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Leonard Martinez


June 30th, 2021

Topic 2: Principles of Academic Research

Professional Dispositions Self Analysis

For a career path in educational leadership and administration, in order to analyze which

professional dispositions and ethics are needed, I think about the responsibilities I have towards

my school’s community and staff. Specifically, Glendale High School is a low socio-economic

school dominated by a major population of first-generation Latino and African American

students. With such data, the Respect for the Diversity of Others as mentioned in the

Professional Disposition of Learners really speaks to my content area and should be a critical

disposition needed for a career path in educational leadership and administration. “Within this

nurturing environment, College of Education students express and demonstrate awareness of the

important individual and cultural differences that form the rich cultural tapestry of a global

society” (PROFESSIONAL DISPOSITIONS OF LEARNERS, 2021). Living in Arizona, a

growing state in population and one of the most diverse, many of our schools are melting pots of

many cultures. With a social studies classroom, we teach about the global economy and growth

of humans over time thanks to civilization building and interactions among cultures. An aspiring

administrator should have in their school an “Embracing of diversity in all things, they should

know the backgrounds of their students, and use diversity to cast light on perspective”


Furthermore, some code of ethics needed for a career path in educational leadership and

administration are “Principle III: Responsibility to Students” and “Principle IV: Responsibility

to the School Community”. According to the National Association of State Directors of Teacher

Education and Certification, “The professional educator has a primary obligation to treat students

with dignity and respect” (NASDTEC, 2015). An aspiring administrator should not only strive to

treat students with respect but hold to value what students view as important. Valuing simple

things like catering dress codes for the student populations, giving and receiving gifts,

communicating with students with clean culturally sensitive manner, all show students we value

and respect them (NASDTEC, 2015). Lastly, building relationships as mentioned on Principle IV

are essential to building communities on campus. Educators and Aspiring Administration alike

need to be visible all over campus and active role models in their communities; the school and

administration need to serve. Building relationships with not only colleagues but students and the

communities that surround our schools will further demonstrate a “commitment to equality,

equity, and inclusion as well as respecting and accommodating diversity among members of the

school community” (NASDTEC, 2015).

Analyzing personal growth areas, the first for me is Principle V “Exercising prudence in

maintaining separate and professional virtual profiles, keeping personal and professional lives

distinct” (NADSTEC, 2015). Because of my age and character, students get comfortable very

fast. Although this a culture I strive to have in my classroom, students feel it is appropriate to

find me on social media and request access to friend me or view my profiles. I have since taken

down some social media, reject all students, and updated various privacy settings to ensure my

professional and personal lives are distinct. Another area of growth is “Making time for the

reflective process daily” under the Professional Disposition of Learners. I need to ensure I allow
students to have a community where they can express areas of growth needed in any

characteristic of our classroom. I get caught in my daily classroom agenda that I forget to slow

down and give my students a voice. Lastly, another growth is “Respecting colleagues as fellow

professionals and maintaining civility when differences arise” (NASDTEC, 2015). This year I

found who my colleagues were and what they hold as their own ethics and beliefs. I also found

myself distancing from them. Mainly because a lot of their personal views on politics for

example are not only mentioned between us but taught in their respective classes. I frown upon

such actions and then find myself internalizing them as I feel like they go against our schools’

culture and the communities we serve. I must grow in this, seek advocacy and remain

professional when and if such topic arises.

Work Cited


GCU.EDU. Retrieved June 29, 2021, from


Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification.

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