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Mother’s day

The most memorable event that I have experienced during this pandemic would be the celebration of
mother’s day. It was at this day that I was able to eat again at an expensive restaurant with two of my
most favorite person on the world, my mom and my grandma.

My day started early in the morning when I woke up early at 6 am, but before doing anything I already
knew this day would be fantastic since today was mother’s day. I hurriedly jumped out of bed just to
greet my mother a happy mother’s day, I knew she was still half asleep and yet she moved and reached
for me to kiss me in the forehead as if saying thanks. I then went downstairs and used the telephone to
call my grandma and greeted her as well, she responded with a calm thank you and laughed politely
since she knew that I was not good in remembering dates, I then told her to prepare and get dressed
since me and my mother would come to pick her up later from her house. After saying our goodbyes, I
then began to clean the house as a way of doing my part in cleaning the house hold chores. My sister
was still busy with her collage assignments so she said that she would not be joining us this time, while
my dad already had other plans. After completing my daily household chores, I then began preparing
and getting dressed while my mother did the same. We then travelled to my grandma’s address to pick
her up since we would be celebrating mother’s day at the city’s food and entertainment hub called “the

We first had Breakfast at a restaurant called “Rairocks” the grilled meat sold there was so deliciously
expensive that it made me grateful that I was not the one paying the bill. After we finished eating our
meals my grandma proposed that a celebration would not be complete without a slice of cake, the
restaurant however was not offering cake’s in their menu so we decided to eat at another restaurant
called “Ams”. The cakes were also delicious but so was the price, and it was at this point that I knew my
tummy was stuffed and I couldn’t take another bite. As I finished eating my last spoonful of cake i felt
relieved thinking that it was finally over, however that was not the case. As we all finished our cakes my
Grandma said that she would like to have a cup of coffee at her favorite coffee shop before ending the
day, my mom agreed and we proceeded to go to the coffee shop which was located at the Robinson
super mall called “Bo’s Coffee”. After we arrived at the mall my mother called me and said that she
would be leaving us for a moment to buy some groceries so I have to accompany my grandma with her
coffee alone, I agreed and she left leaving me and my grandma at the coffee shop. My grandma offered
to buy me a drink but being so stuffed I respectfully declined her offer saying I was already full, she
laughed and said ‘nonsense’ before giving me 100 pesos saying that it is a thank you gift for spending my
time with her. I thanked her and gave her a hug and she hugged me back, she then finished drinking her
cup of coffee. Afterwards my mother arrived holding paper bags on each hand and said that it was now
time to go home, we agreed and left the coffee shop together. My mother and I then delivered my
grandma to her house and said our goodbyes before we drove for home. This memory is without a
doubt the most memorable event that I have experienced during the pandemic and hopefully there are
more others to come.

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