Second Partial Exam: Evaluation

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16/8/22, 22:07 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

Program > Unit > Evaluation

Segundo Parcial


Total score: 20.00
Score of approval: 14.00
Incorrect answers lower your score: No
Open: since 16/08/2022 20:40 until 16/08/2022 22:40

Date: 08/16/2022 9:04:19 PM

Achievement time: 01:02:25 Passed - 17.00
Number of times done: 1
Quantity of right answers: 17 / 20

Which are the most commonly used data sources in qualitative research?

People (as individuals, groups), organizations, texts, settings and environments,

objects, artefacts, events and happenings (material, visual/sensory and virtual)

People (as individuals, groups), surveys, polls, events and happenings (material,
visual/sensory and virtual)

People (as individuals, groups), one-to-one interviews, tests, questionnaires,

events and happenings (material, visual/sensory and virtual)

Qualitative methods can _____ of processes, mechanisms or settings

generate a comprehensive description

test hypotheses

generate hypotheses

Qualitative research focuses on _____ rather than _____ 1/5
16/8/22, 22:07 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]




Which question is an example of qualitative question?

What proportion of people with epilepsy stop taking medication for 3

consecutive days?

How does medication shape the lives of people with epilepsy?

Both of them

None of them

Objectivism, constructivism and subjectivism are _____

epistemologies that permit generating knowledge

methods to obtain definite results

approaches that allow individuals to obtain the big truth

Everyone knows who the research is and what he or she is doing

Covert participant observation

Overt participant observation

Participant observation

It talks over about the same________

to collect the data and organize the survey

issue for the purpose of the research, it has a number of participants

to collect the observation and talk about it

It is important to consider the following distinctions when anticipating findings in a

research 2/5
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description, analysis, interpretation

context, data analysis, description of findings

participant perspectives, analysis and interpretation

Qualitative research design is characteristically _____

Exploratory, fluid and flexible, data-driven and context-sensitive

Exploratory, descriptive, experimental, structured

Exploratory, descriptive, context-sensitive, measurable

Which of the following are qualitative instruments?

Interviews, observation, and happenings

Observations, interviews, focus group and documents

Focus groups and interviews

The aims to present results imply to present findings, evaluate _____ and reflect on
future considerations




According to Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (SRQR), findings include

synthesis and interpretations as well as _____ to empirical data




Qualitative research is a strategy _____ in order to understand and describe in detail

phenomena that are difficult to measure quantitatively 3/5
16/8/22, 22:07 Sistema Virtual de Educación [Evaluations]

to collect, organize and interpret textual information systematically

to collect and interpret

to collect systematically

What makes a good qualitative research question?

Being able to discover problems and opportunities from respondents

Open-ended in nature

Easy to understand and digest with no need for clarification

All of them

The _____ implies using a discussion guide which highlights the respondent’s views
through open-ended questioning

in-depth interviews


focus group

Submitting a short summary of the _____ to an editor might be a significant and

rewarding task

written report


oral presentation

_____ observation is factual and based on observation and measurements




A list of all the themes generating from the data is called a _____ 4/5
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Coding scheme

Number coding

Symbolic coding

According to George Herbet the development of the individual was a social process
likewise the meaning individuals assign to things and this conception is kept
nowadays about symbolic interactionism



When participant observation is conducted, you can interrupt the participants'

activity without any problem because they already know you



Previous 5/5

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