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Answer the following guessing riddles with the profession you think it is.

1. With a hose, helmet, and ladder, I put out the campfire. Who am I?
2. I prepare rich delicacies; my place is the kitchen of restaurants and hotels.
3. He kneads the flour with great dedication, always wearing a hat and apron,
baking the sweet and delicious salt breads. Guess who he is?
Bread baker
4. A courageous person who has the vocation to teach children.
5. I install and repair faucets and pipes, using my tools, with haste, courage and
joy. Who am I?
The plumber
6. Use combs and scissors, leaving beautiful hair.
The hairdresser
7. He cures coughs and colds, and when he prescribes medicine, I don't mess
around. Who is he?
The doctor
8. I care about my patients; I always keep an eye on what is happening with their
teeth. Who am I?
9. I travel through the clouds in an airplane. Air transport is my profession. Who am
The pilot
10. I like animals, if they are sick their owners call me, I give them medicine and
they heal. Who am I?
The veterinarian

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