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Northrise University

Caravelle House, Buteko Avenue, Ndola


Student ID: 1905504

Student Name: Patrick Chibabula

Course Code: CTP103

Course Title: Biblical World View

Instructor Name: Mrs. Mukupa Musonda Harrod

Essay/Assignment Title: The Dangers of Man Being at Center of Everything

Due Date: October 17th , 2019

I understand that by completing this form I am bound by the following:
To the best of my knowledge and belief no part of this assignment for the above subject has been copied from any other student’s work
or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made in the text, or has been written for me by another person except
where such collaboration has been authorized by the lecturer concerned.

SIGNATURE: P. Chibabula

Instructor’s Comments:

Man At The Centre Of Everything 2

Mankind is the supreme habitant of the cosmos were God is sovereign. ‘We live in a

world of compromise in a society that has abandoned moral standards and Godly

principle in favor of expedience or pragmatism. Therefore, the underlying philosophy is

based on accomplishing goals by whatever means are necessary. This self-centered

perspective has a motto: ‘If it works for you, do it’ a notion that inevitably lead to

compromise of conscience and convictions. Because compromise is so prevalent in our

society, we could say we no longer have a national conscience guilty and remorse are

non-factors in determining behavior. Thus, compromise becomes a way of life’ (John

Macarthur, 1997). Atop that, eight days ago Washington next week at the rate things are

going asked to account for his attempt to pressure Ukraine into influencing the elections,

Donald Trump responded by shouting, ‘In a world without God everything is permitted’

(Alexandra Petty, October 3rd, 2019.), Thus, looking at that notion the writer shall

critically analyses the effects of man being at the center of everything.

The Absurdity of life without God

Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? In the name of progress modern

man has tried to answer those questions without reference to God but the answers that

came back were dark and terrible, you are the accidental bi product of nature, ‘complex

machines with personality as an interrelation of chemical and physical properties we do

not yet fully understand’ (Existentialism, 1997,p.56) there is no reason for your

existance all you face is death morden man thought that in killing God he has freed

himself from that which depressed and sky fallen instead in killing God morden man

had unwilingly killed himself for if God does not exist the life of man is automatically

absurd. Therefore, the preceeding paragraphs shall explain how man has killed himself
Man At The Centre Of Everything 3

by recognising the overal attitude that human beings are of special value; their

aspirations, there thoughts and there yearnings are significant (Humanist manfesto II).

What is the Basis for Objective Good or Bad, Right or Wrong in the World Were

Man is Sovereign?

In the world were man is sovereign without God there is no automate difference

whether you live as Adamson Mushala or as Pop John. Thus, if destiny is unrelated to

behavior then one may as well live as they please, moral values are either just an

expression of personal test or else the bi products of biological revolution or social

conditioning for who is to say whose values are right and whose are wrong. Hence, this

means that when man is at the center of everything it is impossible to condemn; war,

oppression or crime as evil, to kill someone or to love someone is morally equivalent

therefore it is impossible to live consistently and happily in a world centered by man as

Atheist Philosopher Bertrand Russell held that moral values are simply expressions of

personal test and yet Russell admitted that he could not live that way he therefore found

his own worldview “Incredible I do not know the solution” he confessed.


The question here is not what is self-centeredness, but do evil people exist? If not,

then man can be centered at everything and the world would not be chaotic for peace

and happiness can be prevalent. On the contrary, if we do have evil people, how would

this world look like when man is centered at everything? To answer this question, the

writer shall use the new theory of dark personality. The research team from Germany

and Denmark defined this as “the basic tendency to maximize the utility of man at the

expense of others, accomplished by beliefs that serve as justification for a man and his

malevolent behavior.” Society goes through the process of natural evolution from low to

high civilizations this improves society were the high class survives and contributes
Man At The Centre Of Everything 4

while the low class dies out unless the high class is influenced by the do-gooders to help

the less fit survive, Spencer Herbert (1820-1903). Hence, it is survival of the fittest.

Justice and Fair Treatment

In the year 1818-1883 Karl Marx believed that the root of human misery lay in

class conflict, the exploitation of workers by those who own the means of production.

Social change, in the form of the overthrow of the capitalist by workers was inevitable

according to Marx (C. Wright Mills, 2016). Thus, the differences that appeared to bring

about war between the capitalists and the proletariat clearly signifies that man is selfish,

when given responsibility it is very difficult to distribute resources equally for while

others enjoy others work and suffer. Hence, with man there is no fair treatment


This is a set of emotions, behavior and belief associated with strong feelings of

affection, protectiveness, warmth and respect for another person. On the other hand, in

quest for love man also hates (Goodman, 2007) “The gap left by the loss of a center of

life is like a chasm in the heart of a child who just loosed a father, if man is at the center

of everything how then can he fill up this void?” (James W Sire 1997) it would take an

infinite mind to love everyone on earth equally and thus man is not infinite but finite.

Therefore, the danger of putting man at the center of everything is that it would lead to a

life of despair and absurd to those the love of man cannot reach.


At the beginning of this academic paper the writer jotted a point of compromise

becoming a way of life in a world centered by God what more if it was man? With man

sovereign, war, crime, love and hate is equally the same for who is to justify whose right

and whose wrong: Adolf Hitler, suicide bombers and saints are just the same with
Man At The Centre Of Everything 5

different viewpoints. Atop that, love, justice and fair treatment can only be related to the

fittest. Therefore, “Be Wise” (paul, 1973)


C. Wright Mills, B. S. (2016). The Sociological Perspectives. Califonia: Sage Publishers.

Existentialism. (1997). In J. W. Sire, Universe Next Door 3rd Edition (p. 56). Leicester
England: Intervasity Press.
Goodman, D. C. (2007, April 3rd ). Goodtherapy. Retrieved from Google:
John Macarthur, J. (1997). The Power Of Integrity. Illinois 60187: Crossway.
paul, A. (1973). 1 Corinthians. Michigan: Zondervan.

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