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19 and 20 century

Throughout the Modern Age, transoceanic emigration to the colonies of America is the dominant one, in
addition to the forced exits of the expulsion of the Jews (1492) and the expulsion of the Moors (1609).
With American independence, the migratory movement is hampered by the expulsion of the Spaniards
from America, focusing for much of the 19th century in Cuba and Puerto Rico, but extending beyond the
processes of independence, in Argentina in the 1950s. Venezuela, and also with the importance of oil,
becomes the largest recipient country of Spaniards due to the activation of Franco with more than one
and a half million Spaniards including Canaries, Basques and Galicians in that country followed by
Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay, Chile , Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador and other American countries.

Since 1814, with the departure of the French-Americans, the phenomenon of exile or political
emigration began due to the political repression of more or less large groups of Spaniards. The
following were groups of liberals, whose destiny was also France or England.

2.Nowadays situation and spanish ancestry

Currently, one thousand four hundred million still reside outside our borders

Spanish people. No doubt the image you project Spain as an immigration country, magnified until
paroxysm by the means of mass communication (which have managed to be considered by the
population more as a social problem than as the demographic and economic solution that is being)
makes forget the character that also as a space of emigration follows Having our country.

3. Spanish ancestry per country

More than one million Spaniards reside outside our borders today and are distributed across different
continents and countries in a very unequal way.

Undoubtedly, Latin America, the area where almost half of our residents abroad and Western Europe
reside, has the greatest weight.

In Latin America the main host countries are Argentina and Venezuela. Brazil hosts the third most
important Spanish colony in the continent while Mexico presents a more secondary importance. Far
from these figures, finally, is Chile, Cuba, Colombia and Peru.

In Europe the distribution of Spanish emigrants is very uneven. In the first place France, then Germany,
the United Kingdom and finally Belgium and they together concentrate 80% of the total Spanish
emigration to Europe. On the other hand, in Switzerland it is a traditional host country for our
immigrants, since it is the third Spanish colony after Andorra.

The colonies of Spaniards outside of Western Europe and America are, comparatively, of much less
importance. Australia, Morocco and the Philippines are the countries with the highest volumes.

4. Conclusion

In this essay we have reflected the changes of rhythms and cycles of the external emigration of Spain, as
well as the progressive substitution of Latin America by Western Europe as a preferred destination of it:
if the historical and cultural links and, above all, our own internal situation and the economic expansion
of the subcontinent and of specific countries such as Argentina or Venezuela favored that, as has been
revealed in the works of Salvador Palacen, the geographical proximity, economic development and
urban expansion, favored the change of destination to Europe. So Spain has a long emigration past,
since it has traditionally been a country of immigrants.

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