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eter DEcISION NOTICE AND FINDING OF No SIGNIFICANT IMPACT ‘SOUTH RED BIRD WILDLIFE HABITAT ENHANCEMENT PROJECT U.S. FOREST SERVICE DANIEL BOONE NATIONAL FOREST REDBIRD RANGER DISTRICT CLAY, BELL, AND LESLIE COUNTIES, Kentucky DECISION ‘Based upon my review ofthe South Red Bird Wildlife Habitat Enancement Project Environmental Assessment (EA), consideration of public comments, input fom tribes and other agencies, a review ofthe project record documenting the best available scientific information, and the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI, attached), I have decided to implement the Proposed Action, as modified in response to public comments and objections, This Decision [Notice authorizes those activities deseribed in the EA, pages 7-15, with modifications stated in Table I below, pursuant to the resolution of the two objections received on October 5, 2020. The locations of these activities are shown on the project map atthe end of this document (Figure!) ‘Activites italicized in Table I have been modified from the original proposed action due to public participation and comments. The Final EA itself has not been modified since its issuance in August 19, 202 stead, aditional analysis of soils and landslide susceptibility was conducted and is railable inthe project record. | believe lam making an informed decision that is lawl and in agreement with our Land and Resource Management Plan for the Daniel Boowe [National Forest (ak. “Forest Pla,” 2004), considers all concerns raised, and is the eight thirg to do forthe Futureof our forest and dstiet. The EA and supporting documentation ae availasle ‘online at nis:/ www fda wow prvieepruject 52340. Project specific design criteria were developed forthe South Red Bird Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Projet as Appendix A tothe EA. Design erteria are site-specific management activities designed to avoid or reduce the potential adverse impacts of project activities. In response to cancers brought up in public comments, Appendix A has been modified to further ‘protect soils and aquatic resources, and an implementation checklist is being developed for interdsciplinary field checks in areas of concern, These criteria are over and above mandatory implementation standards outlined in the Forest Plan and both Federal and Kentucky State Best Management Practices. 8 (Land nd Sige South Red Bird Project Decision Notice and FONS| Page 2of 12, 1am fully confident these measures will minimize adverse effects forthe following reasons: ) these measures are practices we have used successfully inthe pas; b) the 2018 Kentucky State [Best Management Practices for commercial logging are extreme rigorous and have been proven to reduce impacts to streams and aquatic habitat; c) the irterdisciplinary team of resource specialists on the Daniel Boone National Forest (OBNF) has taken a hard and thorough look at potential impacts and developed design criteria specially to avoid adverse site-specific ‘impacts, and d) my sta i highly tained and have the flexibility to mark and avoid any sensitive resources found inthe field from impacts ofthe treatment planned for that area, Following an objection resolution meeting, and in accordance with 36 CFR 218.1 1(a), have received instructions from the DBNF Acting Forest Supervisor, Scott Ray, to address concerns and resolve objections through modifications tothe draft DN. Namely, during project implementation, I will: 1. Ensue silviculturits and foresters follow Foret Plan Standards, Kentucky's 2018 ‘Best Management Practices, andthe timber marking wandbook when laying out timber sale units and writing contracts. An interdseiginary team shall develop and utilize an Implementation Checklist prior to and during project layout and throughout {implementation to establish where skid roads and log landings canbe constructed, Ensure contractors adhere to the checklist and specifications during implementation, 2, Ensure DBNP’ssivcultursts and foresters continue to work with wildlife biologist(s) to achieve a mosaic of habitats needed inthe project area while protecting "TAE species and Designated Critical Habitat, Consul with specialists (eg, Dist Biologist, Forest Soil Scientist, Hydrologist) and adhere tothe site-specific design criteria they propose. 3. Ensure we give careful consideration to area ofhighssk potential for landslides so that prescriptions and management tools minimize rsk of landslides as much as feasible. Considerations should be given to seasonality for which precipitation is high during implementation and consideration to seasonality and precipitation for soil stabilization through seeding and mulching that ensures viability of seed germination and growth, 4. Ensure Best Management Practices are adhered to ineluding any soil protection ateas identified. In slopes and sol types that have a high probability of landslide potential, look at alterative harvest options (c.g. high line loging, basal are increases) to mitigate those higher probability areas. “South Red Bird Project Decision Notice and FONST Page 20f 12 Tate. Acs oF SoH REO BD PROT, REDD RANGER DH, Da BOONE NATAL FoNST SOUTH RED BIRD WILDLIFE HABITAT ENHANCEMENT Pied aa | Gama ‘acs | es | Bc | So Trowel ral pop arage a 1 | Rotem | 2220 aijili hepenictarnoe en tay reddy opal aces tin Fomontocl ten Retin of Set gan tatne Beant oases rasa Sitar pone a a 2 | renin 180 Motegi come Sorel sislon 3A | Midstory Removal 2.400 ‘Non-commercial Himber stand agit ppd acaegs TAT 38 | sation wih cro | 100 Weta in tapense Comments: sitin (tie mal BS) open ‘wap sa de em ‘conceit ning tata Camrei ig. hacues aanashlemond 4 ‘Mid-density upland 300, ‘treatment. fet pee eae ie Somer 2S eer Coonp erence 6 | improve sin abies | 180 crosings andr ano camaeI OT Seay pa oa To EIEN : Node We Tessa Famed | reertes 1500 oes Saag ie tanag eae ST a ae a bind Trap area and create new early seral habitat Tad ar Hee eicattea spect al von | Patou 23 | tones Trot Ret fem ate Gemtoue eI Taw Wa ata gem von | Revue Bete 140 | nove aval fier a be RCT os in aes AT SS a DRA ATV voc | Rowe ‘RelRowe 27 | hatmover te tag al ord ‘South Red Bird Project Decision Notice and FONS| age 3of 2 Redbied Ces ‘A sesp, eroded sion of the existing RCT 100 | Trail Reroute - 04 | wit be rchabilitated and esceded Rehabilitation THA | Roed naiterance 50 |) Maineranee ander reconstruction of NFS roads ray Resa comai] Tgp Nev acess oad weaved acon afer HB | Road ® | smbernarvexs nic] | eacasmenne a ‘Commercial and ver-sommerca ning of trees along roadsides to increase daylight and safe Tip | Reed boas [TaD | Installation oF acces convo sroctaes (Stones, trees, gates to deter unauthorized OHV we "Temporary rads, id voads and a wale 12 | Temporary roads, skid a7 | Temporary made {or fogging operations; chbiiated immediately ater Designee Tap Reali nd econsocton oF 13 | Roads NFS Road 28 | existing nonsystem road and designate {3 °NFSR 1750" br regular maintenance * Based on ple comment an consultation wih pares dring project development. we have removed a 46acte tnd and a 23-se sand from the proposed Actin I and increased buTes ‘Sound the Ela rk Steam Restoration Poet (8S aes). However, forthe ake ofconsisency ‘oughout the proces the Forest Service lyzed for 2500 srs fr Action DECISION RATIONALE . ‘The Land and Resource Management Plan fr the Daniel Boone National Forest (Forest Plan, 2004) provides guidance fo work towards the Forest's mission to sustain health. diversity and productivity ofthe lands and waters entrusted tits eae and provide for compatible human uses Information gathered through the South Red Bied Integrated Resource Management Strategy and collaborative efforts identified several areas inthe project are that donot curently meet desired resource conditions eutlined inthe Forest Plan. Ihave decided to implement the Scuth Red Bird Project's proposed action because I believe it meets the purpose and need ofthe project, which is ‘o implement actions that move the analysis ares toward the desired conditions ofthe Forest Plan, The purpose and need for the project are detailed inthe EA and throughout te associated Asfecied Environment document. ‘The South Red Bird Project was designed in conformance with federal laws ane regulations

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