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Guagua National Colleges

Sta Filomena, Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines

Final Activity in Organization and Management

Submitted by:

Arvin P. Tuazon

Submitted to:

PROF. Geraldine Lim, CPA, MBA

A Report Presented to the College of Business Administration

Guagua National Colleges Inc.

December 4, 2021

Guagua National Colleges
Sta Filomena, Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines

Activity No.1

Answer the following.

1. What new learning did you realize in this subject Organizational and Management?
Studying Organizational and Management makes me realize a lot of things, which is timely
and relevant, since the national election is coming it helps me on how to choose the most
competitive leader by evaluating his/her qualities that fit him/her in the position. However, in
the fields of business, our subject matter teaches me how to understand people in the
organization, and the nature of power, influence, and leadership. As I explore more in my
current career I am surely involved in an organization that tests my effectiveness at work but
that all depends on my understanding of the organization I work in, and how to get things
done through it.
2. Discuss the importance of planning in Organizational Management.

In every organization, planning always plays a vital role, because it provides direction for
the business to achieve its objectives and goals, planning to help us to decrease the chances
of risk which permits our managers to look forward to predicting changes and complete
tasks, it also decreases overlapping and wasteful activities that guarantee us in understanding
the best action that works for the organization without incurring delays, planning also
encourages innovative ideas that lead us all to grow, and lastly planning aids decision making
it encourages us to look into future and make rational decisions or actions.

3. What qualities would you like a leader of your organization to have? Defend your
COMMUNICATION, and ETHICAL CIVIC-MINDED. I have worked in Taiwan before and
this is what my leaders do not have, our company is composed of different nationalities and it
is given that we have to adapt and respect their Chinese culture since we’re foreign workers.
A respected leader must also acknowledge and respect different communication traditions,
recognize the emotions that his/her team members are experiencing, praise those who are
succeeding and encourage those who are struggling. In my observation, my leaders failed on
those aspects, because they always disappoint their subordinates and felt demotivated since
they didn’t acknowledge others' effort and focus on developing others.

Guagua National Colleges
Sta Filomena, Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines

Activity No.2

1. Discuss the strategic management process. How can you innovate on it?
We have steps that we need to follow, to have effective strategic management. First: We
have to Set Our Goals to clarify the vision of our business. In this stage we have to
identify 3 keys: first, we need to define our short and long term objectives, next we have
to identify how we accomplish our objectives, and lastly, we must customize the process
for our manpower, and give them the right task that they can succeed. Second: We have
to Gather and Analyze Information, in this stage gathering the data and information
which are relevant in accomplishing the set goals. It also covers understanding the needs
of the business in the market and examining any internal and external data that may affect
the organization’s goals. Third: We have to Formulate a Strategy, in this process
formulating a strategy may involve identifying which external resources of the business
needs to succeed, and which goals must be prioritized. We need to address the issues
facing the company and which should be prioritized by their importance to achieving
success. Fourth: We have to Implement our Strategy which is critical to the success of the
business venture. This serves as the action stage wherein everyone in the organization
must be made clear of their duties and responsibilities, and how that fits in with the
overall goal. Lastly: We have to Evaluate and Control in this stage we have to
consistently measure performances, review internal and internal issues, and take
corrective actions when needed.

How can I innovate on it? The process actually gives me a perfect picture on how I lead
the business to achieve its goal. However, there is always room for error and nobody is
perfect. Hence, the process allows us to correct the issues that arise from internal and
internal that gives me the way to innovate. The strategic management process guides me
on how to embrace the changes in the environment so that I can adapt to continuous
innovation. Through this, the business can keep itself in the competition, and it can react
to any substantial changes in our business environment.

2. Discuss briefly the current leadership styles- Visionary, Coaching, Affiliative,

Democratic, Pace-setting, and Commanding.
 Visionary- These types of leaders are people uniters, bringing teams and entire
organizations together and leading them in a common direction. They have enough self-
confidence and enough emotional intelligence to offer sincere empathy to others, this
leadership style oozes charisma and enjoys expressing their ideas with clarity and
 Coaching- the coaching style of leadership focuses on developing others. With a strong
sense of self and focus on the individual, this leadership style works on me personally
because I admire them the most. They how it works to bring out the best in people. They
push the bar for consistent growth while empowering their mentees to learn the skills that
will drive the business forward.
 Affiliative- This style of leadership puts people first, they concentrate on creating a
harmonious working environment and building emotional bonds inside the organization.
This style requires lots of empathy and the ability to build relationships through
effective communication styles.
 Democratic - This leadership style relies heavily on the views and opinions of their team.
These leaders are typically able to incorporate the broad spectrum of ideas, views, and
input from valuable employees, leaders, and stakeholders to their advantage. So, in a
nutshell, great for managing change and an agile workforce.

Guagua National Colleges
Sta Filomena, Guagua, Pampanga, Philippines

 Pace-setting-  This style of leadership wants tasks completed ASAP or as soon as

possible. “Do as I do and do it now", is their motto. This approach is well-suited to
highly competent and motivated teams, working to tight deadlines. Perhaps not the best-
suited to everyday environments and less-pressured settings.
 Commanding-  or what we call the BOSS, “DO WHAT I SAY.” This style is actually
synonymous with the armed forces because they always tend to, demand immediate
compliance, react well during crisis, kickstart change/motivate, and confront problematic
employees, which is actually a toxic type of leader or management. 

3. Communication is the essence of leadership. Agree or disagree? Explain your

I strongly AGREE that communication is the essence of leadership. Through
communication, leaders can understand the needs of a group, excite, motivate and build
trust with the stakeholders to behave in ways that will ensure sustained business success.
Leaders' messages have significance and consistency. If a leader knows how to connect
with his/her people he/she can achieve what each person need to address, it will have a
domino effect in inspiring and focusing everyone on the same goal, enabling the leader
and the group members to work together because they have the same understanding of
the issues and knows how it must be addressed for sustained growth and success.

4. How important is an informal organization?

Informal organization is important because it provides an opportunity for
employees to develop bonds with co-workers. The informal organization plays a vital
role in maintaining the cultural values of people. When people can associate themselves
with each other socially, they always feel a sense of togetherness. Consequently, another
function of informal organizations is to provide social satisfaction to members. It
improves overall workplace cohesion and morale. Employees that work together often
produce better results if they have good rapport away from work processes. Similarly,
when employees from various functional areas or work teams interact informally, they
have better communication and willingness to work together with others.

5. Discuss the relationship between corporate culture and corporate governance.

Corporate governance plays an important role in creating a sound relationship
between managers, shareholders, board of directors and other stakeholders. In
understanding the corporate culture among different stakeholders, it’s significantly
important as different parties solve their issues, interact with each other and run the
business effectively. The quality of good corporate governance depends highly on the
effective interaction and negotiation among concerned parties. Actually, corporate culture
plays an important role in establishing a productive negotiation among people. Because,
corporate culture influences the organizational policies through the values held by
decision makers. Culture contributes a big impact on the interpersonal relationship of
individuals and institutions relationships and consequently changes the choice of
corporate governance structure.

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