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Homeroom Guidance

G7 STE Program
First Quar ter
The Department of Educa- were discussed.
tion issued the Memoran- Brochures about home-
dum Number 0155 s. 2020 room guidance were also
which seeks to implement distributed to the parents to
the Homeroom Guidance Power point presentation during the
further inform them about virtual orientation on Homeroom
(HG) during crisis situation the program. Guidance
for school year 2020 –
2021. The implementation Modules on Homeroom
is now in its second year. Guidance were given to-
gether with their WHLP.
As compliance with this
memorandum, a virtual The class adviser read,
orientation was conducted checked and recorded the
last September 29, 2021. learners’ output.
Eighty-one percent of the Follow-ups were done for
parents together with their those learners who were
children were able to at- not able to submit their
tend. Importance, content, learning tasks. Brochures distributed together
requirements, assessment, For their portfolio, learn- with the learners’ WHLP
learning competencies and er’s output were placed
other important details inside a folder.
about homeroom guidance

Learner’s Output
Learners answering the modules
on Homeroom Guidance Learner’s Portfolio

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