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Data Mining along with human interaction of Current status and future prospects of E-
Commerce site in Bangladesh: A Systematic Literature Review.
Name: RAIHAN-A-ZANNAT AIUB ID: 19-40624-1

Objectives: The acceptance of e-commerce is increasing day by day in Bangladesh as well as the world. In this
age of science and technology, it will bring a huge change to people’s lifestyles. So, from the study, we will
know what is the current major problem of e-commerce sites in Bangladesh and how quickly these can be
developed so that it will make the life of people more efficient and smoother in the future.
Research methodology - In web research, inspecting other research paper is one of the best ways to trace some
necessary problems and its solution in future. A systematic literature review is one of the recommended
methodologies for this kind of researches some causes involve and some of the systematic tasks.
Significance of the output- The outcome of the research will give us a systematic literature review of some
existing examples and issues we are facing for the improvement and implementation with e-commerce sites.
Index Terms— E-commerce and Bangladesh; Current status and future prospects; Systematic
Literature Review
Additional Key Words and Phrases: e-commerce web mediums, web development, online shopping, effects
of e-commerce, future prospects.
Electronic commerce processes and data mining tools have been made over many companies. Data those
businesses build up about customers and their transactions are the enormous capital of that business. On the
other hand, the outlines a number of important research arguments in human-computer interaction in the e-
commerce environment. Online shopping is the hands-down quick fix for busy life in the current world. In the
previous decemvirate, there had been a colossal alteration in the way of purchaser’s browsing. Regardless of
consumers’ endurance to buy from a solid store, the enjoyer or end-user feel very beneficial to online
shopping. Online shopping ransom crucial time for present people for that they capture so assiduous that
they cannot or forced to disburse much hour shopping. In the twenty-first centurial, trade-off and commerce
have been so manifold that multiplex channel has appropriated place and online shopping has heightened
significantly across the cosmos. The World Wide Web has driven to no small extent of changes in the attitude
over the world. E-commerce could play an important role to the economic and business sector for developing
countries by growing their control over its space in the supply chain by enhancing its market competency.[1]
This report will reflect the current status of e-commerce related web sites and web applications in
Bangladesh and how to further improve its features in future. Some major problems of e-commerce site in
Bangladesh such as having a weak on-site search engine, no-data base product suggestions, payment issues,
privacy blurt, deficiency of support and no live chat opportunity.
Problem Statement:
It will investigate how quickly these can be developed with the help of advanced web technology. To get
proper idea about this technical problem we have to conduct survey over the users. We can sort out those
technical problems by collecting those data of users and applying advance web technologies to get rid of these
problems. The major contribution of this research is analyzing the technical problems of e-commerce-based
web sites and how to develop the features of those web sites.
Literature review:
Article searching procedure:
This section gives us an idea how to select articles (figure 1) and we have to prescribe the criteria step by step
like defining the inclusion criteria for article selection and an automated keyword search procedure to search digital
libraries. Hereafter, we select manually from primary results of the search and then we can pick the final set of

articles after reference checking. Inclusion criteria. As well as the study objectives listed in Table 1, these inclusion
criteria were installed after reviewing articles.

1.Inclusion criteria. Inclusion criteria. As well as the study objectives listed in Table 1, these inclusion criteria were
installed after reviewing articles.

2.The goal of this research is what are the main problems of e-commerce related web sites and web applications in
Bangladesh and how these problems can be solved.
The research focuses on how the features of the e- commerce related web sites and applications can be updated
3. Automated keyword search. Automated keyword search means by sustaining all the focuses of the topic, most of
the strategies used for literature survey search. The first author of this article was in charge for search method and
we searched from three digital libraries like SpringerLink, ACM Digital Library, Google Scholar during the
procedure. For searching articles for relevant topic these libraries are mostly popular. I searched the title of our
topic like “Web sites and web applications for e-commerce” and another is “advanced web technologies”.

4. Digital Libraries to Search. I found the research papers when I searched the titles in ACM, Google Scholar and
also SpringerLink. In digital libraries, we find out all the relevant topics when we searched with the advanced
search option. The search was place between January 2006 and August 2021. After that, we found 185 results from
that search.

5.keyword search and Manual Selection. After searching in the digital libraries, most of the papers have reviewed
by us and from that we found 4 journal articles, 7 research articles and 3 conference articles. By reviewing those
papers, we found several relevant objects but they did not have the article. We found three more excessive articles
from there. The process of selecting of articles is ended up with 9 articles. By reviewing these article papers, we
found that our topic is much identical to those papers and we get some subsisting results for searching our projects.
To write research methodology discussion and background studies we followed those papers and we all used them
as references for our research.
Research questions: The primary goal of this research is what are the main problems of e-commerce related
web sites and web applications in Bangladesh and how these problems can be solved. It will also investigate what
features of this web site and web applications can be improved to make users more interested. In this study, we
address the following questions after carefully considering all of the concepts, as shown in Table 1:

Research Questions Main Motivation

What are the current status and major The current status of e-commerce sites in
problems of e-commerce websites and web Bangladesh is average at best. Although these sites
applications in Bangladesh? get a lot of traffic every day, they purposely
do not improve their user experience.
By developing the features of e- To determine the problems of e-commerce re-
commerce related websites and lasted websites and applications and find out the
applications, can users be interested and proper solutions of those problems.
problems can be solved?
If e-commerce websites and applications E-commerce is already an economic aspect in
can be made more usable, will e- almost all of the first world countries so there is no
commerce be an economic prospect for reason to believe that it will not be one in
Bangladesh? Bangladesh.
Table 1. Research Questions

Objectives of the research:

The systematic literature review will present a precise approach to predict the major problems of e-
commerce related web sites and web applications and it also can give a proper solution. In future it will also
can give some researcher an investigation on this topic which they marked as a problem. We can see a better
empirical view of the future and also define the analytical point of the entire project by observing these
papers. The observation is based on the present situation of e-commerce related web sites, web applications
and how the problems can be solved. By reviewing this paper, we will get some research questions from
which we can identify the major problems of e-commerce medium and find out the appropriate solution.
Moreover, we will sustain the protocol of research where there are some subsections which we should follow
carefully so that we don’t miss any momentous thing. We will discuss the present situation of e-commerce
related web medium, problems and future prospects which will also help us find out the view point of the
project after the end of research questions.
In web research, inspecting other research paper is one of the best ways to trace some necessary problems
and its solution in future. A systematic literature review is one of the recommended methodologies for this
kind of researches some causes involve and some of the systematic tasks.
Figure1 gives us the approaches and exhibit the tasks systematically. In the subsequent subsections tasks are
discussed. This review has been done in a very orderly and organized manner that we can review protocols so that
we can enquire the massive problems and resolve the problems. There are some instructions and we can see in
figure 1 all the motives are related in the investigating protocol of the research. They are criticized step by step in
the subsection so that the review is standard and full of quality.

Future Research Directions:

Topic 1:
As e-commerce is replacing men’s power, so it may bring difficulties to the earning of the shop owners
who are not connected to virtual shopping systems. There may occur unemployment problem which is a
burden for every country. So, after making them familiar with e-commerce, this technology should
implement properly. If we follow this technology will be a blessing. Otherwise, it will be a great difficulty
for the infrastructure of a country.
Topic 2:
There always remains a question will it increase user Trust? Security and privacy in e-commerce are the
most important concern of users. In Bangladesh, people are afraid of using e-commerce and those who are
using e-commerce they also afraid of making transition by using debit or credit cards or online payment.
To make this technology user trusted, e-commerce sites need to ensure the use of end-to-end encryption
from the origin server to the client-side via SSL and TLS certificates.[6] Moreover, users must tell about
the security and privacy of their information.
Topic 3 The web site quality will adopt customer comprehended usefulness of the site and trust in the
retailer. [7] E-commerce related web mediums should be well organized and user friendly so that users
don’t face any difficulties while using it. Some smart features should be included such as live chat
opportunities, cyber security, recommendation of products. reachable payment process and reviews of
products so that users can operate those web mediums safely and comfortably. Future researches should
focus on these points how web mediums of e-commerce make more well-organized.
Validity Threat:
Here we tried to document and review all the sections of criteria and attribute definitions. There may
happen some difficulties and threads to implement or improve e-commerce. Such issues are biased issues
that can make a huge change in the improvement and implementation of e-commerce. So, this technology
must have a strong security system so that hackers or third parties can not steal any consumer financial
secrets or disclose personal information and use conventional methods of protection against attacks, such
as antivirus programs, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, data encryption.[8] Every researcher must
be concerned about these types of issues.

The main objective of our research paper is the current status of e-commerce related web media in
Bangladesh, the problems and how to solve the problems. There are many problems in this field but the most
important thing is to find out after doing this research how users will benefit by the development of e-
commerce and web related e-commerce web media. From this study we will gain the knowledge about web-
based e-commerce and different view point of using them. It will also investigate what features of this web
site and web applications can be improved to make users more interested. Moreover, there will have some
research questions and future topics related to this research. After investigating those 6 articles we edified
some questions and gave some details of the questions.

3.1 RQ1 What are the current status and major problems of e-commerce websites and web applications in
Bangladesh? The current status of e-commerce sites in Bangladesh is average at best. Although these sites get
a lot of traffic every day, they purposely do not improve their user experience. Many e-commerce giants in
Bangladesh do not even have any smart features so that users are becoming less attracted to these mediums
of e-commerce. Such as, insufficient delivery mechanism, deficiency of a strong transaction system,
undeveloped online marketing system and lack of strong privacy policy. There are also many sites that do not
even implement basic features that users now see as website necessities rather than features such as using
the up/down arrow keys to navigate the search options.

3.2 RQ2 By developing the features of e-commerce related websites and applications, can users be interested
and problems can be solved? Generally online users want to avoid any type of hassle when dealing with the
internet and when it comes to online shopping this desire becomes far greater. If we add in the fact that most
people in Bangladesh still do not know how to properly use the internet this topic of developing features
becomes a factor in an e-commerce site succeeding and failing. To repose and draw the attention of
customers the model of web sites plays a vital role. Unprivileged types of web sites and web applications can
result in reducing of customers to competitors and detraction of profits. Prosperity of e-commerce depends
upon the safe and striking environment supplied to customers. Customers personal data should be occupied
on hidden and safe; payments should be secured; the primary law and formal power should be clear for the
customers. [2] E-commerce web site development concept can be formulated founded on user recompose and
recommendation from usability testing. [3]. Some major problems of e-commerce site in Bangladesh such as
having a weak on-site search engine, no-data base product suggestions, payment issues, privacy blurt,
deficiency of support and no live chat opportunity. Poor search engine issues needed to be addressed so that
users can easily find what they are looking for. The payment process features of e-commerce web mediums
need to be updated to solve users’ problems. E-commerce web sites should have live chart opportunities to
support the user. If e-commerce sites can take away most of the hassle from the customers and implement
smart features that put them at ease it is almost guaranteed that users are more interested to use those e-
commerce mediums.
3.3 RQ3 If e-commerce websites and applications can be made more usable, will e-commerce be an economic
prospect for Bangladesh? E-commerce is already an economic aspect in almost all of the first world countries
so there is no reason to believe that it will not be one in Bangladesh. Some smart features should be
implemented if the for indirect user support such as the recommendation system and sign-up system in
which users can select a popular website and the e-commerce site automatically does their registration. If
there are open discussion pages in online platforms then the user’s themselves can post their queries and
vendors and also other users can help answer those questions. Up-selling and cross-selling features should be
added to e-commerce web sites so that worthy shopping cart technology will offer automated features that
can achieve marketing techniques. Product reviews are a very strong marketing features that can help users
to understand the product quality so this feature should be added to the e-commerce web mediums. [4] An
important features of e-commerce websites to analyze customer behavior to appoint session groups so that
auto recommend the users for their desire product. [5] E- commerce plays an important role for the
development of business and economic sector for a country. If the mediums of e-commerce can be developed
then it will put a vital for role for economical sector for our country.
E-commerce is a big economic platform in the online world and the features of this medium is developing day
by day. However advance web technologies are helping those industries and different economical company to
go forward which is related to e-commerce. E-commerce will be an economic platform in future, if the web
media related to e-commerce can be further developed then users will be more interested. Solving all the
security issues and doing vast active development of e-commerce is very essential for Bangladesh. The
Government should take the necessary steps to security and privacy issues in e-commerce by reviewing
current acts and legislation.[9] Besides, trying to create awareness among the people and business
organizations is important for the implementation and growth of e-commerce in Bangladesh.
Identification - there is no previously established protocol identification number for this study.
Sponsor(s) - there is none external, but self-sponsored by the investigators as detailed below:
Name of the Principal investigator – RAIHAN-A-ZANNAT [19-40624-1]
Supervisor name: Dr. Md. Asraf Ali
Institution of the Principle investigator – CS, FST, AIUB.

Name of the co-investigator – RAIHAN-A-ZANNAT

Institution of the co-investigator – CS, FST, AIUB.
Address: AIUB Bashundhara RS, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: 01857332852;
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