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Build: 1.17.1-37.0.

40 - Thu Aug 19 05:44:39 GMT 2021

Fix entities not spawning in structures (#8020)

This affects swamp huts, pillager outposts, ocean monuments, and nether

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.39 - Wed Aug 18 20:49:43 GMT 2021
Add support for forge's "remove" list to tag datagenerators (#7911)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.38 - Wed Aug 18 20:05:33 GMT 2021
Add hook to allow items to customize the attack sweep range. (#7981)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.37 - Wed Aug 18 19:46:48 GMT 2021
Track the active mod within DeferredWorkQueue (#7973)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.36 - Wed Aug 18 09:16:16 GMT 2021
Allow to check spawner block entity in events (#7941)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.35 - Wed Aug 18 05:02:56 GMT 2021
Remove neutral mob patches as the bug was fixed upstream. (#8001)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.34 - Sun Aug 15 14:18:49 GMT 2021
Ensure that all render targets in a PostChain use the same format

closes #6995

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.33 - Thu Aug 12 08:44:46 GMT 2021
Fix update checker to use runtime minecraft version (#8000)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.32 - Wed Aug 11 01:53:28 GMT 2021
Correct incorrect arguments for render hand event (#7987)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.31 - Tue Aug 10 22:45:23 GMT 2021
Redesign the tool system to rely on the new vanilla tags. (#7970)

- ToolType is replaced with ToolAction, which can selectively represent
which actions are supported by an item.
- Added a canPerformAction method to query ToolActions.
- Renamed canHarvestBlock to isCorrectToolForDrops to match vanilla.
- Added TierSortingRegistry, which can be used to add custom tiers and
supports sorting between vanilla or with other mods.

How to use:

For the breaking system there's 2 methods:

- getDestroySpeed decides if an item *can* mine the block fast.
Override if you have multiple tags or your item isn't a DiggerItem.
- isCorrectToolForDrops decides if an item will get drops. Returning
false will also slow down mining, regardless of getDestroySpeed. Override if you
have type-dependant tiers or your item isn't a DiggerItem.

For the tier system mods can just call

`TierSortingRegistry.registerTier(tier, "name", List.of(lesser tiers),
List.of(better tiers));` to register their tiers.
There's helper methods to query tiers such as

The ToolActions solve 2 problems:

1. distinguishing which kind of digger an item can be
2. querying if the item can perform specific secondary actions.
Any item can override `canPerformAction` to customize which actions it

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.30 - Tue Aug 10 20:11:07 GMT 2021
Fixed reference to registryAccess in dimension fix, and marked for
removal in next MC version. Closes #7961

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.29 - Tue Aug 10 07:11:36 GMT 2021
Bump BootStrapLauncher, and make sure Capability providers call parent

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.28 - Mon Aug 09 19:09:40 GMT 2021
Fix custom ingredients not being read correctly over the network.

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.27 - Fri Aug 06 17:18:27 GMT 2021
Add a OnDatapackSyncEvent, useful as a notification for modders to send
extra data to the client (#7912)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.26 - Fri Aug 06 16:42:42 GMT 2021
Add access transformer to make Features.Decorators class public (#7974)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.25 - Wed Aug 04 08:44:11 GMT 2021
Fix NullPointerException in DetercorRailBlock patch.
Build: 1.17.1-37.0.24 - Wed Aug 04 08:08:36 GMT 2021
Add forceSystemNanoTime config option to the client.
Normally glfwGetTime is used, but in some cases it may have performance

Remove entity.remove(keepData) functions because Mojang changed entity
removal mechanics.
If a modder wishes to use the capabilities from a invalid entity. They
must manually call reviveCaps/invalidateCaps themselves.

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.22 - Mon Aug 02 22:47:24 GMT 2021
Rename potion registry fields to match the mojang names (#7939)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.21 - Mon Aug 02 21:58:21 GMT 2021
Fix patch issue that removed SimpleWaterloggedBlock from BaseRailBlock

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.20 - Mon Aug 02 21:34:56 GMT 2021
Fix EntityInteractSpecific Event not being fired in server (#7936)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.19 - Sun Aug 01 23:00:34 GMT 2021
Add BlockEntityRenderer registering to RegisterRenderers (#7975)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.18 - Sun Aug 01 05:02:57 GMT 2021
Fix installer issue with spaces in paths. (#7972)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.17 - Sat Jul 31 00:54:01 GMT 2021
Remove unused config entries. (#7954)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.16 - Sat Jul 31 00:43:09 GMT 2021
Re-add call to Ingredient#invalidateAll() (#7953)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.15 - Fri Jul 30 02:10:51 GMT 2021
Introduce RegisterShadersEvent to register shaders with the proper
timing (runs every client resource reload).
Fix ShaderInstance to allow resourcelocations with namespaces as input.
Fix shader parsing to respect resource domains.
Fix ForgeRenderTypes to use the right shader in each situation.
Add custom forge shader for unlit translucent entity rendering,
equivalent to the vanilla entity translucent shader.
Remove Generic from ProjectileImpactEvent (#7959)

Generification of this event was half-done and has been aborted,

leaving the generic parameter in place just creates confusion and crashes

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.13 - Wed Jul 28 05:43:57 GMT 2021
Fix userdev mod deps on the classpath (#7919)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.12 - Mon Jul 26 22:22:53 GMT 2021
Fix typo in FluidBlockWrapper (#7931)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.11 - Mon Jul 26 21:24:39 GMT 2021
Fix rounding related errors with small entity pathfinding. Closes #7730

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.10 - Mon Jul 26 08:55:12 GMT 2021
Add modder-friendly way to edit the boat model / texture in custom
boats (#7897)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.9 - Sun Jul 25 20:48:45 GMT 2021
Fix EntityRendererEventsTest crashing dedicated server when running
forge_test_server in forgedev (#7930)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.8 - Sun Jul 25 10:08:29 GMT 2021
Added RegisterClientReloadListenersEvent which lets you register reload
listeners with appropriate timing.
Added new entity rendering events.
- EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterLayerDefinitions: Used to register layer
definitions for entity models.
- EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers: Used to register entity
- EntityRenderersEvent.AddLayers: Called during resource reload after
all renderers have been constructed and it's safe to add layers.
Removed RenderingRegistry, which is now not necessary.
Removed a few unused things.
Fixes #7920

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.7 - Sat Jul 24 18:19:07 GMT 2021
remove old direct GL call (#7907)

Pass the 'includeName' flag to the ItemTossEvent (#7894)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.5 - Sat Jul 24 14:42:12 GMT 2021
Expose RenderStateShard inner classes (#7895)

In 1.17, all of the inner classes of `RenderStateShard`

(`RenderStateShard.OverlayStateShard`, `RenderStateShard.WriteMaskStateShard`,
etc.) have been changed to protected. These classes are needed however to create
new `RenderType.CompositeRenderType`'s using
Since these are protected inner classes, their constructors also can't
be directly be obtained using `ObfuscationReflectionHelper`.

Currently, any mod using custom `RenderType`'s will have to either:

- add their own access transformer for the inner classes, or
- extend `RenderStateShard` to access `RenderStateShard`'s inner
classes, and extend `RenderType` to access `RenderType.CompositeRenderType`

This PR changes the visibility of `RenderStateShard`'s inner classes to

public in Forge's `accesstransformer.cfg`.

1.17 Fix InitGuiEvent (#7906)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.3 - Sat Jul 24 14:30:37 GMT 2021
added back attribute patches (#7886)

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.2 - Sat Jul 24 00:26:10 GMT 2021
Bump SecureJarHandler, and fix life cycle event's deferred work being
on the incorrect thread/boot classloader.

Build: 1.17.1-37.0.1 - Thu Jul 22 21:52:37 GMT 2021
Bump SecureJarHandler to fix package meta issue. Closes #7881
Fix version.json having duplicate libraries.

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