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Quantum Computing

Governance Principles
Images: Getty Images

Preface 3

Introduction 4

The need for Quantum Computing Governance Principles 5

Purpose of the Quantum Computing Governance Principles 5

Understanding quantum computing as the basis of the 6

governance principles

Quantum computing stakeholders 7

The structure of the Forum’s Quantum Computing 8

Governance Principles

Core values 9

Themes 10

Theme 1 Transformative capabilities 12

Theme 2 Access to hardware infrastructure 15

Theme 3 Open innovation 17

Theme 4 Creating awareness 19

Theme 5 Workforce development and capability-building 22

Theme 6 Cybersecurity 24

Theme 7 Privacy 25

Theme 8 Standardization 27

Theme 9 Sustainability 29

Conclusion 30

Contributors 31

Acknowledgements 32

Endnotes 34

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Quantum Computing Governance Principles 2

January 2022 Quantum Computing Governance Principles

Kay Firth Butterfield Arunima Sarkar
Head of AI and Lead, Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine Learning, and Machine Learning,
World Economic Forum World Economic Forum

Quantum computing, though in its early stages, opportunities, risks, and social, legal and ethical
will help provide very significant advances in implications of quantum computing. It seeks
our computing capabilities. It promises to bring to develop appropriate mechanisms that can
transformative benefits to several industries inform future governance and policy responses
and have a considerable impact on improving for all quantum computing stakeholders such as
the state of the world in the coming years. businesses, governments and academia.
Quantum computing brings opportunities and
challenges distinct from those of other computing As a first step, we have co-designed a shared
technologies, which necessitates a multidisciplinary set of governance principles to be adopted by
global conversation to guide its development and the quantum ecosystem. These will serve as a
use for the benefit of humanity. guide to the responsible development and use
of the technology, enabling industry and societal
The most appropriate and effective time to consider applications and mitigating risks. The Forum’s
the impact of a technology is when that technology principles are the result of a year of intensive
is still in the design and development phase as this discussions, expert interviews, design workshops
allows for early intervention. The ethical, legal and and wide consultations among a diverse group
societal impacts of quantum computing are just of experts globally regarding the implications of
beginning to be discussed; however, governance quantum computing. The Quantum Computing
“guidelines” do not yet exist globally.1 Governance Principles were developed through
a comprehensive multistage co-design process
The Quantum Computing Governance Principles involving quantum science and technology experts,
is an initiative of the Governance Workstream of business leaders, social scientists, policy-makers
the World Economic Forum’s Quantum Computing and authorities on emerging technology ethics and
Network – a multistakeholder network centred on law drawn from around the world. The objective is
accelerating responsible quantum computing. We to create awareness as a first step and have the
have initiated a conversation on the responsible quantum computing ecosystem engage in these
development and use of quantum computing discussions. As the next step, we will work with
technology now, while it is still being developed, stakeholders to adopt these principles. We hope
to build trust in the technology and pre-empt that by getting these principles out in the world,
possible risks – rather than wait for it to become the topic can be debated and the principles refined
commercialized and then try to catch up with and taken forward to collaboratively shape how the
governance. This initiative aims to understand the technology will be used.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 3

There is a need for global guidelines to assess
and manage the opportunities and risks of
quantum computing, providing a shared set
of principles for all stakeholders, to shape the
technology and benefit humanity.

Quantum computing and quantum information These challenges are interconnected.

science represent some of the most rapidly
advancing and significant emerging technologies First, quantum computing is a new technology.
today. Worldwide, governments and industry are As such, its exact implications are unknown, yet it
accelerating their investment in quantum computing is widely anticipated that the technology has the
research and development, with significant potential to have a significant impact on society.
resources being committed to the sector by both With quantum computing introducing a new
public and private institutions. This is evidenced by computing paradigm, existing knowledge about
large national funding initiatives across the globe,2 the opportunities and risks of a new technology as
as well as increasing venture capital investments well as the necessary understanding to adjudicate
in this technology.3 Quantum computing is between them will, in many cases, be insufficient
also becoming increasingly relevant in national or at least call for a reassessment of how such
geostrategic and economic considerations. opportunities and risks are managed.

This new technology presents society with potentially Second, since quantum computing will not be
very significant opportunities: certain highly complex used in isolation, but in combination with classical
problems are currently inefficiently addressed computing technology, problems already being
by classical computers. Such problems, which faced in classical computing today might be
include but are not limited to physical simulation, amplified through the use of quantum methods.
optimization and factorization problems, are believed
to be more efficiently solvable with quantum Third, quantum computing is among the
computers. This is due to the fact that quantum technologies that require significant resource
computers can – as the name suggests – harness investment, giving rise to issues of equity, access
the fundamental principles of quantum physics such and distribution of benefits and risks, especially for
as superposition and entanglement,4 giving rise to a under-resourced nations and stakeholder groups.
new information-processing paradigm.
Ensuring the coherent, cohesive, productive
However, as with every new technology, particularly and beneficial use of quantum computing
one as transformative as quantum computing, new thus requires critical reflection and outreach
socioeconomic, political and ethical challenges with an inclusive stakeholder discourse that
arise. As the technology develops further, and as we reaches from technologists to industrial,
discover wider-reaching applications, the possibility political and social leadership. This document
of ethical and governance challenges involving the and the principles outlined are the result
use and deployment of such technologies increases. of an initial discourse of this kind.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 4

The need for Quantum Computing
Governance Principles

Quantum computing is in its early stages. Assuming the quantum stakeholder community early on
that the majority of those involved in developing can also assist policy-makers and governments
the technology intend it to have a positive impact in ensuring that governance regimes applicable
on humanity, it is vital to have a set of principles to quantum technologies are workable, feasible
on which key stakeholders such as researchers, and do not inadvertently constrain or impose
developers, users and governments can agree. unnecessary regulatory barriers on the realization
This necessity has motivated the co-design of of quantum computing’s technological potential.
the Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance Finally, there is a significant opportunity to ensure
Principles. The World Economic Forum, as a the timely education of the general public and to
global forum for political, economic, social and start a public discourse on how best to realize the
technological stakeholders, is well positioned to positive effects of quantum computing on society.
be at the forefront of drafting such principles.
Quantum computing gives rise to distinct
While advancing This is an ideal time to develop such principles: governance considerations that may not arise in
rapidly, quantum First, quantum computing is sufficiently advanced other fields. The Forum’s Quantum Computing
computing is at for us to have an idea of the areas in which it will Governance Principles concern themselves with the
an early stage start to have an impact and what kind of impact opportunities and challenges specific to quantum
of development, that will be. Second, the technology is not yet computing. For example, one area in which it is
so far advanced that such principles can only be expected to have an advantage over classical
and the ideal
retroactive. Third, the socioeconomic ecosystem computing systems is the simulation of natural
time to develop
around quantum computing is no longer in its quantum systems (e.g. molecules). This has the
governance infancy, but is growing rapidly. potential to significantly accelerate discoveries in
principles is now. fields such as material science. The implications
While advancing rapidly, quantum computing of this challenge the ways in which developments
technology remains at an early stage of in the area are currently governed. Since existing
development. The engineering challenges facing governance standards do not capture responses to
quantum technology mean that the roll-out of these challenges, the Forum’s Quantum Computing
these technologies is likely to differ from that of Governance Principles have to be distinct from
classical computational devices. Furthermore, guidelines that govern classical forms of computing.
the experience of other technologies, such as
artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology and It may be distinct, but quantum computing is
surveillance technologies, has shown that educating not separate from classical computing. Hence,
stakeholders in the research and development the Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance
pipeline early about governance issues can avert Principles do, in some areas, touch on other
some of the pitfalls of and mistakes made in prior principles. This also holds true for existing industry
technology development – such as an absence group standards that cannot easily be applied to
of assurance mechanisms. Conversely, engaging quantum technology.

Purpose of the Quantum Computing

Governance Principles

The aim of the Forum’s Quantum Computing The utility of governance principles in any field
Governance Principles is twofold. Fundamentally, depends on striking a useful balance between
the principles provide a taxonomy to help inform their generality and specificity. The broader or
stakeholders and the broader public about the more abstract a set of principles, the less utility the
areas in which quantum computing will have an principles have in applied settings. Conversely, if
impact and the opportunities and challenges that principles are too specific, their applicability and
arise therewith. Furthermore, these principles have generalizability beyond particular use cases is limited.
been designed to provide guidance for quantum
stakeholders horizontally across different sectors Quantum computing is an inherently
and industries, and vertically for policy-makers multidisciplinary field, spanning a diverse range
and investors through to quantum engineers, of disciplines from physics and mathematics to
researchers, software developers and other users. engineering and computer science. Quantum

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 5

computing programmes globally also involve a design process involving quantum science
broad range of stakeholders across government, and technology experts and thought leaders
industry, academia and civil society. To reflect drawn from across the globe. A consensus
this disciplinary and stakeholder diversity decision-making approach was used at each
and to maximize their impact, the Forum’s stage of the co-design process to ensure that
Quantum Computing Governance Principles the principles are reflective of the ambitions and
were developed through a multistage co- values of quantum computing stakeholders.

Understanding quantum computing as the

basis of the governance principles

In curating Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance stages and no clear winner is identifiable. Achieving
Principles, the following technological assumptions scalable quantum computing with fault tolerance
have been made: (active error correction during a computation) giving
measurable quantum advantage over classical
A. It will be possible to build a fully programmable computation is the long-term milestone for the
universal fault-tolerant quantum computer. field of quantum computing. The term “quantum
advantage” describes the situation where, for a useful
B. Quantum computing will make computation of problem (with scientific or business value), a quantum
certain specific problems more efficient and/or computer has a measurable computational advantage
precise (e.g. optimization problems etc.). (speed/computation time or result precision) over the
best-known classical computer or algorithm. To date,
C. Quantum computing will accelerate computation the most advanced quantum computing technologies
towards solving problems currently deemed make use of about 100 (non-ideal) qubits (the basic
intractable with classical machines (e.g. breaking unit of information in quantum computing, analogous
of currently deployed public-key encryption to the bit in classical computing), which is significantly
schemes etc.). short of what is required to run complex algorithms
such as Shor’s algorithm (theoretically proven to
It is important to mention that at the time of drafting provide measurable speed-up for factoring large
the Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance integers). Additionally, error correction methods will
Principles there are several fundamentally different require a large qubit overhead.
technology platforms available (for example:
superconducting qubits, silicon spin qubits, ion Since quantum computing technologies are rapidly
traps, photonic quantum computing) that may allow developing, it is of the utmost importance to set out
the development of a fully programmable universal governance principles for this technology. However,
fault-tolerant quantum computer. Some of these these principles will likely not be able to capture all
technology platforms are slightly more mature than future use cases and should hence serve as a starting
others, but all of them are still in the development point for additional, and more specific, principles.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 6

Quantum computing stakeholders

Who are these principles for and how

might they use them?

The Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance commonality among different stakeholder objectives,
Principles are designed to be applicable to a diverse giving the principles wide applicability. Examples
range of quantum stakeholders. While there is of different stakeholder groups and the ways in
no single alignment of interests across quantum which they may practically use the principles are
stakeholder communities, there are areas of set out below.

FIGURE 1 Quantum computing stakeholders

Corporations Corporations
and private and private
Governments Academics International entities that are entities that are Developers Consumers
and organizations using the developing the (individuals) (individuals)
universities technology technology

Source: World Economic Forum

– Governments: Governments and governmental programmes. Maintaining the strength of

institutions are the primary stakeholders in any public higher education institutions in quantum
quantum governance programme. In addition science, and the resulting public benefit, is
to legislative capacities, governments globally a key imperative for any governance regime.
play the leading role in setting economic, Universities can usefully adopt and adapt the
innovation, science and national security policy Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance
agendas that shape quantum development Principles in their research groups, teaching
ecosystems. Governments have been and courses and research programmes. In particular,
continue to be – directly (via agencies) and the principles have been crafted with input from
indirectly (through funding of universities) – the academics to provide prompts and context on
primary source of funding for theoretical and why and how researchers in quantum domains,
applied quantum science. Government and including the applied sciences, can and should
public agency stakeholders should consider be conscious of governance principles when
the Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance undertaking their activities.
Principles as a useful starting point when
considering frameworks governing policies to – International organizations: The multinational
regulate and stimulate quantum technologies. nature of quantum research programmes and
These principles can also inform, for example, quantum technological development means that
the steps towards model or practical legislative multilateral institutions, both public and private,
frameworks and funding imperatives relating to have an important role to play in encouraging
quantum computing science and technology. consistent approaches to quantum governance
globally. Stakeholders within such multilateral
– Academics and universities: As with institutions can benefit from the Forum’s
many technological innovations, quantum Quantum Computing Governance Principles
computational technologies have predominantly when undertaking formal processes relating to,
emerged from theoretical and applied research for example, treaties, conventions, protocols
within academia and universities generally. and covenants.
The university sector remains the one with
the highest number of practising quantum – Corporations and private entities that are
researchers, laboratories and research using the technology: Quantum computing will

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 7

likely become a transformative technology for be provided to technologies and the degrees to
many business sectors. The Forum’s Quantum which their activities are transparent to regulators
Computing Governance Principles will guide and the wider public.
enterprises in their use of the technology.
Companies will additionally profit from a lively – Developers (individuals): Developers will be
and growing quantum computing ecosystem vital in harnessing the potential transformative
due to these principles. capabilities of quantum computing. The Forum’s
Quantum Computing Governance Principles
– Corporations and private entities that are will help shape a healthy quantum computing
developing the technology: Private and ecosystem, enabling access to education
public corporations have traditionally played and technology in order to build the required
an important role in the development and developer workforce. Additionally, developers
commercialization of emergent technologies. considering these principles can benefit on
This is increasingly being reflected in the quantum various levels, such as when considering how
arena, with many large technology companies to build applications and how to make them
driving innovation in quantum hardware and accessible and transparent.
software. In addition, the quantum start-up
community is an emerging and important sector, – Consumers (individuals): Individuals will likely
particularly for software but also hardware. have many touchpoints with quantum computing
Both established and newly founded quantum through direct interaction or indirectly through a
enterprises can benefit from considering the third party. The Forum’s Quantum Computing
Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance Governance Principles will help create
Principles on a number of levels, including their awareness of the technology and enlighten
strategic choices of what application to develop, the wider public about the guiding principles
how to develop it, the ways in which access may applicable to this technology’s development.

The structure of the Forum’s Quantum

Computing Governance Principles
The principles are structured as depicted in Figure 2. The governance principles are grouped into nine
themes and underpinned by a set of seven core values. The figure emphasizes that all principles are
underpinned by a set of core values that apply to all themes. Within each theme, goals, opportunities and
risks have been identified that have informed the formulation of the principles and corresponding actions.

FIGURE 2 Structure of the World Economic Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance Principles

Core values
Underpinning all themes and principles

Priority areas that the principles will address, listed as clusters of interlinked issues

New or related existing international targets that it is hoped will be achieved

Opportunities Risks
Social, economic, technological and ethical beneficial Potentially negative ethical, legal or societal
impact that quantum computing can provide impact that this technology might have

Detail what should inform and guide stakeholder deliberations

To be taken by stakeholders to incentivize and develop the technology
while making use of its opportunities and mitigating risks

Source: World Economic Forum

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 8

This hierarchy of principles highlights how important Readers are encouraged to refer to the structure
it is for stakeholders to agree on a specific set of underlying these principles when reading the detailed
core values that inform all quantum computing consideration of each theme, as this enables a better
stakeholders’ actions and decisions. understanding of the core value’s cross-cutting nature.

Core values

The core values are set out below. Please note equitable by design, and that quantum
that these values hold across the themes and computing-based technologies are fairly and
individual principles. evenly distributed insofar as possible. Particular
consideration is given to any specific needs of
– Common good: The transformative capabilities vulnerable populations to ensure equitability.
of quantum computing and its applications
are harnessed to ensure they will be used – Non-maleficence: All stakeholders use quantum
to benefit humanity. computing in a safe, ethical and responsible
manner. Furthermore, all stakeholders ensure
– Accountability: Use of quantum computing in quantum computing does not put humans
any context has mechanisms in place to ensure at risk of harm, either in the intended or
human accountability, both in its design and in unintended outcomes of its use, and that
its uses and outcomes. All stakeholders in the it is not used for nefarious purposes.
quantum computing community are responsible
for ensuring that the intentional misuse of – Accessibility: Quantum computing technology
quantum computing for harmful purposes is not and knowledge are actively made widely
accepted or inadvertently positively sanctioned. accessible. This includes the development,
deployment and use of the technology. The aim is
– Inclusiveness: In the development of quantum to cultivate a general ability among the population,
computing, insofar as possible, a broad and societal actors, corporations and governments
truly diverse range of stakeholder perspectives to understand the main principles of quantum
are engaged in meaningful dialogue to avoid computing, the ways in which it differs from
narrow definitions of what may be considered a classical computing and the potential it brings.
harmful or beneficial use of the technology.
– Transparency: Users, developers and regulators
– Equitability: Quantum computing developers are transparent about their purpose and
and users ensure that the technology is intentions with regard to quantum computing.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 9

Each theme lists a set of principles
underpinned by core values; the goals,
opportunities and risks inform the formulation
of the principles and corresponding
actions to be taken by stakeholders.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 10

The themes that define the grouping of the with oversight and authority should be able
principles are as follows: to make informed decisions about quantum
computing in their respective domains.
1. Transformative capabilities: Harness the
transformative capabilities of this technology 5. Workforce development and capability-
and the applications for the good of humanity building: Build and sustain a quantum-
while managing the risks appropriately. ready workforce.

2. Access to hardware infrastructure: Ensure 6. Cybersecurity: Ensure the transition to a

wide access to quantum computing hardware. quantum-secure digital world.

3. Open innovation: Encourage collaboration and 7. Privacy: Mitigate potential data-privacy

a precompetitive environment, enabling violations through theft and processing by
faster development of the technology and the quantum computers.
realization of its applications.
8. Standardization: Promote standards and
4. Creating awareness: Ensure the general road-mapping mechanisms to accelerate
population and quantum computing the development of the technology.
stakeholders are aware, engaged and sufficiently
informed to enable ongoing responsible 9. Sustainability: Develop a sustainable future with
dialogue and communication; stakeholders and for quantum computing technology.

FIGURE 3 The Forum’s Quantum Computing Governance Principles:

themes and cross-cutting core values

Sustainability Transformative

y Co
ns par goo on
d Access to
Standardization Tra hardware





Privacy innovation
No cen

n- ce



Cybersecurity awareness

Workforce development
and capability-building

Source: World Economic Forum

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 11

Transformative capabilities
Theme 1

Harness the transformative capabilities of quantum are currently infeasible to solve, even with the
computing and its applications for the good of most powerful classical supercomputers. This
humanity, while managing the risks appropriately. section provides guidance to help stakeholders
frame their reasoning about and responses
Quantum computational technologies present the to the transformational potential of quantum
opportunity to tackle many practical problems that computing technologies.


– Quantum science, quantum computation and the graphic highlights, in some cases these
applied quantum technologies are among are computational problems that can already
the most exciting emergent technologies of be addressed with classical computers, but
the 21st century. While considerable hurdles which could be addressed more efficiently
exist to successfully engineering scalable and with quantum computers. In other cases, the
fault-tolerant quantum computing systems, problems are of a type that could be addressed
the realization of this technology and its with quantum computers but which are currently
transformational impacts are becoming clearer deemed intractable with classical computers.
as research accelerates.
– The three types of problems where quantum
– The paradigm-shifting computational differences computing will have a transformational impact
of quantum computing give rise to extraordinary are: the simulation and modelling of quantum
transformational opportunities. As with all systems and processes occurring in nature;
technological change, this comes with potential search for the ideal or “optimal” solution to a
upsides and downsides. A number of the given problem with multiple existing answers; and
key transformational impacts of quantum algebraic problems such as factorization.5 These
technologies are identified below, followed types of problems can be found in various fields
by an outline of the risks and their respective and sectors, such as chemistry, material science,
mitigation strategies. finance, optimization, logistics, cybersecurity and
machine learning, among many others. Hence,
– Quantum computing is likely to have a quantum computing technologies can have a
transformational impact on three specific types significant transformational impact on many
of computational problems (see Figure 4). As areas of society.

FIGURE 4 Potential problems that could be addressed efficiently using a

quantum computer to harness its transformational capabilities

Source: IBM Quantum, IBM Corporation

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 12


– Risk of unknown transformational impact due to as if widespread access to quantum

a lack of due diligence or impact assessment of decryption resources enabled widespread
quantum technologies. decryption capabilities.

– Risk of a lack of clear chains of responsibility – Risks from the absence of a proper and
due to insufficient transformation or change comprehensive risk-assessment framework
management procedures related to quantum (as exists for other technologies, such as
computing technology development or biotechnology), meaning that risks will not
implementation. be identified or misidentified or will not be
identified in a timely fashion to enable response,
– Risks from a failure to identify stakeholders mitigation and controls to be implemented.
affected by quantum computing technologies,
which could lead to adverse impacts on – Risks from failing to realize the full problem-
them, and/or resistance to such technologies solving potential of quantum computing due
in a way that hampers their considerable to the often non-overlapping expertise required
upside. For example, there may be risks in both quantum technology and target
of adverse transformational impact, such application domains.


– Efforts should be made to encourage the – Communications about the transformative

use of the transformative capabilities of this capabilities of quantum computing and their
technology to benefit humanity. mechanisms should be understandable by the
intended users.
– Managing the transformational impacts of
quantum computing should be informed by – Quantum computing programs should be subject
to risk-management protocols that clearly
an understanding of the technical details of
identify chains of responsibility for the strategic
such transformation, the requirements for
or impactful direction of their development, along
development and the interests of stakeholders with risks involved for different stakeholders.
involved, including those managing these
transformations, and the consumers and – Efforts should be made to ensure that the
communities affected by them, including development of quantum computing involves
their rights and responsibilities. broad interdisciplinary collaborations.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 13


– Identify technical impact: identify key – Incentivize stakeholders:

technical transformative impacts of relevant
– Public investment: governments globally
quantum computing technologies, including
remain the primary drivers of direct financial
detailing likely development pathways and
investment in quantum technologies,
timelines, together with examining how such primarily due to the potential security and
innovations differ from current technological defence impacts. Incentivizing continued and
practices and the likely consequences. increased investment in quantum computing
technologies will require governments to
– Identify developmental requirements: identify understand the broader benefits (beyond
the necessary and sufficient conditions to narrow defence imperatives).
develop quantum computing technology
projects, including economic resources – Private investment: private-sector and
(capital and labour markets), funding sources start-up investment in quantum computing
(public and/or private sector), regulatory technologies has grown significantly over
the past couple of years. Major technology
requirements, developmental milestones and
companies such as Google, IBM and Microsoft
time frames, along with prospective ownership
and others have been joined by start-ups
of and access to such technologies.
such as PsiQuantum, Rigetti and IonQ
among others. Governments can incentivize
– Map stakeholders: map key stakeholder groups
further development of quantum computing
involved in or affected by the transformative
investment markets by aligning policy, taxation
capabilities of quantum computing identified and investment policies to promote the
above, including the decision-makers, sector. In particular, because many quantum
the intermediate and end users of the technologies remain unproven and have
technologies, and the economic and social longer realization timelines than classical
stakeholders (such as industries, sectors or technologies, investment frameworks should
community groups) likely to be affected. incentivize long-term investment in the sector.

– Conduct impact assessment: undertake a – Capital and labour markets: incentives

formal opportunity and risk evaluation process for the public and private sectors should
associated with the deployment of quantum also be considered, along with ways to
incentivize the increase in available capital
computing technologies. Identify potential
for investment in quantum computing
industry applications, applications for common
technologies. Such incentives should also
good and stakeholder engagements that be coupled with measures to mitigate
it can enable. Use frameworks (including or deal with labour-market supply-side
internationally standardized approaches) that constraints caused by a fundamental lack
account for acceleration of the risks of other of skilled trained quantum practitioners
emerging technologies in the post-quantum era. to meet potential global demand.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 14

Access to hardware infrastructure
Theme 2

Ensure wide access to quantum computing hardware infrastructure.


– Timing: quantum computers are not yet widely new drugs or materials for carbon capture,
deployed. This creates an opportunity to enable routing optimization in the transport industry).
wide access to hardware infrastructures. The solutions to such problems can best
be found through a large and diverse group
– Funding structure facilitates incentivization: working together. Enabling wide access to the
private corporations depend to an extent on technology means that quantum computers can
public funding and academic collaborations potentially be used to solve these problems.
for the development of quantum computers,
which enables the establishment of an incentive – Workforce enablement: quantum computers
structure that promotes wide access. are reliant on a developing workforce; to
educate and train them, knowledge needs to
– Solving complex problems – together: quantum be shared more widely, and hence there is an
computers can potentially find solutions opportunity to convince corporations developing
to problems that cannot be addressed quantum computing to grant wider access
classically (such as material simulations for beyond purely commercial considerations.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 15


– Due to the high cost and technical expertise – The uneven distribution of skills and
associated with quantum computers, only knowledge to work with and on quantum
a handful of actors are able to build them, computing hardware can further contribute
and hence there is a risk of monopolization to exacerbating existing – and creating new –
of quantum computing. This raises the inequalities in terms of technology access.
question of equal access to the technology,
and how benefits will be distributed. In a – If there is a monopoly of knowledge of
worst-case scenario, quantum computing quantum computing hardware residing
could exacerbate existing divides. When the with only a few corporations and research
economic opportunities of quantum computers institutions, this could lead to a power
are realized, countries and corporations that imbalance vis-a-vis national governments
have invested heavily will benefit. The ability to (regulators) as well as competitors and
invest early will contribute greatly to widening the public at large. This could also have
socioeconomic gaps globally. In case of global negative geopolitical implications.
conflict, if there is a monopoly on the technology,
monopoly-holders could decide to shut down
their systems and create global restrictions.


– Efforts should be made to provide wide – Compliance with United Nations Sustainable
access to quantum computing hardware. Development Goals (SDGs) 9 (Industry,
innovation and infrastructure) and 17
– International efforts should be made to (Partnerships for the goals) should be ensured.
ensure equal access to quantum computing
hardware, shared benefits and prosperity. – Regulators and national governments
should be enabled to make informed and
– Access to quantum computing should be comprehensive trade determinations and
equitably shared; it should not be monopolized. technical assessments in order to make
decisions related to accessing quantum
computing hardware and investments therein.


– Governments should: should be independent from quantum

computing hardware providers.
– If investing in developing quantum
computing hardware, also consider – Funds should be (over-)distributed to countries
providing access to members of the with less ability to fund programmes for
public – e.g. via cloud access. This also hardware development so that they can gain
requires the development of appropriate traction in building skills nationally and for
regulations regarding access purposes. universities and companies to be enabled to
work on hardware development themselves.
– Acquire access to quantum computing
hardware to be distributed to public – Programmes should be established that
institutions and to members of the public. ensure quantum computers (hardware)
and access to them are globally distributed
– Private corporations should be to give countries that are not part of
incentivized to make a subset of their the quantum computing development
systems publicly accessible. process access to the technology.

– User associations should be created – Regulations need to be established that govern

with the aim of sharing hardware to use the creation and distribution of intellectual
for their respective purposes and hence property (IP) generated through access.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 16

Theme 3 Open innovation

Encourage collaboration and a precompetitive environment, enabling faster

development of the technology and the realization of its applications.


– There is an opportunity to create a global quantum – Broader markets and stronger adoption
community by fostering worldwide interest in of quantum computing technologies are
collaboration from research and industry. This required. Quantum computing is in the
could result in universal open projects. early development stage. The areas of
market opportunity creation and market
– It is important to create strong existing
adoption require nurturing. As success is
international collaboration networks – today,
gained in solving specific industry-affecting
entities such as the World Economic Forum
problems, this can easily be replicated
and professional societies such as the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) across the world, helping create a broader
provide opportunities to nurture international market. Examples of success stories will
collaboration networks in quantum computing – create positive competition for early adoption
e.g. the Forum’s Quantum Computing Network, and create more successful adoption
and the IEEE Quantum Initiative. These existing stories (since learnings can be shared).
international collaboration networks can be
used to anchor collaborative projects. – When an open innovation environment is
created, it becomes easier to identify areas
– Launching open innovation platforms and that need standardization. People working
networks will enable joint projects and open- together on open projects are able to
source projects.
reach consensus on the challenges much
more easily. This creates an opportunity for
– Stronger and more robust development of the
standardization efforts to follow research
quantum computing technology ecosystem is
needed. As ecosystem players collaborate around and development work very closely.
the world, there is an opportunity to cross-validate
positive results and find unique and multiple – Focusing on visible practical use cases
possible solutions to problems and roadblocks. as open projects can incentivize industry
This will add a layer of resilience and robustness to adoption faster and also help in growing the
the quantum computing technology ecosystem. community of developers and researchers

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 17


– Lack of collaboration can lead to risks – If the development of quantum computing

such as: lack of clarity on the progress of moves to a few nation states and larger
the technology; disproportionate power in organizations, there is an increased risk that
the hands of the few; access issues; lack the most socially beneficial use cases, such as
of focus on applications with social good; combating climate change, will be deprioritized
development of harmful applications. in favour of applications that confer a competitive
or geostrategic advantage to a particular group.
– Lack of scientific incentive to collaborate could
hamper progress. There is a need to balance – Patents given to basic knowledge
the commercial value of building in isolation vs. discoveries (e.g. microscopic behaviour
collaborating on roadmaps together. in complex materials, proteins, biological
cells etc) will further privatize knowledge.
– Lack of transparency of technological
outcomes could blur the understanding – The potential of accelerated progress is lost in
of progress and lead to lost momentum the absence of collaboration and leverage of
and delays. collective intelligence across the globe. Quantum
computing is demanding; it requires the best
– Few funding agencies allow for transnational minds around the world to work together.
activities. Many risks identified here span
companies and national boundaries. – With open innovation, data privacy also
These sometimes run counter to sovereign/ becomes a major risk, with data being shared
commercial interests. across borders for use cases and research.


– The quantum computing ecosystem should – Research outcomes should be transparent,

drive collaboration by either leveraging existing especially when they are high-impact and global.
international initiatives or creating new ones
– The quantum computing ecosystem should drive
with the charter for open innovation.
global equitable skill development in its field.

– Mechanisms of trust should be established – The issuing of open-source versions of

between sharing parties. prototype use cases should be encouraged.


– Institutionalize international-level rewards for society or groups beyond a single

collaborative research and/or projects. organization or community, e.g. epidemics,
cybersecurity, global catastrophic events.
– Include quantum computing-led sustainability
solutions on the agenda of international – Address privacy concerns arising due to
institutions, thus leveraging existing open innovation through privacy principles.
incentives for sustainability to push for
collaboration in quantum computing. – Develop opportunities in the quantum
computing community and among other
– Establish a sharing/trusting code providing stakeholders to spur the creation of
relevant use-case scenarios that affect positive anchors in the ecosystem.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 18

Creating awareness
Theme 4

The general population and quantum computing stakeholders are sufficiently aware, engaged and informed
to enable ongoing responsible dialogue and communication; stakeholders with oversight and authority are
enabled to make informed decisions about quantum computing in their respective domains.


– Quantum computing stakeholders currently and knowledge of quantum computing, there

have a unique opportunity, given the early are also some indications of interest from the
stage of quantum computation development general public through targeted engagement
and adoption, to build trust with the general initiatives such as Quantum Shorts by the Centre
population by creating awareness about for Quantum Technologies8 and The BIG Bell
quantum computing. Seizing this opportunity Test citizen science experiment.9 Using this
would help stakeholders to anticipate and and similar opportunities may contribute to a
mitigate any potential risks that might arise from readiness among stakeholders to adopt quantum
a lack of awareness or overhype. computing in their domains and industries.

– There is an opportunity to debunk current – There is an opportunity for quantum computing

quantum computing myths and dispel hype, stakeholders to adopt learnings from successful
and to put mechanisms in place (such as science and technology public awareness
public awareness campaigns and engagement campaigns connected to other technological
with trusted news media outlets) to either innovations that have had wide societal impact.
reduce the potential harm of new myths
and hype that may arise in future or prevent – Training future-generation quantum scientists
their occurrence. The current relative lack of and engineers in science communication
awareness and knowledge about quantum may support public trust and engagement in
computing technologies6 presents a valuable dialogue with quantum computing stakeholders.
opportunity to generate informed, trusted
dialogue and responsible debate between the – Open dialogue and engagement with the public
general population and quantum computing about quantum computing may contribute to
stakeholders. Capitalizing on this opportunity socially responsible and ethical development and
to invest in educating a quantum-literate public use of quantum technologies, as an informed
may help abate any potential proliferation of public may expect this technology to be used for
anti-science or anti-intellectual sentiments. the common good and public benefit.

– To mediate the risk of uninformed public – Efforts at proper communication could favour
information campaigns, opportunities to mutual, trusting discussions between the
generate data gathered with rigorous social general public and the scientific field; this,
science methodology can be encouraged and in turn, could have an amplifying beneficial
supported. A data-informed approach would effect, ensuring the general public “trust
enable nuanced, directed communication and the experts” to achieve broader social
public engagement strategies to help debunk goals. At the same time, this would hinder
quantum computing myths and potentially unsustainable business models exploited
mitigate risks that may germinate from by bad actors trying to maximize short-
misinformation and conspiracy theories. term profits through dishonest marketing
at the expense of erosion of public trust.
– Quantum computing stakeholders can seize
current opportunities to encourage social – There is an opportunity to take deliberate
media platforms and government public action to encourage and facilitate collaboration
communications to build in mechanisms to and the sharing of diverse perspectives and
safeguard against misinformation contagion. opinions among different quantum computing
stakeholders. Creating opportunities for
– While recent reports (e.g. the Quantum engagement of this kind may help generate
Technologies: Public Dialogue Report published balanced dialogue and public knowledge in
by the UK Research and Innovation Engineering terms of the exchange of ideas, scientific facts
and Physical Science Research Council)7 and information about the scientific process
have found there to be a lack of awareness behind the development of quantum computing.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 19


– A lack of public engagement and awareness of one expects in academia. Thus, quantum hype
quantum computing may hinder opportunities may in fact be an advantage or necessity to
to increase knowledge and build trust between achieve widespread interest in the technology.
quantum computing stakeholders and the However, in the long term, relying on hype to
general population. drive investment in quantum computing is more
likely to do harm than lead to positive uptake.
– Misinformation about quantum computing may
create unwarranted fears. Given that knowledge – Hype may lead to an overreaction from
about quantum computing and how it works policy-makers, possibly resulting in the
is not (yet) widespread, misinformation may nationalization of quantum computing
become prolific in the community. This may lead developments and capabilities.
to unwarranted fears and scepticism.
– There are significant risks that any public
– Protest groups may attempt to misrepresent awareness efforts to dispel hype could, in
quantum computing science and technology. fact, feed misinformation or underdeliver on
Lessons can be learned from other the aim of increasing general knowledge.
technologies, such as the attacks on 5G As raised in the opportunities and actions
mast towers in the UK,10 the anti-vaccination sections of this theme, awareness campaigns
movement and the attempted bombing of IBM’s should be data-driven and informed by
nanotechnology laboratory in Zurich in 2010.11 scientifically rigorous social science methods
and science communication expertise.
– Quantum science employees or quantum Unrealistic expectations of progress could
computing organizations may be at risk of lead to a perception of under-delivery, which
reputational or physical harm from protests could consequently restrict funding and lead
by anti-technology groups. to a slowing in the progression of quantum
computing science and adoption, invoking a
– A lack of public trust in, or understanding of, “quantum winter” (for example, as occurred in
quantum computing may affect its uptake or AI development on multiple occasions)12,13
funding in some sectors or communities.
– Individual actors from across the private and
– From an economic or investment perspective, public science and innovation sectors benefit
hype around an asset or industry is potentially from hype, making it harder to dispel.
problematic. A large portion of investment in
start-ups, new technologies or even existing – Growing distrust in the usefulness of quantum
assets is based on hype. Venture capital may, for computing can lead to underestimating risks
example, be driven by hype to invest in a range in other areas, particularly in cybersecurity.
of technologies, only some of which pay off – yet For example, some stakeholders may
those that do pay off reap returns for investors and be ambivalent about the capabilities and
benefits for society at large. Quantum researchers impact of quantum computing on existing
naturally eschew hype because they tend to prefer technology, such as cryptography, which
rigour, but investment dynamics are not driven may have significant and detrimental future
by the level of mathematical certainty or precision impacts on cybersecurity and privacy.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 20


– Dialogue and communication about quantum responsible and not intentionally deceptive
computing should accommodate diversity in or unduly speculative.
the general population’s understanding and
potential capacity to learn more about quantum – Public communication about quantum
computing and their motivations for engaging computing should be conducted by
in quantum computing dialogue. trusted experts or informed science
communicators with the aim of building
– Language and communication methods
and engendering trust in the technology.
relating to quantum computing should be as
widely accessible as possible and appropriate
for the target audience. – Public communication about quantum
computing should be based on scientific
– The language used in raising public fact and represent both risks and benefits
awareness and the methods and content while being guided by the values of common
of communications should be transparent, good and non-maleficence.


– Encourage and direct the creation of public – Manage the expectations of the general
awareness guidelines and policies based population and other stakeholders in terms
on the core values of the Forum’s Quantum of the capabilities, limitations and potential
Computing Governance Principles, especially future opportunities of quantum computing.
inclusiveness, accessibility and transparency.
– Ensure public dialogue and communication
– Create opportunities for the general
is balanced in presenting and discussing
population to learn and engage in open and
both the potential risks and the
trusted dialogue about the potential uses
and applications of quantum computing.
benefits of quantum computing.

– Demonstrate the responsible, accessible – Create and facilitate opportunities for different
and ethical use of quantum computing in quantum computing stakeholders to engage in
use cases in public forums to promote the diverse, open and trusting dialogue with other
technology and encourage public trust. groups, e.g. among stakeholders from different
sectors; between members of the general
– Incentivize responsible language and scientific population and quantum computing experts or
factualism in public communications about informed science communicators; and between
quantum computing, especially for spokespeople quantum computing enthusiasts and pessimists.
and science communicators, and discourage the
adoption of unscientific or overhyped language.
– Design and conduct social science surveys,
focus groups and interviews with the quantum
– Establish forums and opportunities for open
computing stakeholder community to ensure
dialogue between journalists and media
organizations and quantum computing experts. an objective and data-informed approach
This dialogue would aim to encourage and to public awareness guidelines, policies
support responsible media representations and other interventions aimed at generating
of quantum computing, and enable trusted science-based, accessible information in the
partnerships between experts and the media. public domain about quantum technology.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 21

Theme 5 Workforce development and capability-building

Build and sustain a quantum-ready workforce.


– There is a need to increase the understanding – There is an opportunity for public-private

of how quantum-adjacent industries will be partnerships to develop and redesign
affected by the technology and use that insight interdisciplinary STEM education for young
to develop appropriate training programmes people and offer reskilling or development
and educational pathways for current and future programmes for the current workforce.
workforces affected by the potential changes.
– Greater collaboration is required between industry
– Various levels of knowledge are needed, ranging and academia in developing post-secondary
from those who are part of the development quantum computing education programmes to
of quantum computing to those who will be suit future industry workforce needs.
affected by this technology and who might
want to understand it at a level relative to their – A national quantum education programme
function. In addition to quantum physicists, should be developed.
the future quantum workforce will comprise
quantum engineers, technicians, computer – Public-private collaborations would be of
scientists and professionals with backgrounds in benefit on quantum computing education
areas such as product management, marketing, and professional development, specifically
sales, business and communications. addressing the diversity imbalance.


– Lack of a trained quantum workforce could – There is also difficulty in understanding

lead to missed job opportunities and lack of the full impact of quantum computing as
interdisciplinary dialogue on both the development the technology evolves and use cases
and application of quantum computing. and applications are still being discovered
and/or validated.
– Lack of diversity in development of the quantum
workforce is to be avoided. – Lack of equitable access to quantum
computing education is a risk.
– There is difficulty in transitioning the current
workforce to a quantum workforce, from both
a technical and mindset perspective.


– Schemes to develop the quantum workforce education is accurate and standardized without
should be created. compromising scientific integrity.

– Education should address the present and future – Different methods of learning should be
impacts of quantum computing on society and respected, addressed and accommodated.
incorporate responsible innovation values.
– Education should be easily accessible.
– Cooperation between industry, governments
and academia should be encouraged to ensure – Education should begin with the youngest citizens.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 22


Workforce development: – Train the trainers: create outreach campaigns

for secondary-school teachers.
– Educate and train leaders and decision-
makers involved in quantum computing – Incorporate education about applying and
on responsible innovation values to identifying the potential impacts of quantum
ensure technology is developed fairly and computing into non-scientific postgraduate
in ways that preserve human rights. programmes in disciplines such as business,
law and public administration.
– Ensure that organizations developing or adopting
quantum computing technology provide free and – Develop globally accepted and/or accredited
easy access to education for their workforces coursework and materials for further education.
that addresses the impact of this technology on
their personal and professional lives. – Establish a global, trusted platform on which
the public can access free educational
– Develop and run nationwide schemes to resources on quantum computing with the
upskill for jobs developing and using quantum assurance that the information it contains is
computers, as well as writing quantum software. not overhyped, incorrect or self-serving.

– Incentivize private corporations to participate in – Create public and private funding opportunities
upskilling partnerships. for diverse groups of students and researchers.

Capability-building: – Establish scholarship schemes promoting

diverse access to quantum computing
– Establish quantum computing courses (interdisciplinary access, under-represented
in secondary-school curricula (including minorities, emerging economies).
basic lessons about what quantum
computing is, what it is capable of and
the basics of quantum programming).

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 23

Theme 6 Cybersecurity

A transition to a quantum-secure digital world.


– This is the right time to be proactive to – Increasing awareness and upgrades in

address cybersecurity issues due to information security could increase
advanced quantum algorithms. confidence in online transactions and
help digital and economic growth.
– There is a need to address the impact of
quantum computing on cybersecurity from – There is an opportunity to consider network
all perspectives, as the technology evolves. engineering from a new perspective to
address cybersecurity requirements. This
– Migration to cryptographic agility and a has to be in line with the approach of future
quantum-resistant digital infrastructure may quantum communication technologies.
be an opportunity to also amend existing
suboptimal cybersecurity solutions, from which
current infrastructures suffer extensively.


– Attacks may be made on communications – Malicious development of quantum computing

by intercepting messages in transit – which capabilities can happen “in the dark”, enabling
are generally exchanged using quantum- attacks that cannot be immediately detected.
vulnerable solutions – decrypting them and
accessing the content. – Without quantum-resistant security solutions,
all regulations and laws regarding privacy, data
– Attacks may be made on data stored in the management etc. would be impossible to uphold.
cloud by breaking currently deployed public-key
encryption schemes. – An unharmonized transition to a quantum-
secure world could lead to a “balkanization”
– Validation and authorization mechanisms could of digital infrastructures due to, for example,
break down due to quantum computing, since incompatible standards.
they rely on existing encryption methods, e.g.
it would become possible to break the integrity – Advances in quantum error-correction
of digital signatures and entities and enable technology could reach a “breaking point”,
forgeries and impersonations. at which point scaling up the quantum
memory necessary to mount quantum
– Destabilization of governance protocols in attacks suddenly becomes much easier.
emerging infrastructures such as blockchain
networks relying on proof of work (e.g. Grover’s – Quantum superposition attacks might pose
algorithm providing a potential advantage for an immediate threat to certain cryptographic
mining) or other consensus mechanisms (by solutions traditionally considered resilient to such
attacking the authentication layer) could occur. attacks, such as hash functions or block ciphers.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 24


– International standards and scientific proliferation of cyber risks posed by

research should be relied on to develop quantum computers.
and evaluate quantum-resistant solutions.
– Stakeholders should promote and
– The development of open quantum- encourage the adoption of future-ready
resistant algorithms and protocols should cryptographic solutions through crypto-
be promoted and encouraged. agility, where cryptographic algorithms
can be seamlessly changed in a plug-
– Quantum computing stakeholders and-play fashion to resist attacks by
should be mindful of the evolving quantum computers.


– Incentivize security research, hacking cryptography quantum-secure as a matter

and discovery. of urgency.

– Prioritize the adoption of quantum- – Secure communications using quantum-

resistant cybersecurity. resistant solutions, following guidelines set
by standards organizations.
– Create strong systematic awareness
programmes about the potential risks
– Enable quantum-native telecom infrastructures
to cybersecurity with business, government
and institutional leaders. using quantum random number generator
(QRNG) and quantum key distribution
– Make assets in public and immutable ledgers (QKD) protocols, quantum memories and
(e.g. blockchain networks) protected with quantum repeaters.

Theme 7

Mitigate potential data privacy violations through theft and processing by quantum computers.


There are opportunities to: – Improve the protection of personal data with
quantum-secure encryption to prevent data
– Increase individual awareness about the breaches by quantum computers.
threats to data privacy posed by quantum
computers in order to prepare them for the – Develop quantum-secure protocols and
quantum era. mechanisms to protect emerging large
databases of sensitive personal data including
– Prevent quantum communication networks from genomic and biometric data.
allowing certain parties to access personal data
or personally identifiable information (PII), as – Develop regulatory policies to ensure personal
happens with some existing classical networks. data protection in the quantum era.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 25


– There is a risk of hacking of data in transit information from datasets containing

and data stored containing personal data or personal or PII information by combining
PII that is not protected with quantum-secure quantum computers with other technologies
cryptography by exploiting cyberthreats posed such as AI.
by quantum computers.
– The technology could be used by authoritarian
– Another risk is the ability to run powerful regimes or powerful organizations to expand
data analysis algorithms to forecast, infer surveillance, encroach on privacy or violate
or induct unconsented or unauthorized civil liberties.


– Stakeholders should be aware of the impact – With regard to the collection and storage
of cyber risks posed by the advent of quantum of PII, stakeholders should be mindful of
computers in breaking encryption standards the likelihood that enhanced quantum
currently used to protect PII. processing may render current data privacy
techniques ineffective.
– Stakeholders should be cognisant of the risk
of quantum computers being used to infer – The protection of the individual should be
personal information about individuals or the first priority when deploying quantum-
populations without their explicit consent, resistant infrastructures.
and of this being done more efficiently than
current state-of-the-art technology.


– Embed privacy-preserving techniques into the insights from very large datasets that
design of digital solutions, including protection were previously assumed to be impossible
with quantum-resistant cryptography, and to access based on the capabilities of
anonymization and de-identification techniques. classical computers.

– Implement post-quantum cryptographic standards – Bolster research into mitigation techniques to

as soon as possible, e.g. National Institute of prevent quantum computing from enhancing
Standards and Technology (NIST) standards. opaqueness of predictive models and
algorithmic biases.
– Raise public awareness about the urgency of the
quantum cybersecurity threat to personal data. – Put in place governance and regulations around
the growing collection and analysis of human
– Provide detailed information about how data will genomic data, given the long lifetime value of
be stored and processed, how it is safeguarded such data and the potential incentives for bad
from attacks by quantum computers, how it will actors to exploit the technology.
be managed and its intended use.
– Reassess and strengthen anonymizing and
– Ensure that sensitive data is properly protected de-identifying techniques for datasets that
immediately to prevent its future decryption contain personally identifiable data to protect
and release. it from attacks by quantum computers.

– Make sure current regulations allow for – Prevent quantum-resilient infrastructures from
the fact that that quantum computing allowing certain parties to access personal
may unlock potentially privacy-violating identifiable data using quantum computers.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 26

Theme 8

Promote standards and road-mapping mechanisms to accelerate the development of the technology.


There is an opportunity to introduce: – Public roadmaps to chart the progress in

quantum computing technology and establish
– Common standards and benchmarks to a record of demonstrated milestones towards
ease adoption and acceptance of quantum practical applications.
computing technologies.
– Coordinated efforts in standardization,
– Open standards to accelerate the development of benchmarks and roadmaps to integrate
quantum computing technologies and applications diverse communities of stakeholders in
that benefit from quantum advantages. defining the development of quantum
computing technologies.
– Shared standards to enable clear descriptions
of the performance and behaviours expected – Public standards and roadmaps to enable
of quantum computing technology to a governments, large corporations and research
broad audience. institutions to prioritize investments in quantum
computing technology development.
– Common benchmarking methods to enable
clear communication of the performances – Common, open standards and roadmaps
observed from quantum computing to train the next generation of quantum
technologies by different stakeholders. computing workforces.

– Common languages and architectures to – Open, shared roadmaps, benchmarks and

support the development and adoption of standards to support growth of the “quantum
quantum technologies by diverse communities. supply chains” for software and hardware.


– A lack of common and shared goals, – Early benchmarks may not be readily tested or
metrics, standards and roadmaps may may be biased towards available systems.
slow down the development of quantum
computing technology. – Uncertainties in roadmapping may endorse
speculation or bias expectations during a critical
– Rigid or premature standardization efforts exploratory phase of quantum technology.
may be self-limiting during a phase of research
and exploratory development for quantum – Although competing interests among the major
computing technology. stakeholders and technology developers may
prevent bias, this could also potentially introduce
bias in standardization and roadmap efforts.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 27


– Common definitions and terminology for – Quantitative benchmarks and indicators that
different quantum computing technology measure value, growth and improvement of
features, usage and purpose should different quantum computing technologies
be promoted. should be used and defined.

– The sharing of methods, procedures, uses – Stakeholders should continuously improve

and purposes of early quantum computing terminology, definitions and benchmarks as
technology to enable growth and awareness quantum computing technologies develop
should be encouraged. and new ones arise.


– Establish standardization efforts that are – Openly communicate peer-reviewed scientific

diversified based on different quantum studies and benchmark results to justify the
computing technology readiness levels. merits of standards and roadmaps.

– Establish benchmarks that are clearly motivated – Engage a broad range of disciplines through
and delineated by purpose and limited to educational resources, online courses and
well-defined use cases specified in clear academic programmes that target STEM,
and common language. social sciences, ethics and law studies.

– Establish roadmaps tied to well-defined metrics

that can be tested and evaluated using reliable
and reproducible techniques.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 28

Theme 9 Sustainability

Develop a sustainable future with and for quantum computing technology.


– Quantum computing can potentially help to – Computational efficiency of quantum computing

solve some of the grand challenges of climate for certain problems could greatly reduce
change (e.g. carbon capturing, more efficient energy consumption (for quantum computing
energy storage or better catalysts). there is no known metric yet to quantify energy
consumed per computation).
– Climate modelling could be made more reliable
and more efficient using quantum computing. – More efficient electricity distribution could be
achieved together with, for example, renewable
energy sources (grid optimization).


– Resources required to build quantum computers – The fabrication/manufacturing of materials/

might include rare earth metals. resources and chips for quantum computers
might pose certain risks to the environment.
– There may be a shortage of certain materials
needed to build/operate quantum computers – The energy costs of operating a quantum
(e.g. Helium-3 [3He] for cooling). computer could be higher due to the need for
higher cooling, peripheral electronics etc. (for
quantum computing there is no known metric yet
to quantify energy consumed per computation).


– The acceleration in the use of quantum – Use of scarce materials and resources for
computing for new applications in global the development and operation of quantum
sustainability should be prioritized (e.g. computers should be discouraged, especially
governments should put preferential funding where it does not hinder development of the
into these applications immediately). technology overall.

– The use of quantum computing in environmental – The use and benefits of quantum computing
monitoring should be enabled. should be aligned with the 17 United Nations
SDGs and the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC).


– Put preferential funding into research on – Fund research into novel methods of material
quantum computing applications, with the synthesis and chip fabrication.
aim of tackling problems related to global
sustainability or climate change. – Establish an energy consumption metric (in
the near future for a known problem) to allow
– Fund research into quantum computing comparison with current energy costs for high-
technologies that do not require scarce materials. performance computing (HPC).

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 29

These guidelines represent the first milestone in this be included in regulatory frameworks, sector-based
project of establishing governance principles for codes of practice and organization-level policies.
quantum computing and should be reviewed as the Furthermore, the adoption of the principles should
technology and its applications mature. also be institutionalized and incentivized by all
quantum computing stakeholders.
The development of this technology, and the
surrounding discourse, are both in the early stages. As part of this effort, the principles formulated in this
Quantum computing has been able to profit document will be assessed and particular attention
from knowledge generated during the discovery will be paid to their potential in terms of effective
of semiconductor technology. Likewise, these adoption, completeness and relevance. Tools and
principles are also able to benefit from learnings frameworks will be developed to help companies
that have stemmed from the implementation of and governments build responsible governance
other new technologies, such as AI. Nonetheless, models and create collaborations with businesses,
as outlined above, it is crucial to keep the academia, non-profits, governments and individuals
discourse on the governance principles of quantum to develop and deploy responsible governance
computing distinct from discussions relating to approaches. These efforts are geared at
classical computing technologies. To ensure the establishing communities of practice that promote
effective adoption of this technology, it is strongly the safe, ethical and responsible development and
recommended that stakeholders commit to adopting use of quantum computing, upholding a culture
these principles as they prepare to participate in the of common good in the quantum computing
advancement or application of quantum computing community. Furthermore, collaboration with
technologies. If quantum computing is to have a existing international and national governance and
positive impact on humanity, strong cooperation regulatory bodies is encouraged on this topic to
between industry actors, policy-makers, academics achieve effective implementation of these principles.
and civil society representatives is required.
Importantly, the principles are also a call to
The next step in this project is to work with action. In addition to engaging in critical reflection,
stakeholders to adopt these principles as part discussion and refinement of the principles, it
of the governance and policy underpinning the is imperative that they are implemented. We
development of the technology. The safe, ethical encourage all stakeholders to join us on this journey
and responsible use of quantum computing should to ensure that this framework has an impact.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 30

Lead Authors Matthias Mergenthaler
Quantum Research Scientist,
IBM Research Europe, Switzerland
Rebecca Coates
Social Scientist, Responsible Innovation Future Mehmet Cengiz Onbaşlı
Science Platform, Commonwealth Scientific and Assistant Professor, Koç University, Turkey
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Manolo Per
Reena Dayal Senior Research Scientist, Data61, Commonwealth
Chairperson, Quantum Ecosystems and Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Technology Council of India; Volunteer (CSIRO), Australia
Quantum Computing Leader, IEEE, USA
Elija Perrier
Tommaso Gagliardoni Researcher, Centre for Quantum Software and
Senior Expert in Quantum Security and Information UTS, Sydney; Research Affiliate, The
Cryptography, Kudelski Security, Switzerland Australian National University, Australia

Eliška Greplová Biliana Rajević

Assistant Professor, Delft University Engagement Manager – Industry and Entrepreneurship,
of Technology, Netherlands Sydney Quantum Academy, Australia

Travis Humble Arunima Sarkar

Quantum Initiative Chair, IEEE, USA Lead, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning,
World Economic Forum, India
Rebecca Krauthamer
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Sara R. Villalgordo
Quantum Thought, USA Research and Patents Discipline Leader,
BBVA Group, Spain
Marcos Allende Lopez
IT Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank, USA Mira Wolf-Bauwens
Research Innovation Leader and IBM
Nikhil Malhotra Quantum Distinguished Ambassador,
Chief Innovation Officer, Tech Mahindra, India IBM Research Europe, Switzerland

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 31

The report was co-created by many experts Philip Inglesant
and diverse stakeholders in the World Economic Research Associate, Department of Computer
Forum project community on Quantum Computing Science, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Governance who shared insights and lessons learned,
through interviews and design workshops and Stacey Jeffery
consultation sessions. The World Economic Forum Senior Researcher, QuSoft, Netherlands
would like to thank the following individuals for their
insightful review and feedback: Mauritz Kop
TTLF Fellow, Stanford Law School, United States
Ibrahim Almosallam
Research and Innovation Consultant, Justine Lacey
Saudi Information Technology Company (SITE), Director, Responsible Innovation Future Science
Saudi Arabia Platform, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Filipe Beato
Lead, Centre for Cybersecurity, Seth Lazar
World Economic Forum Professor, Australian National University, Australia

Thierry Botter Surya Nepal

Executive Director, European Quantum Industry Group Leader, Data61, Commonwealth Scientific and
Consortium, Germany Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia

Kirk Bresniker Naomi Nickerson

Fellow and Chief Architect, Hewlett Packard Labs, Senior Director, Quantum Architecture,
Hewlett Packard Enterprise, USA PsiQuantum, USA

Scott Buchholz Marc O’Riley

US Government and Public Services Chief Government and Regulatory Affairs, Technology Policy
Technology Officer, Deloitte, USA – IBM Office of the General Counsel, USA

Jerry Chow Carmen Palacios-Berraquero

Director, Quantum Hardware System Development, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center – Nu Quantum, UK
Yorktown Heights, USA
Jessica Pointing
Claude Dyer Quantum Computing Researcher,
Community Lead, Shaping the Future of University of Oxford, UK
Digital Economy and New Value Creation,
World Economic Forum Ana Predojevic
Associate Professor, Stockholm University, Sweden
Juhani Eronen
Chief Specialist, National Cyber Security Centre, Jim Rabeau
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Director, Quantum Technologies Future Science
Traficom, Finland Platform, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia
Bronwyn Fox
Chief Scientist, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Heike Riel
Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia IBM Fellow, Head Science and Technology,
Lead IBM Research Quantum Europe,
Terrill Frantz IBM Research Europe, Switzerland
Professor, Harrisburg University of Science and
Technology, USA Tara Roberson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, ARC Centre of
Karen Hallberg Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems, Australia
Principal Researcher, Bariloche Atomic Center,
CONICET and CNEA, Bariloche, Argentina; Vikram Sharma
Associate Professor, Instituto Balseiro (National Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
University of Cuyo, Argentina, and CNEA), Argentina QuintessenceLabs, Australia

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 32

Robert Sparrow Linde Wolters
Professor of Philosophy, Monash University, Australia Independent Consultant, Belgium

John Stewart Liming Zhu

Global Head of Scouting and Research, Research Director, Data61, Commonwealth
NatWest, UK Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
(CSIRO), Australia.
Araceli Venegas-Gomez
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Qureca, UK For more information, or to get involved, please
Jingbo Wang, Professor
University of Western Australia, Australia The World Economic Forum’s Quantum Computing
Governance project is a global, multistakeholder and
Eric White cross-disciplinary initiative intended to help shape the
Head, Tech for SDGs, World Economic Forum responsible development of quantum computing.
The opinions expressed herein may not correspond
Ilana Wisby with the opinions of all members and organizations
Chief Executive Officer, Oxford Quantum Circuits, UK involved in the project.

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 33

1. World Economic Forum, Quantum Computing Governance:
2. Qureca, Overview on Quantum Initiatives Worldwide – Update Mid-2021, 19 July 2021:
3. Temkin, M., Investors Bet on the Technologically Unproven Field of Quantum Computing, Pitchbook, 13 September 2021:
4. According to IBM Quantum, superposition describes the situation in which a quantum system such as a qubit is not in a
single distinct state but rather in a linear combination of multiple distinct states. Once a system in superposition is observed
it collapses to a single distinct state again. Entanglement describes a special connection between two or more quantum
systems such as qubits. If a pair or group of qubits are entangled, it is not possible to describe their individual quantum
state independently of the state of the other qubits. The observation of one of the qubits will always lead to a correlated
observation on the other qubits. See also: World Economic Forum, Global Future Council on Quantum Computing:
Frequently Asked Questions:
5. IBM, The Quantum Decade:
6. Busby, A., A. Digby and E. Fu, Quantum Technologies Public Dialogue Report, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC), 2018:
7. Ibid.
8. Centre for Quantum Technologies, Ten Films Bring Quantum Inspiration to International Festival Shortlist, 2021:
9. The BIG Bell Test Collaboration, Challenging Local Realism with Human Choices, Nature 557, 212–216, 2018:
10. Parveen, N. and J. Waterson, UK Phone Masts Attacked Amid 5G-Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory, The Guardian, 4 April
11. Phillips, L., Anarchists Attack Science, Nature 485, 561, 2012:
12. Umbrello, S., AI Winter. In Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence: The Past, Present and Future of AI, Franca, P. L.
and M. J. Klein, eds, pp. 7–8, 2021. Santa Barbara, USA: ABC-CLIO.
13. Floridi, L., AI and Its New Winter: From Myths to Realities, Philosophy & Technology 33, 1–3, 2020:

Quantum Computing Governance Principles 34

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