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1. What are the critical attributes of 21st century education? Explain them.
The world of teachers and students is expected to continue to change
dramatically throughout the 21st century and beyond. There is a paradigm
shift in the way teaching and learning is delivered. As a 21st century teacher,
you need to develop essential knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to be
able to cope with these changes and to help your students address them as

2. Describe a 21st century teachers and discuss some innovative tools for
21st-century teaching means teaching as you have always taught but with
today's tools and technology. It means utilizing everything that is important in
today's world so that students will be able to live and prosper in today's
economy, as well as having the ability to guide students and to prepare them
for the future.

3. Explain how you can integrate 21st century education curriculum?

21st Century Skills as Overarching Unit Standards. Incorporate a 21st century
standards menu into your curriculum map. Text box for Reflection on 21st
Century Skills. Create a new category. 21st Century Skills as an Addition to
Existing Categories.


How do you assess students 21st century life career skills and learning environment?

Life and career skills encompass key skills necessary for students to live and
work in diverse, complex environments. These include: leadership; time
management; initiative and self-directed learning; and working with others

How may the result of this study be utilized in enhancing the 21 st century life and
career skills and their learning environment?

Results indicated that the 21C-LCS and the Students reported moderately
high perceptions of their skills in all 21st century skills, scale development, life
and career skills, learning.

Learning reflection:

Write 21st century education concepts on each ray of the sun.








1. C
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. D



1. Describe the categories of 21st century skills.

The term “21st-century skills” is generally used to refer to certain core

competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and
problem-solving that advocates believe schools need to teach to help
students thrive in today's world.

2. How can the attainment of 21st century skills contribute to the realization of
educational goals?

Communication Creativity Critical Thinking Collaboration. To state it simply,

these are the four skills that your students will need to be successful in the
21st Century.

3. How can you prepare plan and deliver a lesson with an end goal of attaining the
21st century skills?

Let Your Students Lead The Learning. Create an Inquiry-Based Classroom

Environment. Encourage Collaboration. Develop Critical Thinking Skills.
Encourage Creativity

4. How can you integrate 21st century skills in the teaching learning process?
21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance ways
of thinking, learning, working and living in the world. The skills include critical
thinking/reasoning, creativity/creative thinking, problem solving,
metacognition, collaboration, communication and global citizenship.

5. What activities can help learners enhance their 21st century skills?

These are the skills, dispositions and attitudes that our students will need to
thrive in who recognizes the power of technology to enhance teaching and
improve educational outcomes.


How can 21st century skills prepare students to enter workforce and higher

21st century skills all students should master Arming students with strong
critical thinking skills can help prepare them for success in higher education
and the workforce alike. Critical thinking includes the ability to reason
effectively, use systems thinking, make judgments and decisions, and solve


Why do you think professional development on teaching 21st century skills is needed
by teacher in the field?

It can make teaching more public, less private and individualistic. All teachers
then share responsibility for the learning of all students and spend time
together on professional issues. ... It is a career-long process of developing
teaching quality that ultimately leads to improved student academic





My understanding

The term “21st-century skills” is generally used to refer to certain core competencies
such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving that
advocates believe schools need to teach to help students thrive in today's world.


1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. C



1. What is meant by new literacies? What is their impact on the teaching learning
New literacies” that arise from new technologies include things like text-
messaging, blogging, social networking, podcasting, and video making. These
digital technologies alter and extend our communication abilities, often
blending text, sound, and imagery.

2. Describe a multiliterate teacher.

A multiliterate teacher understands the many ways that technology interacts

and intertwines with academic and interpersonal life, and actively learns how
to gain control over those aspects impacting teaching, social, and professional

3. Distinguish between basic and functional literacy.

Functional literacy refers to the practical skill set needed to read, write, and do
math for real-life purposes, so people can function effectively in their
community. Basic Literacy: performing simple skills to understand short texts.
Examples: reading a pamphlet; using a TV guide; comparing ticket prices.

4. How can we integrate new literacies and functional literacy in the curriculum and
in classroom practice?

Educators must develop these new literacies themselves – for themselves –

before they can support students in developing them for themselves.
Educators must learn to engage with new technologies and the literacy
practices surrounding them (by blogging, for example, or by gaming)


How are new literacies integrated by student teachers and cooperating teachers in
their school?

Today's schools face enormous challenges. In response to an increasingly

complex society and a rapidly changing technology-based economy, schools
are being asked to educate the most diverse student body in our history to
higher academic standards than ever before. This task is one that cannot be
"teacher-proofed" through management systems, testing mandates, or
curriculum packages.


How did the result of the study on new literacies in a Midwestern public university
impact the student teaching design?

Through the integration of technology into the learning experience, students

are able to digest information through several different mediums, allowing a
better opportunity for that information to be retained.


Write your learning insights on Functional Literacy on the fan and make an acronym
from the word Literacy’’.

Functional literacy refers to the practical skill set needed to read, write, and do
math for real-life purposes, so people can function effectively in their
community. Classifies literacy according to four levels:

1) Below Basic Literacy: reading and writing words and numbers in very simple

Examples: locating easily identifiable information on a chart; signing a form; adding a

dollar amount to a deposit slip.
2) Basic Literacy: performing simple skills to understand short texts.

Examples: reading a pamphlet; using a TV guide; comparing ticket prices.

3) Intermediate Literacy: performing challenging skills to understand long texts.

Examples: looking up information in a reference book; summarizing a long article;

placing an order and calculating the cost.

4) Proficient Literacy: performing creative and critical thinking skills to understand

dense or complex texts.

Examples: comparing viewpoints in editorials; interpreting statistical graphs;

measuring and calculating the costs of food items per ounce.

Notice that as we advance from Below Basic to Basic, Intermediate, and Proficient,
we go from simple tasks to more and more complex skills.


Write your learning insights on Functional Literacy on the fan and make an acronym
from the word Literacy’’.









Name: Wowee O. Maca Program/Year: BTLED-3

Name of project: Pajama pants

I. Objectives

Construct a pajama pants within the given time.

II. Tools and equipment

Sewing machine, measuring drafting, cutting marking, and sewing tools.

III. Materials needed

Quantity Units Particulars Unit costs Total costs

1 Meter Cloth(aphagina Php50.00 Php50.00


1 Pack Bias tape 15.00 15.00

1 Spool Thread 10.00 10.00

1 Meter White garter 10.00 10.00

1 Pc Pattern paper 5.00 5.00

Total cost

IV. Procedures

Turn an old pair of pajama pants or sweatpants inside out.

Fold them in half with the back facing out.

Lay out the folded pants on the back of the butcher paper.

Trace around the edge of the pants ½ inch from the stitch line.

Stretch the waistband out to trace around.

Trace 1 ½ inches above the top of waistband.

Trace 1 inch below the leg hem.


1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B

What is integrated curriculum?

 An integrated curriculum is described as one that connects different areas of

study by cutting across subject-matter lines and emphasizing unifying
concepts. An integrated curriculum aims to connect the theory learned in the
classroom, with practical, real-life knowledge and experiences.

What are the different approaches, models and types of curriculum integration?

 The multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans disciplinary perspectives

offer different maps to begin the design process. Teachers can use any of the
approaches at any level of education, in a single classroom or in a team

How can you apply integration along with multidisciplinary interdisciplinary and trans
disciplinary approach?

 Trans disciplinary Integration. In the trans disciplinary approach to integration,

teachers organize curriculum around student questions and Students develop
life skills as they apply interdisciplinary and disciplinary skills in a real-life

Which curriculum integration approach would best suit to the different types of
learners in diverse classroom context?

 An asset-based approach to teaching is one that is grounded in what students

can do rather than what they cannot do or areas of weakness. Educating
everybody’s Children: Diverse Teaching the benefits of diversity can build a
better future for all of us.

In what lessons or course disciplines in integrated curriculum most appropriate?

 In an elementary classroom, students often experience this approach at

learning centers. For example, for a theme such as “patterns,” each learning
center has an activity that allows the students to explore patterns from the
perspective of one discipline math, language, science, or social studies.

How does integrated curriculum impact student’s comprehension of expository text?

 The first is that a key to comprehension of expository texts at the early

elementary grade levels appears to be students’ ability to make personal
connections with the material being read across an integrated curriculum; the
second finding is that students’ comprehension in the upper elementary to
high school grade levels can be significantly impacted by activating prior
knowledge for an integrated curriculum. The third finding is that when the
integrated curriculum includes hands on, interactive practices for students in
grades one through six, the impact on student learning behavior and
academic performance, including some literacy performance, is positive. The
fourth finding appears to be that integrating literacy with nearly any other
subject area may produce a positive impact on student academic
performance from grades three to eight. These findings then form the basis of
professional development for teachers that takes the form of an information-
bearing Google Site.


How can professional development for teachers respond to enhancing an integrated

curriculum toward a better comprehension of students?

 Teacher professional learning is of increasing interest as one way to support

the increasingly complex skills students need to succeed in the 21st century.
However, many teacher professional development initiatives appear
ineffective in supporting changes in teacher practices and student learning. To
identify the features of effective professional development, this paper reviews
35 methodologically rigorous studies that have demonstrated a positive link
between teacher professional development, teaching practices, and student
outcomes. It identifies features of these approaches and offers descriptions of
these models to inform those seeking to understand how to foster successful


1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B

What are multicultural and global literacies?

 Every classroom contains students of different race, religion, and cultural

groups. Students embrace diverse behaviors, cultural values, patterns of
practice, and communication. Yet they all share one commonality: their
educational opportunity

Explain the global competence framework.

 Global competence is the capacity to examine local, global and intercultural

issues, to understand and appreciate the perspectives and world views of
others, to engage in open, appropriate and effective interactions with people
from different cultures, and to act for collective well-being and sustainable

What are the dimensions of multiculturalism? Explain each.

 The five dimensions are :( 1) content integration; (2) the knowledge

construction process; (3) prejudice reduction; (4) an equity pedagogy; and (5)
an empowering school culture and social structure. Although each dimension
is conceptually distinct, in practice they overlap and are interrelated.

How can global competence and global understanding be assessed in the


 When appropriate, assignments that involve engagement in the school and

local communities are ways to encourage authentic real-world interactions
beyond the classroom. Consider online interactions through project-based
learning with peers in other countries as well group assignments (either face-
to-face or online).

How can you integrate multicultural and global literacies in the lesson using
appropriate delivery strategies, assessment tools and instructional materials?

 Multicultural Education in the Learn your students' learning styles. Teachers

can help students discover their academic strengths by helping them discover
their own knowledge.

How can the use of multicultural texts impact student understanding and acceptance
of diverse cultures?

 Providing students with the opportunity to engage in, respond to, and discuss
multicultural literature allows them to gain knowledge about peers from
diverse cultures. Furthermore, students can express their cultural beliefs and
values allowing their peers to learn more about their cultural background as


How can this study contribute to the school's practice of multiculturalism?

Multicultural education also assumes that the ways in which students learn
and think are deeply influenced by their cultural identity and heritage, and that
to teach culturally diverse students effectively requires educational
approaches that value and recognize their cultural backgrounds.


1. C
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. D

What is social literacy?

 Social literacy, from the perspective of the social-cultural theory, is more than
the ability to read and write, and more than mastering literacy skills. Children
can learn literacy through social interaction between themselves and children
and/or adults in or outside school.

Explain social skills. Cite the impact of social literacy and suggests strategies and
tools to improve it.

 Social skills are used to communicate with others daily in a variety of ways
including verbal, nonverbal, written and visual. Social skills are also referred
to as interpersonal or soft skills.

When is a person emotionally intelligent?

 Emotionally intelligent people are able to identify emotions and understand

the role they play in influencing a person's thoughts, words, and actions. They
do so by quietly observing both themselves and others, reflecting on those
observations, and (at times) sharing their conclusions

What are ways of enhancing people skills?

 Ways to Sharpen Your People Skills

1. Develop Your Emotional Intelligence.
2. What to Say (and What Not to Say) to Someone With Depression.
3. Resolve Conflict in a Positive Way.
4. Learn to Listen to Others.
5. Good Mood Foods!
6. Ask for Feedback.
7. The Signs of Social Anxiety Disorder.
8. Respect and Be Aware of Cultural Differences.

How can you practice social literacy in delivering a lesson in the classrooms?
 Research and experience has told us that having social skills is essential for
success in life. Inclusive teachers have always taught, provided and
reinforced the use of good social skills in order to include and accommodate
for the wide range of students in the classroom. Essentially, inclusive
classrooms are representations of the real world where people of all
backgrounds and abilities co-exist. In fact, there are school districts with
curriculum specifically for social and emotional development.


How can the practice of daily journal determine students social literacy based on the

 The study revealed the ability of students' social literacy as follows: intellectual
skills 34.1%, social skills 12.6%, cooperation skills 14.7%, and social attitudes
and values 38.5%. 14.7%, and social attitudes and values 38.5%


What do the findings imply in the light of a teachers instructional strategy?

 Instructional strategies are techniques teachers use to help students become

independent, strategic learners. These strategies become learning strategies
when students independently select the appropriate ones and use them
effectively to accomplish tasks or meet goals.


1. B
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C

What is media literacy?

 Media literacy encompasses the practices that allow people to access,

critically evaluate, and create or manipulate media. Media literacy education is
intended to promote awareness of media influence and create an active
stance towards both consuming and creating media.

What are the important roles of media literacy?

 Media literacy, put simply, is the ability to identify different types of media and
the messages they are sending. Therefore, we as the readers or viewers
need to view the media objectively, with the goal to find out or analyze what is
being presented.

Discuss media information literacy its aspects and dimensions.

 This domain concerns one's own abilities of interpreting, critically

understanding and expressing one's own creativity through digital media. ...
Media and Information Literacy (MIL) brings together the three distinct
dimensions of Information Literacy, Media Literacy, and ICT or Digital

What are the advantages and disadvantages of media?

 Advantages of the media include that it allows information to be dispersed

quickly and that it allows people to learn about cultures other than their own.
Disadvantages of the media include that it can result in the spread of
misinformation and the development of bad values.

How can you integrate MIL in the curriculum across disciplines? CITE EXAMPLE.

 As you consider how to integrate critical media analysis into your teaching, try
this three-step approach.
Imagine the profile of a media-literate student.
Use media literacy to reinforce your existing teaching objectives.
Work backward from your most sophisticated media-infused teaching plans.

How do you describe the digital media literacy in the primary students kill that was
developed in this study?

 Students can use technology to help them remember new information. They
could watch a video or create their own video to demonstrate understanding.
Students could create info graphics to show processes. They could even use
social media to get answers to their questions and interact with people around
the world.


How does the result of the study impact student learning?

 Through detailed research, students develop critical thinking expertise, as well

as effective analytical, research, and communication skills that are globally
sought-after and incredibly beneficial.


1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. C

What is financial literacy?

 Financial literacy is the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that
allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their
financial resources.


 Saving and investing often are used interchangeably, but there is a difference.
Saving is setting aside money you don't spend now for emergencies or for a
future purchase. ... Investing is buying assets such as stocks, bonds, mutual
funds or real estate with the expectation that your investment will make
money for you.

What are ways of avoiding financial scams?

 Tips to avoid such scams and frauds:

1. Never share personal and financial details over the phone or email.
2. Do not respond to calls that ask for personal and financial information.
3. Never share your ATM and debit/credit care PIN, internet banking
password, or any details regarding your bank accounts.

How do you understand insurance and what type do you want to avail of?

 Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or

entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an
insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more
affordable for the insured.

When can we say that a person is financially stable?

 When you are financially stable, you feel confident with your financial
situation. You don't worry about paying your bills because you know you will
have the funds. You are debt free, you have money saved for your future
goals and you also have enough saved to cover emergencies.

How will you integrate financial literacy in the curriculum for related disciplines?
 Financial literacy across the curriculum (and beyond): Opportunities for
academic libraries to be a popular venue for integrating financial literacy into
the general education curriculum.


What are the critical factors in personal financial planning among higher education

 Teacher of higher education is satisfactory. It demonstrates the ... critical

factors in personal financial planning.


What is the impact of it’s of the factors of financial literacy and planning among

 The study found that the level of financial literacy among the teachers of
higher education is satisfactory. Further, no significant difference is found in
the perception of Technical and Non-Technical teachers towards the financial
literacy and financial planning. The right financial decisions.


1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B

How do you define cyber digital literacy and cyber security?

 Cyber Literacy means the ability to use computer technologies effectively and
to simultaneously understand the implications of those actions. It is also
important to know where to go to find reliable and accurate resources in
cyberspace, otherwise known as cyber intelligence.

What do you mean by cyber citizenships?

 A cyber citizen utilizes technology in an appropriate manner including

etiquette, communication, education, access, commerce, responsibility, rights,
safety and security. It is important to be cyber aware: back up your digital
files, create strong passwords, post only appropriate comments and control
privacy settings.

What are netiquette and the process of safety use of digital media?

 Follow these basic rules of netiquette to avoid damaging your online and
offline relationships.
1. Make Real People a Priority. Jhorrocks / Getty Images. ...
2. Use Respectful Language.
3. Share with Discretion.
4. Don't Exclude Others.
5. Choose Friends Wisely.
6. Don't Email Large Files.
7. Respect People's Privacy.
8. Fact Check before Reposting.

What are the common computer threats and how can this be fixed?

 Types of Computer Security Threats and How to Avoid Them

Computer Viruses. Perhaps the most well-known computer security threat, a
computer virus is a program written to alter the way a computer operates,
without the permission or knowledge of the user.
Spyware Threats. ...
Hackers and Predators. ...

What is meant by cyber bullying and cybercrimes?

 In criminal law, there are three approaches to cyber bullying: Harassment is a
crime under the Criminal Code. Harassment is when something a person says
or does makes someone fear for his or her safety, or for the safety of others.

How can you practice the processes of internet exploration, source citation research
and data gathering protocols and website evaluation?

 The use of Internet to aid research practice has become more popular in the
recent years. In fact, some believe that Internet surveying.

How can cyber digital literacy be integrated in the teaching learning process?

 Digital literacy is a hot topic these days, and we’ve previously written about
the importance of it for today’s students and what teachers need to know
about helping them use technology effectively to enhance modern


How do teachers perceive digital literacy integration their classrooms according to


 Findings revealed that teachers' integration of digital literacy were related to

their behavioral beliefs (attitude toward outcomes of a behavior) about the
value of digital literacy for developing students' 21st-century skills, increasing
student engagement, and preparation for future careers; normative beliefs


How does the result of the study impact the students learning and the development
of 21st century skills?

 The education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the
integration of the technology in every sector. At the same time, the students
are more matured than the previous time.To clarify, the teaching will be
effective when a student can use the lesson outside of the classroom.


1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. C

How can echo literacy contribute in developing a sustainable environment?

 To be Eco literate means understanding the principles of organization of

ecological communities, constructive collaboration between members of a
community, and using these principles for creating sustainable human
communities. Eco literacy takes place when we humans let Nature become
our teacher.

What are the seven environmental principles of nature?

 Nature knows best.

2.) All forms of life are important.
3.) Everything is connected to everything else.
4.) Everything changes.
5.) Everything must go somewhere.
6.) Ours is a finite earth.
7.) Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God's creation!

What are the roles of teacher’s learners and the school in attaining sustainable
environment goal?

 Teachers play a crucial role in achieving the SDGs. Among the 17

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the 193 Member States
of the United Nations, SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.

How can you create a green school how can this help and benefit Philippines

 Greener schools not only save energy and conserve resources, they also help
municipalities address whatever regional environmental problems they may
be facing, such as water use, storm water management, air quality, recycling,
or mold problems.

How can i call literacy be integrated in the curriculum practiced in the school and
demonstrated in the classroom?
 Curriculum requires students to have literacy skills which enable them to
interpret and compose texts across different disciplines. This involves
teaching about how different language choices and patterns represent and
document ideas and views of the world through a range of genres.


How can you interpret the findings of the study with regard to students eco literacy
and creativity in waste utilization using project based learning?

 It allows a child to demonstrate his or her capabilities while working

independently. It shows the child's ability to apply desired skills such as doing
research. It develops the child's ability to work with his or her peers, building
teamwork and group skills.


How can project-based learning improve the equalizer a c and creativity of students
based on this research?

 During the projects, students learn to work in teams, all while flaunting their
individual creativity. Encouraging students to make a difference gives them a
bigger purpose in life and motivates them in and out of the classroom. It lets
students know that their thoughts and ideas are important and worth listening


1. D
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B

What do you mean by arts and creative literacy?

 Artistic literacy is the knowledge and understanding required to participate.

Authentically in the arts. While individuals can learn about dance, media,
music, theatre, and visual arts through reading print texts, artistic literacy
requires that they.


 Have Silly Ideas you can't come up with something truly original if you're not
prepared to make a fool out of yourself. Highly creative people have lots and
lots of ideas. Most of these ideas are absolutely absurd. As a matter of fact,
creative people come up with more crappy ideas than anybody else.

Explain eye hand coordination associated disorders assessment interventions and


 Both playing catch and juggling offer opportunities to focus on this skill. Try
tossing a ball in the air and catching it, or juggling a few balls at once. You
can also talk to you doctor about working with a physical therapist. They may
be able to show you some exercises that can improve hand-eye coordination.

Compare and contrast visual and verbal creativity.

 Verbal Communication uses words to deliver a message. This involves

speech (oral) and/or a written text. ... Visual Communication uses a drawing
or an illustration to convey the message. Though it may convey thoughts or
feelings of its own, visual communication leaves a lasting impact on people.

Discuss aesthetics as a philosophical perspective and the three approaches.

 Three approaches to aesthetics. Three broad approaches have been

proposed in answer to that question, each intuitively reasonable: ... A
philosophical study of certain states of mind—responses, attitudes, emotions
—that are held to be involved in aesthetic experience.

How can i eat and creative literacy be integrated in the curriculum?

 An approach to cross-curricular literacy

Involve all teachers and demonstrate how they are all engaged in using
language to promote learning in their subject.
Identify the particular needs of all pupils in reading, writing, speaking and
Make strong links between school and home.


How do you explain the process of brain networks for visual creativity done in this
study towards planning visual artworks?

 Several studies support the idea that creativity runs in families. Scientific
American even found that creative people tended to have smaller connections
between the two hemispheres of the brain (the left brain and right brain),
called the corpus callosum, which could help give ideas more time to develop.


How does the result of the study effect creativity enhancement in an individual?

 The right mix of creativity along with curriculum helps students to be

innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Students can grow
up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social
skills. In fact, creative expression plays a key role in a student's emotional


1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. B

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