Week 2DiscussionA03

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Economics 115BY

Meeting 2

Name #1: _____________________________________

Name #2: _____________________________________

Name #3: _____________________________________

Name #4: _____________________________________

Name #5: _____________________________________

1. How does the Harrod – Domar Model of growth differ from the Solow Model

Harrod Domar based on Investment leading to growth

Solow is technology based growth (long run)

2. Why does Diamond believe that early farming impacts whether a country is rich or poor?

Food production will allow for increasing populations

Food production allows for guns/technology etc…. b/c the whole population isn’t producing food

Germs are present because of domestication of animals (in addition, they can travel and therefore can spread those

3. Should you use the term “third world” anymore? Why or why not.

No, based off of relationships after WWII. Third world did not want to be involved with the 1 st (capitalists) or 2nd
(communists) they isolated themselves.

“Third world” is condescending.

4. What surprised you about the links that Weiner is making between happiness and geography? How does he
measure happiness?

Surveys are primarily used to measure happiness-

5. Why do the proto Bantu, not the proto Nile or the Proto Afrasian finally dominate Sub-Sahara Africa?

In the rainforest, they had crops that translated to the rainy sub-Saharan Africa and Hardwood for weapons

6. According to Diamond’s argument, why could the Europeans later successfully colonize Africa?

Because they colonized mostly south Africa where there were primarily hunters and gatherers.

7. Why did the food production in Africa first happen in Sahel, a relatively dry place?

Population growth, weather? Farming was relatively better than the hunting and gathering.
8. Many researchers in economic development document the negative relationship between the ethnic diversity
and economic growth. What are the mechanisms that lead to this result?

Political instability, high government deficits, low public goods investment.

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