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Half Page Quizzes

Whole Book Test
Answer Keys

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© Littlebird Books Fever 1793



© Littlebird Books 5 Fever 1793

Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little1-3 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. The date of the first chapter is _____________________. The date of the Epilogue at the end is
_________________________. The whole story takes about __________ months.
2. Matilda’s family runs a ___________________. Her father ________________________.
3. When Matilda’s mother went to see out why Polly was late, she found out ______________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What do you know about Eliza?
a) She was a slave, but now is free. Think a little…
b) She works for the Cooks. What kind of person is Mattie?
c) She is Mattie’s best friend. What are your clues?

5. Mattie’s mother
a) Is a great cook.
b) Does not want Mattie to visit Polly’s family.
c) Thinks Mattie is lazy.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little1-3 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. The date of the first chapter is _____________________. The date of the Epilogue at the end is
_________________________. The whole story takes about __________ months.
2. Matilda’s family runs a ___________________. Her father ________________________.
3. When Matilda’s mother went to see out why Polly was late, she found out ______________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What do you know about Eliza?
a) She was a slave, but now is free. Think a little…
b) She works for the Cooks. What kind of person is Mattie?
c) She is Mattie’s best friend. What are your clues?

5. Mattie’s mother
a) Is a great cook.
b) Does not want Mattie to visit Polly’s family.
c) Thinks Mattie is lazy.
© Littlebird Books 6 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little4-5 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie’s grandfather was an _______________ who served under _______________________.
2. Mattie was in charge of taking care of the __________________ and she helped with Polly’s jobs.
3. Nathaniel Benson worked as a _________________________ and Mattie’s mother thought he was
________________________ for Mattie.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The men in the coffeehouse are talking about Think a little…
a) Yellow fever. What problems does Mattie
b) A war that may be coming. have? How do you
c) Politics. think they might be solved
by the end of the story?
5. The bell that tolled meant that
a) It was 4 O’clock.
b) Someone had died.
c) There was a town meeting.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little4-5 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie’s grandfather was an _______________ who served under _______________________.
2. Mattie was in charge of taking care of the __________________ and she helped with Polly’s jobs.
3. Nathaniel Benson worked as a _________________________ and Mattie’s mother thought he was
________________________ for Mattie.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The men in the coffeehouse are talking about Think a little…
a) Yellow fever. What problems does Mattie
b) A war that may be coming. have? How do you
c) Politics. think they might be solved
by the end of the story?
5. The bell that tolled meant that
a) It was 4 O’clock.
b) Someone had died.
c) There was a town meeting.
© Littlebird Books 7 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little6-7 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mother thought they should ___________ their extra money, but Grandfather and Mattie thought they
should use it to ________________.
2. They went to the Ogilvie’s because Mattie’s mother thought _______________________________ .
3. Mrs. Ogilvie thought it was unfair that her gala suffered because the lower class ________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Jeannine
a) Saw that Mattie’s mother wanted a husband for Mattie. Think a little…
b) Stuck her tongue out at Mattie. How would you describe
c) Was a really sweet girl. the Ogilvie’s? Why?

5. Colette
a) Was engaged to Lord Garthing’s son.
b) Collapsed from the fever.
c) Was witty and smart.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little6-7 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mother thought they should ___________ their extra money, but Grandfather and Mattie thought they
should use it to ________________.
2. They went to the Ogilvie’s because Mattie’s mother thought _______________________________ .
3. Mrs. Ogilvie thought it was unfair that her gala suffered because the lower class ________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Jeannine
a) Saw that Mattie’s mother wanted a husband for Mattie. Think a little…
b) Stuck her tongue out at Mattie. How would you describe
c) Was a really sweet girl. the Ogilvie’s? Why?

5. Colette
a) Was engaged to Lord Garthing’s son.
b) Collapsed from the fever.
c) Was witty and smart.
© Littlebird Books 8 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little8-9 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Many of the wealthy families were _________________________________.
2. The man pushing the cart dumped _______________________ in front of their house.
3. In the middle of the night Mother ________________ and told Mattie to ___________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Who else was leaving town?
a) Nathaniel Benson
b) Jefferson Think a little…
How does Mattie’s mother
c) George Washington
feel about Mattie?
5. Doctors were predicting there would be What are your clues?
a) Hundreds dead.
b) 1000 dead.
c) 40,000 dead.

© Littlebird Books Fever 1793

Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little8-9 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Many of the wealthy families were _________________________________.
2. The man pushing the cart dumped _______________________ in front of their house.
3. In the middle of the night Mother ________________ and told Mattie to ___________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Who else was leaving town?
a) Nathaniel Benson
b) Jefferson Think a little…
How does Mattie’s mother
c) George Washington
feel about Mattie?
5. Doctors were predicting there would be What are your clues?
a) Hundreds dead.
b) 1000 dead.
c) 40,000 dead.

© Littlebird Books 9 Fever 1793

Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Dr. Kerr said Mother had __________________ and treated her by ________________.
2. Mattie and Grandfather left for the country, but they met soldiers who told them to _____________
____________________________ because they thought Grandfather had the fever.
3. The farmer drove off with their ____________________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Nathaniel give Mattie before she left? Think a little…
a) A kiss Do you think leaving was the
b) A painting and a letter right thing to do?
c) A promise to not get sick Why or why not?
5. Mother could not go with them because
a) She was too weak.
b) She refused to leave the coffeehouse.
c) No town would let her in because she was sick..
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Dr. Kerr said Mother had __________________ and treated her by ________________.
2. Mattie and Grandfather left for the country, but they met soldiers who told them to _____________
____________________________ because they thought Grandfather had the fever.
3. The farmer drove off with their ____________________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Nathaniel give Mattie before she left? Think a little…
a) A kiss Do you think leaving was the
b) A painting and a letter right thing to do?
c) A promise to not get sick Why or why not?
5. Mother could not go with them because
a) She was too weak.
b) She refused to leave the coffeehouse.
c) No town would let her in because she was sick..
© Littlebird Books 10 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Grandfather ___________________ under a tree, Mattie found _____________ using a
soldier’s trick. Nearby she found __________________ bushes too.
2. What scared Mattie the most was Grandfather waiting for her to ________________________.
3. Mattie tried catching ________________ with her petticoat.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Grandfather sent Mattie off to find Think a little…
a) Help. What do you learn about Mattie
b) Food. from these chapters?
c) Flint and tinder. Do her actions surprise you?
Why or why
5. Before Mattie got back, she not?
a) Found pears.
b) Collapsed.
c) Found a family who would help them.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Grandfather ___________________ under a tree, Mattie found _____________ using a
soldier’s trick. Nearby she found __________________ bushes too.
2. What scared Mattie the most was Grandfather waiting for her to ________________________.
3. Mattie tried catching ________________ with her petticoat.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Grandfather sent Mattie off to find Think a little…
a) Help. What do you learn about Mattie
b) Food. from these chapters?
c) Flint and tinder. Do her actions surprise you?
Why or why
5. Before Mattie got back, she not?
a) Found pears.
b) Collapsed.
c) Found a family who would help them.
© Littlebird Books 11 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Mattie woke, she was in a mansion that had been turned into a ______________ . She was being
cared for by __________________ who was charmed with __________________.
2. The French doctor did not bleed Mattie, but looked at the color of her _________________ .
3. The clerk wants Mattie to go _____________________, but _______________ will care for her.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Where was Mattie’s mother? Think a little…
a) At home Imagine you heard a fever
b) Probably at the Ludington’s farm victim begging for water
c) Dead from the fever from a window. What do you
think you would do?
5. Where was Grandfather while Mattie was at the hospital?
a) Dead
b) Helping out around the hospital
c) In a bed near Mattie
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Mattie woke, she was in a mansion that had been turned into a ______________ . She was being
cared for by __________________ who was charmed with __________________.
2. The French doctor did not bleed Mattie, but looked at the color of her _________________ .
3. The clerk wants Mattie to go _____________________, but _______________ will care for her.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Where was Mattie’s mother? Think a little…
a) At home Imagine you heard a fever
b) Probably at the Ludington’s farm victim begging for water
c) Dead from the fever from a window. What do you
think you would do?
5. Where was Grandfather while Mattie was at the hospital?
a) Dead
b) Helping out around the hospital
c) In a bed near Mattie
© Littlebird Books 12 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. They rode back to the city with Mrs. Bowles and 5 ________________ . Mrs. Bowles asks if Mattie has
considered what she can do to _________ because she cannot get the fever again.
2. Mattie’s dream is to ______________________ until her mother gets home.
3. Their house had been _________, the food ___________, but the _____________ was still there.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mrs. Bowles says Philadelphia is Think a little…
a) Going to be back to normal in a few weeks. Why might going to the orphan
b) More dangerous than a nightmare. house be a good idea
c) Full of thieves, wild men and fever victims. for Mattie? Do you think she
is making the right
5. How many people had died from the fever so far? decision?
a) At least 2000
b) About 1000
c) Almost 500
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. They rode back to the city with Mrs. Bowles and 5 ________________ . Mrs. Bowles asks if Mattie has
considered what she can do to _________ because she cannot get the fever again.
2. Mattie’s dream is to ______________________ until her mother gets home.
3. Their house had been _________, the food ___________, but the _____________ was still there.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mrs. Bowles says Philadelphia is Think a little…
a) Going to be back to normal in a few weeks. Why might going to the orphan
b) More dangerous than a nightmare. house be a good idea
c) Full of thieves, wild men and fever victims. for Mattie? Do you think she
is making the right
5. How many people had died from the fever so far? decision?
a) At least 2000
b) About 1000
c) Almost 500
© Littlebird Books 13 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie took a __________ and found she fit into ____________________ quite well.
2. Grandfather tried to help garden, but his __________ wouldn’t work, and he turned _____ in the sun.
3. Grandfather rescued Mattie from the ____________ with his rifle, and she used his ____________
to rescue him, but he __________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie was excited to find
a) Potatoes in the garden. Think a little…
b) Squash. What clues did you see that
c) Cucumbers. Grandfather was not
5. The men wanted Mattie to tell them
a) Where Grandfather was.
b) Where their strongbox was.
c) Where the food was.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie took a __________ and found she fit into ____________________ quite well.
2. Grandfather tried to help garden, but his __________ wouldn’t work, and he turned _____ in the sun.
3. Grandfather rescued Mattie from the ____________ with his rifle, and she used his ____________
to rescue him, but he __________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie was excited to find
a) Potatoes in the garden. Think a little…
b) Squash. What clues did you see that
c) Cucumbers. Grandfather was not
5. The men wanted Mattie to tell them
a) Where Grandfather was.
b) Where their strongbox was.
c) Where the food was.
© Littlebird Books 14 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie put __________________ in with Grandfather and read __________ before he was buried.
2. At the market, Mattie found ____________________________________.
3. The only place open was the ________________ which was only open because it was the only
___________________ the city had with the outside world.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie find while she was wandering the streets? Think a little…
a) A broken doll Mrs. Bowles had said
b) A little girl Philadelphia was worse than
c) A dead woman a nightmare.
Do you agree? Why or
5. Who did Mattie find to help her? why not?
a) Her mother
b) Mrs. Ogilvie
c) Eliza
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie put __________________ in with Grandfather and read __________ before he was buried.
2. At the market, Mattie found ____________________________________.
3. The only place open was the ________________ which was only open because it was the only
___________________ the city had with the outside world.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie find while she was wandering the streets? Think a little…
a) A broken doll Mrs. Bowles had said
b) A little girl Philadelphia was worse than
c) A dead woman a nightmare.
Do you agree? Why or
5. Who did Mattie find to help her? why not?
a) Her mother
b) Mrs. Ogilvie
c) Eliza
© Littlebird Books 15 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Eliza told her that her mother had __________________.
2. When Mattie took Nell to the __________________________ it was too crowded and they decided
that _________________ was the best thing to do.
3. When they walked past the Peale’s house _____________ pushed _____________ out the window.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The Free African Society members were helping with the fever Think a little…
a) Because people thought Africans couldn’t catch it. Why do you think Mother Smith
b) Because it was a chance to show their usefulness. told Mattie not to love Nell?
c) Because they were forced to help. Do you agree with her?
Why or why not?
5. What happened to Collette Ogilvie?
a) She died of the fever.
b) She had eloped with her French tutor.
c) She recovered and married Roger Garthing.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Eliza told her that her mother had __________________.
2. When Mattie took Nell to the __________________________ it was too crowded and they decided
that _________________ was the best thing to do.
3. When they walked past the Peale’s house _____________ pushed _____________ out the window.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The Free African Society members were helping with the fever Think a little…
a) Because people thought Africans couldn’t catch it. Why do you think Mother Smith
b) Because it was a chance to show their usefulness. told Mattie not to love Nell?
c) Because they were forced to help. Do you agree with her?
Why or why not?
5. What happened to Collette Ogilvie?
a) She died of the fever.
b) She had eloped with her French tutor.
c) She recovered and married Roger Garthing.
© Littlebird Books 16 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When the boys and __________ get sick, they decided to go to ____________________ because
______________________ there.
2. Caring for the children was hard. ________________ and _______________ were running low.
3. Matilda found Nathaniel’s ________________________ at the coffeehouse.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie went with Eliza to a house
a) Where the last person had died. Think a little…
Can you see any clues that
b) Where a man had gone mad before he died.
things might finally
c) Full of sick soldiers.
get better?
5. Mattie and Eliza decided
a) Not to bleed the children because of the French doctors.
b) To take the children to Bush Hill.
c) To bring Mother Smith with them.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When the boys and __________ get sick, they decided to go to ____________________ because
______________________ there.
2. Caring for the children was hard. ________________ and _______________ were running low.
3. Matilda found Nathaniel’s ________________________ at the coffeehouse.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie went with Eliza to a house
a) Where the last person had died. Think a little…
Can you see any clues that
b) Where a man had gone mad before he died.
things might finally
c) Full of sick soldiers.
get better?
5. Mattie and Eliza decided
a) Not to bleed the children because of the French doctors.
b) To take the children to Bush Hill.
c) To bring Mother Smith with them.
© Littlebird Books 17 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Mattie woke up, she found that __________________ had finally come.
2. ______________ started coming back to town, with food and lower prices. Eliza had an idea to have
a ____________________________________ to celebrate.
3. Joseph said Mattie should _______ the coffeehouse, but she wanted to open it with _____________ .

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie notice as people came back to town?
Think a little…
a) Those who had been gone were cheerful and well-fed.
What do you think of Mattie’s
b) Those who stayed were gaunt and pale. decision to open the
c) No one was talking about the fever anymore. coffeehouse with Eliza as a
5. Nathaniel partner?
a) Walked Mattie home from the market.
b) Began to visit daily.
c) Decided to visit France to continue his education.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. When Mattie woke up, she found that __________________ had finally come.
2. ______________ started coming back to town, with food and lower prices. Eliza had an idea to have
a ____________________________________ to celebrate.
3. Joseph said Mattie should _______ the coffeehouse, but she wanted to open it with _____________ .

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie notice as people came back to town?
Think a little…
a) Those who had been gone were cheerful and well-fed.
What do you think of Mattie’s
b) Those who stayed were gaunt and pale. decision to open the
c) No one was talking about the fever anymore. coffeehouse with Eliza as a
5. Nathaniel partner?
a) Walked Mattie home from the market.
b) Began to visit daily.
c) Decided to visit France to continue his education.
© Littlebird Books 18 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Quick Little Quiz

Chapters 28-29 & Epilogue
Fill in the Blank
1. The _______________ was open and busy, and Mattie was busy giving out __________________.
2. In the parade following the President was ______________ , who had recovered from the fever, but
had almost died going out to search for _________________.
3. The 6 people now living above the coffeehouse were ____________________________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What was the sign it was truly safe to return to the city? Think a little…
a) The market was open again. Has Mattie changed since
b) General Washington was back. the beginning of the
c) The frost had come. story? How?
What are your clues?
5. The doctor’s orders were for Mother to
a) Get back to normal as much as possible.
b) Live a life of leisure.
c) Drink julap tea daily.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Quick Little Quiz

Chapters 28-29 & Epilogue
Fill in the Blank
1. The _______________ was open and busy, and Mattie was busy giving out __________________.
2. In the parade following the President was ______________ , who had recovered from the fever, but
had almost died going out to search for _________________.
3. The 6 people now living above the coffeehouse were ____________________________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What was the sign it was truly safe to return to the city? Think a little…
a) The market was open again. Has Mattie changed since
b) General Washington was back. the beginning of the
c) The frost had come. story? How?
What are your clues?
5. The doctor’s orders were for Mother to
a) Get back to normal as much as possible.
b) Live a life of leisure.
c) Drink julap tea daily.
© Littlebird Books 19 Fever 1793
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Test Time

Fill in the Blank: (Complete the sentences below)

1. _______________ was the first one in the story to die from the fever. Mattie’s mother did not want Mattie to
visit her family because she was afraid Mattie would ___________________.

2. Mattie’s mother wanted her to marry someone like Edward _____________, but Mattie liked _______________
____________, who worked as an assistant for the Peale family learning to be a ____________________.

3. Many people were __________________________ because of the fever. Mother could not leave because she
got sick, but she wanted Mattie to go to the ____________________________ so she would not get sick too.

4. _____________________________ were stranded on the road because the soldiers thought they ______
_________________ . Mattie used soldier’s tricks to find _____________________ for Grandfather, then
she ________________ and Grandfather carried her to _______________ where she recovered.

5. When they got back to the coffeehouse, they were _____________ at night, and Grandfather ____________
after rescuing Mattie.

6. As Mattie wandered the streets, she found a broken doll and a _________________________________.

7. Mattie found _____________ and stayed with her and the boys until they went to the coffeehouse because
______________________ got sick. Finally, the ____________ came and the fever began to die down.

8. Mattie decided to ___________ the coffeehouse. She asked Eliza to __________________________.

Multiple Choice: (Circle all that apply)

9. What was Philadelphia like during 10. What was the official sign that the 11. What had happened to Mattie’s
the fever months? city was safe? mother?
a) Everyone began to join a) The frost came. a) She had died from the fever.
together to help others. b) General Washington came back. b) She had gotten sick looking for
b) It was like a nightmare. c) Rain came. Mattie.
d) Farmers came back. c) She had become weak and could
no longer work hard.
Short Answer:
How did Mattie change from the beginning of the story to the end? What caused her to change?
© Littlebird Books 20 Fever 1793
Answer Key
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little1-3 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. The date of the first chapter is _____________________.
August 16th, 1793 The date of the Epilogue at the end is
December 11, 1793
_________________________. The whole story takes about __________
4 months.
2. Matilda’s family runs a ___________________.
coffeehouse Her father ________________________.
is dead (he fell off a ladder)
3. When Matilda’s mother went to see out why Polly was late, she found out ______________________.
Polly was dead

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What do you know about Eliza?
a) She was a slave, but now is free. Think a little…
b) She works for the Cooks. What kind of person is Mattie?
c) She is Mattie’s best friend. What are your clues?

5. Mattie’s mother
a) Is a great cook.
b) Does not want Mattie to visit Polly’s family.
c) Thinks Mattie is lazy.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
Answer Key
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little4-5 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie’s grandfather was an _______________
army officer who served under _______________________.
George Washington
2. Mattie was in charge of taking care of the __________________
accounts/numbers and she helped with Polly’s jobs.
3. Nathaniel Benson worked as a _________________________
painter’s assistant and Mattie’s mother thought he was
not suitable
________________________ for Mattie.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The men in the coffeehouse are talking about Think a little…
a) Yellow fever. What problems does Mattie
b) A war that may be coming. have? How do you
c) Politics. think they might be solved
by the end of the story?
5. The bell that tolled meant that
a) It was 4 O’clock.
b) Someone had died.
c) There was a town meeting.
© Littlebird Books 21 Fever 1793
Answer Key
Name___________________________ Date______________________

Little6-7 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Mother thought they should ___________
save their extra money, but Grandfather and Mattie thought they
should use it to ________________.
2. They went to the Ogilvie’s because Mattie’s mother thought _______________________________
their son would be a good match for Mattie .
3. Mrs. Ogilvie thought it was unfair that her gala suffered because the lower class ________________.
got sick/fell ill

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Jeannine
a) Saw that Mattie’s mother wanted a husband for Mattie. Think a little…
b) Stuck her tongue out at Mattie. How would you describe
c) Was a really sweet girl. the Ogilvie’s? Why?

5. Colette
a) Was engaged to Lord Garthing’s son.
b) Collapsed from the fever.
c) Was witty and smart.
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Little8-9 Quiz
Fill in the Blank
1. Many of the wealthy families were _________________________________.
leaving town/ going to the country
2. The man pushing the cart dumped _______________________
Mother in front of their house.
3. In the middle of the night Mother ________________
Vomited and told Mattie to ___________________.
get out (so she wouldn’t
get sick)
Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)
4. Who else was leaving town?
a) Nathaniel Benson
b) Jefferson Think a little…
How does Mattie’s mother
c) George Washington
feel about Mattie?
5. Doctors were predicting there would be What are your clues?
a) Hundreds dead.
b) 1000 dead.
c) 40,000 dead.

© Littlebird Books 22 Fever 1793

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Fill in the Blank
1. Dr. Kerr said Mother had __________________
yellow fever and treated her by ________________.
bleeding her
2. Mattie and Grandfather left for the country, but they met soldiers who told them to _____________
go back to
____________________________ because they thought Grandfather had the fever.
3. The farmer drove off with their ____________________________.
food and clothes

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Nathaniel give Mattie before she left? Think a little…
a) A kiss Do you think leaving was the
b) A painting and a letter right thing to do?
c) A promise to not get sick Why or why not?
5. Mother could not go with them because
a) She was too weak.
b) She refused to leave the coffeehouse.
c) No town would let her in because she was sick..
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Fill in the Blank
1. When Grandfather ___________________
fell asleep under a tree, Mattie found _____________
water using a
soldier’s trick. Nearby she found __________________
raspberry bushes too.
2. What scared Mattie the most was Grandfather waiting for her to ________________________.
decide what to do
3. Mattie tried catching ________________
fish with her petticoat.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Grandfather sent Mattie off to find Think a little…
a) Help. What do you learn about Mattie
b) Food. from these chapters?
c) Flint and tinder. Do her actions surprise you?
Why or why
5. Before Mattie got back, she not?
a) Found pears.
b) Collapsed.
c) Found a family who would help them.
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Fill in the Blank
1. hospital
When Mattie woke, she was in a mansion that had been turned into a ______________ . She was being
Mrs. Flagg
cared for by __________________ Grandfather
who was charmed with __________________.
2. eyes and tongue
The French doctor did not bleed Mattie, but looked at the color of her _________________ .
3. to the orphan house
The clerk wants Mattie to go _____________________, Grandfather
but _______________ will care for her.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Where was Mattie’s mother? Think a little…
a) At home Imagine you heard a fever
b) Probably at the Ludington’s farm victim begging for water
c) Dead from the fever from a window. What do you
think you would do?
5. Where was Grandfather while Mattie was at the hospital?
a) Dead
b) Helping out around the hospital
c) In a bed near Mattie
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Fill in the Blank
1. fever orphans
They rode back to the city with Mrs. Bowles and 5 ________________ . Mrs. Bowles asks if Mattie has
considered what she can do to _________ because she cannot get the fever again.
2. run the coffeehouse
Mattie’s dream is to ______________________ until her mother gets home.
3. robbed
Their house had been _________, stolen
the food ___________, strongbox/money was still there.
but the _____________

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mrs. Bowles says Philadelphia is Think a little…
a) Going to be back to normal in a few weeks. Why might going to the orphan
b) More dangerous than a nightmare. house be a good idea
c) Full of thieves, wild men and fever victims. for Mattie? Do you think she
is making the right
5. How many people had died from the fever so far? decision?
a) At least 2000
b) About 1000
c) Almost 500
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Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie took a __________
bath and found she fit into ____________________
her mother’s clothes quite well.
2. Grandfather tried to help garden, but his __________
left arm wouldn’t work, and he turned _____
red in the sun.
3. Grandfather rescued Mattie from the ____________
robbers with his rifle, and she used his ____________
to rescue him, but he __________________.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie was excited to find
a) Potatoes in the garden. Think a little…
b) Squash. What clues did you see that
c) Cucumbers. Grandfather was not
5. The men wanted Mattie to tell them
a) Where Grandfather was.
b) Where their strongbox was.
c) Where the food was.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
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Fill in the Blank
1. Mattie put __________________
Grandmother’s picture in with Grandfather and read __________
a psalm before he was buried.
2. At the market, Mattie found ____________________________________.
no one, and no food. Only rats
3. The only place open was the ________________
Gazette which was only open because it was the only
___________________ the city had with the outside world.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie find while she was wandering the streets? Think a little…
a) A broken doll Mrs. Bowles had said
b) A little girl Philadelphia was worse than
c) A dead woman a nightmare.
Do you agree? Why or
5. Who did Mattie find to help her? why not?
a) Her mother
b) Mrs. Ogilvie
c) Eliza
© Littlebird Books 25 Fever 1793
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Fill in the Blank
1. Eliza told her that her mother had __________________.
2. When Mattie took Nell to the __________________________
orphan house it was too crowded and they decided
that _________________
keeping her was the best thing to do.
3. When they walked past the Peale’s house _____________
Nathaniel pushed _____________
daisies out the window.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. The Free African Society members were helping with the fever Think a little…
a) Because people thought Africans couldn’t catch it. Why do you think Mother Smith
b) Because it was a chance to show their usefulness. told Mattie not to love Nell?
c) Because they were forced to help. Do you agree with her?
Why or why not?
5. What happened to Collette Ogilvie?
a) She died of the fever.
b) She had eloped with her French tutor.
c) She recovered and married Roger Garthing.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
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Name___________________________ Date______________________

Fill in the Blank
1. Nell
When the boys and __________ the coffeehouse
get sick, they decided to go to ____________________ because
It was cooler
______________________ there.
2. food
Caring for the children was hard. ________________ meds
and _______________ were running low.
3. painting of flowers
Matilda found Nathaniel’s ________________________ at the coffeehouse.

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. Mattie went with Eliza to a house
a) Where the last person had died. Think a little…
Can you see any clues that
b) Where a man had gone mad before he died.
things might finally
c) Full of sick soldiers.
get better?
5. Mattie and Eliza decided
a) Not to bleed the children because of the French doctors.
b) To take the children to Bush Hill.
c) To bring Mother Smith with them.
© Littlebird Books 26 Fever 1793
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Fill in the Blank
1. When Mattie woke up, she found that __________________
frost had finally come.
2. Farmers
______________ started coming back to town, with food and lower prices. Eliza had an idea to have
a ____________________________________
Thanksgiving feast to celebrate.
3. Joseph said Mattie should _______
sell the coffeehouse, but she wanted to open it with _____________
Eliza (as a partner).

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What did Mattie notice as people came back to town?
Think a little…
a) Those who had been gone were cheerful and well-fed.
What do you think of Mattie’s
b) Those who stayed were gaunt and pale. decision to open the
c) No one was talking about the fever anymore. coffeehouse with Eliza as a
5. Nathaniel partner?
a) Walked Mattie home from the market.
b) Began to visit daily.
c) Decided to visit France to continue his education.
© Littlebird Books Fever 1793
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Name___________________________ Date______________________

Quick Little Quiz

Chapters 28-29 & Epilogue
Fill in the Blank
1. The _______________
coffeehouse was open and busy, and Mattie was busy giving out __________________.
free samples, coffee
2. In the parade following the President was ______________
Mother , who had recovered from the fever, but
had almost died going out to search for _________________.
3. The 6 people now living above the coffeehouse were ____________________________________.
Mattie, Mother, Nell, Eliza and the 2 boys

Multiple Choice (Circle all that apply)

4. What was the sign it was truly safe to return to the city? Think a little…
a) The market was open again. Has Mattie changed since
b) General Washington was back. the beginning of the
c) The frost had come. story? How?
What are your clues?
5. The doctor’s orders were for Mother to
a) Get back to normal as much as possible.
b) Live a life of leisure.
c) Drink julap tea daily.
© Littlebird Books 27 Fever 1793
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Name___________________________ Date______________________

Test Time

Fill in the Blank: (Complete the sentences below)

1. Polly
_______________ was the first one in the story to die from the fever. Mattie’s mother did not want Mattie to
get sick
visit her family because she was afraid Mattie would ___________________.

2. Ogilvie
Mattie’s mother wanted her to marry someone like Edward _____________, Nathaniel
but Mattie liked _______________
____________, painter
who worked as an assistant for the Peale family learning to be a ____________________.

3. leaving town
Many people were __________________________ because of the fever. Mother could not leave because she
Ludington’s farm
got sick, but she wanted Mattie to go to the ____________________________ so she would not get sick too.

4. Mattie and Grandfather

_____________________________ had
were stranded on the road because the soldiers thought they ______
the fever
_________________ food and water
. Mattie used soldier’s tricks to find _____________________ for Grandfather, then
she ________________ Bush Hill
and Grandfather carried her to _______________ where she recovered.

5. robbed
When they got back to the coffeehouse, they were _____________ died
at night, and Grandfather ____________
after rescuing Mattie.

6. girl whose mother had died (Nell)

As Mattie wandered the streets, she found a broken doll and a _________________________________.

7. Eliza
Mattie found _____________ and stayed with her and the boys until they went to the coffeehouse because
the boys and Nell
______________________ frost
got sick. Finally, the ____________ came and the fever began to die down.

8. re-open
Mattie decided to ___________ be her partner
the coffeehouse. She asked Eliza to __________________________.

Multiple Choice: (Circle all that apply)

9. What was Philadelphia like during 10. What was the official sign that the 11. What had happened to Mattie’s
the fever months? city was safe? mother?
a) Everyone began to join a) The frost came. a) She had died from the fever.
together to help others. b) General Washington came back. b) She had gotten sick looking for
b) It was like a nightmare. c) Rain came. Mattie.
d) Farmers came back. c) She had become weak and could
no longer work hard.
Short Answer:
How did Mattie change from the beginning of the story to the end? What caused her to change?
Sample Answer: In the beginning, Mattie wants to do many things, but acts like a child. As she goes through the difficulty
of losing her grandfather, seeing many sick, caring for Nell, going hungry, etc. she is forced to take responsibility for
herself and others and learns to work hard without being told. In the end she is a capable young lady who is responsible
enough to own and run the coffeehouse, care for Nell and even choose whom she wants to marry.
© Littlebird Books 28 Fever 1793

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