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1. Why is lesson planning important in teaching EPP?

(20 points)

A lesson plan is like an engineer's blueprint; it directs teachers in how to carry out their
delivery of teaching. Effective lesson planning is one of the most important factors towards the
successful realization of this endeavor because Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan
(EPP) as a subject is primarily focused on practical activities and the development of various
skills as preparation for students in the aspect of life management. This is done in order to
facilitate an organized, logical, and smooth sequencing of classroom activities. However, in
addition to this, the further significance of lesson planning in the career of an educator teaching
EPP is outlined below.
First off, good lesson planning makes it easier for both teachers and students to
comprehend the objectives of a module of instruction. Because of this, educators can
successfully adapt the curriculum into engaging learning activities and attach their assessments
to the learning objectives. It is highly likely that kids in this situation would be able to engage in
meaningful learning. The success and well-being of the teacher can both benefit from careful
lesson planning. Teachers teach because they want to encourage their students, and whether a
lesson is given properly or a student performs well on an assessment, excellent lesson planning
can help teachers feel more satisfied with their work. A carefully prepared lesson can also
increase the teacher's self-confidence and make teaching more enjoyable by allowing them to
concentrate more on interacting with the students than on planning out what is going to happen
next. A crucial benefit of effective lesson planning is that it can save time by preventing hurried
last-minute purchases of supplies or preparation of materials needed for a day in the classroom.
Teachers can then use the freed up time for themselves or other aspects of their lives, such as
participating in leisure activities or just spending time with family, which enhances the work-life
The Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan is one of the learning areas in school,
and it is clear that any subject matter requires carefully designed lesson plans because it not
only helps teachers effectively carry out their responsibility to impart knowledge, but it also
benefits the students by ensuring that they can comprehend the material presented to them and
have a worthwhile experience.
2. Write your overall reflection in learning the course. (10 points)

Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) is a course that focuses on teaching

and practicing a variety of life skills, making it one of the most crucial learning subjects in school
because the efficient learning that can be attained in such a subject matter can ensure that a
certain individual will feel capable of surviving in whatever circumstances life has to offer.
EPP, a subject in the primary education level, has given me the opportunity to test out
new abilities that I never thought I could truly do. I can anticipate being able to educate my
future students effectively because the expertise I have learnt from this course is what I will
likewise instill in them. Being able to alter specific materials to produce more attractive and
intriguing results also improved my creativity. And even though it can be tedious and difficult at
times to go over the activities that make up this subject, I enjoyed myself and learned how to do
a number of things, including handicraft, embroidery, letter writing, and even basic household
chores like cooking, which, to be honest, I never really had the chance to practice that much. I
was able to achieve it somehow as I dug more into the EPP course, though, and I discovered
that I am truly capable of doing it as long as I just put my heart and mind into such a project. It
also helped me to develop patience and the ability to understand that nothing worthwhile ever
happens quickly. The results would also be more fulfilling and rewarding the harder you worked
on them. But the most significant lesson I learned from this subject, which I cherish greatly, was
how to manage our resources wisely at home, especially at this time when there are numerous
crises taking place throughout the world that are causing the cost of products and other
commodities to rise steadily.
In summary, I am thankful for all the challenges I faced and the lessons I learned from
the EPP course, which I will always treasure and carry with me. This is because I genuinely
believe that this is one of the things that will enable me to navigate life.

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