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I. Answer these questions below.


Riley recorded how much TV she watched from Monday to Friday one week and
displayed her results using a pictograph.
Here, the key tells us that one picture of a TV is worth 30 minutes.
How long did Riley spend watching TV on Tuesday?
2. Alexis tracked the distance she walked for 55 days. Her results are displayed in the
pictograph below:
What day she walked for 7 Km?

3. The pictogram shows the numbers of loaves of bread made by Miss Smith,
Mr Jones and Mrs Gray.
The total of loaves of bread made by
Mrs. Gray and Mr. John is ....

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4. The pictogram gives information about the number of goals scored in a local football
league in each of 3 weeks.
Find the number of goals scored in the second week.

5. The pictogram shows the number of books sold on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.

The number of books sold on Thursday is ... books.

For questions number 6 – 9 look the following pictograph.

The following pictograph shows the number of pet animals sold in a month.
Each symbol = 5 pets

6. Which pet was sold the least?

7. How many more cats were sold as compared to rabbits?
8. How many dog was sold in a month?
9. How many rabbit was sold in a month?

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For questions number 10 -11 look the following chart.
The table below shows number of travelers using airline services in January.

10. What is the most favourite airlines use by travelers?

11. How many travelers which are use Kiwi airlines?

For questions number 12 - 15 look the following barchart.

The graph shows different grades scored by students in grade 4.

12. How many students scored Grade D?

13. Which Grade was greatest scored?
14. How many student scored Grade C?
15. How many students are there in grade 4?

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For questions number 16- 17 look the following diagram.



16. The correct numbers to fill column C are ….

17. The correct numbers to fill column A are ….
18. A group of customers was asked which drinks they like. The Venn diagram shows the
result of the survey.
How many customers like juice, coffee, and tea?

19. The tally chart shows the favourite colorsof some children.

There are … children like blue.

20. Look at the pictogram below.

The pictogram shows the place that some children visited on Saturday.
There are … children went to park.

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21. Read the bar chart below.
The teacher asked Class 4a and Class 4b their favorite sports.

There are . . . fewer students choose swimming in Class 4a than in Class 4b.
22. Look at the numbers.

we can sort the numbers using Caroll diagram.

The correct numbers to fill in the blank are ….

23. Put 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 18, 45 and 90 in the correct places on the Venn diagram.
The correct numbers to fill in the blank is ….

25. Write these numbers in the correct places on the Carroll diagram.

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26. The Venn diagram shows the number of pupils who like playing each sport.

a. How many pupils like both tennis and basketball?

b. Which sport do most pupils like playing?

c. How many pupils are there altogether?

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