China Economy - Additional Tariffs On US$34bn Worth of Products Took Effect - China International Capital - 6 - 08-Jul-18

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Macroeconomy Research

July 8, 2018

China Macro Brief

Additional tariffs on US$34bn worth of products took effect

The US and China started to implement additional tariffs on each other’s

exports on July 6. The US Customs and Border Protection announced on Liu LIU
July 5 that the US’s 25% additional import duties for Chinese goods would Analyst
be effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse SAC Reg. No.: S0080512120001
SFC CE Ref: BEI881
on or after 12:01 AM US Eastern Standard Time on July 6. China’s customs
authority said that China imposed counter-tariffs on some import
products from the US at 12:01pm Friday immediately after new US tariffs Hong LIANG
took effect. After both countries announced their lists of US$50bn worth of Analyst
SAC Reg. No.: S0080513050005
targeted products that would be subject to additional tariffs on June 15, the SFC CE Ref: AJD293
tariffs on the first batch of US$34bn worth of products (Figure 1 & 2) have
officially come into effect.
A spokesperson from China’s Ministry of Commerce said that the US has
ignited the largest trade war in economic history. The spokesperson said in
a statement on July 6 that the US tariffs violated World Trade Organization
(WTO) rules and the US has ignited the largest trade war in economic
history. The spokesperson said that the Chinese side, having vowed not to
fire the first shot, was forced to stage counter-attacks to protect the core
national interests and interests of its people. On July 6, China lodged an
additional complaint with the WTO over the tariffs formally implemented
by the US based on a trade investigation under Section 301 .
The USTR released on July 6 a product exclusion process for Chinese
products subject to Section 301 tariffs . Interested persons must submit
requests for exclusions by October 9, 2018. The USTR will evaluate each
request on a case-by-case basis, taking into account whether the exclusion
would undermine the objective of the Section 301 investigation. An
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exclusion, if granted, will apply retroactively to the July 6 date of the
imposition of the additional duties. This process may eventually lead to the
exclusion of certain products from the additional duties, but may has
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The impact of the tariffs on the first batch of products may be limited, but
future developments should be closely monitored. US$34bn represents • Macroeconomy | China-US consensus on trade
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subject to additional tariffs on June 15, US President Donald Trump issued a chance for negotiation (2018.04.05)
statement on June 18 directing the USTR to identify US$200bn worth of • Macroeconomy | Thoughts on potential impact of
Chinese goods for 10% additional tariffs. Trump also said that if China the new US protectionist measures (2018.03.23)
increases its tariffs again, the US will pursue additional tariffs on another
US$200bn of goods. At present, both countries have not imposed tariffs on
the remaining US$16bn worth of products on the lists released on June 15.
The USTR will issue a final determination after further review. Any new tariff
will also undergo review and public comments before imposition.
(Continued on next page)

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Provided for the exclusive use of Tiger Chen at Boyu Capital on 26-Aug-2018 09:15 AM.
CICC Research: July 8, 2018
Effectively implementing domestic economic policies will help China cope with external
risks. According to a notice issued on July 6, the State Council would launch an inspection
program for its departments and local governments . The goal is to make sure that
government policies are implemented and the major tasks of social and economic
development this year will be completed. The inspection covers six fields, including the battle
of preventing major risks, reducing poverty and fighting pollution, and the revitalization of
rural areas; the implementation of innovation-driven development, promoting new industries
and upgrading traditional industries; and the reform to streamline administration, delegate
powers, and improve regulation and services. With limited short-term impact from additional
tariffs and further implementation of proposed economic policies, we expect China to
maintain stable economic growth this year.


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Provided for the exclusive use of Tiger Chen at Boyu Capital on 26-Aug-2018 09:15 AM.
CICC Research: July 8, 2018

Figure 1: The US imposed 25% additional tariffs on US$34bn Figure 2: China imposed 25% additional tariffs on US$34bn
worth of Chinese goods worth of US goods

Source: USTR, US Department of Commerce, CICC Research Source: Ministry of Commerce of China,, CICC Research

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CICC Research: July 8, 2018

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Provided for the exclusive use of Tiger Chen at Boyu Capital on 26-Aug-2018 09:15 AM.
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Translation: Jincheng HUANG

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