The Value and Singnificance of Heritage

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cultural significance estimating of the vaue of that place

-to understand the past and to enrich our present and value
-bara charter
-according to law atleast 50 yrs old, it gained a history ot be caleed it as heritage
-guidning light
-imporatnce, relevance of that heritage to an individual or a group of people
1. arc./aesthethic value- scale, color, should display uniqueness, texture, materials, smell or sound(bamoboo swinging in
Japan part or full composition of the heritage), decorations and artworks
yung mga nag perform kasama na
Other Ex.

2. Historic value- history of aesthethic. Lahat nakapaloob dito/ encompasses everything?. Maybe influence by historic
figure or an important person or people (manila international airport-ninoy aquina int. airport, luneta-rizal). Activities na
mga nangyare sa isang lugar. Kung Nawala basta narecor pero pag andun or intact pa rin ang evidence mataas ang
historic value. Elements related to a culture.

Other ex

-the firsst national theater of the PH

3. social value- the qualities of a place. Spiritual aspects of a community, political, cultural centiment of a majority or
minority group. Connection of the community to the structure. Supports Ph culture (ccp- tocelebrate the culture of ph.)
structure the public is educated in the past in that structure. Spiritual.

Other ex.
4. Scientific value- Research capcity of the place (may nahukay na artifacts na pwede iresearch na pwedeng malink sa
ibang knowledge. Something rare ( the foundation of that strcutrue is made only by stone na yun ang ginawang
footing). Response sa isan g observation through science- batanes yung bintana alam nila kung san galling kaya di na sila
nag lagay ng bintana dun

Other ex.

5.Spirit of place-What you deel in a certain place, like may aura yung place nay un. Communical spirit of the place. Na
naidentify ng mga tao nan aka experience ng lugar nay un. Collective meanings sa lahat ng taong nandun, nagvisit or
anything. Example ( vigan-para kayong nasa Spanish or spanic time. Sense of pride like kung nasa museum ka. Sa
simabahan you feel malinis)
(summary ng 5 significance)
this are diff concerns on how u will get the infos. You can catergories.
a. evolution
b. ano yung natira bat natira, anong meron, or bat nawala yung part na yun, anong nangyare?
c. sya lang mba meron ng ganto ganyan. Like type of material or beam or roofing
d. anong bang gamit nya, sibahan ba or bahay or nagiba ba yung function nya? Kailangan isulat yung mga
sequence.function of parts also
e.ano yung kincontribute yung structure or objects na yun sa lugar na yun
f. nagevolve yung structure like yung form , for example sa metropolitan theater-dati white pero later on anging batic. It
can be origibnal for example, in the ph yung bahay na bato na walang laman yung ilalaim-merong balong karwahe.
g. the imprtance ng structure with the community
h. may mga baril ba dun or canyon, bakti kaya yung ibang bahay na bato may butas dun sa pinak sahig that is something
i. may potential pa or may certain knowledge na pwedeng maresearch
j. for example, metropolitan theather, dati aircon sya (galing sa iceplant across the road, may link dun sa isang place
nayun) the life opf rizal, all of them are link to rizal (sa mga lugar na napuntahan nya).
k. kung may nadiscover ka, write it down if it is relevant to your study.
*based lahat sa value na heritage significance

The guidng light principle to conserve this heritage.

Benefits of heritage conservation

reference on how we will treat our structures today

Economic benefits- 5 econimic Iimpact

-Jobs or household incomes, kiosk (micro level pasalubong
-new business, restaurant
Social benefits
-cultural identity nila
-to identify what is in their history
Environmental beinifits
-conserving the environment

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