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Leonard Martinez

July 14th, 2021


Topic 4: Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership Questionnaire Matrix

For the self-assessment, I reflected from an honest approach to the best of my ability

knowing my strengths, weaknesses and areas of reflective feedback I have received in the

workplace. For colleague’s assessment, I chose someone who has been on the journey with me

since day one in our university years, we did our college years together, internships, and now our

careers together. This person is a close friend of mine who also upon graduation works with at

Glendale High School. It was only fitting that Courtney Collete be the one to evaluate me

knowing our coaching, teaching, and friendship relationship(s). It was shocking to see how

slightly similar our scores and where we differ upon viewing me serving leadership matrix. The

following are the scores for each category listed in the matrix as well as dialogue discussions

made between me and Courtney upon review.

Emotional healing: For emotional healing, I gave myself a 28 score, tying with Creating value

for the community. Courtney scores me at a 25. Courtney dialogued with me that thanks to my

previous work in YoungLife for 10 years (she was a leader of mine as well), she saw this

develop through time. As we got to our school, it is only natural that that is a clear essence in my

classroom. She specified that students we share for classes state they enjoy me as a teacher and

love our classroom. Being part of YoungLife now, this is something I strive for and know it is

my calling to do. Although I am passionate about my content, my goal was always to impact
young lives. In our school, it is evident with the community that the community needs to heal.

Courtney has the same calling as well that is why we essentially do almost everything together in

our school. We attach to kids who have a story, and even more to those who need someone. Our

scores only slightly deferred on the question about caring for someone’s wellbeing. Courtney

pointed out that I tend to care more of the students and not as much other teachers or colleagues.

Only the teachers I bond with I get to this level of care. For level of growth, I should start

developing a heart where I care the same way for colleagues just like students.

Creating value for the Community: I scored myself a 27 for this category, Courtney scored me

at a 26. Only one difference in points, upon discussion, it was agreed that Emotional Healing and

Creating value in the Community go hand in hand. We cannot do change if we do not care about

those who need it. Courtney says that if it was not for me, she would not be at Glendale High

School, especially as a Caucasian female from the Surprise suburbs. She explained that she saw

the passion I had to go back to the school I graduated from and how I sold the school, the faculty,

the community and its students to her. She said that my passion for the community is what got

her to Glendale, and it is also the reason why we sponsor clubs, coach, do extra curriculars and

volunteer, and actively are a part of everything in the school. She does highlight that as a teacher

in my department, I am the only one who does all this. No other teacher in my department does

anything anymore and she asked me to reflect on that. Am I doing question 23 and encouraging

others to volunteer in the community? She stated I did that with her because of the relationship

we had, I should do the same for others. Again, similar reference to the reflection of emotional

healings growth.

Conceptual Skills: This section is the only score where we both got the same score, 25. We

agreed that thanks to the higher education we received as well as the culture of technology and
innovation from our school, the value from the administration team to higher new teachers like

ourselves really lets us know we do question 24 and 10 well. Furthermore, because we are

everywhere, I am able to see and tell when something is wrong. We have a community of

teachers who do the same and look out for one another, but it might seem exclusive. Doing so, an

area of growth is still making more connections on campus. There are a lot of teachers I do not

know and as Courtney pointed out, we had a difficult year of online learning to establish

colleague relationships. Doing so, this is the main goal for the following 2021-2022 school year.

Empowering: In this section, I scored myself a 22 and Courtney gave me my lowest score from

all the sections, a 19. I have not had chances to give responsibility to others other than fellow

students in class. Due to the lack of making connections with staff, I have not had a solid

connection to be able to communicate my thoughts on others personal directions and better yet,

careers. The only people I have done this with are fellow colleagues who are part of my friend

group, mentors, and people in my department. Courtney did say she has seen be able to help

others tackle their problems like in coaching but not regarding faculty. Since we are new hires,

the are of growth is more experience. Follow the experience, is building a character worthy of

others coming to and trusting. This all starts with establishing connections. I need to leave the

borders of my classroom (for which I do well considering everything I am involved in) but this

time direct it to faculty. I am very empowering to students, but Courtney and I agree, this is not

evident with my connections with faculty. Alarming considering my future aspirations as an

educational leader.

Helping subordinates grow and succeed: This section was my second lowest in Courtney’s

assessment. I scored myself a 23, and Courtney gave me a 20. Due to the lack of experience and

making connections with other faculty, I feel like I would do great in making others career
development a priority, but Courtney states otherwise. I have not had subordinates yet, and we

were more focused on making connections with students and being seen at school that we did not

simply care about other colleagues or better yet their aspirations in career choices. This was not a

priority or has been since I started my career and I only have one year down, starting my second

year in fall. I need to establish relationships with others, develop a repour worthy to be trusted by

my leadership group to lead someone to this career choice (be a mentor). Again, I do this very

well with students but not with those of my age group or colleagues. Courtney says because we

do make connections here and there, we do ask about others career goals but as she stated, it is

more part of the conversation to know someone rather than caring about their futures. Two very

distinct differences. I need to develop my empathy here more as well as investment in


Putting subordinates first: Due to the no specifications on the questions, I scored myself a 23

and Courtney gave me a 25. Courtney says I care a little too much at times. She stated that

therefore she is the bad cop when it comes to us coaching our girls’ softball team. Courtney says

it is a natural thing this aligns in high cores because I have a passion for students, I care for their

futures and development. This involves this career choices and how to get them there. A good

example of this was leading workshops for our senior softball girls and clubs on applying for

colleges and submitting FASFA’s. Courtney scored me very high on putting others before me,

for which she states is a double edge sword. She recalls our conversations on the phone stating

how I was emotionally drained and was flustered about what to do about other people’s problems

therefore carrying their weight (specifically my students). I need to care for my colleagues the

same way I do for my students. I also need to find a balance about leaving things at school and

not taking them home. It just not a natural characteristic of mine not to care but as Courtney
stated, to be balanced in a future with marriage, kids, and life outside of school, I need to learn

not to take things home. My weakness needing growth align in my other faults listed above.

Again, I care more for my students more than faculty. I need to somehow develop such passions

in others so there are more colleagues who share passions like mine. My fear is my credibility,

age gaps, experience, etc.

Behaving Ethically: I scored myself a 25, Courtney scored me a 23. Given our relationship and

even how I was raised, our scores did not differ as much given our relationship. I do find myself

holding ethical values that sometimes trickle into my content. I aspire to hold my students to

high standards and help them develop characteristics worthy of impacting the world. Courtney

does state I have a natural ability to be honest and sometime honesty creates conviction to which

she says I have handled well. Given my previous experience and leading others, honesty was

something I always tried to model and let others see like Courtney. With at being said, Courtney

says I am very good at relationships and reading people. Talking about question 20, Courtney

threw me some hypothetical situations where my integrity would be jeopardized for profit.

Meaning, profits do open doors for not only myself, but my students as well but how long can I

stay true to myself and behaving ethically? The challenge ahead for growth is staying true to my

passion, my faith, my roots, and my students. Developing further relationships with others like

Courtney to have community of those who support me and keep me aligned is needing growth.

There is a slight fear in me about trying to avoid conflict. Sometimes this ends up with me

twisting honesty in order to avoid conflict. I need to develop leadership attributes that allow me

the view honesty as a place of growth aligned with conflict. I must teach and model the things I

want the future generation to develop and practice. I need to hold myself accountable and have

others in my circle with a voice to do the same for me as I do for them.

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