Rubric For Student Outcome 2

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Inter American University of Puerto Rico

Bayamón Campus
School of Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering


An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and
welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors

4 3 2 1
Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning
• Student clearly identifies the
• Many major objectives • No mention is made of
project objectives based on
• Student has minor are not identified or the problem to be
general description and client
difficulties to identify the contain solved.
project objectives. technical/conceptual • Students are unable to
• Identifies relevant and valid
• Adequately identifies errors. identify, access and/or
Delineate the scope of the information to support
relevant and valid • Insufficient information is present pertaining
2.1 problem considering meeting decision-making.
information to support obtained and/or sources information.
specified needs. • Clearly consider public
the decision-making. lack validity. • No considerations are
health, safety, and welfare,
• Most relevant • Major applicable identified, or some
as well as global, cultural,
considerations are considerations are not considerations are
social, environmental, and
correctly identified. presented, irrelevant, or identified but
economic factors for the
conceptually incorrect. completely erroneous
engineering design.
• Student successfully
integrates prior knowledge of
• Prior knowledge is either
mathematics, science, and
incomplete or contains • Prior knowledge is • Knowledge integration
engineering principles as well
some conceptual errors. limited, confusing or is absent or completely
as discipline related courses
and collected information to • Appropriate analyses conceptually incorrect. erroneous.
are selected but • Inappropriate analyses • Unable to identify an
address the problem.
analyses include some and/or major conceptual appropriate alternative
• Several alternative solutions
minor procedural errors. errors are made. or alternative is
are considered appropriately
Apply a methodology to • An attempt is made to • Design strategy is conceptually
and correctly analyzed for
2.2 appropriately accomplish the develop a workable inefficient, and the work erroneous.
technical feasibility.
engineering design design strategy, but it is plan does not ensure the • No design strategy is
• An effective design strategy
incomplete or unclear. project achievement. presented; a
is developed.
• Calculations are • Calculations are disorganized approach
• Appropriate engineering
conceptually correct, but conceptually correct, but seems to be followed.
resources and computer tools
their accuracy is limited they may be partially • Calculations contain
are efficiently used to carry
by simplifying incomplete or containing major numerical or
on accurate design
assumptions, inaccurate numerical errors. conceptual errors.
calculations of the initial
4 3 2 1
Exemplary Proficient Developing Beginning
• Performance of the final • Performance of the final
• Performance of the final design fails to satisfy design fails to satisfy
design compares favorably to some requirements, but some requirements.
customer requirements, deviations are analyzed, Deviations are analyzed
design criteria, operational and improvements are but no improvements are
• Final design is not
constraints, and existing proposed. proposed.
Evaluate the performance of evaluated.
2.3 products if any. • Project related
the final design • No impact statement is
• Project related environmental, social, • An attempt is made to
environmental, social, health health and safety issues evaluate the impact of
and safety issues as well as as well as anticipated the project, but it is
anticipated hazards are hazards are evaluated incomplete, superficial,
deeply evaluated. with minor errors and or containing major
omissions. conceptual errors.

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