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Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things

Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things


From: "Lottoking" <lotteryprediction@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 23 Jan 2006 01:23:43 0800 How would everyone like to help develop a system in progress? I call this one the SoniQ BOOM system, excruciating detail on development is in my blog, but in a nutshell... take 2 draws (examples) 12/1/2005 672 12/2/2005 811 the first draw is the PRECURSOR draw, the second one is just the draw. vertical pairs are created by position Position 1 = 68 Position 2 = 71 Position 3 = 21 for position 1, we look back in the entire game history to count how many times each of the digits 09 followed a 68 "vertical pair example 0=14 1=2 3=11 4=15 5=13 6=9 7=10 Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things 1

Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things 8=10 9=12 picking the most frequent, the pick for the first position the next draw is 4 (15 matches after a 68) this is done for each position... the numbers that have followd the pairs in history are ANNOUNCERS. (If my terminology is off, so be it, that's how I understand the terms for now, corrections can be made later ;) ) I have the excel backtest files available for viewing/toying with/development at my website (see signature or click ;and look for sb3.xls and sb4.xls) these are REFERENCE files, to save space the formulas have been stripped (except the last row, so you can see how I did it and can modify for your own state, if you don't mind LONG recalc times) warning to dialup users: sb3.xls = 5.49MB and sb4.xls = 5.57MB right now it is for the PA pick3 and pick 4 EVENING ONLY, and the backtest was only for straight hits since it is a positional system. NOT DONE YET, but on the right track... sb3 matched 64 straight hits in 28 years (32k profit, see blog for breakdown) sb4 matched 11 straight hits in 25 years (40+k profit) This is an OPEN system, free for all, but please help make it better and refine it Eccentric POWERBALL chaser & Middle Aged from lotterypost John Griffin S > The top ten things that can't be predicted in a lottery: > > 1. 1 > 2. 2 > 3. 3 > 4. 4 > 5. 5 Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things 2

Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things > 6. 6 > 7. 7 > 8. 8 > 9. 9 > 10. 10 .

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Re: The Top Ten Unpredictable Lottery Things

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