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Chapter 3: First effect

Number of credit : 3
Number of hour : 45h Academic year :2018-2019
First effect

Step 1: Administration
–First pass effect
Step 2: Distribution
Step 3:
First pass effect

I. Definition
➔ Loss of drug by metabolism
before it reaches the
systemic circulation, from
its first contact with the
body responsible for its
First pass effect
II. Routes of administration of drugs & Metabolism
1. Intra arterial (reference route)
Exception for human clinical: drug
instantly into the general circulation ⇒
100 % of the administered dose

2. Intravenous route
Pass in the lungs before arrival into the
general circulation ⇒ potential metabolic
effect of pulmonary first pass.
First pass effect
II. Routes of administration of drugs & Metabolism
3. Oral route
Before reaching the systemic
circulation, the drug must pass through
various physiological systems :

- Intestinal mucosa (presence of enzymes

possible metabolism) ⇒first-pass
intestinal effect
- Liver : Major site for biotransformation
,real metabolites factory ⇒first-pass
hepatic effect
- Lung ⇒ first-pass pulmonary effect
First pass effect
II. Routes of administration of drugs & Metabolism

4. Rectal route
- By review the anatomy of rectum,the 3 types
of vein integrate in rectum involved of drugs
resorption :
1) Inferior rectal vein
2) Middle rectal vein
3) Superior rectal vein
First pass effect
III. First-pass hepatic effect and clinical application
➔ Process by which the drug absorbed orally undergoes metabolism
and / or elimination more or less at the liver before it reaches the
systemic circulation

➔ First-pass effect and impact on therapeutic response

● Loss drug should result in loss of therapeutic effect. Therefore
induce an adverse effect.
● Sometimes we observed the appearance of active metabolites ⇒
increased therapeutic effect
Ex : Imipramine , Diazepam ...
First pass effect
III. First-pass effect & clinical consideration
1. All drugs has first-pass effect are general bad for therapeutic effect ?

Liver metabolism


Codeine Morphine

Colonic bacteria

First pass effect
III. First-pass effect & clinical consideration
2. The drugs of the same groups has the same first-pass effect ?

- Extensive first pass effect

- Intermediate first pass effect 17% 41%
- Poorly first pass effect


35% to 40%
Pindolol ethereal sulfates
First pass effect
III. First-pass effect & clinical consideration
3. First-pass effect depend on dose administration ?
First pass effect
III. Nature of the first pass effect
➔ At the lungs
● Reaction : oxidation, reduction, dealkylation, hydrolysis, sulfation.
● Ex. Nortriptyline, Prostaglandins,…
Type Reaction Type Reaction

Aryl-Hydroxylation Reduction Nitro-reduction

Alkyl-Hydroxylation Hydrolysis Amide

N-dealkylation Acetylation
O-dealkylation Methylation
Other -reaction
N-oxidation Sulfoconjugation

First pass effect
III. Nature of the first pass effect
➔ At the intestine
● Intestinal flora
- Reaction: Dealkylation, Glucuronide and Sulfation, Decarboxylation,
Reduction of nitro compounds by anaerobic microorganisms.
● Intestinal mucosa
Similar enzyme to the liver; but weaker activity.
Reaction: oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, glucurono and sulfation.
Ex: Aspirine, Flurazépam, Morphine, Isoprénaline, L-Dopa
➔ At the intestine
Reaction Substrates

Glucuronic conjugation

Sulfidation metabolite

Hydrolyse Amino acid conjugation

Acetylation conjugation


Functional group :
- Nitro
- Azo
- Carbonyle

Decarboxylation Aromatic acid

Dealkylation Methyl group of N , O

Acetylation Aliphatic amines

First pass effect
III. Nature of the first pass effect

➔ At the liver
● Intense and extensive metabolism
● Most biotransformations occur in the endoplasmic reticulum due
microsomes (many enzyme systems)
➔ At the liver
Reactions Enzymes Drugs

C & N hydroxylation
Phenytoin , Babituric , chlordiazepoxide
N & S oxidation Cytochrome P-450

Reduction Chloramphenicol

Hydrolysis Esterase Procaine, Indomethacin


Methylation Catechol-O-methyltransfe Isoprenaline


Acetylation N-acetyltransferase Isoniazid

First pass effect
III. Nature of the first pass effect R-H General circulation

➔ Biliary Excretion R-H Liver

● Some drugs produce an Biliary elimination

enterohepatic cycle R-conjuguated
● Create , for example , in the Intestinal mucosa
liver, the conjugates of Duodenum
large molecular size which
are eliminated in the bile. R-conjuguated
Intestinal flora

First pass effect
Para = 500mg =100%, administration
IV. Evaluation of first pass effect E1 = 0.3%
Eh = 0.4%
Ep = 0.1%
● The first-pass effect leading to a decrease in circulating levels of a drug
● This results in a decrease in AUC of plasma or blood concentration.

➔ This effect corresponds to a sum of

extraction coefficients:
E = E i + Eh + E p
Eh : hepatic extraction coefficient
Ei : intestinal extraction coefficient
Ep : pulmonary extraction coefficient
First pass effect IV - 100% no metabolism
Oral - intestinal + Liver
IV. Evaluation of first pass effect
➔ Estimate of first pass effect by area under the plasma
concentration of drug

E = (AUCiv – AUCoral )/ AUCiv

= 1- AUCoral/AUCiv

● First pass effect : Ei + Eh ( Ep ≈ 0)

If we include of % absorption (f) , we can estimate of

first pass effect

E = 1- AUCoral/AUCiv x 100/f
Intestinal metabolism Liver metabolism
First pass effect Trapezoid methode

IV. Evaluation of first pass effect

➔ Estimate of first pass effect by area under
the plasma concentration of drug

● From 0 to t :
AUC0 →t = [(C0+C1)/2]x(t1-t0) + [(C1+C2)/2]x(t2-t1) + … + [(Cn-1+Cn)/2]x(tn-tn-1)

AUC0→t = ∑ [(Ci+Ci+1)/2]x(ti+1-ti)
i =0

● From 0 to t :
AUCt→∞ = Cn x Ke
Ke : constant elimination rate of studied drug in the last phase
Cn : value of the last measured concentration
First pass effect
[ ]
IV. Evaluation of first pass effect
➔ Estimate of first pass effect by area under
the plasma concentration of drug
0 t time
● From 0 to t :

AUC0 →t = [(C0+C1)/2]x(t1-t0) + [(C1+C2)/2]x(t2-t1) + … + [(Cn-1+Cn)/2]x(tn-tn-1)

AUC0→t = ∑ [(Ci+Ci+1)/2]x(ti+1-ti)
i =0

● From 0 to t :
AUCt→∞ = Cn x Ke
Ke : constant elimination rate of studied drug in the last phase
Cn : value of the last measured concentration
First pass effect
IV. Evaluation of first pass effect
➔ Practice : Time Concentration IV

0.083 7.8

0.25 6.9

0.5 6.25

1 5.7

2 4.65

4 3.95

6 -

8 2.3

Calculate the AUC0→∞ 10 1.65

Kel (iv) = 0.132 12 1.35

18 -
- Sunil S Jambhaekar and Philip J Breen ; Basic Pharmacokinetics , 2 nd
edition, 2012.
- Tomas N.Tozer and Malcolm Rowland ; Essential of Pharmacokinetics and
Pharmacodynamics, 2nd edition, 2016.
- Leon Shargel and Andrew B.C YU ; Applied Biopharmaceutics and
Pharmacokinetics ,7th edition ,2016
- Tarek A.Ahmed ; Basic Pharmacokinetics concepts and Some Clinical
- Sara E. Rosenbaum ; Basic pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics,2 nd
edition, 2017.
- Robin Southwood , Virginia H.Fleming and Gary Huckaby ; Concepts in
Clinical Pharmacokinetics . 2018

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