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Set up your

remote workspace
When setting up your remote workspace it
is important to consider ergonomics,
ventilation, lighting and a range of other
factors that impact health and wellbeing.
It's essential your workstation is set up
correctly to ensure you're working safely
and sustainably.
Work Ergonomically
Even if your The purpose of Musculoskeletal They are caused by
workspace is ergonomics is to injuries are injuries bad set ups, poorly
temporary, it should ensure you are safe affecting muscles, designed equipment,
be ergonomically set and comfortable while tendons ligaments, sustained positions or
each time you use it. you work. nerves and joints. poor work practices.
These types of injuries muscle strains and ligament or tendon
back and neck pain
include: sprains damage
Adjustable equipment
The effect on your
like desks, chairs and
tendonitis of the carpal tunnel body and long-time
laptop stands enable
shoulders and elbows syndrome. health can take time
users to adjust a work-
to become apparent.
station to their needs.
Use the checklist to evaluate
your work-station.
1 – Have elbows above the desk at 90 to 110 degrees
2 – Ensure shoulders are relaxed and not hunched
3 – Keep wrists in line with forearms
4 – Hips, knees and ankles at 90 degrees while seated
5 – Keep feet flat on the floor or on a footrest
6 – Keep head upright with ears aligned with shoulders
7 – Eyes should be looking at the top third of the screen
8 – The seat should provide support all along the thighs
9 – The backrest should be angled at 90 to 110 degrees
Stand Up Desks
• If using a stand-up desk you
may need to adjust your
workspace to ensure that
you are comfortable. Where
your laptop is your only
computing device, adapt it
with an external keyboard,
mouse and monitor stand,
for use over extended
Work Periods And Rest Breaks
• Work breaks are not a luxury, they are a
• Short regular breaks help you stay alert,
decreases boredom and increases productivity.
• Take a walk at lunchtime.
• Do stretches regularly during the day to help
relieve tension
• Avoid occupational overuse syndrome by
changing your hand position regularly.

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