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Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

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Characterization of miRNA-mediated auxin signaling during banana (Musa

spp.) fruit ripening
Xiangjin Kong a, b, Jun Zeng a, Ze Yun a, Chunhua Hu c, Bao Yang a, b, Hongxia Qu a, b,
Yueming Jiang a, b, Hong Zhu a, *
Key Laboratory of South China Agricultural Plant Molecular Analysis and Genetic Improvement & Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Botany, South
China Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510650, China
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
Institute of Fruit Tree Research, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China


Keywords: Auxin signaling is essential for the whole plant life cycle and the core components of auxin signaling include the
Banana auxin receptor TIR/AFB, corepressor Aux/IAA, and transcription factor ARF. They jointly modulate a variety of
Ripening biological processes through regulating the expression of auxin-responsive genes. In the past decades, microRNAs
Auxin signaling
(miRNAs) have been well documented as vital regulators of gene expression. A group of miRNA families have
been found to target genes associated with auxin signal transduction, such as TIR/AFBs and ARFs. Banana is a
typical climacteric fruit that undergo dramatic physiological and biochemical changes during ripening process.
However, the role of auxin itself and miRNAs in auxin signaling during fruit ripening remain largely unknown in
banana. In this study, we comprehensively characterized three key gene families of auxin signaling pathways in
banana. There are 15 TIR/AFB, 50 Aux/IAA, and 49 ARF genes in the banana genome. Also, we identified
multiple miRNAs that can target members of auxin-related gene families, and the targeting relationship and
inhibitory effect of miR393, miR160 and miR167 on specific TIR/AFB and ARF family members were further
experimentally validated. In addition, the expression analysis of banana pulp after ethylene treatment revealed
the specific response of these auxin-related miRNAs to ethylene. Finally, a mode of action of miRNA-mediated
auxin signaling in ethylene-induced banana fruit ripening was proposed. Our results not only unraveled the
regulation of miRNA on banana auxin response, but also provided a reference for the study of miRNA-mediated
auxin signaling in the ripening of climacteric fruit.

1. Introduction Aux/IAA proteins interact with ARFs through shared C-terminal do­
mains and are recruited to the genome regions. At the N-terminal, they
Auxin is the most important signaling molecule in plants with a generally have EAR/EAR-like repressor motifs and an area required for
central role in numerous aspects of plant development, including TIR/AFB interaction (Guilfoyle, 2015). The ARF family of transcrip­
embryogenesis, apical dominance, flowering and fruit development tional regulators with sequence specificity play a vital role in the tran­
(Fleming, 2006). Remarkable breakthroughs have been made in un­ scriptional response to auxin, where they can either activate or repress
derstanding the biosynthesis, transport, and perception of auxin (Weij­ the expression of auxin response genes by binding to the auxin response
ers and Wagner, 2016). There are three key components of the auxin element (AuxRE) site in their promoter regions (Tiwari et al., 2003). A
signaling pathway: transport inhibitor resistant/auxin signaling F-box typical ARF is characterized by a highly conserved N-terminal B3-type
(TIR/AFB) proteins, auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) transcrip­ DNA binding domain (DBD) for the AuxRE motif recognition, a middle
tional corepressors, and auxin response factors (ARFs). TIR/AFB pro­ region for transcriptional regulation, and a C-terminal dimerization
teins contain an F-box domain for tethering to other subunits in the SCF domain that interacts with Aux/IAAs (Piya et al., 2014). Gene families
complex and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR)-containing domain for the associated with the auxin signaling pathway have been reported in some
interaction with auxin and Aux/IAA family genes (Parry et al., 2009). model plants or crops. For example, there are seven TIR/AFB, 29

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Zhu).
Received 21 April 2022; Received in revised form 20 July 2022; Accepted 22 July 2022
Available online 28 July 2022
0925-5214/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Aux/IAA and 23 ARF genes in Arabidopsis genome (Parry et al., 2009), what extent is the miRNA-TIR/ARF module conserved in banana is un­
while the rice genome encodes six TIR/AFB, 31 Aux/IAA and 25 ARF clear. Therefore, we here comprehensively characterized these three key
genes (Wang et al., 2007). gene families in auxin signaling in banana, where 15 TIR/AFB, 50
Over the past few decades, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as Aux/IAA and 49 ARF genes were identified. Gene structure, phylogeny,
critical regulators in diverse aspects of plant growth and development. and targeting relationship with miRNAs were also analyzed. The
This major class of plant small RNAs are primarily engaged in post- expression patterns of TIRs, Aux/IAAs, and ARFs were examined during
transcriptional regulation by either transcript cleavage or translational ethylene-induced fruit ripening. Among them, miR393-TIR7, miR160-­
repression of their target mRNAs (Axtell and Bartel, 2005). Among the ARF12/18, and miR167-ARF7/35 modules were found to be mainly
plant hormone response pathways, the relationship between auxin and associated with banana fruit ripening. Our results provided new
miRNA has been most studied. In Arabidopsis, 23 ARF transcription knowledge to study the function of plant miRNA-TIR/ARF modules in
factor family members have been identified, with at least five ARF genes fruit ripening.
having miRNA complementary sites (Bonnet et al., 2010). Experiments
in Arabidopsis have confirmed that miR167 affects the development of 2. Materials and methods
pistil, stamen and petal by regulating the expression of ARF6 and ARF8
(Wu et al., 2006), and miR160 governs the formation of root cap cells by 2.1. Plant materials and hormone treatment
regulating the expression of ARF10 and ARF16 (Wang et al., 2005).
Upon eliminating the inhibition of miR160 on its target genes ARF16 Mature green banana fruit (‘Baxi’ at 110 d after anthesis) were
and ARF17, the morphology of Arabidopsis can be altered, including harvested from Wanqingsha plantain located at Panyu district in
dwarf seedling, shortened roots, deformed and more cotyledons, and Guangdong province. Uniform fruit fingers without defects were
delayed flowering (Mallory et al., 2005). In addition, miR390 mediates selected and rinsed in 0.1% (w/v) Sporgon solution (Bayer, Germany)
the cleavage of the TAS3 gene and the generation of tasiRNAs that act on for 3 min to minimize the potential microorganism effect. After air
ARF2, ARF3 and ARF4 to regulate lateral root development in Arabi­ drying, 180 fruit fingers were randomly selected and divided into two
dopsis (Yoon et al., 2009). In tomato, the down-regulation of ARF6 and groups: control (untreated) and exogenous hormone treatment. Each
ARF8 by miR167 impairs floral development and female fertility (Liu group had three biological replicates with 30 fruit fingers in each
et al., 2014, 2014). Similarly, down-regulation of miR160 causes replicate. For ethylene treatment, the fingers were fumigated in 100 μL
increased expression of its targets ARF10/16/17, which regulates L-1 ethylene for 18 h. Both fruit groups were packed with 0.02 mm-thick
auxin-mediated ovary patterning and flower abscission (Damodharan polyethene films and stored at 25 ◦ C with 85–90% relative humidity.
et al., 2016). The involvement of miRNAs in auxin response may be an Pulp tissues were taken from the middle of three fingers on 2, 4, 6, and 8
ancient mechanism since both miR160-ARF and miR390-TAS3-ARF d, respectively, and immediately frozen with liquid nitrogen, ground
pathways have also been reported in the ancient terrestrial bryo­ into small particles, and stored at − 80 ◦ C for later use. The sample on
phytes, suggesting that this mechanism emerged early in the evolution 0 d was taken as the starting point and shared by the control group and
of higher plants (Axtell and Bartel, 2005). In addition to ARFs, auxin the treatment group. Auxin treatment was performed with 0.1 mM
receptors are also regulated by miRNA. In Arabidopsis, miR393-targeted indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) solution for 10 min, and treated fruit were
TIR1 and AFB1/2/3 encode F-box proteins, which play an essential role stored according to the above-mentioned conditions.
in auxin signal transduction (Jones-Rhoades and Bartel, 2004). Over­
expression of miR393 in Arabidopsis inhibits auxin signal transduction 2.2. Determination of physiological indicators related to banana fruit
and improves plant resistance to bacterial infection (Navarro et al., ripening
2006). In rice, overexpressing miR393 can down-regulate the expression
of TIR/AFB family homologous genes, resulting in phenotype with Fruit ripening was evaluated by fruit peel color, firmness, respiratory
hallmarks of altered auxin signaling such as more tillers, enlarged leaf rate and ethylene release. In brief, peel color was determined using a
inclination and altered root growth (Bian et al., 2012). Conceivably, the colorimeter CR-400 (Minolta Camera Co. Ltd., Japan). The penetrom­
miR393-TIR module is also highly conserved in plants, as it has been eter GY-1 (Hangzhou Scientific Instruments, China) was used to measure
reported in many plant species (Bai et al., 2017; Cai et al., 2017; Zhu fruit firmness. The respiration rate was determined according to the
et al., 2019). method of (Wang et al., 2013), and the ethylene production rate was
To study the regulatory relationship between hormones and miRNA, measured as described in (Pan et al., 2015). In addition, the IAA level
exogenous hormones can be applied during plant growth and develop­ was determined during fruit ripening using the method in (Pan et al.,
ment to analyze the expression changes of miRNA. Ethylene plays an 2015) with modifications.
important role in plant life cycle, but there have been few reports on the
interaction between ethylene and miRNA (Liu and Chen, 2009). In rice, 2.3. Identification of TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA, and ARF gene families in
both miR159 and miR394 are found to be regulated by ethylene (Liu banana
et al., 2009). In another study, roots of M. truncatula treated with
ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) show Complete protein sequences of banana (Musa acuminata) were
altered accumulation of miRNAs such as miR159, miR164 and miR319 downloaded from the banana genome database (version 4.3) (http://
by high-throughput sequencing (Chen et al., 2012). These studies sug­ (Belser et al., 2021). Arabidopsis and rice
gest that some biological functions of ethylene may also depend on TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA, and ARF protein sequences were respectively ob­
miRNA pathways. However, few targets involving ethylene signal tained from the TAIR ( and the RGAP
transduction have been confirmed to be directly regulated by miRNAs ( databases. Hidden Markov Model
(Wang et al., 2018). (HMM) files corresponding to the TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA, and ARF domains
Banana (Musa spp.), an important economic fruit cultivated in South (PF18791, PF02309 and PF06507) were downloaded from PFAM pro­
China, usually undergo uncontrollably fast ripening once it is initiated, tein family database ( HMMER 3.2
leading to quality deterioration and commercial value loss. The ethylene ( was used to search the TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA,
effect has been focused and its signal transduction pathway has been and ARF genes from the banana genome. The default parameters were
well documented in fruit ripening (Inaba et al., 2007). However, fewer used and the cutoff value was set to 0.01. Then, all TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA
studies demonstrate the role of auxin signaling in fruit ripening, and and ARF protein sequences from Arabidopsis and rice were used as
whether and which key components of the auxin signaling pathway are reference sequences, and the potential TIR/AFBs, Aux/IAAs and ARFs in
involved in banana fruit ripening remains largely elusive. Moreover, to banana database were further characterized by BLAST analysis using

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

TBtools (Chen et al., 2020), with the cutoff e-value set at 1e-5. All datasets (Li et al., 2019; Lü et al., 2018; Yun et al., 2019), and gene
identified TIR/AFBs, Aux/IAAs, and ARFs in banana were further vali­ expression profiles were then visualized by heatmaps using TBtools
dated by conserved domain search using the PFAM and NCBI CDD (Fig. S1). To validate the gene expression profiling data, quantitative
( databases. real-time PCR of selected MaTIR/AFB and MaARF genes was carried out,
with the same RNA samples used for RNA blot analysis. First-strand
2.4. Gene structure and conserved domains of TIR/AFBs, Aux/IAAs, and cDNA synthesis and qRT-PCR analyses were performed as described
ARFs in banana previously (Zhu et al., 2020). Gene-specific primers for the target
MaTIR/AFBs and MaARFs and reference gene ribosomal protein S2
For each gene member of the three gene families, the introns and (MaRPS2) were designed by the Primer BLAST of NCBI (http://blast.
exons were analyzed using TBtools. The Batch-CD search (http://www. (Table S1). The qRT-PCR reactions were normalized
ncbi. was used to define the with the Ct (cycle threshold) value of the reference gene. Formula 2-ΔΔCt
conserved domain with default parameters. Conserved motifs were was used to calculate the relative expression levels of target genes. For
analyzed using the MEME-Suite program ( to each tested gene, the analysis was repeated three times with triplicate
compare the structural differences among members of each gene family. PCR reactions.
All results were visualized by TBtools.
2.9. Statistical analysis
2.5. Analysis of physical and chemical properties of TIR/AFBs, Aux/
IAAs, and ARFs in banana Data presented in this study are the mean values of three biological
replicates, and are expressed as mean ± standard error. The significance
ExPASy ( was used to analyze of the difference among different samples was calculated using the
the physical and chemical properties of the identified proteins, including student’s t-test in statistics package for the Social Sciences version 7.5
sequence length, molecular weight (MW) and isoelectric point (PI). The (SPSS, Inc., USA).
subcellular localizations of these proteins were predicted by WoLF
PSORT ( 3. Results

2.6. Characterization and validation of TIR/AFBs, Aux/IAAs, and ARFs 3.1. Banana ripening characteristics and the effect of exogenous ethylene
targeted by miRNAs in banana treatment

In banana, most of the TIR/AFB- and ARF-targeting miRNAs have The normal ripening process of banana fruit usually takes place
been identified in our previous study via degradome sequencing, where within a month. Fruit appearance did not change obviously until 20–22
multiple targets with a high confidence level (all fell into category 0 with d after storage. In stark contrast, however, ethylene-treated fruit ripened
alignment scores no more than 4) were screened (Zhu et al., 2019). To more quickly, as manifested by peel color turning and pulp softening as
comprehensively explore the targeting relationship between miRNAs early as two days after storage. Compared with the control, the ripening
and their auxin-related target genes, all potential target sites were process after ethylene treatment can be shortened to a week, depending
computationally analyzed by TAPIR, a web server for plant microRNA on the ethylene concentration (Fig. 1A). In accordance with the outer
target prediction ( appearance, fruit color hue angle and firmness both decreased more
(Bonnet et al., 2010), and miRBase information (http://www.mirbase. quickly in the ethylene-treated fruit, demonstrating that the peel color
org/). To in vivo validate the interactions between miRNAs and their turned from green to yellow and the fruit became soft. Moreover,
targets, we used Agrobacterium tumefaciens infiltration to transiently ethylene release and fruit respiration were enhanced during ethylene-
co-express miRNAs and their targets in the leaves, as described previ­ induced fruit ripening (Fig. 1B). To learn how auxin evolved in this
ously (Liu et al., 2014). process, we also measured the IAA content in the fruit pulp. There was
no obvious fluctuation of auxin in the control, where IAA level slightly
2.7. RNA blot of TIR/ARF-targeting miRNAs in banana went up and then down during the first eight days, while fruit at this
stage had not yet started ripening. Somewhat unexpectedly, the IAA
Total RNA of the pulp tissue sample was extracted from control and level began to increase from 2 d in the ethylene-treated fruit, with the
ethylene-treated fruit by the in-house hot boron method. Then 20 μg of level higher than that of the control on 4 and 6 d when the fruit turned to
total RNA was separated on a 15% polyacrylamide gel and then trans­ be fully ripe (Fig. 1 C). To further investigate the effect of exogenous
ferred to Hybond™-NX membranes (GE Healthcare, USA). UV light was auxin on ripening, mature green fruit were treated with 0.1 mM IAA for
applied to crosslink the RNA samples before blotting. Probes of DNA 10 min. The result showed that IAA treatment could accelerate fruit
oligonucleotides reverse-complementary to banana miRNAs (Table S1) ripening, accompanied by earlier fruit yellowing and softening (Fig. 1D).
were labeled by biotin at 3’ end and synthesized by Sangon Biotech. These findings stimulated our idea to systematically investigate the
Membranes were hybridized overnight at 37 ◦ C and washed three times auxin signal transduction pathway during banana fruit ripening, with
using the stringent buffer containing 1 x SSC and 1% SDS. After washing, possible regulatory mechanisms from the perspective of auxin-related
membranes were blocked and chromogenically reacted using Chemilu­ gene family and miRNA regulation as well.
minescent Nucleic Acid Detection Module (Thermo, USA). Then a cold-
light CCD imager (Invitrogen, USA) was used for membrane scanning 3.2. Characterization of key gene families for auxin signaling in banana
and imaging. Membranes were also probed with a DNA molecule com­
plementary to U6 as the loading control. Firstly, we characterized the three key gene families of the classic
auxin signal transduction pathway. To identify all the related gene
2.8. Expression profiling of auxin signaling related genes and validation of family members in banana, both HMM search and BLAST analyses were
miRNA-targeted genes in banana performed to search against banana genome database (version 4.3).
After eliminating redundant results and further conserved domain
RNA-seq data for banana fruit ripening was downloaded from the validation, 15 TIR/AFBs, 50 Aux/IAAs and 49 ARFs were obtained
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Based on the (Table S2). They were renamed from MaTIR1 to MaTIR15, MaIAA1 to
sequences of the identified MaTIR/AFBs, MaAux/IAAs and MaARFs, a MaIAA50 and MaARF1 to MaARF49 according to the chromosomal
BLASTN search was conducted to find their gene counterparts in the location, respectively. The 15 MaTIRs were from Chr03, Chr05, Chr06,

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Fig. 1. Changes of phenotype and physiology during banana fruit ripening at 25 ◦ C. (A) Phenotypic variation among naturally-ripen and ethylene-induced banana
fruit. (B) Change of peel color, firmness, respiration rate and ethylene production during natural and ethylene-induced fruit ripening. (C) Change of auxin level in an
8-d period. Data were presented as the means ± standard errors (n = 3) and significant differences were indicated with asterisks (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01). (D)
Accelerated ripening of banana fruit after 0.1 mM IAA treatment. Photo was taken after 15 d of storage.

Chr07, Chr08, Chr09 and Chr10. The 50 MaIAAs were distributed on As shown in Fig. S2A, 28 TIR/AFB proteins from banana, Arabidopsis and
almost all chromosomes except Chr01, while 49 MaARFs were distrib­ rice were separated into three classes. Among them, Class I contained 15
uted on all chromosomes (Table S2). To explore the phylogenetic rela­ TIR proteins, Class II included eight and the remaining five belonged to
tionship of MaTIR, MaIAA and MaARF proteins, we constructed Class III. MaTIR2 and MaTIR5 showed a closer phylogenetic relationship
neighbor-joining (NJ) trees, based on the amino acid sequences of with AtTIR1, AtAFB1 and OsTIR1, while MaTIR12, MaTIR6, MaTIR10
TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA and ARF proteins from banana, Arabidopsis and rice. and MaTIR14 were grouped with AtCOL1. The 110 IAAs were divided

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

into seven classes, with Class I containing the most proteins (27 MaIAAs, typical ARF protein structure, which is composed of a highly conserved
15 AtIAAs, 15 OsIAAs) and Class VII containing only two (AtIAA29 and DBD in the N-terminal region with a plant-specific B3-type subdomain
MaIAA25) (Fig. S2B). In addition, 97 ARF proteins were grouped into and an auxin-resp subdomain. In addition, 25 ARFs had the AUX_IAA
three classes. Class I was the biggest group and Class III only included dimerization subdomains, indicating that these ARFs can interact with
two OsARFs (OsARF13 and OsARF20) (Fig. S2C). each other or Aux/IAA proteins. The full length of these banana ARF
proteins ranged from 584 to 1137 aa, and their relative molecular mass
3.3. Analysis of physicochemical properties of TIR/AFBs, Aux/IAAs, and varied from 63.15 to 126.75 kDa, with PIs from 5.39 to 8.54. Subcellular
ARFs in banana localization prediction showed that almost all ARF proteins were
localized in the nuclear except MaARF2/3/13 (Table S3). All MaARF
Based on our in-house transcriptome sequencing data, we further proteins conservatively contained motif1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11.
screened out those members with no or very low expression, resulting in Specially, Class I and Class II possessed motif2 and Class I-III had
12 TIR/AFBs, 10 Aux/IAAs and 35 ARFs, respectively. These members motif13. Motif14 was found in all members of Class IV but not other
were used for further analysis of structure evolution, with their gene classes, suggesting that it may be unique to Class IV (Fig. S3C). All these
structure (intron/exon number and positions) and functional domains results provided additional evidence confirming the phylogenic re­
presented based on phylogenetic analysis. WoLF PSORT was applied for lationships among members of the three key gene families for auxin
protein subcellular localization prediction. The members of both TIR/ signaling in banana.
AFB and Aux/IAA families were divided into three groups (Fig. 2). For
the TIR/AFBs, all members contained the transport inhibitor response 1 3.4. Analysis of miRNAs targeting auxin signaling-related genes in
protein domains and F-box domains, but only two members had LRR banana
domains. The full length of these banana TIR/AFB proteins ranged from
575 to 651 aa, and their relative molecular mass varied from 64.12 to Combined with bioinformatic prediction and degradome data vali­
72.86 kDa, with PIs in the range of 5.85–7.44. Most TIR/AFB family dation, multiple gene members of TIR/AFB and ARF families were found
members were predicted to be localized in the cytoplasm, with only a to be the targets of miRNAs (Fig. 3). Notably, all the miRNA target sites
few in the chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum and nucleus. A total of 15 were located in the 3’ end of the target genes. More interestingly, the
distinct conserved motifs (motif1–15) were identified and all MaTIR targeting of miRNAs on these target genes had a distinct bias. For
proteins contained motif1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13. Interest­ example, miR393 specifically targeted members of the Class I TIR
ingly, motif locations exhibited class-specific patterns. For example, family. It is known that AtTIR1, AtAFB1, AtAFB2, AtAFB3, OsTIR1 and
motif3 and motif8 were missing among Class III protein members, while OsAFB2 are targets of miR393 (Navarro et al., 2006). As shown in
motif14 and motif15 were located only in the members of Class III and Fig. S2A, these six genes were all in the Class I TIR family, indicating that
Class I, respectively (Fig. S3A). For the Aux/IAAs, all protein sequences miR393 may tend to target all the members of the Class I TIR family, but
contained Aux/IAA domains, with the full length ranging from 181 to not Class II or Class III. Similarly, miR160 and miR167 tended to target
780 aa. The relative molecular mass of these banana Aux/IAA proteins only members of Class IV and a subgroup of Class I ARF family. In
varied from 20.32 to 85.05 kDa and the PIs were in the range of addition, all of the miR167 target sites on ARF Class I subgroup members
4.95–9.04. Aux/IAAs might be localized in the nucleus, chloroplast and were located at the C-terminal domain that interacts with Aux/IAA
cytoplasm. Motif analysis showed that all MaIAA proteins contained proteins. However, most ARF Class IV members lacked this domain, and
motif1, and almost all proteins had motif2 and motif3 except MaIAA40. hence tended to be targeted only by miR160.
Motif14 and motif15 only existed in Class III (MaIAA48) and Class IV
(MaIAA40) (Fig. S3B). Furthermore, it confirmed the classification of
the 35 banana ARFs into four groups. As shown in Fig. 2, All ARFs had

Fig. 2. Auxin signaling related gene families in banana. In the center, a domain architecture of three core components (TIR/AFB, Aux/IAA and ARF) of auxin
responses in plants was presented. Around it is the gene family analysis for these three components in banana. For each gene family, a phylogenetic tree was
presented on the left, using the neighbor-joining method by ClustalX 2.0 and MEGA-X. The tree reliability was assessed using 2000 bootstrap replicates. Gene clusters
I, II, III and IV were indicated with different color blocks. On the right, the exon-intron structure and conserved domains of each family were visualized by TBtools,
with the information retrieved from banana genome (v4.3) and the PFAM and NCBI CDD search. Lengths of exons, introns and domains of each gene were exhibited
proportionally. Gene members with no expression based on previous transcriptome sequencing data are excluded from this figure.

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Fig. 3. Auxin signaling related gene families targeted by miRNAs in banana. For each gene family, the targeting of specific miRNAs on (A) TIR/AFBs and (B) ARFs
was presented either computationally predicted or validated by degradome analysis.

3.5. Validation of miRNA effect on specific auxin signaling-related genes transient expression assays in tobacco leaves were conducted to verify
the inhibitory effect of these miRNAs on their targets (Fig. 4B). In the
To further validate the effect of miRNAs on the specific auxin experiment, in addition to a miRNA overexpression vector and a GFP
signaling-related genes, we profiled the cleavage of three selected vector carrying the target site, an empty vector that could not recognize
miRNAs on their target genes with t-plots generated from degradome- the target site and a GFP vector carrying a modified target site were set
seq data, showing the abundance of cleaved tags relative to their posi­ as a negative control. The above four vectors were combined in pairs and
tions in the transcripts (Fig. 4A). These miRNAs included miR393, introduced in Agrobacterium. Three days after infiltrating into the to­
miR160 and miR167, targeting TIR7, ARF12 and ARF7, respectively bacco leaves, it was observed that the green fluorescence signal was
(Fig. 3). For each target gene, a clear cleavage was detected at the target weakened on the leaves where miRNA and its target site were
site, and all three targets belonged to category 0, where the only highest co-expressed, while the fluorescence signal for other combinations
peak corresponded with the cleavage site (Axtell and Meyers, 2018), remained unchanged (Fig. 4B). These results proved that the tested
indicating that they were highly confident targets. Furthermore, miRNAs interacted with and suppressed their targets, thus inhibiting the

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Fig. 4. Target validation of miR393, miR160 and miR167 in banana. (A) Target plots (t-plots) from degradome analysis showing the cleavage of specific miRNAs on
TIR/AFBs and ARFs. The red dot indicates signatures consistent with miRNA-directed cleavage. (B) In vivo validation of specific miRNAs on TIR/AFBs and ARFs. Four
overexpression vectors were constructed for the transient expression assay in tobacco. Co-infiltrated leaves and control leaves were photographed at the 3rd day after
infiltration under bright light and UV light. Combinations of vectors used in the assay were shown on the leaves.

expression of GFP gene and leading to the weakening of green fluores­ miR393 and miR167 displayed a similar pattern in expression. In the
cence signals. Therefore, the targeting relationship of miR393-TIR7, control sample, they gradually decreased from 2 to 6 d but increased on
miR160-ARF12 and miR167-ARF7 were confirmed in banana. As 8 d. Interestingly, both miRNAs were suppressed by ethylene treatment
mentioned above, there were more TIR/AFB and ARF genes identified as with a descending pattern in expression, where the inhibition of miR167
targeted by miR393 and miR160/167, respectively with the target plots was more pronounced than that of miR393 (Fig. 5A). In parallel, we also
provided in Fig. S4. identified miR164 with a peculiar expression pattern, where the varia­
tion trend of miR164 and the three auxin-related miRNAs mentioned
above was consistent in the control fruit, but opposite in the ethylene-
3.6. Expression analysis of miRNA-target pairs in banana during ripening treated fruit (Fig. 5A).
Next, the confirmed target genes were also tested for their expression
To explore the relationship between miRNA expression and patterns during banana ripening. The expression of TIR7 targeted by
ethylene-induced banana ripening, expression analysis was performed miR393 was increased in the ethylene-treated pulp tissue since 6 d and
for certain miRNA-target pairs, including the above-mentioned three remained high till 8 d (Fig. 5B). For the miR160-targeted ARF12 and
pairs, in natural ripening and ethylene-induced ripening of fruit. The ARF18, both were increased after ethylene treatment, particularly on 6
miRNA accumulation levels in the pulp tissue were determined by RNA d. Similarly, the expression level of ARF7 and ARF35 targeted by
gel blot, and expression differences were observed among these miR­ miR167 maintained much higher in the ethylene-treated pulp compared
NAs, where the abundance of miR393 and miR167 was much higher with the control until 8 d (Fig. 5C). Taken together, a good anti-
than that of miR160 in banana pulp (Fig. 5A). The expression of miR160 correlation between miRNA accumulation and their target expression
was hardly detected especially upon ethylene treatment. In general,

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Fig. 5. Expression analysis of miRNA-target pairs during banana fruit ripening. (A) Accumulation of miR393, miR160, miR167 and miR164 in banana pulp during
ripening. (B) Gene expression pattern of TIR/AFBs targeted by miR393 in banana pulp during ripening. (C) Gene expression pattern of ARFs targeted by miR160 and
miR167 in banana pulp during ripening. Data were presented as the means ± standard errors (n = 3) and significant differences were indicated with asterisks
(* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01).

was observed, indicating that auxin signaling pathway has been 4. Discussion
enhanced by ethylene treatment via suppressing the miRNA effect in the
banana pulp. Gene families associated with auxin signal transduction have been
characterized in various plant species, and multiple gene members play
important roles in diverse developmental and physiological processes
(Dharmasiri et al., 2005). However, fewer reports have been available

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

for banana (Hu et al., 2015; Sun et al., 2019). In this study, a total of 15 related to auxin and other hormone transduction pathways have been
TIR/AFBs, 50 Aux/IAA s and 49 ARFs were identified, using the latest reported. For example, in grape, ABA can increase the expression of GH3
version of banana genome (Table S2), implying obvious gene family that encodes IAA-amido synthetase for IAA-amino acid conjugation,
expansion in banana compared to Arabidopsis and rice (Guo et al., 2021; probably through binding to its promoter, leading to the decrease of IAA
Salehin et al., 2015) (Fig. S2). Among them, only 12 TIR/AFBs, 10 level at the initiation of fruit ripening (Böttcher et al., 2010). It has been
Aux/IAAs and 35 ARFs were detected to be expressed during fruit hypothesized that the ABA: auxin ratio could be one of the signals that
ripening, suggesting that some gene members, in particular Aux/IAAs, trigger fruit ripening (Archbold and Dennis, 1984). Based on our results,
might be pseudogenes or expressed in an inducible manner under it could also be speculated that ethylene: auxin ratio may serve as an
certain conditions. Moreover, the structural changes of these auxin indicator of banana ripening (Fig. 1B and C). Likewise, ethylene in­
signaling pathway related gene family members partly reflected the terplays with auxin. It has been found that the expression of a great
adaptation to the environment in the process of genome evolution number of auxin transcription factors like Aux/IAAs and ARFs are
(Fig. 2). regulated by both ethylene and auxin, implying a point of convergence
During the ripening of banana fruit, various physiological and between the responses to the two hormones during tomato fruit ripening
biochemical changes occur, including chlorophyll breakdown, cell wall (Jones et al., 2002). In peach, it has also been demonstrated that
degradation and aroma accumulation, thus forming the unique edible ethylene and auxin can interact on each other’s signaling pathways
quality. For decades, one of the research interests in banana has been (Trainotti et al., 2007). More recently, the auxin-ethylene crosstalk
focused on ripening regulation, which is critical for improving its shelf during ripening is extensively investigated in various fruit species such
life and commercial export potential (Bapat et al., 2010). Ethylene has as apple, papaya, and durian (Khaksar and Sirikantaramas, 2020; Yue
been extensively studied (Klee and Giovannoni, 2011; Liu et al., 2015), et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020).
but much less is known about the auxin role in this process. One inter­ With the deepening of miRNA research, it has been found that a
esting phenomenon found in our study was that auxin level in banana variety of miRNAs and hormone signals form regulatory networks to
fruit increased during ethylene-induced ripening, rather than decreasing jointly control plant growth and development (Liu and Chen, 2009).
as previously reported in many fruit species (Böttcher et al., 2010; Buta Most studies focus on miRNA and hormone regulation in flower and root
and Spaulding, 1994; Purgatto et al., 2002). This also prompted us to development, while the interaction of various hormones in fruit
explore the role of genes related to auxin signal transduction in fruit ripening, such as ethylene and auxin, needs to be further studied. Here,
ripening and how miRNA participated in controlling ripening by our data confirmed that in banana, miR393, miR160 and miR167 tar­
mediating auxin signaling pathway. In grape, it has been reported that geted specific members of the auxin signaling pathway gene families,
the free IAA level declines before the onset of ripening with a substan­ while ethylene treatment suppressed all three miRNAs, thus releasing
tially increased level of IAA-amino acid conjugate (Böttcher et al., the inhibition of their targeted ARF genes and enhancing auxin signaling
2010). Similar profiles of free IAA and IAA conjugates have also been during ethylene-induced fruit ripening. Also, it has been reported that
reported in tomato and strawberry (Given et al., 1988; Liu et al., 2005). auxin signaling can be suppressed by miR164. One of the target genes of
A recent study shows that auxin signaling declines at the onset of miR164 is NAC1 which belongs to the NAM/ATAF/CUC gene family in
ripening in the wild-type tomato fruit, and lower auxin levels positively Arabidopsis. The role of NAC1 is to transmit auxin signal and promote
correlate with enhanced ethylene sensitivity (Shin et al., 2019). Auxin is lateral root growth (Xie et al., 2002, 2000). It is found that miR164 can
usually thought to inhibit fruit ripening because exogenous application degrade the NAC1 mRNA, thus down-regulating the auxin signal and
of auxin downregulates several major ripening-related cell wall enzymes inhibiting lateral root growth (Guo et al., 2005). Meanwhile, auxin can
such as pectin methylesterase and polygalacturonase (Figueroa et al., induce miR164 expression and promote NAC1 mRNA cleavage,
2012; Villarreal et al., 2009). However, in climacteric peach and tomato providing a homeostatic mechanism to downregulate auxin signals (Guo
fruit, along with the production of climacteric ethylene, the IAA content et al., 2005). In our study, an obvious induction of miR164 by ethylene
was greatly increased (Miller et al., 1987; Gillaspy et al., 1993). On the treatment was observed, which was opposite to the expression patterns
other hand, IAA can enhance climacteric ethylene synthesis by inducing of those auxin-related miRNAs, i.e., miR393, miR160 and miR167
the expression of a key enzyme, ACS (Abel and Theologis, 1996; (Fig. 5A). Our degradome data showed that miR164 conservatively
Bleecker and Kende, 2000). In our study, IAA level rose since 2 d, prior targeted members of the NAC gene family in banana. However, without
to the color turning of banana fruit after ethylene treatment and further analysis of the NAC target genes, it remains difficult to conclude
remained higher than that of the control, suggesting a positive corre­ whether the miR164-NAC pathway plays a similar role in banana
lation with fruit ripening (Fig. 1 A and C). Similarly, a great number of ripening as in Arabidopsis root development. Based on the present
auxin signaling-related genes have been identified to be up-regulated experimental results, we proposed a model to explain the role of auxin
during banana fruit ripening and exogenous IAA treatment can accel­ signaling pathway in the ethylene-induced banana ripening (Fig. 6).
erate ripening by enhancing the expression of many ripening-related Upon ethylene treatment, fruit ripening was greatly induced and this
genes (Li et al., 2019; Yun et al., 2019). Such discrepancy in auxin process was coupled to the increased auxin level and enhanced auxin
regulation of fruit ripening between banana and other reported fruit signaling, which was jointly mediated by the miR393-TIR7, miR160-­
may partly result from sampling and species specificity. On the other ARF12/18 and miR167-ARF7/35 modules.
hand, auxin concentration and treatment methods are also likely to
cause different results. Conceivably, there could be difference in the 5. Conclusion
auxin response between ethylene-induced and normal ripening, sug­
gesting that normally ripe banana and ethylene-enhanced ripe banana In this study, we characterized three key gene families of auxin
may undergo different biological processes even though they both ripen signaling and the regulation of miRNA on the auxin response in banana.
eventually. Meanwhile, expression profiles in the ethylene-treated fruit showed that
Fruit ripening is under strict control of phytohormones. Ethylene and both miR393-TIR/AFB and miR160/167-ARF modules were actively
ABA, the two most studied hormones, are thought to govern this process involved in banana fruit ripening, which likely played a predominant
in climacteric and non-climacteric fruit, respectively (Cherian et al., role in this process. Combining with the changes in their expression
2014). Other hormones, including auxin, gibberellin, jasmonate and patterns, a mode of action of miRNA-mediated auxin signaling in
brassinosteroid, have also been implicated in fruit ripening (Csukasi ethylene-induced banana fruit ripening was proposed. Our results
et al., 2011; Kondo et al., 2007; Trainotti et al., 2007; Vardhini and Rao, enriched the understanding of the association between miRNA and
2002). Hormones do not regulate ripening alone but rather act in con­ hormone signaling responses, including ethylene and auxin, providing
cert with each other, and the interactions between multiple elements ideas for further targeted regulation of key gene loci during fruit

X. Kong et al. Postharvest Biology and Technology 193 (2022) 112045

Fig. 6. Mode of miRNA-mediated auxin signaling during banana fruit ripening. Fruit ripening was induced by ethylene and this process was coupled to an elevated
level of auxin in fruit and enhanced auxin signaling, which was jointly mediated by the miR393-TIR7, miR160-ARF12/18 and miR167-ARF7/35 modules.

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