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StartUp 1 Assessments

ExamView Audio Script


Unit 1, Section 1, Listening

M2: Office Station has all your office supplies! Do you need pens, sticky notes, or
notepads? We have hundreds of pens, sticky notes, and notepads!

Our technology department has cell phones and printers. Do you need a new cell
phone? Yes! You need a new cell phone. Do you need a new printer? Yes! You
need a new printer! We have all the new cell phones and printers.

We have office furniture, too! We have great desks and chairs! Office furniture is
on sale this week. We have your new desk and chair. Come to Office Station

Unit 1, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

F1: a. Good bye.

b. Good bye.

M1: a. See you soon.

b. See you soon.

Unit 1, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

F1: director

M1: teacher


Unit 2, Section 1, Pronunciation, Part A

F2: sing

M2: three

Unit 2, Section 1, Pronunciation, Part B

M2: My girlfriend is a doctor.

F2: Jessica has a brother. He works in Boston.


Unit 3, Section 1, Listening

F3: Hey, Mark. I love your kitchen! You have a great stove! I want to cook dinner, but
I can’t find a pan. Where are your pans?
M1: Hi, Jennifer! Thank you. I’m happy you like my kitchen. The pots and pans are in
the cabinet next to the dishwasher.
F3: Hi, Mark. I found the pots and pans. But now I can’t find the plates. Where are
your plates?
M1: Hi, Jennifer. The plates are behind the bowls in the cabinet.
F3: Hi, it’s me again. Sorry I keep calling, Mark. Where are your forks?
M1: Call anytime, Jennifer. The forks are in the dishwasher. Enjoy your dinner!

F3: Hey, Mark. I love your kitchen! You have a great stove! I want to cook dinner, but
I can’t find a pan. Where are your pans?
M1: Hi, Jennifer! Thank you. I’m happy you like my kitchen. The pots and pans are in
the cabinet next to the dishwasher.

F3: Hi, Mark. I found the pots and pans. But now I can’t find the plates. Where are
your plates?
M1: Hi, Jennifer. The plates are behind the bowls in the cabinet.

F3: Hi, it’s me again. Sorry I keep calling, Mark. Where are your forks?
M1: Call anytime, Jennifer. The forks are in the dishwasher. Enjoy your dinner!

Unit 3, Section 2, Pronunciation, Part A

M3: problem

F3: again

Unit 3, Section 2, Pronunciation, Part B

N: 1
M3: sticky notes

N: 2
M3: sticky notes

N: 1
F3: a bedroom

N: 2
F3: a bedroom

Unit 4, Section 1, Listening
M2: Hello?
F1: Hi, Tim. It's Anna. I can't find the restaurant!
M2: OK. Where are you, now?
F1: I'm in front of the park.
M2: The park is on First Street. Go north for one block to Bleeker Street.
F1: OK. Go north one block. Is there a drugstore on the corner?
M2: Yes, there is! But don’t cross the street. Turn left on Bleeker.
F1: Left on Bleeker Street. Got it.
M2: Go straight to the traffic light. The restaurant is on the corner.

M2: Hello?
F1: Hi, Tim. It's Anna. I can't find the restaurant!
M2: OK. Where are you, now?
F1: I'm in front of the park.

M2: The park is on First Street. Go north for one block to Bleeker Street.
F1: OK. Go north one block. Is there a drugstore on the corner?
M2: Yes, there is!

M2: But don’t cross the street. Turn left on Bleeker.

F1: Left on Bleeker Street. Got it.
M2: Go straight to the traffic light. The restaurant is on the corner.

Unit 4, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M1: Rob likes the number four.

F1: The meeting is tomorrow afternoon.

Unit 4, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

M1: Today is the school’s fiftieth year anniversary.

F1: It’s her nineteenth birthday.


Unit 5, Section 1, Listening

F2: Hello. Here is your international weather for today. It’s sunny and hot in
Santiago. The temperature is 80 degrees. It’s a good day to wear sandals. Don’t
forget your sunglasses and a cap.

It’s 30 degrees and snowy in Toronto. It’s very cold and windy outside. You need
your scarf and gloves today.

Shanghai is very rainy today. You need your umbrella and raincoat. But it’s not
very cold. The temperature is 46 degrees.

Unit 5, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M2: so

F2: clothes

Unit 5, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

M2: messages

F2: dishes


Unit 1-5, Section 1, Listening Part A

F3: Come to The Office Store! We have all the supplies, furniture, and technology
you need for your office.
Does your office need supplies? We have everything you need. We have sticky
notes, pens, pencils, and notepads. You need it—we have it.

Do you need new office furniture? We have GREAT desks and chairs. Come and
look at our office furniture!

Do you need a new cell phone or computer? Then come to our technology
department. We have the best cell phones and computers.

The Office Store is at 221 Riverbend Street. We are open from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M.
Come see us today!

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Listening Part B

F1: Hey, Kate. It’s Susan. I love this house! Thanks so much for letting me stay here! I
need to make coffee. Where are the cups?
F2: Hi, Susan. It’s Kate. We have LOTS of cups. They’re over the dishwasher. I’m glad
you like the house.
F1: Thanks, Kate. Now I have hot coffee and a cup, but where are the spoons?
F2: Hi, Susan. Look in the cabinet next to the refrigerator. The spoons are there with
the knives and forks.
F1: Hi, Kate. I’m really sorry I keep calling, but where are the plates? This kitchen is
so big! I can’t find anything.
F2: Hey, Susan. No problem. Look under the microwave. The plates are there. And
yes, the kitchen is really big.

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Listening Part C

F1: Hello?
M3: Hi, Sydney. It’s Jim. How do I get to the post office?
F1: First, go west on Main Street to River Road.
M3: OK. Main Street to River Road. Got it. Then what?
F1: Turn left on River Road. Go straight to the first traffic light.
M3: Turn left and then go straight to the light. Is the post office on the corner?
F1: No. Turn right at the traffic light.
M3: Turn right. OK. Is that Park Avenue?

F1: Yes, it is. The post office is at 65 Park Avenue.
M3: OK. Thanks, Sydney.

F1: Hello?
M3: Hi, Sydney. It’s Jim. How do I get to the post office?
F1: First, go west on Main Street to River Road.
M3: OK. Main Street to River Road. Got it. Then what?

F1: Turn left on River Road. Go straight to the first traffic light.
M3: Turn left and then go straight to the light. Is the post office on the corner?
F1: No. Turn right at the traffic light.

M3: Turn right. OK. Is that Park Avenue?

F1: Yes, it is. The post office is at 65 Park Avenue.
M3: OK. Thanks, Sydney.

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Listening Part D

M1: Good afternoon, Boston! It’s a hot and sunny day! It’s 82 degrees right now. Stay
cool and stay inside today!

F1: Winter is here in Dallas. It’s cold and 38 degrees. It’s partly cloudy and very
windy. You need a coat, scarf, and gloves today.

M2: Hello, Denver! It’s a rainy spring day today. The temperature is 65 degrees and
very cloudy. Don’t forget your umbrella and raincoat.

F2: Good morning, Atlanta! It’s a beautiful, sunny day today. The temperature is only
54 degrees. So, bring your sunglasses, but don’t forget your jacket!

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Pronunciation Part A

N: 1
F2: Tina is a chef.

N: 2
F2: Tina is a chef.

N: 3
F2: Tina is a chef.

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Pronunciation Part B

M2: The park is around the corner.

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Pronunciation Part C

F2: turn

Unit 1-5, Section 1, Pronunciation Part D

M2: breaks


Unit 6, Section 1, Pronunciation Part A

F3: What do you sing?

M3: I sing pop music. Do you?
F3: Yes, I do.
M: I do yoga.
F: Who do you go with? Where do you go?

Unit 6, Section 1, Pronunciation Part B

M3: What do you do for fun?

F3: I like to watch TV.


Unit 7, Section 1, Pronunciation Part A

M1: this

F1: sleep

Unit 7, Section 1, Pronunciation Part B

M1: vegetable

F1: evening


Unit 8, Section 1, Listening

M3: Cintra, is there a hair salon in the neighborhood?

F3: Salon Grand is at 8200 Penn Avenue. Would you like directions?
M3: Yes, please.

M3: Cintra, is there a department store near here?

F3: Yes, there is. King Department Store is on King Street. Would you like directions?
M3: Yes, please.

M3: Cintra, where is Fine Art Gallery?

F3: It’s on Park Street. Take the subway at the 7th Avenue subway station. You can
also walk north on 7th Avenue to Park Street. It’s a 10 minute walk.

Unit 8, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

N: 1
M2: special

N: 2
M2: sun

N: 3
M2: check

N: 4
M2: lunch

N: 1
F2: center

N: 2
F2: check

N: 3
F2: scientist

N: 4
F2: shop

Unit 8, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

N: 1
F2: When’s the meeting?

N: 2
F2: When’s the meeting?

N: 3
F2: When’s the meeting?

N: 1
M2: It’s across from the business center.

N: 2
M2: It’s across from the business center.

N: 3
M2: It’s across from the business center.


Unit 9, Section 1, Listening

M1: Hi. Welcome to The Josh Jackson Podcast.

We all have very busy lives. And it’s hard to always eat right and exercise. So
today, I want to talk about some very simple things I do to stay healthy.

First, I usually go to bed at 10 P.M. every night. And I get up at 6 A.M. every
morning. Sleep is very important. I like to listen to classical music at night. It
helps me sleep.

Second, I try to eat healthy food. That means lots of fruits and vegetables. And I
always eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I know everyone is busy in the morning,
but breakfast is very important. I often eat a sandwich or salad for lunch. And I
usually cook chicken or meat for dinner.

Third, I exercise. I run for thirty minutes every morning. I play tennis two times a
week. I often play tennis with friends. It’s fun and good for my body.

Fourth, I do things to relax. I always relax on the weekend. I like to play the
piano. I like to take pictures. I sometimes hike with my friends. I relax on the
weekend and I have more energy on Monday.

Try one or two of these things this week. Have a great day today and stay
healthy everyone!

Unit 9, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M3: This office is really noisy.

F3: Use Jane’s office.

Unit 9, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

F3: Did you eat breakfast?

Where are you going?
When are you leaving?

M3: Did you like the music?

Are you coming home?
What are you doing tomorrow?


Unit 10, Section 1, Listening

F2: You’re listening to Julie Adams on my podcast, The Next Best Place. Today, my
guest is Brian Barry. Welcome, Brian.
M2: Hi, Julie.
F2: Today we’re talking about vacations. Brian, where did you go on your vacation?
M2: I went to Miami.
F2: Sounds good. Why did you go to Miami?
M2: I wanted to relax, go sightseeing, and enjoy the beaches.
F2: That sounds like a great plan.
M2: Yeah, but it rained every day.
F2: Oh, no.

M2: So I did a lot of things inside. I went to museums and art galleries. And I went to
the same coffee shop in the neighborhood every day. Then one day, I met
F2: Who did you meet?
M2: I saw the same woman in the coffee shop every day. We started to talk. Her
name was Cindy. She lived in Miami, and this was her favorite coffee shop. Then
the vacation got much more exciting!
F2: What happened?
M2: It finally stopped raining, so we went to the beach. We went sightseeing. We
also took a tour and went shopping. We were together for the rest of my
F2: What did you do next?
M2: I flew home. But we talked on the phone or texted every day. And now she is my
F2: Well, that was a great vacation then!
M2: It was the best vacation!

Unit 10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M1: hiked

F1: repeated

Unit 10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

F1: Do you go shopping?

M1: Where did you meet new people?

Unit 6-10, Section 1, Listening Part A

M1: Excuse me. Is there a bus stop or a subway station near the hotel?
F3: There’s a bus stop around the corner on Franklin Avenue. And there’s a subway
station on Pine Road.
M1: Great. Can I take the subway to the Grand Stadium on Maple Street?
F3: No. The subway doesn’t go to the stadium. You can take the number 25 bus.
M1: OK. Is there a post office around here?
F3: Yes, there’s a post office on Oak Street. It’s at 921 Oak Street.
M1: Perfect. Is there a museum in the neighborhood?

F3: Yes. The Smith Museum is near here. Take the subway to Windsor Street. Then
go west on Windsor for three blocks. The museum is on the corner of Windsor
and Sterling.
M1: That’s great. One more thing. How do I get to the department store?
F3: You can walk to Golden Department Store. Take Main Street to Second Avenue.
Turn right. The department store is at 52 Second Avenue. It’s about a 10 minute
walk from here.
M1: Wonderful. Thank you very much.

M1: Excuse me. Is there a bus stop or a subway station near the hotel?
F3: There’s a bus stop around the corner on Franklin Avenue. And there’s a subway
station on Pine Road.

M1: Great. Can I take the subway to the Grand Stadium on Maple Street?
F3: No. The subway doesn’t go to the stadium. You can take the number 25 bus.
M1: OK. Is there a post office around here?
F3: Yes, there’s a post office on Oak Street. It’s at 921 Oak Street.

M1: Perfect. Is there a museum in the neighborhood?

F3: Yes. The Smith Museum is near here. Take the subway to Windsor Street. Then
go west on Windsor for three blocks. The museum is on the corner of Windsor
and Sterling.

M1: That’s great. One more thing. How do I get to the department store?
F3: You can walk to Golden Department Store. Take Main Street to Second Avenue.
Turn right. The department store is at 52 Second Avenue. It’s about a 10 minute
walk from here.
M1: Wonderful. Thank you very much.

UNITS 6-10

Unit 6-10, Section 1, Listening Part B

F1: Hi, and welcome to my podcast, What It Takes. I’m Leslie May. Today, I’m talking
to Carlos Williams, an Olympic runner, about his day. Carlos can you tell us about
your daily activities?
M2: Good morning, Leslie. First, I always get up at 5 A.M. every day. It’s important to
get up at the same time every day. Second, I go online and read the news. I like
to read the news before I start my day. Third, I eat a big breakfast. I often eat
bread, eggs, and meat. I sometimes have fruit, like an apple or orange. Then, I
drink some coffee.
F1: What do you do next?
M2: I send some emails or have a meeting before I run. Then, I usually run all
afternoon. I often run in the mountains near my house. I also run in the
neighborhood. And I sometimes run at home. And finally, I always go to bed at 9
P.M. and I sleep for 8 hours.
F1: Thanks for coming on the show, Carlos! I know our listeners are happy to hear
about your day.
M2: My pleasure. Thank you, Leslie.

Unit 6-10, Section 1, Listening Part C

M1: Welcome to Your Best Vacations. I’m your host, James Timmons. Today, I’m
pleased to welcome Stephanie Lane. Hi, Stephanie.
F3: Hi, James. It’s nice to be here.
M1: I understand you had a great vacation last month.
F3: Yes, I did!
M1: Where did you go?
F3: I went to Australia. I went to visit friends. I had a wonderful time!
M1: Sounds great! What did you do?
F3: First, we took a boat tour of Sydney Harbour. We took a lot of pictures from the
boat. I took beautiful pictures of the city and the bridges. The boat stopped at
some beaches. We swam. The water was so clean and the weather was sunny
and warm.
M1: Wow. That sounds wonderful.
F3: It was. Next, we went to Queensland.
M1: Nice. What did you do there?
F3: We went hiking in the parks. Queensland has big parks. It was very relaxing.
M1: What was the best part of your vacation?
F3: The boat tour in Sydney. I didn’t want to come back!

M1: Well, you can always visit again. Thank you, Stephanie, for joining us today and
telling us your story.
F3: Thank you for having me!

Unit 6-10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M3: leave

Unit 6-10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

F3: touchpad

Unit 6-10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part C

M3: Can I use that computer?

F3: You mean this computer?

Unit 6-10, Section 2, Pronunciation Part D

M3: Cole washed his car, cleaned the house, and visited friends this weekend.

End of Course, Section 1, Listening Part A

F2: There’s a new store in your neighborhood. We are Modern Home Superstore!
We sell furniture for every room in the house. Do you need new bedroom
furniture? Come to Modern Home and look at our beds, rugs, and dressers. Do
you need new living room furniture? We have sofas, chairs, and coffee tables.

We also have everything you need for your kitchen. Are you looking for a new
refrigerator? How old is your microwave? We have refrigerators, microwaves,
dishwashers, and ovens. And this week we have a sale on all silverware, plates,
and glasses.

Modern Home Superstore sells food and personal care items, too! We have
great meat, poultry, seafood, fruit, and vegetables. Do you need shampoo,
deodorant, or toothpaste? Modern Home Superstore has everything you need.

Come to Modern Home Superstore this week. We are at 670 River Road. We
want to meet you!

End of Course, Section 1, Listening Part B

M2: Time to get up, Albany. It’s a nice, cool spring day. It’s partly cloudy and the
temperature is 52 degrees. You need a jacket today. And maybe a scarf, too.

F2: Good morning, Orlando! It’s rainy and windy today. The temperature is 65
degrees. You need to wear your raincoat. And don’t forget your umbrella.

M1: Hello, Dallas! It’s sunny and very hot today. The temperature right now is 90
degrees. Don’t forget your sunglasses. Stay cool today!

End of Course, Section 1, Listening Part C

M3: Spiri, is there a convenience store in this neighborhood?

F3: Yes, there is.
M3: Can I have directions, please?
F3: Go south on Fulton Street. Turn left on Smith Road. Go straight for two blocks
and turn right on Broadway Avenue. The convenience store is between the
subway station and the bank.
M3: Thanks Spiri.

M3: Spiri, where is the Jet Stadium?

F3: Jet Stadium is at 8900 Jones Road. Do you want directions?
M3: Can I take the subway there?
F3: Yes.
M3: Is there a subway station near here?
F3: Yes, there is a subway station around the corner on Fell Street.

M3: Spiri, is there a convenience store in this neighborhood?

F3: Yes, there is.
M3: Can I have directions, please?
F3: Go south on Fulton Street. Turn left on Smith Road. Go straight for two blocks
and turn right on Broadway Avenue. The convenience store is between the
subway station and the bank.
M3: Thanks Spiri.

M3: Spiri, where is the Jet Stadium?

F3: Jet Stadium is at 8900 Jones Road. Do you want directions?

M3: Can I take the subway there?
F3: Yes.
M3: Is there a subway station near here?
F3: Yes, there is a subway station around the corner on Fell Street.

End of Course, Section 1, Listening Part D

F1: Welcome to Julia’s Hour—my podcast. Today, we’re talking about stress. Many
people always work and rarely relax. Are you working too much? Do you need to
relax more? Here are some tips to help you relax and live healthy.

First, you need to sleep eight hours every night. I know you’re very busy. I know
you don’t want to hear this. But you need to give your body rest. Turn off the TV,
log off your computer and tablet, and go to bed. Also, try to get up and go to bed
at the same time every day. Try this for one week. Your body will feel good!

Second, eat healthy food and eat every meal. I always eat breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. Many people never eat breakfast. They don’t have time in the morning.
But breakfast is a very important meal.

Third, exercise three times a week. You don’t need to exercise every day. Run in
the morning before you leave the house. Go swimming, play basketball, or do
martial arts. There are fun ways to exercise. I always bike with my friends. It’s
fun and good for my body and I enjoy it!

Fourth, don’t work in the evening or on the weekend. Do something fun. Go to

the movies with your friends. Listen to music. Play video games. Healthy people
rarely think about work after work. They relax.

The last tip? Listen to Julia’s Hour every day. I hope these tips help you. Thanks
for listening!

End of Course, Section 1, Listening Part E

M2: Welcome to Vacations with Jack. I’m Jack Anderson. Today, I’m talking to Bianca
Carson. Hi, Bianca. Welcome to the show.
F2: Thanks, Jack. I’m happy to be here.
M2: Bianca’s here to tell us about her last vacation. Where did you go?

F2: I went to Chicago.
M2: Great city! What did you do in Chicago?
F2: It is a great city. My friend lives in Chicago. She and I went to a lot of new
restaurants and listened to great music.
M2: Oh, that’s nice. What restaurants did you go to?
F2: We went to a pizza restaurant called Giordano's. Their pizzas were so good. My
favorite was the chicken and olive pizza.
M2: Sounds delicious.
F2: It was. The next day we went to a burger place called Johnny’s Grill. It had beef,
chicken, and turkey burgers. The turkey burger was the best!
M2: Yum! Sounds good! Where did you go to listen to music?
F2: One night, we went to a club. We saw a hip-hop band. Their name was The D
Duo. They were two women and they wrote all their songs. I bought their album.
M2: I’d love to hear it! Who did you see next?
F2: The next night, we went to a new club. There was a country band, Texas Sky. I
want to see them again. They were so good!
M2: Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Thank you for coming on the show.
F2: My pleasure!

End of Course, Section 2, Pronunciation Part A

M1: I need to go to the gym.

End of Course, Section 2, Pronunciation Part B

F1: eightieth

End of Course, Section 2, Pronunciation Part C

N: 1
M1: a new apartment
N: 2
M1: a new apartment

End of Course, Section 2, Pronunciation Part D

M1: What do you like to play?

F1: I like to play the piano. Do you?
M1: Yes, I do.


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