mm2 in XY plane
(z = 0) in simulation and measurement, respectively (Figure 8
(c)). Figure 8 shows good agreement between simulations and
measurements and the feasibility of confined sectoral power
deposition in the target.


Thermal simulations were carried out for synchronous exci-
tation of 1, 2 and 3 antennas to assess the ability to selectively
elevate tissue temperature in the forward direction and spare
the rectum located posterior to the vaginal tissue during HT.
Steady state thermal simulations were carried out by solving
the Penne's bioheat equation [48, 49],

cρ ¼ ∇ðk ∇ T Þ − cb wb ðT − T art Þ þ P: ð5Þ

In Equation (5), c is the tissue heat capacity, cb and wb are

the heat capacity and perfusion of blood, respectively, T is the
F I G U R E 8 Normalised power distribution at 434 MHz (a) XY plane
temperature distribution and Tart is the arterial blood tem-
at z = 0 mm and (b) XZ plane at 5 mm offset for excitation of 1 antenna,
(c) XY plane at z = 0 mm for excitation of 2 antennas with equi‐power and perature at 37 ℃. Thermal simulations were carried out using
phase. COMSOL for the EM power density imported from HFSS.
3D simulations were carried out in the tissue domain alone for
the thermal properties reported for HT planning [49]. The
container. Figure 7(c) shows the applicator power reflection tissue outer boundary was set as 37 ℃ as it is located deep
measurement for excitation of one of the 4 conformal patch inside the body.
antennas measured using a VNA. The feed of the remaining Figure 9 shows the steady temperature in the applicator
patches was shorted with the ground during measurement. midplane for varying excitations. Figure 9(a) shows tempera-
Figure 7(c) indicates resonance at 434 MHz with less than ture distribution for 20 W power delivered to one antenna. HT
0.1% power reflection (<−30 dB) and −10 dB BW of more is defined as the selective elevation of cancer tissue tempera-
than 40 MHz for the fabricated applicator. The power ture to 40‐45 ℃. The maximum temperature in the target
deposited by the applicator in tissue phantom was measured tissue which appeared near the tissue surface was 47 ℃. As
by using a scanning 3D electric field probe (ALS‐E−020S, tissue surface is part of the tumour target, tumour tissue
APREL Inc. Canada) for 1 W power at 434 MHz. Electric temperature elevation to 47 ℃ is not expected to increase the
field measurements were recorded in the transverse (XY) healthy tissue toxicity. The surface temperature rise observed in
plane defined at z = 0 and z = +25 mm for excitation of the thermal simulations could be reduced by cooling the
single and two antennas in the intracavitary applicator with applicator with circulating temperature‐controlled liquid in our
equi‐power and equi‐phase. The electric field, E ðrÞ mea- future work. The 40 ℃ thermal contour in Figure 9(a) shows
surements were used to calculate the power deposited by the radial depth of 11.5 mm in the forward direction within 90� .

deposition is possible with synchronous excitation of the

proposed intracavitary array applicator. A detailed investiga-
tion on HT planning using patient specific 3D models will be
presented in our future work adopting global optimisation
techniques [48].

A conformal patch antenna array is presented for selective
power deposition for HT of gynaecological cancer. The
conformal intracavitary microwave array applicator is
designed based on the HDR vaginal cylinder used for post-
operative brachytherapy treatment of gynaecological cancers.
Measurements of the 434 MHz intracavitary array applicator
in tissue phantom demonstrated that aperture‐type patch
antennas could be used to provide sectoral and uniform
power deposition in the target tissue which can be defined up
to 15 mm depth from the applicator unlike the traditional
wire antennas which provide uniform power deposition or up
to only 180� coverage. The average penetration depth of wire
type dipole antennas operating at 434 MHz is reported as
6.5 mm [35, 50]. The patch‐type applicator reported in this
study has larger radiating cross section than the dipoles and
monopoles. Thermal simulation results of the proposed
applicator for synchronous excitation demonstrated the ability
to selectively deposit power in the desired direction. Sectoral
power deposition confined to the target tissue was observed
for the proposed compact intracavitary applicator. Table 3
shows the comparison of the proposed intracavitary appli-
cator with the designs reported in literature. In contrast to
the present work, applicators reported in literature employ
wire antennas that are about half wavelength long with
limited ability to deposit targeted heating. It can be observed
that the wire antenna applicators are about 100 mm long.
These applicators require minimal insertion depth of 50 mm
of the non‐active region inside the tissue, which is not
practical for treatment of vaginal cancers. Power deposition
in the forward direction could be achieved only for 180�
F I G U R E 9 Steady state tissue temperature in applicator midplane coverage using metal reflector or by changing the antenna
(z = 0 mm) for 20 W per antenna at 434 MHz (a) Antenna 1 excitation, location inside the applicator. From Table 3, it can be
(b) excitation of antennas 1and 2 with equi‐phase (0� , 0� ), (c) excitation of concluded that targeted tissue heating is possible sparing the
antennas 1, 2 and 3 with phase delay of 0� , 0� and 140� , respectively surrounding healthy tissues by using the proposed intra-
cavitary array applicator. The diameter of the proposed
intracavitary applicator can be reduced and greater number of
The penetration depth can be improved by increasing the conformal patches can be accommodated using engineered
power delivered to the antenna. materials with higher dielectric constant and low loss tangent
Thermal simulation result for equi‐power (20 W) equi‐ to realise applicators of varying dimensions to accommodate
phase (0� ) excitation of two antennas in Figure 9(b) dem- variation in the patient size.
onstrates that 40 ℃ contour has increased to 20.6 mm depth
with wider coverage of 180� than Figure 9(a). The coverage
volume increased to 270� for equi‐power (20 W) and varying 6 | CONCLUSION
phase (0� , 0� , 140� ) excitation of three antennas shown in
Figure 9(c). It should be noted that the phase delay for an- A conformal array of 434 MHz patch antennas in a compact
tenna excitation was manually chosen to achieve 270� intracavitary applicator (40 � 50 mm cylinder) is reported for
coverage. Preliminary thermal simulation results for the HT of gynaecological cancers. In contrast to the wire antennas
simplified tissue model indicate that adjustable sectoral power used for intracavitary microwave HT, the reported applicator is
- 1125

TABLE 3 Comparison with intracavitary applicators reported in literature

Ref Frequency (MHz) Antenna type Applicator dia. [mm] Applicator length [mm] Sectoral power deposition
27 950 Helix 30 110 No

28 915 Dipole 7 120 No

29 432 Dipole with reflector 14 117 Yes (180� )

31 433 Dipole with reflector 35 150 Yes (180� with a reflector)

35 915 Eccentric dipole 10 112b No

36 915 Monopole 26 160 Yes (moving antenna position)

37 27 Inductive, capacitive designs 8 38‐72 No

This work 434 Aperture 40 50 Yes (electronic steering)

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