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A. Background

Al-Qur'an is one of the books which in the view of Muslims is the

word of Allah SWT which was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad

through the intermediary of the angel Gabriel. Al-Qur'an is the holy book

that is mostly memorized by the people, we have heard many thousands

and even millions of people who memorize it, ranging from children to

the elderly, male and female. This further shows the miracle of the Qur'an

as a holy book that is always awake and will never change.

As the word of Allah SWT, reading the Qur'an is a form of

worship. Worship is all good deeds that are carried out with the sole

intention of seeking the pleasure of Allah swt. And among the forms of

worship can be prayer, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage and also by reading the

Qur'an. Reading the Qur'an is a form of worship that has to do with the

Khaliq, where by reading the verses we get a good reward, even a reply

from each letter and its verses even though we do not understand its


The Qur'an is arranged in a very beautiful editorial and language

style, the sequence is orderly and harmonious. The Qur'an is unique in its

miraculous content, especially in its composition and sentences.1

Broadly speaking, many issues are discussed in the Qur'an

regarding matters of worship and muamalah. In terms of worship, it is

about the direct human relationship to God. While muamalah is the

relationship between humans and fellow humans. Which muamalah is

usually related to activitiess that is done everyday.

Every activity carried out cannot be separated from things related

to the goals to be achieved. As servants of Allah, humans are inseparable

from the blessings that Allah has given. Imam Al-Ghazali is quoted as

saying that a favor is every goodness, happiness and every wish

fulfilled.2Apart from being a form of worship, the Qur'an has been given

the nature of blessing by Allah SWT. Blessing is one of the most

important qualities of the Qur'an which Allah (swt) conveys to His


Blessing is a goodness which increases, benefits, is holy, eternal,

and surely gets happiness. At first a person has nothing, but God gives

blessings in his life so that person becomes noble. If there is a blessing in

the treasure, then the treasure will be better, useful even if the quality

value exceeds the quantity value. Blessings often come from unexpected

or material directions and cannot be limited or measured.3

Harrifuddin Cawidu, The Concept of Kufr in the Qur'an (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 1997), 3.
Indonesian Ministry of Religion, Al-Quran and Hadith (Jakarta: Thoha Putra, 1997), 13.
M. Quraish Shihab, Tafsir Al-Misbah (Jakarta: Lenter Hati, 2007), 194.

According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary, barakah is a gift

from God that brings goodness to human life. 4According to the term

blessing (barakah) it means Ziyadatul Khair, that is (increase in

goodness).5 With this meaning, barakah includes the fruit of righteous

deeds, with which Allah gives hope, avoids danger and Allah creates

hope, avoids danger and Allah opens the keys of virtue (tsubut Al-Khair


In one of the verses, Allah SWT directly attributes the Qur'an to a

book that has blessings, namely in Surah Al-an'am verse 155:

ْ ُ‫ فَٱتَّبِعُوهُ َوٱتَّق‬ٞ‫َوهَٰ َذا ِكتَٰبٌ َأنزَ لۡنَٰهُ ُمبَا َرك‬

. َ‫وا لَ َعلَّ ُكمۡ تُرۡ َح ُمون‬

And the Qur'an is a book that We have sent down which is

blessed, so follow it and be pious so that you may be given mercy
(Al-An'am. 155).6
The verse above explains that, Allah sent down the Qur'an which is

full of blessings. People who study, memorize or read them and even

listen to them are counted as worship and certainly bless their lives. Of

course not only that, even those people are classified as people chosen by

Allah to receive the inheritance of the holy book Al-Qur'an. In addition,

the Qur'an is also located as a guide for humans in the life of the world

(hudan linnas).

Ministry of National Education, Big Indonesian Dictionary (Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama,
2008), 179.
M. Abdul Mujib, Encyclopedia of Tasawwuf Imam Al-Ghazali (Jakarta: : Mizan, 2008), 79.
Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, the Qur'an and its translation, nd

Blessing itself is often diartfish as an increase in goodness. Where

goodness means the fruit of pious deeds, by which Allah realizes hope

and avoids evil.

As Allah says in QS Al-A'raf verse 96:

ْ ‫ذب‬o
‫ُوا‬ ِ ۡ‫ َمآ ِء َوٱۡلَأر‬o‫لس‬
َّ o‫ض َولَٰ ِكن َك‬ ٖ ‫ َر َ ٰك‬oَ‫ا َعلَيۡ ِهم ب‬ooَ‫وا َوٱتَّقَ ۡو ْا لَفَتَحۡن‬o
َّ ‫ت ِّمنَ ٱ‬ ْ oُ‫ى ٓ َءا َمن‬
ٰ ‫ َر‬oُ‫َولَوۡ َأ َّن َأهۡ َل ٱۡلق‬

ْ ُ‫فََأخَذۡنَٰهُم بِ َما َكان‬

َ‫وا يَكۡ ِسبُون‬

If the inhabitants of the lands had believed and were pious,

We would surely have bestowed upon them blessings from the
heavens and the earth, but they denied it (Our signs), then We will
punish them for their deeds. (Surat al-A'raf. 96)7

Blessing basically arises because we interact with something that

we think can cause goodness or blessings to ourselves, even though we

know that blessings also arise from goodness such as prayer, zakat,

fasting, pilgrimage and others. But we need to know that all of these are

commands and obligations contained in the Qur'an. So the Qur'an is the

source of all His blessings, and the Qur'an is a book that is Mubarak.

But the center of blessing is only in Allah alone. It is Allah who

gives blessings and it is Allah who willsto whom is the blessing given?

As the word of Allah in Surah Al-Furqan verse 10, namely:

‫ ُر‬oَٰ‫ا ٱۡلَأنۡه‬oَ‫ ِري ِمن تَحۡتِه‬oۡ‫ت تَج‬ َ oَ‫ َل ل‬o‫تَبَا َركَ ٱلَّ ِذيٓ ِإن َشآ َء َج َع‬
ٖ َّٰ‫كَ َجن‬oِ‫رٗا ِّمن َذٰل‬oۡ‫ك خَي‬

َ َّ‫َويَجۡ َعل ل‬
َ ‫ك قُص‬

Glory be to Allah who, if He willed, He would have made

for you something better than this, (ie) gardens beneath which
rivers flow, and He made (also) for you palaces.(Surat al-Furqaan:
Ministry of Religion RI, Al-Qur'an and its translation, (Al-A'raf. 96).
Ministry of Religion RI, Al-Qur'an and its translation, (QS. Al-Furqaan 10).

Meaning: if Allah willed, surely he would have made for

Muhammad the heavens and palaces as he would get in the hereafter. but

Allah does not want that so that humans submit and believe in Allah not

because they are influenced by objects, but based on real evidences and


The verse above is clear that it is Allah who wills all these

blessings and is given to whom He wills. Like the place, the earth on

which we stand, the food on earth is also given blessings. In addition, the

blessings that come from Allah can be considered at a person's age, if a

person's age is desired to be a blessed age, that person will use his age for

positive things.9

The verse about blessing itself appears 32 times in the Qur'an, of

which 9 verses are interpreted as the most holy, for example in Surah Al-

Mulk (29): 1, Ar-Rahman (27) 78, and others. While the other 23 verses

are interpreted as blessing, blessed, and other forms of words that have

meaning with the blessing, all of which refer to one meaning, namely

Tsubut Al-Khairat Al-lillahi (the goodness of God). Although there is a

development of meaning according to the context of the sentence, the

intended meaning will not be far from it.10

According to Buya Hamka, faith and piety to Allah will open the

door of sustenance, because faith and piety lead to good friendship

between human beings. And good cooperation arises between the Caliphs
Akhsin Sakho Muhammad, Grounding the Ulumul Qur'an (Jakarta: Qaf Publisher, 2019), 18.
Aulia Nur Sakinah, The Concept of Blessing in the Qur'an (Surabaya: UIN Sunan Ampel, 2017),


on earth. Thus, the blessing of Allah descends from the sky and the

blessing of Allah descends from the earth. In this interpretation, Hamka

divides blessings into two parts, namely: essential and ma'nawi blessings.

In addition, God's blessings and favors may be revoked because there is

no piety from the souls of the inhabitants of the earth.11

From some literature, the researchers found that blessing has

various meanings, what and how is this meaning because blessing is an

absolute thing that comes from Allah SWT, only Allah can give blessing.

In addition, the researcher also wants to review and discuss Buya Hamka's

thoughts on the verses of the blessing of the Qur'an in the letter Al-An'am

[6]: 155 in his phenomenal commentary in Indonesia, which is known as

Tfsir Al-Azhar.

The reason the author chose Buya Hamka is because he is a great

scholar in Indonesia, not just a great scholar, he is also a scientist,

humanist, writer, educator, and Islamic activist who has been criss-

crossed in the history of development in Indonesia. So that in interpreting

the Qur'an, his life and scientific background are very clear and affect the

style and characteristics of his interpretation.12

Buya Hamka interprets the Qur'an with strong Indonesian colors

and patterns, known as adabi ijtima'i interpretation. He also in his

commentary seeks to invite Muslims to voice contextual interpretations

HAMKA, , Tafsir Al-Azhar, 9 (Jakarta: Pustaka Panjima, 1982), 17–18.


Akhsin Sakho Muhammad, Grounding the Ulumul Qur'an, 241.


that are in line with the developments and conditions of the times. 13of

course the aim is none other than to make the Qur'an truly a source of

guidance for every Muslim's life. Based on the explanation above, the

authors feel like researching further about the meaning of the blessings of

the Qur'an in QS. Al-An'am [6]: 155 Perspective of Al-Azhar's Tafsir by

Buya Hamka.

B. Problem Focus

Based on the context of the problem that has been described above,

the writer wants to raise the problem as follows:

1. How to explain the nature of blessing and what are the forms of


2. What is the meaning of the blessing of the Qur'an in Qs. Al-An'am [6] :

155 Perspective of Al-Azhar's Tafsir by Buya Hamka?

C. Research purposes

The purpose of this research is to find out:

1. How to explain the nature of blessings and what are the forms of


2. The meaning of the blessing of the Qur'an in QS. AL-An'am [6] :155

Perspective of Al-Azhar's Tafsir by Buya Hamka.

3. Benefits of research

The benefits of this writing are divided into two, namely:

4. Academic Secra

Husnul Hidayati, “Methodology of Contextual Interpretation by Buya Hamka,” El-muda, vol.01
(January-June), 26.

a. This research is expected to be able to add new information and new

knowledge treasures in the field of interpretation.

b. Besides that, it is also a contribution of thought, especially in the

Department of Al-Qur'an and Tafsir (IQT) Science, generally for

academics and the public who want to study further on related


5. Practically

a. Practically, so that later the results of community research are able to

carry out and enforce the commands of Allah SWT in the Qur'an.

b. In addition, so that this research can provide an understanding that

the essence of blessing comes from Allah SWT which can be found

in the Qur'an.

c. Definition of Terms

The themes that the writer will examine are:, The meaning of the

blessing of the Qur'an in QS. Al-An'am [6]: 155 Perspective of Al-Azhar's

Tafsir by Buya Hamka.

b. Definition of Blessing

According to the Great Indonesian Dictionary, barakah is a

gift from God that brings goodness to human life.14According to

the term blessing (barakah) it means Ziyadatul Khair, that is

(increase in goodness).151 With this meaning, barakah includes the

fruit of righteous deeds, with which Allah gives hope, avoids

Ministry of National Education, Big Indonesian Dictionary, 179.


M. Abdul Mujib, Encyclopedia of Tasawwuf Imam Al-Ghazali, 79.


danger and Allah creates hope, avoids danger and Allah opens the

keys to the virtues of tsubut Al-Khair Al-Illahi (proof of Allah's


c. Blessing form

Blessings can be found in thingsDiniyahand Worldly or one

of them. An example of a blessing that includes both at the same

time is the blessing of the Qur'an.

d. Tafsir Al-Azhar

Domineering patternTafsir Al-Azharis adabi ijtimai with the

beauty of the Malay language which is presented based on the

social context of the time. The language techniques used in

developing the interpretation are also very diverse and are the

language styles commonly used in our daily lives, so it is relatively

easy for the readers, who are the majority of Indonesian citizens, to

understand the meaning of the interpretations.16

D. Literature review

Literature Review is a study of research results that are relevant to

the problem to be studied. In this section the researcher lists some of the

results of previous research related to the research conducted, then makes

a summary, both research that has been carried outpublished or

Aviv Alviya, “Buya Hamka's Method of Interpretation in Al-Azhar Tafsir,” Ushuluddin Science,

vol.15 (1 January 2016), 35.

unpublished. By doing this step, it will be able to see the extent of the

originality and differences of the research carried out.

As for the previous research which has an object of study that has a

similar theme to the research that will be carried out by the author.

1. By: Ruslan (The Meaning of the Blessing of the Qur'an, Analysis of

the QS.Sad:29).17 From this discussion it can be concluded:

Four verses in the Qur'an that introduce the term blessing of the

Qur'an, namely in Surah Al-An'am verses 92 and 155, Surah Al-

Anbiya' verse 50 and Surah Al-Anbiya verse 50Sa>d verse 29.

Analysis of letters Sa>d verse 29, turns out to provide a

little understanding specifically that the meaning of blessing is the

permanent realization of goodness in something so that it can provide

benefits. Every human being expects everything in his endeavor as

much as possible to have a blessing value. Through verse 29 of the

surahSa>d implied a hint that the Qur'an as a guide or commonly

called hudan, blessings can be obtained from it through the reading of

its verses.

Theologically, the Qur'an is recognized as a miracle of the

Prophet SAW. And there is no equal, far from human intervention in

making it happen because the Qur'an is the word of God. This is also

one of the supporting evidences so that the existence of the Qur'an

holds blessings as implied in several verses. In addition to the blessing

Ruslan, Meaning of the Blessings of the Qur'an, Analysis of Qs. Shad: 29 (Faculty of Usuluddin

and Da'wah IAIN Bone) (nd), 15.

that can also be achieved through reading the Qur'an, the blessing of

the Qur'an can also be achieved through deepening the verse or

studying in detail the meanings of the verse or in other words


The similarity of this research with the research that will be carried

out is that they both discuss blessings and the difference from this

research, namely blessing in general, while the research that will be

carried out is focusing on the meaning of blessing by using a special

verse study and bringing the name of the interpreter.

2. By: Ahmad Kusaeri (Blessing in the Perspective of the Qur'an The

Study of Objects That Get Blessing)18

From this discussion it can be concluded as follows:

a. Blessings that God has given to humans in this world for the

happiness and prosperity of humans themselves, both

economically and multiplied rewards both in this world and in the


b. From some of the blessing verses discussed in this study, it is all

good deeds that cause benefits, so therein lies the blessing, if

people are guided by the Qur'an, obey the messages in it, study,

read it, and call on others. to obey or follow it and broadcast its

content, it will get the blessing of Allah and His Messenger, then

Ahmad Kusaeri, “Blessing in the Perspective of the Qur'an The Study of Objects That Get

Blessings” (Jakarta 2017), 90.

Allah will open the door of blessing both from the sky in the form

of rain water and the earth in the form of soil and fertile plants.

The similarity of this research with the research that will be

carried out is that they both discuss blessings and the difference

from this research, namely blessing in general, while the research

that will be carried out is focusing on the meaning of blessing by

using a special verse study and bringing the name of the


3. By Bidayatun Nafiah. The Meaning of Barokah in the Al-Qur'an

(Understanding and Actualization of Barokah According to Traders at

the Semarang Ngaliyan Market)19

Based on the results of the analysis of the Ngaliyan market

traders, the meaning of blessing is divided into three groups as


a. The meaning of blessing in the perspective of Ngaliyan market


1. The blessing of ease in all forms of sustenance

Barokah according to this trader's understanding is

the ease of all sustenance, be it in the form of health,

sustenance and others. As Allah gives goodness to servants

who get taufik and mercy.

2. Barokah comes from a name and is a treasure.

Bidayatun Nafiah, The Meaning of Barokah in the Qur'an (Semarang, 2019), 119.

Barokah is a prayer from the name and has value, in

another sense it refers to wealth to meet the needs of life.

3. Barokah is comfort in a meal.

Barokah is a comfort that is formed from a

continuous kindness, especially with food. Halal and good

food is when eaten it will cause comfort, create a calm

heart and avoid worries, so that the blessing will be felt by

a healthy body.

b. The actualization of the values of the Qur'an in realizing blessings

for traders in the Ngaliyan market, Semarang, that they are in

realizing this blessing by embodying the values of the Qur'an such

as Divine and Insaniyah values. Such as performing the five daily

prayers, tawakkal, gratitude, shodaqoh, being honest, working


The similarity of this research with the research that will be

carried out is that they both discuss blessings and the difference

from this research, namely blessing in general, while the research

that will be carried out is focusing on the meaning of blessing by

using a special verse study and bringing the name of the interpreter.

E. Research methods

1. Approach and Type of Research

To get good and maximum research results, the research

approach used is qualitative research with the type of library research

(library research).20Library Research or better known as library

research is a research method based on manuscripts published either

through books or books that are in accordance with the researcher's


The data source of this study is the verses of the Qur'an. Therefore, the

approach used is the science of interpretation. So with this method,

researchers can examine Buya Hamka's thoughts in interpreting QS.

Al-Ana'am [6]: 155. Verses related to the Qur'an.

2. Data source

In this study, the authors use primary data sources and

secondary data sources:

a. Primary data sources are data directly collected by the author from

the first source.21The primary data referred to in this paper is

referring to the Qur'an because the researcher uses a verse in one of

the suras in it. In addition, researchers here also use the

interpretation of AL-Azhar Kaya Buya Hamka.

b. Secondary data is data collected by researchers from other sources

that have been provided before the research is carried out. The

secondary data sources used are writings in the form of books,

journals, and articles related to the theme.

3. Data collection technique

Drafting team, Guidelines for Thesis Writing, Institute Dirosat Islamiyah Al-Amien Prenduan,
2018, 35.
Sumayadi Suryabrata, Research Methodology (Jakarta Rajagrafindo Persada, 2011), 39.

The data collection technique used in this paper is the

documentation method. Documentation is the collection, selection,

processing and storage of information in the field of knowledge. In

relation to this research, the authors collect, select, process and

retrieve research data from library sources such as commentaries,

journals, magazines, articles and other sources related to the theme.22

4. Data analysis

The analysis used in this study is descriptive analysis

method (Descriptive Analysis), where the author here presents the data

as it is to what is meant by an interpretive text. The description

description here is done by taking quotes from the text, either direct or

indirect quotes and processing them in the author's language.

Practically, this analysis seeks to infer the meaning of a text.23

F. Systematic Discussion

In order to get a systematic understanding in this research, the

authors need to briefly describe how the systematic discussion in this

research is. The systematics in the discussion that will be presented in this

study are:

PIG: Contains the introduction, which consists of the background of the

problem, the context of the problem, objectives and benefits, literature

review, framework of thought, study method and systematics.

Prasetyo Irawan and et al, “Research Methods,” Jakarta Open University (2009), 316.

Sahiron Syamsuddin, “Approach and Analysis in Research on Interpretation of Texts An


Overview,” vol.12 (2019), 140.

CHAPTER II: Discussed about Buya Hamka's biography, including his

life history, education, career journey, and his works. And the

interpretation of Al-Azhar which includes the background of writing and

naming, how to interpret, the style of interpretation, sources of

interpretation, methods and steps of interpretation.

CHAPTER III: Contains insight into blessings including the meaning of

blessings, the nature of blessings, forms of blessings, keys to blessings,

reasons for revoking blessings and verses about blessings.

CHAPTER IV:Contains an analysis of the QS. Al-An'am verse [6]: 155

which includes the study of the name of the surah, the verse and its

translation, the study of vocabulary, the Munasabah and the interpretation

of the verse.

CHAPTER V:Closing. Contains conclusions from all discussions and research
that have been carried out in previous chapters and suggestions needed regarding
blessings in the Qur'an


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