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Northrise University

30029 Kitwe - Ndola Dual Carriage Highway. P.O Box 240271, Ndola, Zambia.


Student ID:2206715

Student Name:Monica Mpapwa

Course Code:COM101
Course Title:Communication and study skills 1

Instructor Name:Lillian Muleya

Essay/Assignment Title:Academic Integrity

Due Date:18/04/2022
I acknowledge that submitting this document binds me to the following:
To the best of my knowledge, I assert that no part of this assignment has been copied from the work of anyone else, be it
another student or any other author or from any source except where due credit is given in the text below or has been
written for me by someone else except where the relevant instructors and authorities have explicitly permitted such


Instructor’s Comments:

Academic Integrity 2

Academic integrity can be defined as a way for students and teachers in educational

settings to follow honest methods of teaching, learning, and assessment even when confronted

with difficult or stressful conditions. Academic integrity encompasses five perspectives; honesty,

fairness, respect, and responsibility; nevertheless, the focus of this study will be on honesty and

fairness, as well as how these characteristics contribute to the production of high-quality

academic papers.

Academic honesty means “ completing all academic work without plagiarizing, lying,

tampering, stealing, gaining unauthorized or unlawful assistance from anyone else,or exploiting

any non- Public source of information.’’ In a learning context, however, it is just as vital as

knowledge transmission in a learning environment. Students are taught to produce autonomous

work, and if they utilize material from other sources, they must mention those sources; in other

words, when information from someone else's work is used, credit should be given to that

individual by citing their reference. (Kapur, 2018).

Furthermore, you should always quote the author's exact words. “Students with integrity

will study and complete tasks diligently in order to earn their degrees in a fair and honest

manner, and by doing so, they will improve their writing quality.” Kapur ( 2018) adds on to say

“Keeping academic resources and instructor's intellectual property private (e.g., class

presentations, assignments, tests, etc.) and not distributing these without permission from the

instructor is a method for students to display honesty and integrity.’’

Fairness as another academic integrity, is frequently used interchangeably with equality

as a measure of academic integrity. Students demonstrate fairness by producing original work,

accurately crediting borrowed work, adhering to and uploading academic integrity policies, and

sustaining the institution's excellent reputation. Tanko ( 2021). “Fairness in the classroom not
Academic Integrity 3

only earns the respect of the lecturers, but it also offers the students a sense of security and trust

in the classroom.’’ Aside from improving the quality of exam writing, fairness might mean the

difference between students receiving the grade they deserve and receiving a grade that does not

reflect their knowledge and skills. (Tierney, 2016).

Finally, “a lack of comprehension of what makes excellent academic integrity does not

exempt you from the repercussions of activities like cheating on examinations, plagiarizing

sections of a work, or manipulating outcomes like falsifying sources referenced in a paper or

changing data in a scientific experiment.” (Morris, 2018). Honesty and fairness assist us to take

responsibility for our actions, even if we have to admit them to others or if they put us in danger.
Academic Integrity 4


Kapur, R. (2018, March). Academic Honesty.

Morris, E. J. (2018, December 27). Academic integrity matters.

Tanko, G. (2021, December). Fairness in Integrated Academic Writing Ability Assessment: An

Empirical Investigation of the Effect of Test-taker Gender on Task Performance.



Tierney, R. (2016, April). Fairness in educational assessment.


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