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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the

word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words,
including the word given.

1) Joan was in favor of visiting the museum.


Joan thought it would be ............... to the museum.

Joan thought it would be a good idea to go to the museum.

2) Arthur has the talent to become a concert pianist.

Arthur is so ............... could become a concert pianist.
Arthur is so talented that he could become a concert pianist.

3) Do you know when the match starts, Sally?' Asked Mary.

Mary asked Sally ............... time the match started.
Mary asked Sally if she knew what time the match started.

4) I knocked for ages at Ruth's door but I got no reply.

I ............... knocking at the Ruth's door but I got no reply.
I spend a long time knocking at the Ruth's door but I got no reply.

5) Everyone says that the band is planning to go on a world tour next year.
The band ............... planning to go on a world tour next year.
The band is said to be planning to go on a world tour next year.

6) I'd prefer not to cancel the meeting.

I'd rather ............... the meeting.
I'd rather not call off the meeting.
7) There were a lot of things to think about before we made our decision.
Lots of things needed ....... consideration before we could make our decision.
Lots of things needed TO BE TAKEN INTO consideration before we could make our decision.

8) Could I ask you if you'd mind looking after my dog while I'm away on holiday?
I ....... willing to look after my dog while I'm away on holiday?
I WAS WONDERING IF YOU WOULD BE willing to look after my dog while I'm away on holiday?

I know that it was wrong of me to get angry in front of the children.


I know that I should ....... in front of the children.

I know that I should NOT HAVE LOST MY PATIENCE in front of the children.
If you need any further information, please call me.

If you need any further information ....... me a call.

If you need any further information PLEASE DON'T HESTITATE TO GIVE me a call.
It hasn't snowed quite as much this year as it did last time.

This year, there has ....... than there was last year.
This year, there has BEEN SLIGHTLY LESS SNOW than there was last year.
Unless the team's performance improves, they may find they have resign from the league.

If the team's performance doesn't get ...... resign from the league.
If the team's performance doesn't get BETTER THEY MAY BE FORCED TO resign from the league.
I don't mind wether we go to the seaside or not this year.

It doesn't ....... wether we go to the seaside or not this year.

It doesn't MAKE ANY DIFFERENCE TO ME wether we go to the seaside or not this year.
It's impossible that the burglars got into the building by forcing open a fire exit.

The burglars may ....... by forcing open a fire exit.

The burglars may HAVE GAINED ACCESS TO THE BUILDING by forcing open a fire exit.

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