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Internet gaming disorder in children and adolescents

GENTILE, Douglas A., et al.


The American Psychiatric Association recently included Internet gaming disorder (IGD) as a
potential diagnosis, recommending that further study be conducted to help illuminate it more
clearly. This paper is a summary of the review undertaken by the IGD Working Group as part
of the 2015 National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium on Digital Media and
Developing Minds. By using measures based on or similar to the IGD definition, we found that
prevalence rates range between ∼1% and 9%, depending on age, country, and other sample
characteristics. The etiology of IGD is not well-understood at this time, although it appears
that impulsiveness and high amounts of time gaming may be risk factors. Estimates for the
length of time the disorder can last vary widely, but it is unclear why. Although the authors of
several studies have demonstrated that IGD can be treated, no randomized controlled trials
have yet been published, making any definitive statements about treatment impossible. IGD
does, therefore, appear to be an area in which additional research is clearly needed. We
discuss several of the critical questions that [...]

GENTILE, Douglas A., et al. Internet gaming disorder in children and adolescents. Pediatrics,
2017, vol. 140, no. Supplement 2, p. S81-S85

DOI : 10.1542/peds.2016-1758h

Available at:

Disclaimer: layout of this document may differ from the published version.
Internet Gaming Disorder in
Children and Adolescents
Douglas A. Gentile, PhD,​a Kira Bailey, PhD,​b Daphne Bavelier, PhD,​c,​d Jeanne Funk Brockmyer, PhD,​e Hilarie
Cash, PhD,​f Sarah M. Coyne, PhD,​g Andrew Doan, MD, PhD,​h Donald S. Grant, PhD,​i C. Shawn Green, PhD,​j Mark
Griffiths, PhD,​k Tracy Markle, MA, LPC,​l Nancy M. Petry, PhD,​m Sara Prot, PhD,​n Cosette D. Rae, MSW,​f Florian
Rehbein, PhD,​o Michael Rich, MD,​p Dave Sullivan, LCSW,​q Elizabeth Woolley, ASCIS,​r Kimberly Young, PhDs

The American Psychiatric Association recently included Internet gaming disorder (IGD) as abstract
a potential diagnosis, recommending that further study be conducted to help illuminate it
more clearly. This paper is a summary of the review undertaken by the IGD Working Group
as part of the 2015 National Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquium on Digital Media and
Developing Minds. By using measures based on or similar to the IGD definition, we found
that prevalence rates range between ∼1% and 9%, depending on age, country, and other
sample characteristics. The etiology of IGD is not well-understood at this time, although it
appears that impulsiveness and high amounts of time gaming may be risk factors. Estimates
for the length of time the disorder can last vary widely, but it is unclear why. Although
the authors of several studies have demonstrated that IGD can be treated, no randomized
controlled trials have yet been published, making any definitive statements about treatment
impossible. IGD does, therefore, appear to be an area in which additional research is clearly
needed. We discuss several of the critical questions that future research should address and
provide recommendations for clinicians, policy makers, and educators on the basis of what
we know at this time.

Over 90% of children and teenagers in the United States now play video games, and they spend
substantial amounts of time playing.‍1,​2‍ The increasing prevalence of digital media has led to
growing public concerns about potential detrimental effects, including the possibility that video

aDepartment of Psychology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa; bDepartment of Psychology, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio; cDepartment of Psychology and Education Science,

University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland; dDepartment of Brain and Cognitive Science, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York; eDepartment of Psychology, University of Toledo,
Toledo, Ohio; freSTART Life, LLC, Fall City, Washington; gSchool of Family Life, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; hDepartment of Mental Health, Naval Medical Center San Diego, San
Diego, California; iOf One Mind, Los Angeles, California; jDepartment of Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; kInternational Gaming Research Unit, Psychology
Division, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom; lCollegiate Coaching, Boulder, Colorado; mCalhoun Cardiology Center, School of Medicine, University of Connecticut,
Farmington, Connecticut; nDepartment of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom; oCriminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony, Hanover,
Germany; pCenter on Media and Child Health, Harvard University Medical School, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; qInReach, Boulder, Colorado; rOnline Gamers Anonymous,
Osceola, Wisconsin; and sStategic Leadership, St Bonaventure University, St Bonaventure, New York

All authors were involved in drafting a larger paper from which this summary manuscript was created, and all authors approved the final manuscript as submitted.
The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in each paper are solely a product of the individual workgroup and are not the policy or opinions of, nor
do they represent an endorsement by Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development or the American Academy of Pediatrics.
DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​1542/​peds.​2016-​1758H
Accepted for publication Apr 19, 2017
Address correspondence to Douglas A. Gentile, PhD, Department of Psychology, Iowa State University, W112 Lagomarcino Hall, Ames, IA 50011. E-mail: dgentile@
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.

PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017:e20161758

Downloaded from by guest on February 6, 2018 Supplement Article
game play may be “addicting.” becomes the dominant activity in results suggests that the construct of
There is now a considerable body daily life; IGD may be robust to measurement
of research literature suggesting variations.
2. Withdrawal symptoms when
that some heavy users of video
gaming is taken away: These
games indeed develop dysfunctional Prevalence
symptoms are typically described
symptoms that can result in severe
as irritability, anxiety, or sadness; The authors of several studies
detrimental effects on functional and
3. Tolerance: The need to spend have used criteria similar to those
social areas of life.
increasing amounts of time proposed by the DSM-5, finding a
The American Psychiatric Association engaged in games; range of prevalence estimates. One
recently included Internet gaming study of American youth 8 to 18
disorder (IGD) as a potential 4. Unsuccessful attempts to control years revealed that 8.5% of gamers
diagnosis.‍3 It is defined as “persistent or reduce participation in games; met 6 of 11 criteria,​‍4 whereas a study
and recurrent use of the Internet 5. Loss of interest in real-life of Australian youth revealed that
to engage in games, often with relationships, previous hobbies, ∼5% of video game players met 4 of
other players, leading to clinically and other entertainment as a 9 criteria.‍13 The authors of 2 recent
significant impairment or distress.”‍3 result of, and with the exception European studies strictly applied
They concluded that the evidence of, games; the DSM-5 criteria and provided
was strong enough to include IGD general prevalence numbers that
6. Continued excessive use of games
in the research appendix of the included nongamers. The authors
despite knowledge of psychosocial
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, of a study of German ninth graders
Fifth Edition (DSM-5), with the goal of reported a general prevalence of
encouraging additional research. 7. Has deceived family members, 1.2% (2.0% for boys, 0.3% for girls),​‍14
therapists, or others regarding the and the authors of a study from the
amount of gaming; Netherlands covering different age
Current State 8. Use of games to escape or relieve groups found a general prevalence
a negative mood (eg, feelings of of 5.5% among adolescents 13 to 20
Despite its name, IGD does not
helplessness, guilt, or anxiety); years of age and a prevalence of 5.4%
require that individuals exhibit
and among adults.‍15
symptoms of addiction solely with
online video games. Problematic use 9. Has jeopardized or lost a Etiology
can occur in both offline and online significant relationship, job, or
settings,​‍3 although reports of video educational or career opportunity The etiology and course of
game “addiction” often involve because of participation in games. development of IGD are not well
online games such as Massively understood. One study measured
Multiplayer Online Role-Playing An elaboration regarding the
IGD-like symptoms over a 2-year
Games. Importantly, frequent video conception and assessment of each of
period among more than 3000
game play cannot, alone, serve as the these criteria was recently published
children in Singaporean elementary
basis for diagnosis. The DSM-5 states in Addiction,​‍5 which is further
and secondary schools.‍16 Of the
that video game playing must cause discussed in commentary articles.‍6–‍‍‍‍ 12

roughly 9% of children who were
“clinically significant impairment” The DSM-5 explicitly points out that classified as suffering from IGD
in the individual’s life. Indeed, “the literature suffers . . . from lack of at the beginning of the study,
studies have revealed that pathologic a standard definition from which to IGD persisted 2 years later for
video game use and high game play derive prevalence data.”‍3 No single 84%. There were not many clear
frequency are functionally distinct,​‍4 screening or diagnostic instrument indicators in this sample of who was
although they are typically highly applying the DSM-5 criteria has most at risk for developing more
correlated. been widely applied or subjected to symptoms (impulsivity, lower social
substantial psychometric testing. competence, higher amounts of game
The DSM-5 suggests that IGD may be
Nonetheless, although prevalence play), but those who had increased
identified by 5 or more of 9 criteria
estimates can vary depending on gaming symptoms evidenced greater
within a 12-month period. These
the instrument used, the general levels of depression, academic
criteria include:
pattern of overall adverse effects declines, and worsened relationships
1. Preoccupation with games: The and comorbidities has been fairly with parents over time, along with
individual thinks about previous consistent across multiple methods increased aggressive tendencies. In
gaming activity or anticipates of definition. The fact that many contrast, the authors of another study
playing the next game; gaming methods have converged on similar found that only 26% of problematic

S82 Downloaded from by guest on February 6, 2018 Gentile et al

gamers maintained a high level of 3. What is the clinical course of IGD? access to nongaming creative play
symptoms over a 2-year period,​‍17 Little is known about how long it opportunities.
whereas the authors of a third study takes to develop, how long it lasts,
reported an ∼50% resolution rate or whether it is continuous or
Clinicians and Providers
over a 1-year period.‍18 intermittent;

Treatment 4. There is growing empirical Clinicians such as pediatricians,

evidence that IGD is comorbid nurse practitioners, and other
Reviews of the literature indicate
with several other disorders primary care providers are basically
that there are no randomized, well-
and mental health issues.‍16 “first responders” for issues related
controlled studies for treatment of
Further longitudinal research to children’s media use.
IGD.‍19–‍ 21
‍ Although various iterations
examining comorbidities with
of cognitive behavioral therapy
anxiety, depression, and attention- Prevention and Patient Education
are most widely represented in
deficit/hyperactivity disorder is
published literature and practice,​‍21
important and will clarify whether Pediatricians and other primary care
other approaches, including
IGD is an independent disorder providers should follow the Policy
family therapy and motivational
that should be included as a Statements of the American Academy
interviewing, have also been used
separate category in DSM-6, of Pediatrics regarding media use
alone or in conjunction with cognitive
or whether it is best seen as a in general.‍25,​26
‍ Although the most
behavioral therapy.22–‍ 24
‍ Definitive
symptom of other conditions. recent guidelines call for a nuanced
conclusions about the efficacy of any
The overlap of IGD with other understanding on how technology
one approach or set of combined
addictions, and problematic is used, pediatricians should still
approaches or their comparative
Internet use more generally, also discourage the placement of media in
effectiveness cannot yet be made
requires greater study; children’s bedrooms and encourage
because of the lack of randomized,
controlled research. parents to limit the total amount of
5. There is insufficient evidence
entertainment screen time in general
regarding effective treatment
to <1 to 2 hours per day, given that
of IGD. Randomized, controlled
Future Research access and amount of time gaming
studies in large samples with
There are several important tend to be risk factors for IGD.
adequate statistical power are
subsequent questions, many of needed to evaluate the efficacy
which (especially questions 2–5) will Pediatricians and other clinicians
of specific treatments. The trials
require large-sample longitudinal can help parents feel empowered to
need to apply well-validated
studies to answer: make household rules around media
outcome measures and include
and gaming, including setting the
1. Research should consider the long-term follow-up assessments;
limits for young children.‍27 Adult
validity of the current DSM-5 and
supervision of children’s media
classification system, both with use is highly recommended. As the
6. It is likely that not every type of
regard to criteria and cut points. child matures, media use should be
video game is equally associated
After these aspects have been regulated in a way that teaches the
with IGD. Further research is
considered, it may be useful to child when and how to stop, such
needed to outline characteristics
evaluate differences between the as, for example, agreeing to a set
of games that are more or less
usage of different media forms. duration before starting play and
associated with IGD, as well as
Most existing work focuses on providing a visible timer for both
to determine the direction of
either video games or Internet parent and child to monitor use.
use more generally. Because At all ages, it is recommended that
too broad a classification may media not be located in the bedroom
obscure understanding of a mental and that video game play not begin
disorder, we recommend that Recommendations
within half an hour before sleep
the DSM-5 criteria for gaming are We concur with the recent statement time. More generally, parents should
validated first and then broadened from the American Academy of model appropriate media use and
to other media; Pediatrics recommending that ensure regular media-free family
2. What are the important risk parents need to be directly involved time. Recent longitudinal research
factors for the development of with their child’s use of media has revealed that limiting the amount
IGD? Little is known about who is and need to ensure that children and content of media is a powerful
most at risk; have ample media-free time and protective factor for children.‍28

PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017from by guest on February 6, 2018
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Assessment beneficial) effects of video games (drugs, alcohol, risky sex, gambling,
It is premature to recommend (and other electronic media). They etc) to include problems with
widespread adoption of any can recommend the use of rating electronic media;
particular instrument, although systems for video games so that •• Because of the consistent link
there are several that can be used parents can limit use to age- and between IGD and poor school
if indicated.‍14,​15
‍ As part of routine content-appropriate games (eg, performance, schools may be an
care, however, pediatricians and www.​esrb.​org/​ratings/​search.​aspx). excellent place for screening for
other primary care providers should Although there are many positive IGD and for providing referrals for
ask both the parent and child about aspects of gaming and electronic services when problems with IGD
the child’s use of media to help media, excessive or inappropriate or related issues are uncovered;
with early diagnosis, as well as use can lead to problems for some
individuals, and clinicians can •• Many schools provide computers
asking about children’s interests and/or encourage computer use
and hobbies to ensure others exist help parents understand when use
becomes excessive. in and out of classes, as this can
beyond electronics and gaming. have tremendous educational
Because IGD frequently cooccurs Policy Makers and practical benefit. Many
with other conditions, children schools consider “gamifying”
should be screened for behavioral •• Several countries, including South
Korea, have established mental their educational processes. What
problems and comorbid conditions message does it send if a school
more generally, including depression, health facilities for treating
IGD. American policy makers supports gaming as education,
anxiety, and attention-deficit/ in light of the real potential for
hyperactivity disorder. should similarly take this issue
seriously and dedicate resources the development of IGD? Schools
Intervention for education, prevention, and should provide training to parents
For children or adolescents who treatment of IGD; and and educators to recognize
screen positive for behavioral potential problems; and
•• Policy is also necessary to enhance
problems or psychopathology, research efforts on this condition, •• Schools and community centers
pediatricians and other clinicians including large scale studies to can be of particular value in
should work with parents to evaluate the natural course of the helping parents to identify
determine the best intervention condition. The National Institutes nongaming creative opportunities.
strategy. These strategies may of Health has no dedicated institute
include referral to mental health or funding for this condition,
professionals for psychological and/ Acknowledgments
and until it does, it is unlikely
or pharmacological treatment. If that research will progress at The authors wish to thank the
parents are concerned about their the necessary pace to develop National Academy of Sciences and Dr
child’s screen engagement, yet are evidence-based treatments. Pamela Della-Pietra for their support
unable to place restrictions on it, of this working group.
professional aid at the family level is Educators
also warranted.
•• Schools at all levels should Abbreviations
Patient Education routinely include education about
DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical
Pediatricians are in a position to IGD and expand the infrastructure
Manual, Fifth Edition
help educate parents and patients they have in place for other
IGD: Internet gaming disorder
about the potential adverse (and potentially problematic behaviors

FUNDING: No external funding was provided for this manuscript specifically. Dr Petry’s related research is supported by grant P50-DA09241. This special
supplement, “Children, Adolescents, and Screens: What We Know and What We Need to Learn,​” was made possible through the financial support of Children and
Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Dr Bavelier is a founding member and on the scientific advisory board of Akili Interactive. Dr Petry is a member of the
American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition Workgroup on substance use and related conditions. Opinions and points of
view expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position or policies of the US Navy, the Department of Defense, the American
Psychiatric Association, or other organizations with which the authors are affiliated. Dr Cash and Ms Rae are affiliated with reSTART Life, LLC, an Internet gaming
disorder treatment facility; the other authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017from by guest on February 6, 2018
Downloaded S85
Internet Gaming Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Douglas A. Gentile, Kira Bailey, Daphne Bavelier, Jeanne Funk Brockmyer, Hilarie
Cash, Sarah M. Coyne, Andrew Doan, Donald S. Grant, C. Shawn Green, Mark
Griffiths, Tracy Markle, Nancy M. Petry, Sara Prot, Cosette D. Rae, Florian Rehbein,
Michael Rich, Dave Sullivan, Elizabeth Woolley and Kimberly Young
Pediatrics 2017;140;S81
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758H

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Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

Downloaded from by guest on February 6, 2018

Internet Gaming Disorder in Children and Adolescents
Douglas A. Gentile, Kira Bailey, Daphne Bavelier, Jeanne Funk Brockmyer, Hilarie
Cash, Sarah M. Coyne, Andrew Doan, Donald S. Grant, C. Shawn Green, Mark
Griffiths, Tracy Markle, Nancy M. Petry, Sara Prot, Cosette D. Rae, Florian Rehbein,
Michael Rich, Dave Sullivan, Elizabeth Woolley and Kimberly Young
Pediatrics 2017;140;S81
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758H

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

Pediatrics is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly publication, it
has been published continuously since . Pediatrics is owned, published, and trademarked by the
American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois,
60007. Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN:

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