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Elige la forma correcta utilizando el presente simple

a. Alice __________ [washes/washing /is washing] her hair twice a week.

b. She ________ [wants/is wanting/want] a reply right now.
c. ________ [Does /Do/Is] you go to the theatre every month?
d. Does Tom ________ [not like/likes/like/] chocolate ice-cream?
e. He usually ________ [try/do try/tries] to solve problems by himself.

2. Pon la forma correcta del verbo to be y el gerundio en los blancos.

a. Tina ___________ ___________ water. (drink)
b. They ___________ __________ to France. (travel)
c. Fred ___________ ___________ a pie. (eat)
d. The weather ___________ always ______. (change)
e. She ___________ ___________ pasta. (cook)

3. Lo mismo de antes: pon la forma correcta del verbo to be (según la persona) y también
el gerundio en las siguientes frases.
a. __________ it ________ ? (rain)
b. __________ he ________ ? (smoke)
c. __________ the birds __________ ? (chirp)
d. __________ I __________? (dream)
e. __________ the wind ___________ ? (blow)

4. Complete con la forma correcta de pasado simple.

a. Susan __________ [teach] English at university last year.

b. John _______________ [not like] studying English.
c. My sister ________ [break] my computer.
d. Sarah ________ [write] the best poem.
e. ________________ [you / know] the answer to the question?

5. Escribe la forma del pasado continuo negativo de los siguientes verbos.

1. John (read) the magazine.

2. When my husband arrived I (light) the candles.

3. I (talk) to Peter on the phone.

4. The boy (draw) all the afternoon.

5. We (work) during the summer.

6. The sun (shine) but it was warm.

7. The shop (close) when he arrived.

8. She (watch) a film during the flight.

9. Mary (drive) home while I (make) dinner.

10. We (do) exercise before you arrived.

6. Complete con Will o Going to según corresponda.

1. If you help me I _______________ (finish) sonner.

2. She _____________________ (visit) London next week.

3. These shoes are really dirty. I ______________ (clean) them!

4. She ___________ (be) eighteen on Monday.

5. It's very hot in here. I _____________ (open) the window.

7. Complete con la opción más acertada.

1. Yestarday was a very nice day. We ________ [can't/can/could] play outdoors.

2. That shelf is too high. I ________ [could/can/can't] reach it.

3. When Alice was on vacation, she ________ [can/could/can't] stay up late everynight.

4. Barbara ________ [can't/can/could] play the harmonica and the piano at the same
time. She was very talented.

5. It is too noisy. I ________ [could/can't/can] hear a thing.

8. Seleccione la opción correcta.

1. Who is this man? This is Henry. _____ is 2. Do you know Tom? Yes, I know _____.
my boss.
3. I don't see them. Do _____ see them? 5. I love this book! Did you read _____?
you it
I he
they they
me she
4. We are going to the cinema. Do you want 6. Where are Tom and Kate living? _____
to come with _____? live next to my house.
we She
them They
us He
you We

En las siguientes oraciones escoge la opción correcta. Las soluciones están

al final del post.

1. When I started to train at the gym I needed help to do the exercises properly, but
now I____________________ the work-out on my own.
A) used to do B) am used to doing C) get used to doing
2. He_____________________several books a month but he doesn’t have time
A) was used to doing B) used to read C) got used to reading
3. We were surprised to see her driving – she _______________ when we first met
A) got used to driving B) was used to driving C) didn’t use to drive
4. Don’t worry, it is an easy-to-use printer. Just read the manual and
you__________________it in no time.
A) are used to B) will get used to C) used to use
5. When I had to commute to work every day I_________________________very
A) Used to get up B) used to getting up
6. I’m afraid I’ll never__________________________in such a small town, I feel
like in a cage .
A) get used to living B) used to live C) got used to living
7. Whenever we travelled to the south to visit my grandparents, we ______________
in a motel midway. I loved those long trips with my family.
A) got used to staying B) used to stay
8. When I worked on my own I__________________well organized, but since the
department grew it has become more and more difficult to keep it in order.
A) Got used to be B) was used to being C) used to be

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