FINAL EXAM - Use of English-2019-Maite

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1) Fill in the blanks with the vocabulary from the units

1) I know that music! It’s the (complete with a noun of 10 letters beginning with S) of the movie
“Starwars”; it’s really famous!
2) In this school, there’s a very good relationship between pupils and (complete with a noun of 5
letters beginning with S). In fact, all the people working get on well with students.
3) My best friend is completely (complete with an adjective of 11 letters beginning with T). He’s
completely reliable, I can tell him all my secrets.
4) I’ve brought my umbrella because the (complete with two words. The first one is a noun of 7
letters beginning with W. The second word is a noun of 8 letters beginning with F) said that it was
going to rain.
5) I've finished reading this magazine. Can we (complete with a verb of 4 letters beginning with S)´I
want to read yours now.
6) Teenagers are often accused of being (complete with an adjective of 10 letters beginning with R)
because they resist authority and sometimes they’re difficult to control.
7) Our new teacher is very (complete with an adjective of 6 letters beginning with S), she isn’t
permissive at all and we always have to obey her. However, she’s also fair and kind.
8) A cinema was burned out in north London last night. Police suspect (complete with a noun of 5
letters beginning with A) because some evidence proves the fire was started on purpose.

2) Complete this passage with the word given in capitals in the correct form..


When Sean Rourke agreed to meet me for an interview, all I really knew about him
was that he is a (PAINT) and that his work is starting to receive very good
reviews. But I don´t think I have ever met a more (ART) person than Sean.
As well as painting the most (AMAZE) pictures, Sean is a sculptor and a
writer. He has written four children´s books, for which he provided some of the most
attractive drawings I have ever seen in a book. “(CHILD) are very
critical,” he tells me. “They know what they like and they understand that (BEAUTIFUL)
is all around us. Children know how to look at pictures and their appreciation of art
is often (HIGH) developed.”
I don´t care if my work becomes (VALUE) or not – I´m not
in it to make money”, he told me. “What´s important is the art.”
3) Rewrite these sentences replacing the phrase in italics with a phrasal verb. Remember to use the

1) Mum's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Dad to support our idea.

Mum's already agreed, but it's going to be harder persuading Dad to (complete) with our idea.
2) In the future I know we won’t have enough drinking water.
In the future I know we (complete) of drinking water.
3) Many shops at the shopping centre have already closed. They didn’t have many clients and too
much money had been invested.
Many shops at the shopping centre (complete). They didn’t have many clients and too much money
had been invested.
4) I waited for Anne for two hours and she never appeared!
I waited for Anne for two hours and she never (complete)
5) You’re so moody! Sometimes I don’t know how I tolerate your changes!
You’re so moody! Sometimes I don’t know how I (complete) with your changes!
6) You’ll have to wait for a while if you want to talk to Miss Alex as she’s busy right now.
You’ll have to (complete) for a while if you want to talk to Miss Alex as she’s busy right now.

4 ) Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage with only ONE word.

The incredible Muse

Have you ever heard of Muse? It is one of Britain’s best rock bands and is made up (complete) three school friends.
Without doubt, they are one of the best bands to see live and even played at the closing ceremony of the 2012 London
Olympics. You may remember them from that – they played Survival, the official song of the Olympics.

On stage, the band member you notice most is Matthew Bellamy, (complete) is the lead singer and also the lead
guitarist. He’s got real stage presence and is an eccentric performer, which makes seeing them perform live such a
special event. What (complete) incredible voice he has too! He’s most definitely one of the best singers of our time.
Both Chris and Dominic, the (complete) two band members, are fantastic musicians too, and as all three members of
the bands play a variety of instruments, each song is different.

Anyway, I really must tell you about their last concert, which (complete) held at the O2 Arena in London.
As the show started, Matthew went straight into Hysteria, which, as one of their best songs, really got the fans going.
The lighting, effects and set were stunning and you really had that feeling of being completely swallowed up by the
music and what (complete) going on.

The only thing I wasn’t so happy about was the quality of the sound. It echoed a bit at times and I must admit I had
problems hearing all the lyrics but once the band was into its second song, (complete) really noticed or cared.

Judging from this live concert, they will be the best live rock band for many years to come. So, if you haven’t heard
their music, you really (complete) buy some of their albums or try and catch one of their shows. In my opinion, their
best albums to-date are The Origin of Symmetry and Absolution. But don’t take it from me. Find out for yourself!

4) Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use
between two and five words, including the word given
1) “ You don´t have to bring your books tomorrow”, the teacher told us
Our English teacher told us we (complete NOT ) our books the following day.
2) Why did you turn on the air conditioner? It wasn´t hot!
You (complete TURNED) the air conditioner. It wasn´t hot!
3) The film was too boring for the children. That´s why they paid no attention.
The film (complete ENOUGH) for the children, that´s why they paid no attention.
4) It was a mistake to buy that car because it consumes too much petrol.
5) You (complete SHOULD) that car because it consumes too much petrol.
6) Will someone clean the house while we are away? my husband asked me.
My husband asked me (complete WHETHER ) cleaned while we are away.
7) She expected that someone would repair her car soon.
She expected to (complete HAVE ) soon.
8) I can´t think of a more cosmopolitan writer than Borges.
I think Borges is (complete COSMOPOLITAN )I have ever known.
9) Children stopped buying books because they didn´t have enough patience to read them.
If children had had more patience to read books, they (complete NOT) buying them.
10) I`m sure Brad Pitt isn´t sixty! He´s younger! NOT
Brad Pitt ……………………………………………………………….. sixty! He´s younger!
11) She knows how to deal with aggressive dogs. She does it every day!
12) She (complete USED ) with aggressive dogs. She does it every day!

6) Read the text below and decide which answer best fits each gap.
Fashion is an industry that generates billions, and has an enormous fan base. Most people want to
keep up with the times and stay fashionable. This applies to all clothes, from everyday clothing to
sports gear.
Being trendy or fashionable plays a big role in being able to (CHOOSE: SIT – BE- PUT- FIT) in. People
rarely want to appear too different. As a consequence, there is a general tendency to wear outfits that
don´t actually (CHOOSE: MATCH – SUIT- FIT- GO WITH) us, just because they are similar to what
everybody else is wearing. Yet, a quick look around the shops is (CHOOSE: TOO MUCH- ENOUGH VERY
MUCH- SO MUCH) to realize that the range of styles on offer is enormous. There are clothes for every
shape and size, so individuality should not be frightening. Many people (CHOOSE: WHICH-WHO-
WHOSE-WHOM) want to look good believe that you need to have money to burn in order to be
fashionable. However, a good “look” can always be achieved by simply (CHOOSE: USING-WEAR-
RECYCLING- SEWING) old clothes. Fashion never really changes, it goes round in circles. So if your
parents were into fashion in their adolescence, they might have some cool clothes that would be
trendy today.
Alternatively, if those clothes were thrown out years ago, when you do shop try to (CHOOSE: IDENTIFY-
INTEND-BENEFIT-MATCH) clothes that will last.

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