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Question 1: The major advantage (A) of a large corporation was that (B) it can raise large sums money to
engage (C) efficient large-scale production (D)
Question 2: Capitalism is traditionally (A) defined as an (B) economic system
in which (C) mostly (D) property is privately owned.
Question 3: Rarely the Park Service allows (A) dogs to visit national parks (B) except those (C) kept on a leash
at all times (D).
Question 4: Heat rays are harmless (A), but nuclear radiation (B) can have a highly damaging (C) effect into
living cells (D).
Question 5: On July 4, 1997 (A), the pathfinder spacecraft landed on (B) Mars and released a robot that
exploration (C) the planet’s landscape and beamed images (D) back to earth
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
Question 6: The trail led over sand hills ____ thin grasses and thorny bushes grew.
A. where there were B. where C. that were D. that
Question 7: More drug makers are changing their target market from physician to patient ______ the patient as
the key to increasing market share.
A. that they see B. sees them C. they see D. in which they see
Question 8: Humans physical maturity is slower than _____.
A. most other large mammals were B. most other large mammals
C. does most other large mammals D. the most other large mammals
Question 9: “Why do you get up at 4:00 A.M?” “Because it’s the only time ___ without being interrupted”
A. when I can work on my book B. when I can work on my book at
C. when I can work on my book then D. at when I can work on my book
Question 10: _____ in Stevenson’s landscape, the more vitality and character the painting seem to possess.
A. The brushwork is loose B. The looser brushwork
C. The loose brushwork is D. The looser the brushwork is
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that has the closest meaning.
Question 11: Viruses are organisms that are much smaller than bacteria and about which very little is known.
A. Not much is known about bacteria, but they are much larger than viruses.
B. Very little is known about viruses or bacteria except that they are very small organisms.
C. Not much is known about viruses, which are much smaller organisms than bacteria.
D. Very little is known about bacteria, but viruses are much larger than they are.
Question 12: This course will take us six months to complete.
A. It will take us six months completing this course.
B. In six months’ time, we will have completed this course.
C. We have been taking this course for six months.
D. It’s six months since we finished this course.
Question 13: Hard work was what caused Jill’s success.
A. Jill’s success can be let down to hard work.
B. Jill’s success can be looked down to hard work.
C. Jill’s success can be put down to hard work.
D. Jill’s success can be kept down to hard work.
Question 14: They took Lakeshore Drive home because the traffic was so heavy on the freeway.
A. They drove home in heavy traffic on Lakeshore Drive instead of the freeway.
B. They drove home to Lakeshore Drive in the heavy traffic on the freeway.
C. They took the freeway home because the traffic was not as heavy as it was on Lakeshore Drive.
D. Since there was so much traffic on the freeway, they went home by way of Lakeshore.
Question 15: She’ll have to make her presentation at the end of his speech.
A. As soon as she finishes her presentation, he will make his speech.
B. She’ll have to present her speech before him.
C. The moment she finishes he’ll have to make his presentation.
D. The moment he finishes she’ll have to make her presentation.
Question 16: They had to wait for twelve hours before their flight left.
A. Only after a twelve-hour delay their flight left.
B. Only after a twelve-hour delay did their flight leave.
C. Their flight left on time.
D. Their flight left twelve hours earlier.
Question 17: Well Friday would have been impossible for us.
A. Well, we could have come on Friday. B. Well, we must have come on Friday.
C. Well, we couldn’t have come on Friday.D. Well, we needn’t have come on Friday
Question 18: I think my boss is prejudiced against me.
A. I think my boss has it on for me B. I think my boss has it at for me
C .I think my boss had it on for me D. I think my boss has in for me
Question 19: Despite a large advertising campaign, the new business could not complete with the established
A. Advertising helped the new business to complete with the established firms.
B. The established firms advertised so that the new business would not be able to complete with them.
C. Even though the new business advertised, it could not complete with the established firms.
D. Because the advertising campaign was new, the business could not complete with the established firms.
Question 20: What he did came as no surprise to me.
A. He was surprise when I came. B. I was not surprised by his actions.
C. He told me that he was not surprise. D. His behavior surprise me.
Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences.
Question 21: The accountants did not find _____ many errors in the spreadsheet.
A. too B. any C. few D. hardly
Question 22: I _____ you can swim so well and I can’t.
A. hate B. hate it that C. hate that D. hate it
Question 23: A new kind of civilization came into being around 3,000 B.C, based not on superior agricultural
lands ______ superior location for trade.
A. but on B. but also C. based on having D. having
Question 24: She had _____ stepped out of the building than the storm started.
A. no sooner B. no longer C. as soon as D. soon
Question 25: The local police are talking to Tom. I think he is ____ for the crime.
A. under suspicion B. to suspicion C. from suspicion D. in suspicion
Question 26: Science has not yet made machine that can learn _____ a young child can learn in a few days-how
to tie a pair of shoes.
A. where B. what C. which D. when
Question 27: The vessel that sank may ____ the gold and jewels from the dowry of Catherine of Aragon.
A. carry B. be carried C. have to carry D. have been carrying
Question 28: As the fairy tale goes, the prince ____ into a frog by an evil magician, and only a kiss from a
beautiful princess could restore him to his original state.
A. turned B. was turned C. was turning D. had been turning
Question 29: Even if I had stood on a chair, I ______ able to reach the light bulb.
A. wouldn’t be B. wouldn’t have been C. wasn’t D. would have been
Question 30: You will spend at least one year working aboard ____ you can find out how things operate
A. because B. so as to C. so that D. as long as
Question 31: New words are constantly being invented _____ new objects and concepts.
A. to describe B. a description of C. they describe D. describe
Question 32: Those trousers are far too big. Why don’t you have them ____?
A. taken in B. let out C. taken up D. let in
Question 33: Next week when there ____ a full moon, the ocean tides will be higher.
A. is being B. is C. will be D. will have been
Question 34: I ______ be delighted to show you round the factory.
A. ought to B. would C. might D. intend to
Question 35: She isn’t _____ well with the new manager.
A. getting on B. going on C. keeping on D. taking on

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