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English Level A2

Let’s Go Green
Teachers : Mr. Marco Antonio Valderrama Solís.
Ms. Gloria Medina Ranilla. Grade: Fifth A, B, C, D, E. F, G.
Date : April 18 . To April 22 .
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Week 3
Activity 3 : Do it yourself! (Handout 02)
Student’s name: ………………………………………………………………………
Recuerda que debes guardar tus actividades en tu portafolio físico y virtual.

Tu reto: Describir las acciones que realiza un amigo que afectan positiva o
negativamente al ambiente, en un artículo breve en inglés.

Step 1:
Choose a friend. Describe her or his actions and how they affect the environment.

MY friend ……………… .

Step 2:
Ask him or her questions about their daily habits and routines. You can ask the questions in Spanish.
Then put a check in the chart.

Always Usually Sometimes Never

1 She/He waters his/her home’s plants. x

2 She/He gets school by walking. x
3 She/He buys bottled water.
4 She/He makes fertilizer from organic garbage.
5 She/He fixes her/his old clothes.
6 She/He buys junk food
7 She/He reduces water use.
8 She /He sorts the garbage
Step 3:
Write down your friend answers in English. Use the adverbs of frequency: always, usually, sometimes or never.
Actions that affect the environment Actions that affect the environment
positively negatively
Example: My friend Jhon usually waters his Example: My friend Jhon never gets to school by
plants walking
1. _______________________________ 1. _______________________________
2. _______________________________ 2. _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 3. _______________________________
4. _______________________________ 4. _______________________________

Actions that my friend should do to affect the environment


Example: My friend David should get to school by walking always. Because walking is healthy.
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

Actions that my friend should do to affect the environment


Example: My friend David shouldn’t eat too much meat often. Because meat is no good for our
1. __________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________

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