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Acordeón Conflict and reconstruction in the contemporary society

The period 1900-1914 was a time of increasing tensión between great Powers which led to the assasination of archduke Francis
Ferdinand that would spark the beginning of WW1
1st Moroccan crisis 1906
France wanted to conquer Morocco with the help of Great Britain. But in 1905, Kaiser Willhelm promised that e would protect Morocco
from anyone. French were furious at Germany, this was sen as another attempt to build a rival German empire. A conference was held at
Algeciras in 19º6 Britain and Russia backed France which forced Germany to stay away from Morocco. This angered Germany. Alarmd
by Geramn intentions the Entente was formed
Telegraphh article 1908
Kaiser Wilhelm gave an-interview to the Daily Telegraph Newspaper. He claimed he wanted to befriend Britain, said the british were
mad. The Germans hated them and demanded a powerful navy. The brits were outraged and convinced of Germany’s dark intentions.
Bosnian crisis 1908
Turkey had a revolution and Austria Hungary took advanatge of this to annex Bosnia. Serbia was furious because Bosnia was home to
many Serbs they hoped to rule. Serbia asked Russia for support they called for a european conference hoping that france and Britain
would help. When they didn’t, Russia had to back down and was humilliated but vowed to never back down again.
Agadir Crisis 1911
There was a revolution in Morocco. France sent an army to put down the rebel scum. In the middle of this mess Kaiser Wilhelm sent the
Gunboat Panther to obliterate the french armies. The entente was furious Germany was forcé to back down. The Kaiser was determined
not to be defeated again.
Balkan wars 1912-13
In 1912 Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria formed the Balkan league and attacked Turkey had captured most of the remaining Turkish land in
Europe. Sir Edward Grey arranged a peace confernce in London, but the fighting broke out again. Britain and Germany got together and
used their influence to end this war. (treaty of Bucarest 1913). Serbia’s confidence was boosted they became the most powerful Balkan
state and wanted to fight A. Hungary, Prime minister Pasic said the 1st round is won now th 2nd against Austria. Kaiser took Grey’s co-
operation as Britain’s weakness.
Assassination at Sarajevo 1914
On 28 Jue 1914, Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand the heir of AustroHungarian throne which started the
sequence of events that led to WW1.
War of movement (1914)
Stages of war
Schlieffen plan consisted of fast attack on the western front and then act against Russia.
The war of positions (1915-1916) takes place when the new weapon prevents the advance, trenches are generated.
1917 Triumph of Russian revolution led to the withdrawal of this country
The entry of USA on May 7, the British-owned ocean liner Lusitania was torpedoed without warning off the coast of Ireland. Of the
nearly 2,000 passengers aboard 1,201 were killed including 128 americans
The end of war came with the victorious offensive of the allies and the signing of armisticeon November 11 1918
Main characteristics
New weapons and defensive systems, new technical developments and other fighting systmes
Massive incroporation of women into the world of work
Enemy focused in war and its main objective was the production of armament
Propaganda was used to keep up the morale of both troops and citizens
Peace of Paris 1919-1920 Conditions imposed to the vanquished were very hard. They were disarmed, lost territories and were forced to
give economic repairs
Treaty of Versailles with Germany
War guilt, colonies taken away, reapartions, army limeted to no tanks, airplanes or submarines
Treaty of Saint German-Austria
October 1918. Austria was forbidden to ally with Germany
Treaty of Trianon with Hungary
June 4 1920signed only after the defeat of the Hungarian-Soviet empire
Treaty of neuilly with Bulgaria
Novemver 5 1919 Bulgaria lost Access to the Aegean Sea
Treaty of Sevres with the Turkish empire
August 10, 1920 Turkey hand over Smyrna to Greece agree to Independence of Armenia respect autonomy fo the Kurds
Syria and Lebanon became French Mandates end of the sultanate by Mustafa Kemal(Ataturk)
Greeks wanted moer territory war with Greece began
Ataturks forces occupied Armenia
This led to the signing of another peace treaty
In 1897 Germany began to make the schlieffen plan. The plamn went wrong when Russia began to moilize theri army but France didnt
the plan assumed that france was weak and russia was strong. Germany was forced to invent a pretext to declare war on France.
Propaganda was used to ensure that people got to know what their government wanted them to know efforts were made to blacken the
enemy’s name. Untrue headlines were tolerated even encouraged.
Main WW1 consequences
Great human losses
Social transformation
Territorial changes
Germany lost all of its colonies
Econmic disaster in Europe
Treaty of Versailles
11 november 1918, Germany had signed a cease fire an Armistice on 18 january 1918 delegates from 32 countries come to parís to make
the treaties that would end the war
Main points of the treaty
Germany had to take the blame and pay 6,600 million euros for the damage submarines or air forcé for germany and an army of
just 100,000 men and only 6 battleships and wasnt allowed to place them any troops in the rhineland the strip of land 50 miles next to
France. Germany lost territory in Europe theri colonies were given the Britain and france. They were banned from the league of nations
and werent allowed to unite with Austria.
Russian Revolution
Grigory Rasputin closest advisor to thr Royal Family undermined what Little support the Romanovs had
The key to his position was base don the success he had treating Alexeis haemophilia
His position caused a lot of aristocratic concern
Soon he appeared to control the Tsarina.
The Tsars before the revolution
Russia was ruled by a powerful monarch the Tsar, he had total power over Russia, the army, the land and the church. During their reign
conditions were very bad for workers and peasants they wroked for Little pay, often went without food nad were exposed to dangerous
wrok conditions. Aristocrats treated them like slaves.
The Romanov
For 303 years the Russiam Tsar came from the House of Romanov. According to thr Julian calendar the revolution began in 23rd
february but the gregorian calendar says it was March 8. The Bolshevik Revolution is refered as the october revolution, main leaders
were Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trorsky. After Lenin died in 1924 Stalin took over and expelled Trotsky. Tsar Nicholas II and
his family were killed by the Bolsheviks on july 17 1918.
Bloody Sunday January 22 1905
Large number of workers and peasants were marching to the Tsar’s palace bor better conditions, he sent troops to shoot down the
protesters. After the shootings the Tsar became the enemy.
WW1 in 1914 Russia was at war with Germany. A huge army was formed however mosto f the troops were untrained, unarmed,
unequipped, etc they were sent without shoes food and weapons. Over the next 3 years 2 million Russians were killed and another 5
million were wounded, The Tsar was blamed.
February Revolution 1917
Began with a strike of the workers which later became a riot. When the Tsar ordered the troops to kill the protesters they refused and a
mutiny beagn. He was forced to give up his throne and a new government took over, this consited on 2 parties the Petrograd soviet
(workers and soldiers) and the provisional government (traditional one without Tsar)
One of the main factiions of the Petrograd were the Bolsheviks led by Vladimir Lenin and believed that Russia should be communist in
October 1917 Lenin took full control of the governmentin the Bolshevik revolution Russia became the first communist country.
After the revolution, Russia exited WW1 by signing a peace treaty with Germany Treaty of Brest Litovsk new government took control
of all industry and moved it from agricultural to industrial. It also seized farmland from land holders and gave it to the peasants. Women
were given equal rights than men and religión was banned from many aspects of society. In 1918-20 Russia experienced a civil war
between the Red army(Bolsheviks) and the White army(anti-Bolsheviks). The bolsheviks won and the country was called the United
soviet socialist republic(USSR)
1905 Bloody Sunday
1914 Outbreak of WW1
1917 February revolution
1917 October revolution
1918 civil war
Germany gave way, Poland part of East Prussia and Danzig corridor and returned Alsace Lorraine to france while the saar was placed
under the league of nations mandate, it also ceded territories to Belgium and Denmark. The Austro-Hungarian empire was divided into
Austria and Hungary and other countries emerged from its territory, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. It also ceded territories to
Italy and Romania. The old Russian empire lost territories, which wnet to integrate the new Polish state ad constitued other countries,
Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Serbia is attached to other territories Balkan and formed a new country called Yugoslavia.
USSR have fragmented in different countries the largest one is the Federation of Russia. Czechoslovakia has been divided into Czech
Republic and Slovakia. Different states were created in the former Yugoslavia: Slovenia, croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro
and Macedonia.
Political and economic systems
Democracy: all citizens share in running the government
Dictator: one person ruled with complete power
Communism: social organization based on the holding of all property in common ownership is described as a whole.
Socialism: advocates the vesting of ownership and control of distribution and production in the community as a whole.
Fascism: led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly supressing opposition.
New nations created after WW1
 Poland
 Lithuania
 Estonia
 Latvia
 Finland
 Yugoslavia
 Hungary
 Austria
 Czechoslovakia
Socialism vs Communism
1. Socialism refers to an economic system and communism refers to both an economic and political system
2. Means of production are publicly owned by both systems but the ways that money and resources are distributed ar different
3. In socialism, each person is alloted, resources according to his or her input. In communism, people are alloted resources
according to their needs.
4. Communism is considered as a more extreme form of socialism
Postwar economic problems
New economic problesm led to the Great Depression which encouraged the rise of european dictators. Democracy crisis: less loyalty to
democratic values
When Germany couldn´t pay the reparatins, France sent an army into Ruhr’s valley to take over the the area’s mines and factories.
German workers resisted the french takeover by going on strike. As money loses value, businesses raise prices: Inflation
To help Germany, USA and western european nations created the Dawes plan in 1924 by reducing the amount owed and setting
payments that germany could pay.
Period of low economic activity when many people lose their Jobs. The main cause was the crash of the US stock market. To keep up
hopes for American citizens, Teddy Roosevelt crated the program New Deal (give money to people).
The rise of Fascism and Nazism
Dictatorship was a new form of government as a totalitarian state. It tried to totally control the way of life and thinking of their citizens.
The people who disagreed or voiced other ideas were obliterated.
Totalitarian states-Authoritarism
Socialists wanted workers to overthrow capitalism andbuild a society in which all could ahre the wealth equally. The most radical groups
were the Bolsheviks leaded by Lenin. Promise to the people of Russia to take their country out of the great war and give the land back to
peasants. In 1921 the Bolsheviks had full control over Russia.
Benito Mussolini Adolf Hittler Lenin and Stalin Hideki Tojo Francisco Franco
1st country to become National Socialits First Lenin after hus Japan’s military gained Spanish general who
a totalitarian state workers party in death Stalin took over control of the was dictator from 1939
creates a Fascist Party Germany government. Created to 1975 when he died
companies(Zaibatsu) to
control japanese industry

Fascism in Japan
1932 militarists led by Hideki Tojo take control of the government-Reaction to Great Depression
Militarism=Japanese Fascism
Agressive imperialism: fix econmic problems by conquering more land
Extreme nationalism: Japanese Yamato Race on a “divine mission” to control all of Asia
Key features in the defense of liberalism
In the 20th century, liberal thinking influenced policy-marking elites and public opinion in a number of Western states after the first
WWZ. High wáter mark of liberal thinking in international realtions was reached in the inter-war period in the work of idealists who
believed that warfare was an unnecessary and outmodedd way of settling disputes between states. Liberalism is a throy of both
government within states and people worldwide. Unlike ralism, which regards the “international” as an anrachic realm, liberalism seeks
to Project values of order, libery, justice and toleration into international relations.
Woodrow Wilson 14 points
1. No more secret treaties
2. Free Access to seas in peace or wartime
3. Free trade between countries
4. Disarmament
5. Colonies would have a say in their own future
6. German troops leave Russia
7. Independence for Belgium
8. France regain Alsace Lorraine
9. Frontier between Austria and Italy to be readjusted
10. Self-determination for the people of Eastern Europe
11. Sebia would have Access to the sea
12. Self determination for the people in the Russian empire
13. Poland to become independent state in the sea
14. League of nations to be set up
Accordion History 2nd register 2
Mexican revolution
Under Carranza, in 1917 the Mexican constitution was signed, it was one of the first modern constitutions and influenced the Weimar
constitution in Postwar Germany
The USA almost invaded Mexico because of the Ypiranga incident and the Zimmerman telegram
The Ypiranga incident took place in April 12, 1914 at the port of Veracruz. The SS Ypiranga was a German steamer commissioned to
transport weapons and ammunition to the Mexican federal government under Victoriano Huerta. The USA had placed Mexico under an
arms embargo to stifle the flow of weaponry to the war-torn state, then in throes of civil war, forcing Huerta’s government to look for
Europe for armaments.
Mexico and Germany were friendly nations to each other. Mexico was neutral during WW1, so Germany was free to operate in Mexico.
There was a little Mexican resentment because of the German support to Huerta but ties were renewed.
Germany thought that if USA had a war in their frontier they wouldn’t join the war or wouldn’t be able to send as many troops. In
January 1917 the German foreign secretary sent a coded telegram that stated that If Mexico helped them they would help retrieve lost
Carranza refused and thanks to this the USA recognized his government.
Imperialism: Policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, military force and other means.
Colonialism: practice in which a country sets up colonies in foreign territories for political and economic benefit.
Imperialism serves as the underlying ideas whereas colonialism is a stablished form of imperialism.
New imperialism was the period of colonial expansion by European powers USA and Japan in late 19th and early 20th century, achieved
through imperialization of China, India and Africa. After being imperialized, great consequences came.
 More resources needed for European countries
 Nationalistic views from Europe nations
 Slave labor wanted
USA involvement intensified Latin America’s problems: We produced raw materials but depended on others for manufactured goods.
Dollar diplomacy extended economic dependence on the USA whom sent troops to protect their own interests
Before the opening of the Panama Canal, ships had to go around the southern part of South America.
Mexican Revolution
Causes: Workers’ wages and declining and ineffective reforms
Effects: A constitution with male suffrage, land reform and workers’ rights.
Photo shows 2 main revolutionary leaders sitting together, showing that they were united in their desire for reform.
Diaz created a dictatorship, revolutionary leaders raised armies to fight for land and reform.
An increase in exports helped lead to prosperity, which fostered growth in the middle sector of American society.
The process of industrialization had different effects on Latin America than in Europe. the most significant inventions were European and
Mexican revolution (1910-20), bloody war between many faction and quick shifting alliances that brought an end to Diaz’s 30-year reign.
It began against a background of dissatisfaction with the elitist and oligarchical policies of Diaz that favored the wealthy. In 1908 Diaz
said he welcomed Mexican democratization and appeared ambivalent about running for a 7th reelection. Because of this Madero emerged
as the leader of the Antireeleccionistas.
Missionary diplomacy-1913 pres. Woodrow Wilson
USA should deny recognition to any oppressive, undemocratic or hostile Latin American govt.
Dollar Diplomacy: seeks to strengthen the USA to enhance its power based in the exchange of money abroad using diplomacy.
Monroe doctrine: Statement by James Monroe warning European powers to stay way from the Dominican Republic so they could
collect debts owed to them.
Roosevelt Corollary: Statement by Theodore Roosevelt warning European powers not to intervene in Latin American affairs while
reserving that right to themselves.
Problems that Mexico faced after 1870: Limited voting rights, wages declined, Revolution damaged the economy.
Reforms enacted in the 1917 constitution: Full male suffrage, land reform, workers’ rights, social welfare programs, schooling,
national ownership of mineral rights and restricted rights of foreign interests.
 1884- Porfirio Diaz begins his second term as president and modifies the constitution to stay in power.
 1893- Victor Ochoa, El Paso, TX, editor of Hispanoamericano launches a revolutionary movement against Diaz
 1896- After inspiring several uprisings along Mexico’s northern border, Teresita Urrea (La Santa de Carbora) is banished by
 1906- Brothers Enrique and Ricardo Flores Magon plan an anarchist movement (Magonismo) that fails
 1908- Magonistas (Partido Liberal Mexicano) make a 2nd plan to take Juarez but fail. Diaz Creelman interview
 1909- USA president William Taft meets with Diaz in El Paso
 1910- Diaz wins reelection after putting Madero in jail. He escapes to San Antonio and makes the plan de San Luis to
overthrow Diaz. Revolution begins with insurrection movements in the north, many flee to the USA
 1911- Madero establishes his HQ in offices 507-508 in Caples building in El Paso. He establishes a provisional capital in an
adobe building near the Revolution Marker monument. His troops under Villa and Orozco attack Juarez for 3 days. After
losing Juarez Diaz flees to Paris. Madero becomes president. Zapata drafts Plan de Ayala to denounce Madero, recognize
Orozco as the leader of the revolution and call for land reform. USA send troops to the border in fear of the war crossing over
to their country.
 1912- Orozco betrays Madero who assigns Huerta and Villa to fight his forces. Huerta joins Reyes and Diaz (Felix) to plan a
Coup against Madero. Decena Tragica Huerta kills Madero, his brother and Jose Maria Pino Suarez. Huerta assumes
presidency. Carranza drafts Plan de Guadalupe. Mills building in El Paso become his HQ. Villa attacks Huerta in Juarez.
 1914- Huerta faces opposition and suspicion. Woodrow Wilson sends troops to occupy Veracruz. Villa establishes offices in
the first National bank of El Paso. Villa defeats Huerta in Zacatecas and he resigns. Carranza declares himself president. Villa
and Zapata challenge him. Carranza flees to Veracruz to get American troops out of there.
 1915- Carranza’s troops under Obregon defeat Villa in Celaya and Zapata. Carranza returns to Mexico City. USA recognize
Carranza’s government. Mariano Azuela writes Los de Abajo.
 1916- Villa attacks a train in Santa Ysabel, Chihuahua and kills 17 Americans including employees from the American
Smelting and Refining Company (ASARCO) Anglo residents in El Paso attack Mexicans in a race riot outside the Majestic
Theatre. Villa raids Columbus. John J. Pershing (Blackjack) leads 10,000 soldiers to Mexico in a punitive expedition against
Villa but fails.
 1917- New Mexican Constitution drafted and Carranza becomes president.
 1918- Villa is defeated in Juarez and Zapata killed in Chimameca
 1920- Obregon becomes president.
Maximato: Period in historical and political development in Mexico from 1928 to 1934. Named after Plutarco Elias Calles´ Sobriquet
“El jefe Maximo”. Period when Calles continued to exercise power without holding presidency.
Calles: President from 1924 to 1928 Maximum chief of the revolution born in Guaymas, Sonora. Son of Plutarco Elias and Jesusa
Campuzano. His father died when he was 4 years old and took the last name of his step father Juan B. Calles. Plutarco studied in
Hermosillo and in 1894, began work as a teacher. He married Francisca Bernal, and when he became a widow he married Natalia
 Calles fought against the convention next to Carranza. Became governor and commander of Sonora.
 During his administration alcohol was banned
 Civil code modified to allow divorce
 Supreme Tribunal of Justice eliminated, and its powers transferred to executive branch. All catholic priests expelled from the
 Government spending increased
 Agrarian commission established, Teacher’s school is founded
1917- he was elected constitutional governor and in 1919, Carranza made him secretary of industry, commerce and labor, but from
which, he resigned to support Obregon’s presidential campaign.
When Obregon assumed presidency, he made Calles secretary of government. Until 1923 when he runs for presidential candidate.
During the first 2 years of his administration, roads and irrigation systems are built, the army is reorganized, an efficient postal service is
established, and the National Agricultural and Co-operative Bank and Central Bank of Mexico are founded. The central Bank as the sole
issuer of money.
He establishes a Pension office, reorganizes the treasury, defends agrarian policy conducts a dignified foreign policy and demonstrates
his abilities as a statesman.
During the last 2 years of his presidential term, the peoples’ protest the government’s actions against the catholic church become an
armed movement Los Cristeros.
PNR 1929, PRM 1938, PRI 1946
1929- Calles creates the National Revolutionary Part (PNR). His influence ended because of his criticism of Lazaro Cardenas. Calles is
forced to leave Mexico and live in the USA. He returns after Manuel Avila Camacho’s presidential term and dies in Mexico City.
The power of the PNR allowed Calles to centralize the national politics. He took advantage of this to choose the candidates and
manipulate them as he wished. The support of the army now purged after the Escobarista Rebellion which gave him the chance to get rid
of soldiers in key positions and those who doubted their loyalty. The control exerted by the Callistas in congress allowed Calles to
counteract opposition groups as well as to pressure and weaken the president in turn establishing the diarchy that characterized this
Emilio Portes Gil Pascual Ortiz Rubio Abelardo Rodriguez
1/12/1928-5/02/1930 5/2/19303-2/9/1932 4/9/1932-30/11/1934
Foreign policy Labor movement Education Agrarianism
Emphasizes the Estrada Workers movement is divided 2 aspects stand out. Autonomy Allocation of land through
doctrine a political doctrine by the collapse of the CROM granted to the Autonomous agrarian distribution continued
proclaimed in 1930 by J. as a result of accusations by University of Mexico and the paying more attention to the
Estrada concerning the Obregonistas to Morones to absolute Secularism problem of land tenure than to
recognition of new participate in Obregon’s death. established by the minister of the problem of productivity
government. He condemned New trade organizations Public Education Narciso because the agrarian question
abuses of power of recognition emerge like the CGOM led by Bassais. was handled from a political
as well as interference in the Vicente Lombardo which will rather than an economical
internal affairs of nations. contest the control of workers point of view.

1936 summer Olympics hosted in Germany. Adolf Hitler used this event to promote Nazi belief. Automatically refuted by the African
American Jesse Owens who won 4 gold medals in the long jump competition. Winner stand: Jesse Owens gold, Luz Long (German)
silver, Naoto Tajima (Japan) bronze.
Adolf Hitler- born the 20 April 1889 in Braunau-am-Inn on the Austrian- German border. His father was a customs official. He left
school at 16 with no qualifications and struggled to make a living as a painter in Vienna. In 1913 he moved to Munich and, on the
outbreak of WW1 enlisted in the army where he was wounded and decorated. He joined the German workers’ party (precursor of
NSDAP) in 1919 and became leader of NSDAP in 1921.
In 1923 he attempted a Coup in Munich to seize power but failed during his imprisonment he wrote Mein kampf (my struggle). After his
release in 1924, he gained popular support by attacking treaty of Versailles and promoting Nazi ideology. He denounced capitalism and
communism as a Jewish conspiracy. He also began the militarization and expansion of Germany which would eventually lead to WW2.
Germany then allied with Italy and Japan to form the Axis.
Agreement Date Countries Terms
Rome Berlin Axis October 1936 Germany and Italy Germany and Italy would be
Anti-communism pact November 1936 Germany and Japan Germany and Japan agreed to
fight communism and the
Soviet Union
Munich conference September 1938 Germany, Italy, France and Germany was allowed to take
Great Britain control of the Sudeten part of
Nazi-Soviet nonaggression August 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union Germany and the Soviet Union
pact agreed not to attack each other
In the anti-communism pact Germany agrees to fight the Soviet Union but, in the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact the agreed not to
attack the soviets. They never intended to honor these treaties. In 1938 France and Great Britain ceded Czechoslovakia to Germany to
avoid war.
Hitler’s violations to treaty of Versailles
 March 1935: Hitler announces creation of air force and institutes a military draft to expand the army from 100,000 to 550,000
 March 1936 Hitler deploys troops in demilitarized Rhineland
Germans felt betrayed by peace treaties after WW1 and felt justified in seeking more space, for people and industries. Britain and France
give up land in Czechoslovakia in return for his promise of not expanding any further. After that Germany invades Poland and what’s left
of Czechoslovakia. USA supports China against Japan’s incursion.
Racial supremacy
Germans belonged to an “Aryan race” superior to others. He wanted a larger population of Germans and planned to take over lands to the
east to accommodate this growth. They violated the treaty of Versailles by expanding their army and territory. Britain initially avoided
use of force to deal with the Nazi expansion.
New life movement, Confucian values by Chiang Kai-Shek
Hard work-obedience-integrity-propriety-righteousness-honesty(truth)
Axis alliance and further aggression
Germany joins with Italy and Japan: 1936, Hitler signed alliance agreements with Italy and Japan
German annexation of Austria: Hitler threatened Austria to unite with Germany to expand German territory
Occupation of Sudetenland: Invasion of northwestern part of Czechoslovakia home of many ethnic Germans
Failure of appeasement policy
Munich conference in 1938, Britain cede control of Sudetenland to Hitler hoping they would stop expanding. Nazi-Soviet nonaggression
pact to prevent Western Europe from getting help from the soviets this agreement was made between Hitler and Stalin. Appeasement
failed when German troops occupied what was left of Czechoslovakia.
Japan’s desire for natural resources and expansion
Seizure of Manchuria in 1931, Japan took over Manchuria to access to its extensive natural resources. They responded to criticism from
league of nations by withdrawing and seizing territory in northern China and inner Mongolia. Chinese leader Chiang Kai-shek was
initially slow to respond Japanese aggression because the army was busy fighting Chinese communists. When he was able to address
Japan’s army he suffered setbacks and had to retreat.
War begins
In Europe it started on Sep/3/1939. Actually: German invasion of Czechoslovakia on Mar/15/1939. Announcement Britain and France
support of Poland Mar/29/1939.
In the pacific: Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec/7/1941.
In Europe ended May/8/1945 Germans signed official surrender.
In Pacific ended Aug/14/1945 Japan accepts allies ultimatum in Tokyo Bay to General Douglas MacArthur on Sep/2/1945.
1. Phoney war September 1939- May 1940: Twilight war(Churchill) After Poland surrendered on Sep 27th no battles only
skirmishes along French border and at sea
2. Fall of France and battle of Britain May 1940- October 1940: Netherlands and Belgium before end of May, British evacuation
from France at Dunkirk between 27 May and 4 June. German army entered Paris signed an armistice on 22 June and Italy
declared war on the Allies on 10 June. Battle of Britain the German´s bombing raids on Britain Hitler declares blockade on
Britain. August 1940 Allies bomb Berlin
3. War on several fronts and attack on Soviet Union November 1940- August 1941: War with Italian forces in North Africa was
expanded along with the German general Rommel in dessert War. May British ship Hood sunk by the Bismarck which was
sunk by British navy. Germans invaded Yugoslavia and Greece and they surrendered, then occupied Crete. On 22 June Hitler
invaded Soviet Union
4. Continued war in Soviet Union and increasing tension leading to war on the Pacific August – December 1941: German
advance on Moscow while British aircraft carrier Ark Royal sunk off Gibraltar. In the Pacific Australian cruiser Sidney was
sunk by Germans in November. On 7 December Japan launched attack on Pearl Harbor USA and Britain declare war on them.
Germany declares war on USA on 11 December.
5. Japan marches southward to battles of Coral sea and Midway December 1941 to June 1942: December 8 Japan invades
Malaya Thailand the Philippines. Sank prince of Wales and repulse off the Malayan coast and on 11 December Burma was
invaded. Manila fell, and Hong Kong, Malaya and Singapore surrendered. East indies overrun. On 19 February Japanese
launched 1st bombing raid on Darwin and US forces under Macarthur left the Philippines on 22 February. German air raids on
Britain intensified outmatched by British and American raids on Germany.
6. Germany defeats Soviet Union and North Africa and turning of the tide in the Pacific July 1942- February 1943: 2 nd half of
1942, war continued with German successes in North America and Soviet Union until Battle of Stalingrad in September, In
November Soviets launched a counter offensive at Stalingrad and at the beginning of February 1943 Germans surrender at
Stalingrad. In October 1942 Montgomery launched his counter attack at El Alamein and on 4 November the Germans were
defeated, and North African towns retaken. Casablanca conference in January 1943 Allies announced that European war could
only end with German surrender. February 1943 Americans recaptured Guadalcanal in the Solomons.
7. Lead up to opening of second front in Europe February 1943- June 1944: Middle of 1943- Germany was driven out of North
Africa Allies invade Sicily. In October 1943 Italy reentered war on Allied side (Mussolini escaped) Allies entered Rome. 1944
in Crimea Germany surrendered to the Soviet. Throughout 1943 Americans recapture New Guinea.
8. Landing at Normandy leading to collapse of Nazi Germany June 1944- May 1945: Allies landed at Normandy, Russia reached
Berlin-Allies forced Germany to surrender and liberation of France and low countries. Hitler kills himself 1 week before
surrender-Soviet drive out Germans of East Europe. Mandalay fell to British and Indian troops and Rangoon- American troops
landed on Okinawa. April 1945. In the Pacific Australians tried to stop Tokyo. General Macarthur returned to Philippines and
recaptured Manila February 1945.
9. Dropping of A-Bombs and Japanese surrender July-August 1945: A-Bomb dropped on Hiroshima August/6/1945. Second
bomb on Nagasaki August/6/1945. Japanese surrender on August 15th, documents signed on September 2nd.
Legacy of the war
WW2 Effecrs
 End of dictatorship
 Borders redrawn
 United Nations
After the end of WW2 Britain suffered repercussions from the conflict. An economic depression meant that rationing continued, low fuel
stocks caused factories to work at levels uncapapble of rebuilding a nation. Electricity wasrestricted and the Winter of 1946-7 was ine of
the worst on record.
The britsih empire began to decline and India was granted Independence in 1947, by 1970 most of the empire had gained Independence.
Europe was divided into 2 blocs (Communist and non-communist). This led to the USA and the URSS assuming power status and
dialogue between the 2 nations breaking down into a cold war situation. The 1950s saw a steady Flow of inmigrants from
Commonwealth nations mainly the Caribbean and Indian subcontinent. Most of these people remained in Britain and made lives for
themselves, contributing to Britain´s diversity. Britain was a founding member of United Nations in 1945 and 4 years later of NATO
(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) comprised originally by 10 western European countries including the USA and Canada. This meant
thT Britain could develop a small well equipped Armed Forces to deal with a wide variety of tasks- Socially, economically, politically
and culturally.
Cold war: 1945- ideological conflict between Communist and non-communist countries.
After WW2 Allies disagreed over how to govern occupied Germany. URSS and USA were meant to rule Germany jointly, spread of
communism beset the arrangement. During the war the Soviet Union had joined the US and Western Europe to fight Germany, but they
believed that communism should overtake capitalism. By 1947 USA had formulated a policy to prevent the spread of Communism.
 1945 The Yalta Conference: Deciding Postwar status of Germany, Alllies divide Germany into 4 occupation zones. Thet
agree that new leaders are to be elected democratically in all countries occupied by Nazi Germany. United Nations to replace
League of Nations.
 1948 Marshall plan: (European Recovery Plan ERP) American plan to aid Europe
 1949 NATO: Intergovernmental military alliance based on thr North Atlantic Treaty, its members agree to mutual defense in
case of attack to resist communist expansion. Soviet Union test their first Atomic bomb (Joe 1 succeeds, and they become 2 nd
nuclear power). Sino-Soviet treaty of friendship: Alliance and mutual assistance between China and URSS.
 1955 Warsaw pact: Communist military counterpart of a mutual defense treaty by 8 communist states in Eastern Europe.
 1957 The Sputnik: Group of various robotic spacecraft missions launched by Soviet Union. Sputnik-1 sent first manmade
object to orbit Earth.
 1960 USA U-2 Spy plane: Shot down over Soviet air space
 1949-1963: American embargo against Sino-Sovier Alliance
 1960 Sino-Soviet split: Soviets move towards peaceful coexistence with USA
 1962 Cuban Missile crisis: Soviets installed mid range nuclear missiles in Cuba. Shaken by possibility of Nuclear war led to
 1963 Limited test ban: Prohibits almospheric nuclear tests, cultural exchanges, aviation, space exploration, others
Berlin blockade: (24 June 1948-12 May 1949) One of the first major international crisis of the Cold War. During the Multinational
occupation of Germany, the Soviet Union blocked the Western allies’ railway road and canal access to the sectors of Berlin under
Western control.
May 1st, 1960. Durnig Eisenhower’s presidency and Nikita Khrushchev, when American U-2 spy plane was shot down in Russian air
Satruday, August 2nd, 2014. US officials confimed that a US spy plane dodged Russian military by flying into Swedish air space without
1961: Communist-side built the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate to keep its population from leaving. Called Iron Curtain by Winston
Fears: Inminent invasion by Soviets, the threat of Nuclear war and annihilation of planet in a Nuclear Holocaust
Yugoslavia (Communist-run) was independent of the eastern bloc. Communist Albania broke with the Soviet Union in the early 1960s,
aligning itself with the people’s republic of China after the Sino-Soviet split.
Indirect Struggle
Fighting between USA and URSS went on through proxies (substitutes)
In Vietnam: The US backed the south Vietnamese and the Russians and Chinese backed north Vietnam abd Ho Chi Minh
USA and Russia were the only nuclear bombed equipped nations in that era
1970- USA backed Ethiopian government and the Soviets Somalia. Ethiopian seek Soviet support and US switched its support to
Bipolar characteristics of Cold War
 Superimpose rivalry on the rest of the world
 Indirect struggle (Proxy war)
 Massive arms build-up and Nuclear weapons
 Diplomacy: militarized thinking concentrated on building and strengthening alliances
 Each side denied the other’s right to exist
 USSR thinking Capitalism was inmoral
 US thinking Communism was an evil empire
 Propaganda attacks
Stalin’s reaction is well documented. Senators Nixon and McCarthy led a campaign against alleged soviet agents in the US government
forcing Truman to set up a commission to review the loyalty of American civil servants
Last phase of Cold War 1980-1991
Rollback policy with Reagan: Grenada invasion, codenamed Operation Urgent Fury a Caribbean island nation (Revolutionary
government). The invasion led to a change of government but was controversial due to charges of American imperialism, Cold War
politics, the involvement of Cuba, the unstable state of the Grenadian government and Grenada’s status as a Commonwealth realm with
Elizabeth II as the monarch. Grenada gained independence from the UK in 1974
Gorbachev and Perestroika and Glasnost
1985: Mikhail Gorbachev’s renovation policies of the soviet body politic and society:
Perestroika: Restructuring, economic reform.
Grasnost: Openness in political discussion, freedom of speech.
1991: Fall of Soviet Union
US forced Soviet Union into bankruptcy as it tried to keep up in the arms race
Soviet Union suffered from stagnation over decades and imploded because of weaknesses
The Pope put his full support with the aid of Reagan, America´s president and the CIA behind the Solidarity movement in Poland lead by
Polish dock worker and devout Catholic, Lech Walesa. What followed was the rusting out of the iron in the Iron Curtain. “Reagan had
already won the Cold War.The Soviets could no longer meet US economic and strategic competition. They therefore had to meet
Reagan’s terms”.
October 1989, the Politburo forced the resignation of Erich Honecker the leader of GDR (German Democratic Republic).
Then on November 9, 1989, the leader of East Berlin Communist party, Gunter Schabowski, announced that the boarder with West
Berlin would be opened for private trips abroad.
“every wall will fall some time”.
Shortly thereafter, a small opening in the Wall allowed for the first view into the East
The hegemonic world after the Cold War
The US certainly a great economic power, but not the only one. There are others like the European Union, the Organization of Asia-
Pacific Economic cooperation as well as many nation states outside of these organizations.
The “American Empire” may be best seen operating in the Persian Gulf, Iraq and the Middle East, in general, where the armed forces of
US have established a semi permanent foothold and thousands of soldiers deployed at bases keep watch on Iran, Syria and other
“Potential enemies”. American military participation is often necessary to the command and control of coalition operations.
The international system of the post-Cold War era reflects a mixture of both unipolar and multipolar system which at least 5 major
powers: The USA, Europe, China, Japan and Russia dominate international affairs.
Human rights
Article 1. protection of the law against such  Everyone, as a member of society,
 All human beings are born free and interference or attacks. has the right to social security
equal Article 13. Article 23.
Article 2.  Everyone has the right to freedom of Everyone has the right to work, to
 Everyone is entitled to all the rights movement and residence within the free choice of employment, to just and
and freedoms set forth in this borders of each state. favourable conditions of work and to
Declaration, Everyone has the right to leave any protection against unemployment.
Article 3. country, including his own, and to Article 24.
 Everyone has the right to life, liberty return to his country.  Everyone has the right to rest and
and security of person. Article 14. leisure, including reasonable
Article 4.  Everyone has the right to seek and to limitation of working hours and
 No one shall be held in slavery or enjoy in other countries asylum from periodic holidays with pay.
servitude. persecution. Article 25.
Article 5. This right may not be invoked in the  Everyone has the right to a standard
 No one shall be subjected to torture case of prosecutions genuinely arising of living adequate for the health and
or to cruel, inhuman or degrading from non-political crimes or from acts well-being of himself and of his
treatment or punishment. contrary to the purposes and family,
Article 6. principles of the United Nations. Article 26.
 Everyone has the right to recognition Article 15.  Everyone has the right to education.
everywhere as a person before the   Everyone has the right to a Education shall be free, at least in the
law. nationality. elementary and fundamental stages.
Article 7. Article 16. Article 27.
 All are equal before the law and are Men and women of full age, without Everyone has the right freely to
entitled without any discrimination to any limitation due to race, nationality participate in the cultural life of the
equal protection of the law or religion, have the right to marry community, to enjoy the arts and to
Article 8. and to find a family. They are entitled share in scientific advancement and
 Everyone has the right to an effective to equal rights as to marriage, during its benefits.
remedy by the competent national marriage and at its dissolution. Article 28.
tribunals for acts violating the Article 17.  Everyone is entitled to a social and
fundamental rights granted him by the Everyone has the right to own international order in which the rights
constitution or by law. property alone as well as in and freedoms set forth in this
Article 9. association with others. Declaration can be fully realized.
 No one shall be subjected to arbitrary Article 18. Article 29.
arrest, detention or exile.  Everyone has the right to freedom of  Everyone has duties to the
Article 10. thought, conscience and religion. community in which alone the free
 Everyone is entitled in full equality to Article 19. and full development of his
a fair and public hearing by an  Everyone has the right to freedom of personality is possible.
independent and impartial tribunal, opinion and expression. Article 30.
Article 11. Article 20.  Nothing in this Declaration may be
Everyone charged with a penal Everyone has the right to freedom of interpreted as implying for any State,
offence has the right to be presumed peaceful assembly and association. group or person any right to engage in
innocent until proved guilty according Article 21. any activity or to perform any act
to law in a public trial at which he has Everyone has the right to take part in aimed at the destruction of any of the
had all the guarantees necessary for the government of his country, rights and freedoms set forth herein
his defence. directly or through freely chosen
Article 12. representatives.
 Everyone has the right to the Article 22.

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