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Complete the sentences with the affirmative (+) or negative (-) past simple of the verb to
1. I _________(+) on holiday last week
2. we ___________(+) in Misiones
3. The weather ___________(+) great.
4. It _________(-) rainy. It _________(+) sunny
5. The hotel _________(+) nice
6. the rooms _________(-) big. They __________(+) small
7. the people _______(+) very friendly
8. the place ___________(+) beautiful
9. the waterfalls ________(+) great!
10. I______ here last Monday.
11. Our neighbours _______on holiday last week.
12. We_______ in an apartmant in a small town near
13. We met some boys and girls at the beach.
They_______ from Great Britain.



My name is Camilla. Last summer I …………… in the United States. The voyage by plane …………. long and
tiring and the planeticket ………… quiteexpensive. It took me 10 hours to get to the New York airport.
My friendKatie ………….. therewaiting for me. I …………. surprised by the size of the JFK airport.
It ………….. huge and there ……………… verymanypeople. I was glad my friend ……….. there, otherwise I
A fewminuteslater we …………….. in a cab. It ………… a typical NY cab – big and yellow. We were in the
car for anhour. There ………….. poor, run down neighbourhoods and rich, luxuriousones. The
citycentre…………. fantastic. There ………….. hugeskyscrapers, and big roundabouts. The largest and
busiestroundabout ………….. the famousColubusCircle.There was alsoanenormoustraffic jam.
We went to Katie’sapartmentto leave the luggage and rest a bit. It ……….. small and cosy with a nice view of
the park. I ………. (not) verytiredso we went to see the biggestfountain in New York. It ………… the Bethesda
Fountain in Central Park.There ……………. (not) manypeople in the park, becauseit …………. stillearly in the
Later we had lunch and wereatsome nice museums. In the evening we ………….. at the worldfamous Times
Square. There …………… hundreds of people, huge neon lights, billboards and advertisements.And
there …………… (not) anycarsbecauseit was a holiday and the square was closed to traffic. I ……………..
amazed!!! We also …………. in one of the Broadway theatres to see a musical. It…….. great!

✓ How longwas the voyage by plane? ……………………………….

✓ Was JFK airport big? ……………………………..
✓ Was Camilla affraidshewouldgetlostwithoutherfriend? …………………………….
✓ Whatis the name of the most famousroundabout?.....................................
✓ What ……….. in Central Park? ………………………………..
✓ Weretheremanycarsat the Times Square? ………………………..

✓ The plane ticket wasn’t expensive. T F

✓ They went to Katie’shouse by a taxi. T F
✓ Onlyrichpeople live in the New York city. T F
✓ Katie’sapartmentwasn’t big but it was nice and comfortable. T F
✓ Carsweren’tallowed to the Times Square. T F
✓ Theysaw a play at a Broadway theatre.

A) Complete the conversation with WAS / WASN’T / WERE / WEREN’T.

A: Where were you last night? I phoned you but you …………… at home.
B: I …………..out with friends. We ……………. at the Bluenote Café.
A: …………… Julia there?
B: No, she …………… . Why?
A: Oh, I just wondered.
B: She ………….out with Nick. They ……………at the Oasis. I think.
A: No, they …………… .
B: How do you know?
A: Because I …………….. there!

1. Mary and Susan …… were ……… ill yesterday.

2. The weather …………………….. very hot last Saturday.
3. The students …………………….. at the theater last night.
4. Betty …………………………….. in Germany last summer.
5. My brother and I …………………….. at the football stadium on Saturday.
6. …………………………. it cold yesterday?

B) Put these sentences into the PAST. Use past form of verb “ TO BE “:


Example: I’m at home. ….. I was at home………………………………

1. Jane and Michael are tired. ……………………………………………….

2. She’s in the park. ……………………………………………….
3. It’s a sunny day. ……………………………………………….
4. You’re late. .………………………………………………
5. They aren’t hungry. ……………………………………………….
6. We aren’t at work. ……………………………………………….
7. I’m thirsty. .………………………………………………
8. You aren’t at school. ……………………………………………….
9. We’re at the cinema. ……………………………………………….
10.Paula isn’t happy. ……………………………………………….
11.Everyone is excited. ……………………………………………….
12.I’m not afraid. .. .……………………………………………..

C) Choose WAS or WERE and circle it:

1. He was / were a policeman.

2. We was / were very happy.
3. Was / Were you happy?
4. They wasn’t / weren’t interested in.
5. I was / were at school.
6. It wasn’t / weren’t expensive.
7. Was / Were she your teacher?

D) Complete the text with WAS or WERE:

Interviewer: What ……………. it like during the First World War, Bill?
Bill : It ……………… a terrible time. I ………………. a young man, so I …………
in the army. We …………….. in Italy.
Interviewer: Where ……………….. your wife and children?
Bill : They ……………… in London. That ……………. dangerous too. There ……...
bombs and there ……………… not a lot of food. The children ………….. very
young and they ……………….. very frightened.

E) Are these statements TRUE or FALSE? Correct the FALSE statements using WASN’T

Example: a) Bill was an old man during the First World War.
FALSE- Bill wasn’t an old man during the First World War.

b) Bill was in the army. TRUE

c) Bill was in Poland. ………………………………………………………………..

d) Bill’s wife and children were in Italy. …………………………………………….
e) It was dangerous in London. ………………………………………………………
f) There was a lot of food in London. ………………………………………………..
g) The children were quite old. ………………………………………………………
h) The children were frightened. …………………………………………………….

F) Make questions about the text using WAS or WERE:

Example: a) How old / Bill / during the First World War?

How old was Bill during the First World War?

b) / Bill / in the army? ………………………………………………………………?

c) Where / Bill? ……………………………………………………………………..?
d) Where / Bill’s wife and children? ………………………………………………..?
e) / It dangerous in London? ………………………………………………………..?
f) / there bombs? ……………………………………………………………………?
g) / there a lot of food? …………………………………………………………….. ?
h) How old / the children? …………………………………………………………. ?
I) / the children frightened? ……………………………………………………….. ?

G) Read the interview and answer the questions:

Bill Jenkins is 100 today.

Interviewer: Bill, I expect life is very different today than a hundred years ago. What
was it
Bill : Yes, it is very different. Life was much quieter then. There are so many
now. There weren’t any cars when I was a boy.
Interviewer: Were you happy as a child?
Bill : Oh yes, I was very happy, but I’m still happy now!
Interviewer: Tell me about your family.
Bill : Well, my father was a postman and my mother was a cook. We weren’t
but we weren’t poor either. There were five children. My brothers and
were all younger than me but I’m the only one still here.

1. Were there any cars when he was a boy?

2. Was he happy or sad when he was a child?

3. What was his mother’s job?

4. How many children were there in his family?

5. How old is Bill Jenkins?

H) Mary spent last weekend in Madrid. Ask her some questions using WAS or WERE:

Example: (your hotel / good?) ….. Was your hotel good?…………

1. (your room / comfortable?) ……………………………………….

2. (the weather / nice?) ……………………………………….
3. (the streets / full of people?) ……………………………………….
4. (the shops / expensive?) ……………………………………….
5. (the city / exciting at night?) ………………………………………..
6. (the museums / interesting?) ………………………………………..
7. (the people / friendly?) ………………………………………..
8. (your flight / OK?) ………………………………………..

I) George and Sally have been married for 50 years. They are talking about their first
house. Use WAS or WERE and a word from the box to complete their conversation:

new Italian big green

cheap cold bad

Example: George : The house was warm.

Sally : No, it ….was cold. ………..

1. George: The garden was small.

Sally : No, it ………………………………………………..

2. Sally : The neighbors were French.

George: No, they …………………………………………….

3. George: The living-room was red.

Sally : No, it ……………………………………………….

4. Sally : Our first chairs were expensive.

George: No, they ……………………………………………

5. George: The kitchen was old.

Sally : No, it ………………………………………………

6. George: The local shops were good.

Sally : No, they ……………………………………………

J) Put WAS, WASN’T, WERE or WEREN’T in the gaps in these conversations:

1. Peter : ….. Was …….. Paul at work today?

Julie : No, he ……………….. in the office. I think he’s sick.

2. Henry : ……………… you in South America last year?

Steve : Yes. I ……………….. in Bolivia on business, and then my wife and I …………
in Brazil for a holiday.

3. Paula : Philip and I ……………….. at home in London last week. We …………… at

Mike’s house in Cornwall. It was lovely there. Do you know Mike?
Jane : Yes, I …………………. at Mike’s party in Oxford in the summer.
……………………you there?
Paula : No, we weren’t there. Philip and I ……………….. in Portugal in the

K) Make questions using WAS / WERE:

1. Jim / at home / last night. ……… Was Jim at home last

2. You / at school / on Monday. …………………………………………?
3. David / here / yesterday. ……………………………………….. ?
4. the cinema / open / on Sunday. ………………………………………..
5. Kate and Jane / late / yesterday. ………………………………………..
6. you / in the football team / last year. ………………………………………..
7. all your friends / at your party. ………………………………………..
8. it / hot / last week. ……………………………………….

L) Make negative sentences using WAS / WERE:

1. Kevin / at my party. …… Kevin wasn’t at my party………...

2. Nick / in class yesterday. …………………………………………
3. It / warm / yesterday. …………………………………………
4. Tina and Jim / late. …………………………………………
5. Etty / on the bus. …………………………………………
6. We / at the match / yesterday. …………………………………………
7. Our teachers / pleased with us. ………………………………………...
8. I / at the restaurant. ………………………………………...

N) Fill in the blanks using WAS (NOT) / WERE (NOT):

1. I’m here today but I ……. wasn’t ……… here yesterday.

2. Jennifer is tall now but she …………………….. tall two years ago.
3. It is rainy today but it ……………………… yesterday.
4. Mr. Smith is angry now but he ……………………………… an hour ago.
5. The shops are open today but they ………………………….. on Sunday.
6. My car is clean today but it …………………………………… yesterday.
7. My father isn’t at home now but he ………………………………….. an hour ago.
8. The students are in class today but they …………………………….. last week.
9. It isn’t sunny now but it ………………………………. an hour ago.
10. We aren’t hungry now but we …………………………… twenty minutes ago.

A) Complete the text with the correct form of TO BE:

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy …were….. two of the most popular film comedians of all
time. They were born in 1890 and 1892 respectively.
Stan Laurel’s real name ………………. Arthur Jefferson. He …………….. form England.
Oliver Hardy ……………… English, he was from Georgia, USA.
Laurel and Hardy ……………… in their late 30s when they met. Their first film together
……………… Putting Pants on Philip (1927). They ………………. funny because they were
so different. Laurel ……………… small and thin. Hardy ……………. big and fat. Their most
famous films …………………. Way Out West (1937) and Blockheads (1938). They
in any serious films, only comedies.

A) Look at the following pictures of famous people in the history of human kind

Look at the information in each photo and say whether the following statements are True or False
( Please, look for further information on the Internet)
a) Pablo Picasso was a musician ……………..
b) James Dean was an important man in the world of acting ……………
c) Maria Sklodowska Curie was born in the nineteenth century …………….
d) Ludwig Van Beethoven was not a scientist …………….
e) Vladimir Lenin was 40 years old when he died …………….
f) Florence Nightingale was born in the twentieth century ……………
g) James Dean was twenty four years old when he died ……………….
h) Maria Sklodowska Curie and Florence Nightingale were born in the eighteenth century ……………
i) Vladimir Lenin and Pablo Picasso died in the twentieth century ……………………..

D) Write the correct information . Look for further information on The Internet

E) Complete the sentences with “was, wasn’t, were or weren’t “

2) Look at the irregular verb list very carefully.

Base form Simple Past Base form Simple Past

(infinitive) (infinitive)
be was /were hurt hurt
become became keep kept
begin began know knew
learn learnt
break broke leave left
bring brought
build built lie lay
burn burnt lose lost
buy bought make made
mean meant
catch caught meet met
choose chose pay paid
come came put put
cost cost read /rid/ read /red/
cut cut ride rode
do did run ran
draw drew say said
dream dreamt see saw
drink drank sell sold
drive drove send sent
eat ate
fall fell sing sang
feel felt sleep slept
fight fought speak spoke
find found spell spelt
fly flew stand stood
forbid forbade steal stole
forget forgot swim swam
forgive forgave take took
get got teach taught
give gave tell told
go went think thought
grow grew throw threw
have had wake woke
hear heard wear wore
hide hid win won
hit hit write wrote
hold held
1. Be— “Did” to make questions or negative sentences.
2. Buy----- Example: Was Mary at home yesterday?
3. Catch--- No, she wasn´t. She was at a party.
4. Choose---
5. Do-------- 4. Put “Be” in the correct form of
6. Drink------ the past in the following sentences.
7. Drive-----
8. Eat-------- 1. I ____very tired yesterday night.
9. Find------ 2. They __ at the cinema last Saturday.
10. Forget--- 3. She ___(not/be) angry with her pupils.
11. Get---------- 4. My mum ___at hospital last week;
12. Give--------
5. The shops ___ (not/be)open last Sunday.
13. Go-----------
6. You ___ at home yesterday, where ___
14. Hear------
15. Know-------
7. ___ all your friends at your birthday party?
16. Make------
17. Meet----- Yes, they ____
18. Put--------- 8. My sister ___ well last Saturday, so she
19. Read------- stayed at home and didn’t come with us.
20. Ride------- 9. The girls ____ at school, they ____ at
21. Run--------- home.
22. Say--------- 10. ___ Tom at the party last night? No, he
23. See----------
24. Sleep---------
11. Why ___ you in the Head’s office this
25. Speak--------
26. Take -------
27. Think ------
28. Write-------

1. They __(take) the train to go to London.

2. She ___ (ride) her bike under the rain.
3. They ____(make) pancakes yesterday. She _____ (come) alone at the party.
4. I ____ ( buy) a new laptop last week.
5. We ____(forget) the meeting last Monday.
6. They ____ (go) to Madrid last year.
7. We _____ (drive ) all the way to Paris.
8. My sister ____ (cut) herself when she was cooking.
9. They ____ (sleep ) well all night.
10. My brother ______ (get) a salary rise.
11. The baby____ (fall ) from the chair.
12. I ______ (meet) my new boss this morning.
13. They _____ ( drink) orange juice for breakfast.
14. We __________ (understand) the problems.
15. He ________ (lose) all his money .
16. Yesterday, I …………… shopping and I ……………. a lovely gift for my Mum because it was her birthday.
17. My teacher ……………. me that my test results were excellent.
18. For breakfast, I ………… a piece of toast and I …………. a cup of tea.
19. Last week, a supply teacher …………… the class. She ……………. us a lesson about photosynthesis.
20. Last Monday my friend and I …………. To the park to play. My friend ………… the ball to me and I …………it.
21. In Art class, I like to use fine pencils. In last week’s lesson, I ………….. a great picture and my
teacher …………….. me a grade A.
22. My friend ………….. her watch and had to use her phone to tell the time. Luckily, someone …………. it and now
she has got it back.
23. When I was a bit short of money, I …………. to the jewellery shop and I ………….. my gold ring. The
jeweller ………………. me £25 for it.
24. I ………….. to the cinema yesterday and I ………….. a great film.
25. The policeman arrested the criminal because he …………. my friend’s car.
26. I ………… the teacher tell me to be quiet, but I ………… on talking! Then, she …………… me a detention!
27. We ……………. my friend out to dinner for his birthday and we ………………. ‘Happy Birthday’ to him.
28. Yesterday, I …………… a birthday party. My friends ……………. me some lovely presents and later, we …………….
to a disco.
29. In music class we ………………. guitar and …………….. some Beatles songs.
30. My dad …………….. me into town in his car and I …………….my friends. We …………….. a pizza
and …………. a film.
31. I ……………. a book and I ……………….. it to a publisher’s but they
didn’t publish it.
32) Last year, we ……………. to Greece for our holidays, but the journey was stressful. This year, we are taking the
33)The tragedy of the Titanic makes me very sad. Many people drowned, but most of them ……………….. to death

↓ ↓

Example: Peter didn´t go to the cinema last night.


1. John __(not/ get) his test back yesterday.

2. We _____(not /bring) our packed lunches!
3. The neighbours _____ (not/ wake) on time for their train!
4. My Dad _____(not /win) his tennis tournament last weekend.
5. Steve _____(not/ buy) any flowers for Valentine’s day!
6. My brother ______(not/write) the report for his boss.
Fill in the past form.
7. The nurse ___ (not /hurt) my brother when she made his bandage.
8. We ________ (not/see) our neighbours this morning.
9. She ________ (not/understand) why I was crying!
10. They _____(not/ send) their grandchildren their holiday photos.
11. We _______ (not/ finish) the gardening because of the rain.
12. My friends _____ (not/ lose) their rugby match last Saturday.

1. Mammoths big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)

2. Mammoths 100 years ago. (not live)
3. Mammoths a long time ago. (live)
4. Mammoths meat. They grass. (not eat / eat)
5. They two large tusks about three metres long. (have)
6. I by credit card. I cash. (pay / not pay)
7. He some milk. He any water. (drink / not drink)
8. She only a pound. She 3 pounds. (spend / not spend)

9. I some elephants. I any lions. (see / not see)

10. They in the sea, but they in the lake. (swim / not swim)
Final del formulario
Fill in the negation.

1. They went to work by train. They to work by train.

2. We gave her an expensive necklace. We her an expensive necklace.

3. They did their homework carefully. They their homework carefully.

4. He drove very fast. He very fast.

5. Daniel opened a new restaurant. Daniel a new restaurant.

6. We worked last Monday. We last Monday.

7. We saw Bill yesterday evening. We Bill yesterday evening.

8. The boys liked their sports teacher. The boys their sports teacher.

9. I ordered ham and eggs. I ham and eggs.

10. Nicole found her ring. Nicole her ring.

11. The twins were at the party. The twins at the party.

12. They watched TV. They TV.

13. Nancy went to school. Nancy to school.

14. He was in town. He in town.

15. They lived in Glasgow. They in Glasgow.

Complete these sentences. Use the verbs below.

clean - die - enjoy - end - happen - live - open - play - rain - repair - start - stay - want - watch

1. Yesterday evening I TV.

2. I only my teeth four times last week.

3. Bruce his mountain bike yesterday evening.

4. The concert last night at 7.30 and at 10 o'clock.

5. The accident last Sunday afternoon.

6. When I was a child, I to be a lawyer.

7. Mozart from 1756 to 1791.

8. We our holiday last week.

9. Today the weather is nice, but yesterday it .

10. It was hot in the room, so I the window.

11. The weather was good yesterday afternoon, so we tennis.

12. William Shakespeare in 1616.

8.Use the interrogative form of the past simple .

1. __ (Ken/ feel) better this morning?

2. ______Kate/ learn) her history lesson?
3. ___ (the children /see) their grandparents?
4. ____(your mother/find) a new job?
5. ___________ (your friend / speak) to you about the meeting?
6. ______________ (the neighbours/pay) their house rent?
7. __________(John) / catch) his train to go to Paris?
8. ___________ (the water/ freeze) in the pipes because of the cold?
9. -________ (Jane/read) the play for her literature lesson?
10. __________ (your mother/ tell) you about the accident?
11. _________ (Max/ get) all his money back after the robbery?
12. ________ (the dog /hide) some bones in the garden?
1) I dropped my camera into the sea.
2) The weather was bad yesterday.
3) Stefan forgot his passport.
} 4) We were in Spain last winter.
5) It rained all week.
6) They went to the wrong station.

1. Helen met her friend on Monday.

2. It was very warm this summer.
3. We had seven lessons on Saturday.
4. My little brother watched TV some hours ago.
5. The boys played tennis last week.
1.The dog ran in the garden.
Where …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
2. He wrote the book last year.
3.He rode the bike very quickly.
4. She had 4 brothers.
How many……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5.Kate washed the windows.
Order to make questions
1. where / you /born / were?
2. where / you / did / grow up?
3. what / like / did / you / doing / at school?
4. what / like / were / you / as / a young child?
5. when / decide / you / did / an actor / to become?
6. how / parents / your / did / react?
7. what / say / when / told / did / you / they / them?
8. how / you / when / old / left / were / you / home?
9. what / job / first / in the theatre / was?
10. what / of / directors / working / kind / with / you / do / like?

G) Make negative sentences (x) or questions (?) using the PAST TENSE:

Example: he / stay (x) in a hotel

He didn’t stay in a hotel.

you / learn (?) speak Italian when you were in Italy.

Did you learn to speak Italian when you were in Italy?

1. she / like (x) the film

2. I / use / (x) the school computer yesterday

3. they / arrive (?) home late yesterday

4. you / ask (?) her for Caroline’s address

5. he / enjoy (x) the concert in the park

6. we / talk (x) about school at all

9 .answer these questions using short answers. 10. WRITING:

Example: Did you see a film last night?

Yes, I did./No, I didn´t. ➢ Write a short

1. Did they win their tournament? No,________ paragraph about what

2. Did you lose your wallet in the street? Yes, I_____
you did last weekend.
3. Did Kate drive to work? Yes, __________
4. Did John build the dog’s house? No, ________
5. Did you see her at school? Yes, I_______

6. Did your children sing at the party? No, ______ ➢ Don’t forget to use

7. Did you make a cake? No, _________ connectors!

8. Did they ride their new bikes? Yes, ________ ➢ (80 WORDS)
9. Did she wear her new dress? No, _______

10. Did you forget your identity card? Yes, _____

11. Did she eat all her dinner ? No, _______

J) Read Did you meetand
Lucian anybody
Estelle new? Yes,the
and write ______

Lucian and Estelle are from London, but they live in Madrid. They work for Opel, the car factory.
Lucian and Estelle like swimming and cooking. They don’t have a car. They don’t like driving!

1. live / they / do / London? Do they live in London? ………………

2. Madrid / do / live / they? …………………………………………
3. Ferrari / they / work / do? …………………………………………
4. work / Renault / do / they? …………………………………………
5. swimming / like / cooking / they / do? …………………………………………
6. swimming / they / like / traveling / do? …………………………………………
7. like / do / driving / they ? …………………………………………


a. he/ go/ to the park last week?
b. I/ have/ lunch three hours ago.
c. she/ visit/ her grandparents yesterday.
d. when / they/ buy/ tickets for Rihanna’s concert?

K) What does Ellie ask Carsten? Put the words in order to make questions:

Ellie: Sunday time What do get you up on?

What time do you get up on Sunday? ……………………. .
Carsten: Ten o’clock.
Ellie: you breakfast What do have for?
Carsten: Coffee, cheese and bread.
Ellie: morning you in do the What do?
Carsten: I play football in the park.
Ellie: do lunch When have you?
Carsten: At two o’clock.
Ellie: with Who lunch you do have?
Carsten: My parents.
Ellie: you afternoon What do do in the?
Carsten: I watch football on TV.

SUBJECT: Past form of Verb “To Be “

How many irregular verbs can you find?


Write these sentences in the negative form

1. I listened to music yesterday
2. My father watched “Showmatch” on TV last night
3. My mother had a shower in the morning yesterday
4. we drank a Coke in the bar yesterday
5. my brother went to school this morning
6. She ate seven apples last week.
1. The boys were ill some days ago.
2. My mother had her birthday on September 17.
3. My granny studied at Tartu University in 1950.
4. Mr Brown hurt his leg yesterday.

Rewrite each sentence according to the instructions given

1. I enjoyed the concert (negative)
2. you ate all the bread (question)
3. did John spend a lot?(affirmative)
4. I felt well yesterday (negative)
5. Anna didn’t buy a car (affirmative)
6. They won the prize (question)
7. Paul doesn’t speak German (affirmative)
8. I paid all the bills (negative)

1. Positive I bought a new hat two days ago.

2. Positive Peter drank a lot of cola yesterday.
3. Positive My sister had a birthday party on Wednesday.
4. Positive You took my English book a week ago.
5. Positive I left school at 12 o’clock today.
1. Positive I bought a new hat two days ago.
2. Positive Peter drank a lot of cola yesterday.
3. Positive My sister had a birthday party on Wednesday.
4. Positive You took my English book a week ago.
5. Positive I left school at 12 o’clock today.

From the present to the past

Change the sentences from the present to the past
1. we meet in a café (last night)
2. Max sees his friends after work (last night)
3. Emily loses her job (yesterday)
4.. we don’t have dinner at home (last night)
5. they leave work at 5.30 (yesterday)
6. Alex doesn’t get up early (yesterday morning)
7. my girlfriend feels ill (yesterday)
8. He always goes to work by car. Yesterday he to work by bus.
9. They always get up early. This morning they up late.
10. Bill often loses his key. He one last Saturday.
11. I write a letter to Jane every week. Last week I two letters.
12. She meets her friends every evening. She them yesterday evening, too.
13. I usually read two newspapers every day. I only a newspaper yesterday.
14. They come to my house every Friday. Last Friday they , too.
15. We usually go to the cinema on Sunday. We to the cinema last Sunday, too.
16. Tom always has a shower in the morning. Tom a shower this morning, too.


Yesterday Mrs Wall …………………………………..(tidy) her house. She
………………………………………………(wash) the windows and ……………………………….
(clean) the floors. Then she ………………………………………….(go) to the kitchen
and ……………………………………….(want) to make an apple cake.
She ………………………………………..(take) some apples. But she …………………………………………….
(not+have) any butter. She …………………………
(is) very sad because she ………………………………………..(like) apple cakes very much.

Use the simple past of the verbs below to complete the story
Ring be go arrive take travel visit eat cost
1. Last weekend I ____________to London. I bought some sweets and a newspaper at
Liverpool station and then I ________by train to Euston station. I ________a pizza for lunch
and in the afternoon I _________Madam Tussaud’s Museum; my ticket _______$2.50. Later, I
______________to the Palace Theatre to see the Phantom of the Opera. Then __________a
taxi to Euston and __________my mother. Finally I _________in Liverpool at 10.00 p.m.

Complete the sentences with the past simple.

be – got up – meet – have – go – run – drink – sleep – swim – eat
1. Yesterday I ______ early, at about seven o´clock.
2. I ________ a shower and some fruit for breakfast
3. Then I ________ to the sports centre.
4. I ________ 500 meters in the swimming pool and then
5. I ________ 5 kilometers.
6. At lunchtime I ________ my friends in a café.
7. We ________ some pasta and ________ some juice.
8. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired!

Complete these sentences in the PAST TENSE, using the correct verb:

* play * enjoy * watch * listen * talk * phone

* stop * walk * travel * like * stay

I watched the late film on TV last night.

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great!

2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton last summer.
3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup.
4. Her parents ………………….. by train from Shanghai to Moscow.
5. I ………………….. you four times last night but you were out.
6. We …………………. along the beach yesterday. It was lovely.
7. She …………………. the film but she didn’t like the music.
8. The men ………………….. work at exactly one o’clock.
9. I ……………………. to the new Sting album yesterday. It’s great.
10. They ………………… to us about their trip to Madagaskar. It was very interesting.

B) Complete the story. Use the verbs in the brackets:

Last year I went (go) on holiday. I ……………… (drive) to the sea with my friend. On the first day
we ……………… (look) at the beautiful buildings and ……………. (eat) in lots of restaurants. The next
day ……………… (be) very hot so we …………….. (drive) to the sea. We ……………….. (leave) our clothes
in the car and ………………… (sunbathe) and ……………. (swim) all day. At six o’clock we ……………….
(walk) to our car, but the car ……………(be) there. We ……………… (buy) some clothes and ……………….
(go) to the Police Station. The
police ……………. (be) nice and we …………….. (sleep) in the police station.
Laszio Birò __________( be ) born in Hungary in 1899 but his nationality was Argentinean, too. He
____________(be ) a journalist but he ____________(not be) happy with fount pens. Their ink
____________(be) difficult to dry and there __________(be) many spots on the papers. Laszlo and his brother
_________(be) inventors and their design of the ballpoint pen ___________(be) the ballpoint pen. Their
invention ______________(not be) very popular until British pilots used it in the Second World War.
Every day we _______________(use) ballpoint pens in the office, at home and at school. In Argentina people
_____________(celebrate) inventors’ day on Biro’s birthday, September 29th. In many countries people
________________(Call) pens „biro” in his memory.
What ____________you ______________(use) at this moment? We __________all _____________(write)
with ballpoint pens!

Write the verb in brackets into the correct form

1. Karen ( not go) ______to school yesterday
2. I (buy) ___________some fruit at the market.
3. She (say) ___________she was hungry
4. (do) __________you _________-your homework?
5. he (not study) ______________for the exam
6. she (find)__________$5 in the street
7. we (run) ____________to school because we were late
8. I (write) ____________a letter to my penfriend yesterday
9. (see) ______________you _________the film last night?
10. My grandfather (work) ____________hard, but (not make) ___________a lot of money.
11. We __________(travel) to Peninsula de Valdez last month. We 12._________(go) by plane
and 13. ________(arrive) at the airport in the morning. We 14. __________(hire) a taxi to the
port and then 15. __________(get) on a boat. We 16. __________(see) whales and two
dolphins 17. _________(swim) near our boat. We 18. _________(walk) on the beach and 19.
__________(play) with a small penguin. We 20. _________(not visit) other cities, but we21.
_____________(enjoy) our trip.
22. He ( not keep)__________ his appointment with you last Tuesday morning because, at the
time of the appointment, he ( be seen)23. _________ by the Personnel Manager about a new
job. And when the interview 24. __________(end), he 25. __________ (wait) there to learn
whether he would be given the job or not.
She 26. __________ (have) a bath while her sister 27. _________(get) breakfast ready
I 28. _______ (walk) down the street some minutes ago when I 29, _________ (see) a
curiously dressed man. He 30. _________(wear) a sports –coat with black trousers, and one of
his shoes 31. _________ (be) black and the other 32, _________ (be) brown. He 33. ________
(hold) his tie in his hands, too.
The storm 34. __________ (begin) at half past ten while the class 35. ___________(study)
Last night, a mosquito 36. _________(buzz) round my head from the time I 37.
___________(get) into bed until I 38. ___________ (manage) to kill it – at least two hours!
you 39. ____________(advice) me yesterday to book “Matador” in the fifth race. Fortunately,
at the last moment I 40. _________(be prevented) from going to the race-course. Why
fortunately? Because the horse 41. _________ (lose) and I 42. ________ (go) to take your
The day that Percival 43. __________(resign) from the board, Roger 44. __________- (be ) in
the study with him from half past three to four o’clock. They 45. __________(talk) excitedly all
the time. Percival 46. _________(say) that he had time to do to abandon the company
altogether, and Roger 47. ___________ (insist) that that would be the worst.
She 48. _________(wear) green and it 49. __________(suit) her very well. Her face 50.
__________ (be) very mildly pretty but, because she 51. _________ (cry) and mascara 52.
________(run) down her cheeks, she 53.___________(not seem) as attractive as I had
My partner and I 54. _________(go) to Salomika by air yesterday morning. The aircraft (take
off) from Athens Airport at nine fifteen and, a moment later, we 55. __________ (see) the
Parthenon from five hundred feet up; it 56. __________ (be) a magnificent sight. Before we 57.
___________ (settle down) to our newspapers, we (ask) 58. _________the stewardess to point
out Mount Olympus when the time 59. ___________(come) the plane (be) very steady and I
soon 60. __________ (go to sleep) over my paper. I still 61. __________ (sleep) when the
stewardess 62. ___________ (come) to tell us that we 63. __________ (pass) Olympus. We 64.
___________ (look) out of our window and 65. ___________(be surprised) to see it far away in
the distance to our left. We 66. __________(not fly) over an expanse of sea. Fifteen minutes
later, we 67. _________(land) punctually at 10.25. A car 68. ________ (wait) to take us into
Salomika. We 69. ________(go) straight to our officers there and 70._________(do) what we
71. _________(have) to do. Later we 72. ____________ (have) lunch at a restaurant on the
front and then we __________73.(drive) back to the airport. At half past five, we 74.
__________ (be) back in Athens.
One fine morning, a man 74. __________________(fish) in the river. The sun 75.________(shine)
and the man 76. __________(sit) on the river bank. Everything was quiet and peaceful. The man
77. __________(wait) patiently for several hours when suddenly he 78._____________(feel)
something pulling on the fishing line. He 79.________(stand) quickly and 80. __________(begin)
to take in the line. He 81. __________(just/ lift) the huge fish he had caught out of the water
when there was a loud splash and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what
82.___________(happen). Then, he 83.____________(snap). The poor man was so disappointed
that he 84.____________(pack) away all his things and went home.

In 1990, Sandra 85. ___________ (sing) in a London pop group. She 86. ____________ (buy)
her own clothes. Her jacket 87. ______ (be) the most expensive item and she 88.
____________(think) she 89. __________(look) wonderful in it.
In London Sandra 90. _________(drink) a lot of milk and 91. ___________(eat) healthy food.
She 92. __________ (learn) how to play the guitar and 93. __________(make) friends easily.
She 94. _________(give) singing lessons and 95. ________ (go) to clubs all the weekend. She
96. __________ (take)Italian lessons and 97. __________(write) to an Italian boyfriend.

1) My sister__________(play) computer games yesterday.

2) I __________( not like) the food in the restaurant.
3) We _________(eat) fish and chips for dinner.
4) My brother_________(forget) his mp3 player at home.
5) The Smiths _________(travel) to London last year.
6) Suzzy_________(miss) the train.

1. On Saturday I ____________ (play) computer games with my cousins.
2. My mum ____________ (not cook) dinner last night.
3. I ____________ (walk) to school because there weren´t any buses.
4. They ____________ (not dance) at the party.
5. My brother ____________ (travel) to Ireland last summer.
1. film? / like / you / Did / the / _________________________________
2. you / many / did / ask? / How / people / _________________________________
3. a / have / time? / they / Did / good / _________________________________
4. did / weekend? / the / What / do / we / at / ________________________________
5. she / DVD? / Where / that / did / buy / _________________________________
6. party / on / your / go / Saturday? / he / Did / to / ____________________________
7. did / yesterday? / Who / you / see / _________________________________


3) Fill in the gaps with the simple past form of the verbs in brackets
Last Sunday we 98. _______(go) on a picnic in the country. My mother 99. ________ (drive)
the car. My father 100. ______(sleep) all the way there because he 101. ____________(be)
very tired. When we 102. ___________ (arrive) we 103. _______(go) straight to the river. We
104.___________(swim) for a long time and then we 105. _______ (eat) our lunch. After lunch
we 106. __________ (listen) to music and 107. _________ (dance). We 108.
__________(leave) at six and 109. ___________(go) home. We all 110. _________ (have) a
lovely time.
A long time ago,a lion Prince (be) __________born. He was going to be king when his father,
Mufasa died. But Mufasa’s brother, Scar, (want) __________ to be king in his place.
Scar (kill) __________Mufasa and Simba (Escape) _______to the jungle.
Now Simba (live) _________in the jungle with his two new friends, Timon and Pumbaa. Every
day, he (go) ____________to the river (have) __________a bath. They (play)
__________together, and they also (like) ________singing and watching the stars.
In a near future, Simba (go) _____________back to the Pride Lands. He (fight)
__________Scar and he (become) _________king.

LOUIS BRAILLE (1809 – 1852)

Louis Braille _________( be) the son of a French leather worker. He ________(go) blind at the
age of three when he _______(fall) on a tool in his father workshop. But Louis was a brave and
intelligent boy. He ___________(want) to be a musician, so she _______(learn ) to play the
cello, but he could not read or write.
In 1819 a French soldier ______(invent) “night writing”. He _______(use) patterns of twelve
dots on paper so that soldiers can read in the dark. Louis Braille _______(think) about the
important of this invention for blind people and when he was fifteen, he __________(begin) to
develop it. He ________(make) it simpler, with six dots, not twelve.
By 1932 “Braille _________(BE) in use all over the world in many languages, but
unfortunately Louis _____(die) of tuberculosis in 1852 and he __________(not know) of the
importance of his invention.
1. when was Louis Braille born?
2. was his father a teacher? Justify
3. what happened at the age of three?
4. what did he want to be?
5. did he write?
6. when did the soldier invent “night writing?
7. when did Louis begin to develop his invention?
8. Did Louis die of pneumonia? Justify

Read the text about The Beatles and do the exercises below
The four Beatles –John Lennon, Paul McCartney
George Harrison and Ringo Star –were all
Born in Liverpool. John, Paul and George
Knew each other at school and played
Together in a guitar based rock band
Called “The Quarrymen” in 1959. They were in their late teens. Ringo Starr didn’t join the group
until 1962, after Stuart Sutcliffe, “the fifth Beatle”, died. John, George and Paul played rhythm,
lead and bass guitars. Ringo played the drums.
The Beatles started their career at the Cavern Club in Liverpool. They first appeared there without
Ringo on 21st February 1961. On 9th November Brian Epstein, a local record shop owner, saw
The Beatles at a lunchtime session. He met them and a month later he became their manager.
Brian Epstein gave The Beatles suits and Beatles haircut.
In 1963 the group had their first Number 1 hit record in the UK charts with their single, Please
Please Me. They gave their first US concert on 11th February 1964. By April 1964, The Beatles
were top of UK singles and album charts and they held the top five places in the US charts.
The next two years were the high point of Beatlemania. Girls screamed and wept when they went
to Beatles’concerts. Everybody bought their records. By 1966 The Beatles had eight more
Number 1 his singles and five Number 1 albums.
In 1967 The Beatles made their most creative album, Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.
In the same year they went to India and became followers of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. From
them on, nothing was ever quite the same. Gradually, Beatlemania faded and, in 1968, the four
Beatles started to go their different ways. In 1971 they finally split up.
But the music of The Beatles didn’t die. It had something special, and their music is still very
popular today.
Answer about the text
1. where were The Beatles from?
2. who was the last to join the band?
3. why didn’t their music die?
4. how did people react in their concerts?
5. what happened in 1968?
Ask questions for Tilly’s answers
1. ___________________________________________?
He joined the group in 1962.
2. ________________________________________________?
Brian Epstein
3. _______________________________________________?
They went to India
4. _____________________________________________?
In the Cavern Club in Liverpool
Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE? Justify the false ones
1. The Beatles played only in the UK
2. The Beatles didn’t die
3. Three of The Beatles knew each other from school
4. In 1971 they separated
5. Brian Epstein was a shop owner
Find a similar word in the text
1. show _____________( paragraph 3)
2. popular ___________( paragraph 2)
3. shouted ____________(paragraph 4)
H) Complete the following sentences with information from the texts
1) Professor Pierre Curie …………………………Marie Sklodowska
2) Mahatma Gandhi ……………............his country to ………………….independent
3) Marie Curie’s Nobel prizes were for ………………………and …………………..
4) Mahatma Gandhi wanted his country to be ………………………….from ……………………..
5) Mahatma Gandhi was a ……………………………man
6) ……………………………….was the chemical element that Marie Curie ………………………
7) ………………………was her place of residence and work
8) Marie Curie ……………………………at the age of 53
9) Mahatma Gandhi’s death was ………………………….
10) An assassin killed …………………………
I) Say what the following fiures refer to ( Decir a que hacen referencia las siguientes cifras ) ( Spanish )
1869 : 1934
1948 : 1911:
1867 :

Complete the stories about famous inspirational people. Use the verbs in the boxes
Arrest c hange get (x 2) tell
Rosa Parks
On 1 December 1955, in Alabama USA, Rosa Parks, a young African American woman, got on
a bus and made history. The bus driver ________her to get out opf her seat because a white
man needed it. She ______out of her seat and the police _________her. This started a massive
protest and, after one year, the local government ______the law. Finally, black and white
people were able to travel together.
Become not be not make sail take
Michael Perham
In January 2007, Michael Perham, a young british boy aged 14, ___________across the
Atlantic Ocean and into the history books. He _____________the youngest person to sail
across this ocean – on his own. There __________anyone else with him on the boat and he
___________any stops during the journey. This incredible journey across the Atlantic Ocean
__________seven weeks.
Become lead not become organize spend
Mahatma Ghandi
In the early 1900s, Mahatma Ghandi was an Indian lawyer who _________________peaceful
protesis against the British rulers. In 1930, he ________________thousands of people on a 400
km march to protest heavy taxes. During his life he _________________. Severn years in
prison, but finally in 1947, India _________________independent. He __________teh
president of India, but he was called the Father of the Nation

brothers Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon.

A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents _____________be) amazingly mature, and he soon
___________become) the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. They __ _________(sing) songs like "I
Want You Back," "ABC," and "Never Can Say Goodbye.
Solo success for Michael ___________(be) inevitable, and by the 1980s, he ____________become) infinitely
more popular than his brotherly group. He _______(sell) millions of records, culminating in the biggest-selling
album of all time, "Thriller" in 1982. A TV natural, he ___________(play) some roles in films, such as playing
the Scarecrow in El Mago (1978), but He ________(have) much better luck with elaborate music videos.
He ________(marry) Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis Presley’s daughter and the __________(get) a divorce a few
months later.
He __ __(have) three children with his second wife Michael __ __(die) on June 25, 2009, at age 50, just as he
__ _(be) coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert "comeback"
in July, seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Michael Jackson's passion and artistry as a singer, dancer, writer
and businessman are unparalleled.

II.- Answer the questions about the reading

1. - Who was Michael Jackson?.
2. - Where was he born?
3. - When was he born?
4. - What was the biggest selling album of all times?
5. - Who did he marry?
6. - How many children did he have?
7. - When did he die?

H) Read the text. Write the questions below about Tamsin’s holiday:

Last September Tamsin went to Bali. She went by plane and stayed in a big hotel. It was very hot, so she
swam every day. In the evenings she went to different restaurants, the food was very good. She met some nice
people and every night she danced with them at the disco. She was happy because she wasn’t alone.

1. Where did she go? ………………………………………………. Bali.

2. …………………………………………………………………… Last September.
3. …………………………………………………………………… By plane.
4. …………………………………………………………………… In a big hotel.
5. …………………………………………………………………… It was very hot.
6. …………………………………………………………………… She swam.
7. …………………………………………………………………… It was very good.
8. …………………………………………………………………… Some nice people.
G) Read Marie Sklodowska’s biography and complete the notes about her
1. A: where ________(be) you last night at 8.00?
B: I ___________(be) at home, inspector. With my wife we __________(be) at home all
A: what __________you _____________(Do)?
B: we ____________(watch) TV and then we __________(have) a light dinner. We
___________(not be) hungry. After that, we _________(go) to bed.
A: what time ___________you _____________(go) to bed?
B: about 10 o’clock.
A: _______________you _____________(hear) a noise during the night.
B: No, I _________________(not / hear) anything.

Last night I ___________(be) asleep in my room when a strange noise __________(wake) me

up. I __________(not want) to leave my room because I ___________( feel) very scared. Then
I _________(hear) the noise again, so I _________( decide) to go and investigate. When I
___________( turn on) the light in the kitchen, a bird _________(Fly) on the window.
I ____________(close) the window so that the bird __________(not can) come in again and
then I ___________(go) back to bed.
what do you know about the 1970s band, The Jackson 5
The faqmily _____in Indiana, a town near Chicago start
in 1965 the brothers _________singing together work
the father, Joe, __________in a steel mill live

In 1968 The Jackson 5________their first single record

they _______R&B, soul, and dance music play
they _______everywhere in the US travel

the youngest brother, Michael, ________dancing record

In 1982 Michael ______________thriller die
he ___________in 2009. love

Practice exercise for the past simple tense

1. yesterday, I __________(go) shopping and I ____________(buy) a lovely gift for my mum
because it was her birthday.
2. My teacher (say) ______________that my test results were excellent
3. For breakfast, I _____________(have) a piece of toast and I drink a cup of tea
4.Last week, a supply teacher (give) ________the class. She (teach) _______us about
5. Last Monday my friend (pass)___________the ball to me and I (kick)___________it
6. In Art Class, I like to use fine pencils. In last week’s lesson, I (draw) _________a great
picture and my teacher (put) _________me grade A
7. My friend (lose) ___________her watch and had to use her phone to tell the time. Luckily,
someone (find) ____________it and she has got it back
8. When I was a bit short of money, I (sell) ____________my gold ring. The jeweler (pay)
____________me $25 for it.
9. I (visit) ______________the cinema yesterday and I (watch) _______a great film.
10. The policeman arrested the criminal because he (steal) __________my friend’s car.
11.I (know) ___________the teacher tell me to quiet, but I (keep) _____________on talking!
12. We (invite) ___________my friend out to dinner for his birthday and we (Sing)
___________happy Birthday to him.
13.My dad (take) _________me into town in his car and I (meet) __________my friends. We
(eat)__________a pizza and (see) ________a film.
14. I (write)_____a book and I (read) ____________it to a publisher’s but they
_________________(noit/publish) it.
15. Last year, we (be) __________to Greece for our holidays, but the journey was stressful.
This year, we are taking the train!
16. The tragedy of the Titanic makes me very sad. It (sink) __________in 1912. I (bring)
_____________a film to the class.
Correct the mistakes in these sentences pasado simple
* They goed to the park. _______________________________
* There was two child here last week. _________________________
* How much days were you there? __________________________
* Henry seed the film last Saturday. _________________________
* Yesterday there’s an accident. _________________________
* I thinked I knew the answer. _____________________________
• Our hotel were not near the beach.
• I were in Italy last summer.
• He did not forgot his suitcase on the train
• My parents was on holiday in June.

11. English Challenge: ☺

➢ Watch the following video :

(Song : « The tale of Mr. Morton »)

➢ Then write a summary of the story. (Past Simple)

Pearl/go to his house

• Propose
• Get married

➢ Don’t forget to use connectors ( first / Then / After that / Next / Finally)

➢ Finally, send a voice message to your teacher telling the story.


Complete each sentence with a suitable time expression form the box. You can use an
expression more than once
Ago in last week at when while

1. A burglar broke into the house _________we were watching television.

2. ______________i met an old friend of mine in the city centre
3. what were you doing ______________the police officer knocked on the door?
4. Jan met Sarah ___________half past eight outside the cinema
5. _____________Dick was preparing lunch, he cut his finger badly
6. I first came to this town more than 20 years ______________
7. Jeff was studying to be a doctor ____________he met Sally
8. Tony bought his first motorbike ______________1992
9. _____________did you start playing basketball?
10. Most of the young people left his village a long time _________

Take care and

have a

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