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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 2

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to
1. Understand the meaning of fantasy and reality
2. Differentiate the concepts of reality and fantasy
3. Use wise judgment at all times (Value focus)
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Reality and Fantasy
Reference: EN2LC-IIIf-g-3.15
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, charts, related pictures
Integration: ESP, Science
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer
Let us all stand and pray In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen!
b. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!
Are you ready for our new lesson? Yes ma’am!
You may now take your seats.
c. Review
Do you still remember our last lesson? Yes ma’am!
What was it all about? It was about Action words.
Give me an example of an action word. cooking, eating, dancing, …
Very good!
B. Developmental Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Drill
o Before we start with our new lesson for today let us first
read a poem.
o The title of the poem is “I have a Dream”.
o I will read the line first then you will read it after.
o Is that clear? Yes ma’am!
I Have A Dream
By Carlo F. De Asis

When I was young, I had a dream.

To fly with dragons,

then jump into the stream.

To ride a bicycle and travel to the moon,

(The teacher and pupils will read the
Then slide on rainbows
with pots of gold.

As I grew older, my dream changed.

I became a pilot and flew airplanes.

I worked hard and achieved success,

helped my family and made them the happiest.

o Great job!
b. Motivation
What is the poem about? It is about the dream.
o Correct! The poem is about Carlo’s dream when he was
still young and when he became old .
o What were Carlo’s dreams when he was young? To fly dragons, travel to the moon,
slide on rainbows
o Very good. How about when he became old? What did he He became a pilot, achieved success,
become? and helped his family
o Very good! Just like Carlo do you also have a dream?
What do you want to be when you grow up? (The pupils will share their dreams)
c. Presentation
o Now look at these 2 pictures. What can you see in the The first picture shows two pilots
first picture? How about the second picture? flying an airplane.
The second picture shows a boy flying
a dragon.
o Correct! Which do you think among these pictures can The first picture can happen in real life
really happen in real life? How about the one that while the second picture cannot happen
cannot happen or not real?
o Very good! You identified what events are real and
what are not real. You recognized that the “Pilot flying Annotation:
an airplane” can happen in real life. It is a Reality. You
also determined that “A boy flying a dragon” cannot This part of the lesson
happen in real life. It is a Fantasy. shows one main component
o This morning we will going to learn more about on adhering to constructivist
Reality and Fantasy principles which is to ELICIT
o Are you ready?
knowledge is created in
relation to learner’s pre-
existing knowledge. 
d. Discussion
o Now by looking at these printed pictures, let us try to
know what is REALITY and what is FANTASY.

Reality- Real and could happen

- Characters and events in the story are true and could
happen in real life
- Can experience through the 5 senses (see, hear, smell, taste,
and touch)
Integration in Science (The 5 senses)
Fantasy- it cannot happen
-Characters and events are make believe and not true
- Products of our imagination only
o Do you understand?
Yes ma’am
e. Activity
o Now let us have an activity. I have prepared different
Annotation: This part of the
pictures of characters in a story. You will have to
lesson shows another component
identify who are these characters and if they belong to
Reality or Fantasy. If the character belongs to Reality on adhering to constructivist
post the picture under Reality on the board and if it principles which is to CREATE
belongs to Fantasy post it under Fantasy. COGNITIVE DISONANCE. Assign
o Is that clear? problems and activities that will
challenge the learners. Knowledge
is built as learners encounter novel
problems and revise existing
schemas as they work through the
challenging activities/problems.

1. Doctor 6. Student
2. Family 7. Peppa Pig
3. Dwarf 8. Spiderman
4. Fairy 9. Baby (The pupils will post their answers on
5. Teacher 10. Grandparents the board)
f. Application
o I will read each sentence. Show the SMILING FACE if
the event or action is Reality and WOW FACE if the
action is Fantasy.
o Am I clear?
Yes ma’am.
1. Clean the table after eating.
2. The three little pigs build their houses.
3. Eat fruits and vegetables will make you healthy.
4. The mermaid swam into the deep sea.
5. Kate went to Patag (localization) to see the the
(The pupils will raise and show their
g. Generalization
o What did you learn today?

Annotation: This part of the lesson adheres to

constructivist principles by allowing the pupils to
REFLECT ON LEARNING. Provide the pupils with an
opportunity to show you (and themselves) what they
have learned.
o Great job!
o Do you have any questions?
None ma’am.
h. Valuing
o Why do you think it is important that we can differentiate We should learn how to use good/wise
reality from fantasy? judgement on things/materials that we
are seeing or reading if they are true or
i. Evaluation
Directions: Write R if the sentences are reality and F if the sentences
are fantasy. Write your answers on a paper.

_____ 1. Cleaning my room makes my mother happy. 

_____ 2. My cat shouted and asked for a cup of milk. (The pupils will write their answers on
their papers)
_____ 3. Sheryn sets the table for dinner.
_____ 4. I saw a flying broom last night.

_____ 5. Iomel collects books from the library.

j. Assignment
On a short bondpaper, draw a popular character from a
movie/show/book that belongs to Fantasy and Reality. Color your

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