How Do You Spend Your Day

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3. Edit the text below according to your own daily routine.

Clean the things

that don`t apply to you or change the routines by those how you really spend
My Daily Routine

My daily routine is very simple construction work, my day starts at 6:30 I get
up, I wash, I have breakfast and I go to work at 7:00 am It's a bit heavy but I
get excited with music and talking with my colleagues the hours go by and
12: 00pm Lunchtime arrives, I get home and my mother gives us lunch to my
Father and Brother who also come from work, finishing lunch I rest what is left
for 1:00pm and go back to work Until 5:00: 00pm We clean h We order the
tools and go home, Normally I arrive tired from the day and I take a shower
and we are ready for snack and rest for a moment until I have the respective
classes of the Driving Union, Finishing Classes At 10pm Ready my bed and rest
for the other day.

Play the game about Present Simple, affirmative and negative. Make a
capture of the punctuation that you get. Put it in a word document and
upload it to the platform. Go to the link below.

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