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Promotional mix is the direct way an organization tries to reach its publics. Promotional mix is an
only way a firm’s gain competitive edge in the market. In order to keep up with the organization
and changing consumer needs and wants, firms are focused to adopt effective promotional mix to
promote growth beyond boarders thus creating awareness and increase usage rate of their product
and services. Promotional strategies enable firms to attract and retain customers thus increased
growth in terms of return on investment due to expanded client base. The role of promotion has
been redefined in to managing long term relationship with carefully selected customers including
construction of a learning relationship where the marketer attains a dialogue with an individual
customer. Both small and large organizations need to adopt promotional mix strategies in order to
attract and retain customer hence long term relationships and growth in terms of productivity and
ultimate survival.

It gives an in-depth analysis of the promotional mix such as advertising, personal selling,
publicity and public relation, and sales promotion etc.Advertising is a paid, structured and non-
personal form of marketing communication by an identified sponsor. It is designed to reach a
specific target audience with a persuasive message about a product, service or idea. Personal
selling is a useful vehicle for communicating with present and potential buyers.Public relations
also have various activities that enable building and maintaining the positive reputation of the
organization.Sales promotion gives a short-term inducement of value offered to arouse interest in
buying a good or service.This study is conducted to understand which promotional mix is most
effective and which all promotional mix needs improvement.


The purpose of the study is to know the customer perception, preference & satisfaction in digital
marketing. Marketing is the most important factor for every company. The digital revolution has
impacted consumers and businesses alike. Over the past decade technology and the way it is used
has changed drastically. Marketing also has been changed to digital technologies. It can raise

awareness of a brand or business, highlight the benefits or value of its products to attract sales or
help to change the image of a firm.
This study will also help the management in Realizing and understanding about the awareness and
satisfaction level of other companies in Digital Marketing.


Primary Objective
 To study the effectiveness of Digital marketing.

Secondary objectives

 To Know which Perception of business people about Digital Marketing

 To find out which type of digital marketing Business people prefer to use.
 To realize the effectiveness and satisfaction level of users.


The research study entitled “A Study on Effectiveness of Promotional Mix used by Meriiboy Ice
cream”. This study is conducted among the customers of Meriiboy. This study helps to
understand which all are the promotional Mix used by Meriiboy. It is also useful for the
company to develop marketing strategies to enhance its market share.


Today’s era of Internet has opened a gate of vast variety of opportunities for businesses. The
speed and ease with which the digital media transmits information and help boost a business is
amazing. Digital Marketing is the term used for the targeted, measurable, and interactive
marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach the viewers, turn them into
customers, and retain them. So in order to find out how effective is digital marketing in 21 st


Digital marketing's development since the 1990s and 2000s has changed the way brands and
businesses utilize technology for marketing. As digital platforms are increasingly incorporated
into marketing plans and everyday life and as people use digital devices instead of visiting
physical shops, digital marketing campaigns are becoming more prevalent and efficient

The purpose of doing research in the area of digital marketing is because it seem huge,
intimidating and foreign. Businesses are looking for clearer picture to start but do not know
where and how to start doing digital marketing. In today’s time, social media channels such as
Face book, Twitter, Google and other social media firms have successfully transformed the
attitudes and perceptions of consumers and in the end helped revolutionized many businesses.
This was done through measurable vast network of customers with trustworthy data with real-
time feedback of customer experiences. It is much more convenient for businesses to conduct
surveys online with a purpose to get relevant information from targeted groups and analyzing the
results based on their responses. Potential customers can look for reviews and recommendations
to make informed decisions about buying a product or using the service. On the other hand,
businesses can use the exercise to take action on relevant feedback from customers in meeting
their needs more accurately. Digital marketing is the use of technologies to help marketing
activities in order to improve customer knowledge by matching their needs

Chaffey (2013): Marketing has been around for a long time. Business owners felt the need to
spread the word about their products or services through newspapers and word of mouth. Digital
marketing on the other end is becoming popular because it utilizes mass media devices like
television, radio and the Internet. The most common digital marketing tool used today is Search
Engine Optimization (SEO). Its role is to maximize the way search engines like Google find your
website. Digital marketing concept originated from the Internet and search engines ranking of
websites. The first search engine was started in 1991 with a network protocol called Gopher for
query and search. After the launch of Yahoo in 1994 companies started to maximize their
ranking on the website

Smyth (2007): When the Internet bubble burst in 2001, market was dominated by Google and
Yahoo for search optimization. Internet search traffic grew in 2006; the rise of search engine
optimization grew for major companies like Google (Smyth 2007). In 2007, the usage of mobile
devices increased the Internet usage on the move drastically and people all over the world started
connecting with each other more conveniently through social media. In the developed world,
companies have realized the importance of digital marketing. In order for businesses to be
successful they will have to merge online with traditional methods for meeting the needs of
customers more precisely

Parsons, Zeisser, Waitman (1996): Introduction of new technologies has creating new business
opportunities for marketers to manage their websites and achieve their business objectives

Kiani, (1998): With the availability of so many choices for customers, it is very difficult for
marketers to create brands and increase traffic for their products and services. Online advertising
is a powerful marketing vehicle for building brands and increasing traffic for companies to
achieve success

Song,(2001): Expectations in terms of producing results and measuring success for

advertisement money spent, digital marketing is more cost-efficient for measuring ROI on

Pepelnjak(2008) Today, monotonous advertising and marketing techniques have given way to
digital marketing. In addition, it is so powerful that it can help revive the economy and can create
tremendous opportunities for governments to function in a more efficient manner

Munshi(2012): Firms in Singapore have tested the success of digital marketing tools as being
effective and useful for achieving results.

Teo, (2005): More importantly, growth in digital marketing has been due to the rapid advances
in technologies and changing market dynamics

Mort, Sullivan, Drennan, Judy(2002): In order for digital marketing to deliver result for
businesses, digital content such as accessibility, navigation and speed are defined as the key
characteristics for marketing

Kanttil( 2004): Other tried and tested tool for achieving success through digital marketing is the
use of word-of-mouth WOM on social media and for making the site popular

Trusov( 2009): In addition, WOM is linked with creating new members and increasing traffic on
the website which in return increases the visibility in terms of marketing. Social media with an
extra ordinary example Facebook has opened the door for businesses to communicate with
millions of people about products and services and has opened new marketing opportunities in
the market. This is possible only if the managers are fully aware of using the communication
strategies to engage the customers and enhancing their experience

Mangold(2009) Marketing professional must truly understand online social marketing

campaigns and programs and understand how to do it effectively with performance measurement
indicators. As the market dynamics all over the world are changing in relation to the young
audience accessibility to social media and usage. It is important that strategic integration
approaches are adopted in organization’s marketing communication plan

Rohm & Hanna,(2011). Blogs as a tool for digital marketing have successfully created an
impact for increasing sales revenue, especially for products where customers can read reviews
and write comments about personal experiences. For businesses, online reviews have worked
really well as part of their overall strategic marketing strategy

Zhang(2013). Online services tools are more influencing than traditional methods of

Helm, Möller, Mauroner, Conrad(2013). As part of study, it is proven that users experience
increase in self-esteem and enjoyment when they adapt to social media which itself is a
motivating sign for businesses and marketing professional.


Hypothesis 1
H0 : Business People are not happy with the quality of service provided by
GreenAds Global Pvt Ltd

H1 : Business People are happy with the quality of service provided by GreenAds
Global Pvt Ltd

Hypothesis 2
H0 : Business People are not satisfied with the Service provided by GreenAds
Global Pvt Ltd

H1 : Business People are satisfied with the service provided by GreenAds Global Pvt


Research refers to the organized method consisting of enunciating the problem, collecting facts,
critical analysis of facts and arriving at conclusions. The first step in formulating a research
problem is to identify a general subject area for study. Starting with a general subject helps to
provide focus for the study. Research frequently begins this way with a curiosity about some
phenomenon, problem or theory. The search for knowledge does not always begin with a clearly
defined research problem or explicit hypothesis. Often research is under taken because the
investigator is curious about, interested in, or perplexed by something.

After identifying the general problem area, the next step is relating the research problem with
existing theory. A study should never be done in a vacuum, but should take currently exist.
Examining how the study is connected to previous knowledge and using this knowledge as a

guide can be of great benefit is designing the study, interpreting results and generalizing the
findings to other people.

The next step, stating the research problem required narrowing the focus of the study and
explicitly knowing its purpose. The researcher must take the general subject area of the study;
analyze the situation and then state the research problem precisely.

Research methodology is a way to solve the research problem systematically. Consumer research
can be made either directly or indirectly. The direct method is to enquiries among prominent
customers, trend setters and opinion leaders by phone, letters or personal interviews. Discussions,
debates and conversations and the results of these efforts are tabulated and analyzed. The study of
consumers like and dislikes, needs, fashions, intimations and attitudes are absolutely necessary for
this study. Evaluation can be effective only if the researcher is clear about what to evaluate and
for what purpose or with what aim in what much time. The views and desires of the people have
the tendency to undergo change with the growing age, knowledge and changing surroundings.

1.6.1 Research design

A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection of data in a mannerthat aims to
combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in process. Questionnaire survey is the
method adopted for conducting this study along with other tools and techniques such as personal
interviews, market study, situation analysis, conversations, opinion survey, technical advice etc.
based on the above, primary and secondary data were collected, tabulated and analyzed to reach
the conclusions. Personal interview along with questionnaire survey were conducted to achieve
the unbiased first-hand information.

1.6.2 Descriptive research design:

Descriptive design is a sound basis for making predictions pertaining to the specific marketing
practices, which is a part of the conclusive research. Its main aim is to collect data with a definite
purpose, which makes the facts practical and valuable.

1.6.3 Collection of data

The descriptive research data would collected by primary and secondary data sources.
Primary data

It refers to data that is collected afresh and recorded for the first time. The primary data is
collected using questionnaire and direct personal interview.
Secondary data
The secondary data are those data which are already published. These are collected from
company’s library, journals, websites, annual reports of the company and previous research

1.6.4 Sampling
Sampling may be defined as the process of obtaining information about an entire population by
examining a part of it. Sampling method
Sampling method used in this research is convenience sampling. Under this sampling design,
every item of universe has an equal chance of inclusion in sample. Convenience sampling
procedure is used. Convenience sampling refers to the non-probability process by which a
scientist gathers statistical data from the population. This form of selection is done based on the
ease of gaining the statistical data. Sampling size

Samples are taken out of large population in the Ernakulam and Malappuram district. For the
research, 150 samples are taken.

1.6.5 Research instrument

Research Instrument used in this research was questionnaire. A questionnaire is a formalized set
of questions for eliciting information. It is one of the most common instruments used for primary
data collection. Questions are close-ended, close ended questions that provide a set of answers
from which the respondent must choose. Multiple choice questions are closed questions.

1.6.6 Tools of analysis
For the proper analysis of data, quantitative technique such as percentage method was use. In
addition, Microsoft excel was also used for preparing charts for deducing inferences.

1.6.7 Percentage analysis

Percentage refers to special kind of ratio. The percentage is used in making comparison between
two or more series of data.

The ease and simplicity of calculation and the universal applicability of the present static have
made it most standardized tool in researchers. The percentage analysis is conducted by dividing
number of respondent with total population of sample.

Percentage analysis formula

Percentage=No. of Respondentsx100
Total No. of Respondents

1.6.8 Chi-square analysis

Chi-square is a statistical test commonly used to compareobserved data with data we would
expect to obtain according to a specific hypothesis. The chi-square test is always testing what
scientists call the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference between the
expected and observed result.

In many of the statistical test we have to assume that samples come from populations.

2 2
But this procedure is generally referred to as non- parametric methods. The x is based on x
distribution which was first used by Karl- Pearson’s in the year 1900. The chi- square describes
as the magnitude of frequency between theory and observation.

If x is zero, it means that the observed and excepted frequencies completely coincide greater the

value of x greater would be the discrepancy between observed and excepted frequencies.

The Statistics used x =
Where O = Observed Frequency
E= Expected / Theoretical Frequency


Although full efforts have made in the study but the following limitations should kept in the mind
before making any conclusion:
 Sample size was limited in comparison of entire population.

 The respondents may be bias or influenced by outside factors.

 The accuracy of indications given by the respondents may not consider adequate.





Digital marketing is the strategy and processes that connect advertisers with their audiences
across digital channels. An advertisement itself is a piece of creative shared via digital inventory
- the space a publisher makes available for advertisements on its platform.

Digital refers to a number of different channels, all used to uniquely engage audiences and tackle
various goals of the conversion funnel. The channels include display, search, mobile, social, and
video. It is considered "Inbound Marketing" in that it reaches out to audiences while also letting
them reach back out.

Thanks to digital's vast amounts of targeting technology and capturing of personal data,
marketers are able to reach both large audiences and more granular segments without
compromising scale. This includes being able to target by specific attribute including
demographic, behavioral, psychographic, and more. Not only can marketers target groups of
people, they can also target specific devices and even individual users regardless ofwhat device
they may be using.

In addition, digital marketers are especially determined to measure success of campaigns. A

number of user engagements can be tracked such as impressions, clicks, website hits, leads, and
actual purchases. In as much, digital makes it easier than traditional media to track Return on
Investment (ROI), helping marketers to see the efficacy of their campaigns and make better
decisions for optimization and the future.



Traditional refers to linear TV, print, radio, direct mail, and out-of-home (often known as
billboard) advertising. A key differentiator of these medias is that the messaging is a one-way
conversation. This defines traditional as "Outbound Marketing" in that it reaches out to
consumers, but consumers do not communicate back.

In addition, traditional's targeting is much broader as it is defined by only an estimate of

viewership. If an advertiser wanted to execute more granular targeting by coupling different
demographic and behavioral attributes, they would be unable to, as publisher audiences are more
loosely defined with traditional media.

The final major difference - which is often times used as a point of argument among the two
sides, is traditional’s absence of measurement methods. If a potential customer views an ad on
linear TV and later buys that product in-store - it is impossible for marketers to connect the
action back to the advertisement. What marketers are able to do instead, is measure sales lift

prior and post campaign. Another method is including a specific phone number or email address
in advertisements whenever possible, so that conversions can be directly attributed.

A recent report by Zenith Optimedia concluded that between 2013 and 2016, digital ad spend
will grow from 16.8% to 20%, while mobile will grow from 2.9% to 8.2%. While television will
still hold the majority of ad spend, other major media such as print and radio, will see a decline.

2.3 Digital Marketing Industry in India

Digital Marketing industry in India is spread to almost all the business sectors. Some of the
applications of E-Marketing are shopping and order tracking, online banking, payment systems
and content management.

The power of digital marketing allows geophysical barriers to disappear making all consumers
and businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers. It is known for its ability to allow
business to communicate and form a transaction anywhere and anytime.

Digital marketing industry in India is a booming career today. In a country with a rapid growth
economy, it is expected to have a very high significant growth in Digital marketing career. The
growth in the digital marketing trends is making a very substantial impact on marketing and
advertisement. The big picture of Digital Marketing industry in India cannot be complete if short
preview of the past digital marketing statistics is not made.

Going back to history, International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation reveals the
following in 2016.

Between 1971 and 1972, The ARPANET is used to arrange a sale between students at the
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the
earliest example of electronics or digital commerce.

1979: Michael Aldrich demonstrates the first online shopping system.

1981: Thomson Holidays UK is first business-to-business online shopping system to be installed.

1996: India MART B2B marketplace established in India.

2007: Flipkart was established in India. Every E-marketing or commercial enterprises uses
majorly digital means for their marketing purposes.

In 2011, the digital marketing statistics revealed that advertising via the mobile phone and tablets
was 200% lower than that of the following years. During this year, the net worth was $2 billion.
The growth was in a geometric progression as it rose to $6 billion in 2012. The competitive
growth demands for more improvement in the career works and professionals are being added to
the field.

From 2013 to March 2015, the investment total increase was 1.5 billion dollars over the
preceding years. There has been an impressive growth up till this present moment.

The report by the International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation revealed that
summarized that India is getting to see the golden period of the Internet sector between 2013 to
2018 with incredible growth opportunities and secular growth adoption for E-Commerce,
Internet Advertising, Social Media, Search, Online Content, and Services relating digital

Total Media, Digital and Mobile Internet Ad Spending in India (2013-2019)

Today, digital marketing industry in India is growing at its peak, and is still continuous. Many
factors are responsible for this growth. The use of communication tools has greatly changed in
the year past. No one ever thought to have a credible deal online. The below figure indicates the
digital marketing statistics.

The belief was that online information is virtual information full of lies. No one could listen to
any online advertisement not to talk of purchasing groceries, furniture or clothes. The story has
really changed. Everything from marketing to sales can be done online. This is due to the trust
that has been restored back to online communication in India. This has really helped the
marketing initiatives. The revolution is from the communication industries. Low cost of handset
is now available making it possible for India to have about 600 million internet users which
ultimately creates a fascinating business opportunity to sell to a growing population.

Moreover, the development in the digital marketing industry in India evident in the marketing
shift from anonymity to identity. Interaction on the Internet now looks more physical as opposed
to the anonymity of identity in the past. Also, marketing information’s is moving along in the
same line with entertainment. People of India needed an exciting spirit always. This targets their
interest into the marketing information.

Several factors have been found to contribute to the growth of digital marketing in India. Before
now, internet usage was only meant for the wealthy. There is now a great change in the lifestyle
of the middle class. The Very majority now have access to the internet in India. Internet and 3G
penetration revolutionized the marketing scenario for both consumers and the marketers. It was
discovered that changes in lifestyle and standard of living had increased the level of
consumption, quality and also the pattern of consumption. The quality of use in the urban
centers of India is on a high side. This is because majority doesn’t have time for shopping. Apart
from struggles to earn money, people want some other things to be done at their own

The following survey from people indicates the size of Digital Marketing industry in India:

 34% of the companies already had an integrated digital marketing strategy in 2016
 72% marketers believe that traditional model of marketing is no longer sufficient and this
will make the company revenue to be increased by 30% by the end of 2017

Traditional Marketing vs Digital Marketing

In 2017, 80% businesses will increase their digital marketing budget which may surpass the IT
budget. Only the illiterates could not access the potentials of the digital marketing because of the
accessibility to computing devices and computer education. Many of the people in this category
still don’t trust the method of an online payment and they lack training in English Language and
other foreign languages to market online in global markets.

-The following are the channels that are playing an active role in the development of digital
marketing industry in India.

2.4 Mobile Marketing

Digital marketing overview reveals that Social media has been playing a supporting role to
marketing. Over the years, it has been noticed that 92% of social media users are from the
mobile devices. This enables the size of digital marketing industries.

Mobile Phone Subscribers in India

According to the research made by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI, 2008),
communication has become a real mass communication tools having about 286 million accounts
in 2008. The Indian telecommunications market has tremendous growth opportunities and
according to IAMAI is projected to exceed 500 million by 2010. According to TRAI, the

numbers of mobile subscriber based in India grew to 980.81 million users in the second quarter
of 2015.

Adoption for the mobile device is getting higher day by day. SMS marketing is one of the true
mass market media channels across many demographics before the convergence of mobile
internet and mobile devices.

2.5 Video Marketing

Growing need for the visual content has turned video marketing be one of the most appealing
trends of digital marketing in 2017.

2.6 Email Marketing

online marketing

Email marketers of some of the most successful marketing agencies claim a return of $40 for
every dollar they invested. From the digital marketing overview, it was discovered that well-
targeted email marketing will be one of the most effective ways of ensuring conversions in
2017. As shown from the figure below, email is one of the most effective methods for digital
marketing as there is a facility to disburse messages to millions of people at a time.

2.7 Search & SEO Marketing

As much as changes is existing in the search engines, marketers are also trying shift their ways of
targeting audience so as to meet up with the current evolution in Digital Marketing industry in

Apart from the above channels through which digital marketing takes place, activities under
Digital Marketing industry in India are not limited to social media, email, content, search engine,
etc. Digital marketing is either done in-house where companies might hire people for their own
or clients’ digital marketing needs. A company may outsource to specialist digital marketing
agencies or given to consultants.

2.8 Digital Marketing Industry Report 2016

The Digital Marketing Industry Report 2016 was released by Social Beat, one of South India’s
leading digital marketing agencies. The report is based on a survey conducted in May-June 2016.
A total of 376 CMOs and Marketing Heads across India participated in the survey. The
companies that participated in the study were from various sectors and verticals including e-
Commerce, FMCG, Media/Entertainment, Healthcare, Education, Real Estate, and Travel.

Speaking on the report, Social Beat Co-Founder Vikas Chawla said “The report highlights the
rise of digital marketing, though brands continue to use television and print mediums to have a
360-degree approach. It was encouraging to see that 87% of the brands surveyed leverage digital
marketing. While brand awareness and lead generation/sales seem to be the primary goals set by
the CMOs, digital marketing is increasingly being leveraged for Customer Engagement (46%)
and Customer Service (35%) too.”

Speaking about the survey, Suneil Chawla, Co-Founder of Social Beat, said “Around 10%
brands surveyed spend more than Rs. 1 crore annually on digital marketing while around 50%

brands spend more than Rs. 6 Lakhs annually. Overall, 20% brands plan to increase their digital
marketing spends by 25% in the next financial year. This is important in the context of growing
internet and digital penetration in India – brands understand that digital is the way forward. With
an Expected 500 Million Internet Users In India By 2017, brands understand the massive
opportunity to reach out to their consumers.”

David Appasamy, who has recently joined Social Beat as Head of Brand & Strategy, added “The
survey reflects the Growing Acceptance Of Digital Platforms As An Excellent Means Of
Engaging meaningfully with consumers, generating leads and increasing sales. It was
particularly interesting to see that the digital marketing channels are already contributing to more
than 30% sales for at least 40% of the brands surveyed.”

Tracking Return on Investment (ROI) is the biggest challenge being faced by brands, closely
followed by content creation, quality lead generation and attracting talent. Currently, CMOs are
using Sales / Leads, Engagement, Brand Reach and Mentions as the metrics to track the
effectiveness of their campaigns.

Most of the respondents said they focus on Social Media Marketing, Search Engine
Optimization, Content Marketing and Emailers for marketing their brand online. Not
surprisingly, Facebook (89%) and Google (78%) have emerged as the most popular platforms
followed by Twitter (56%) and LinkedIn (51%). Penetration of smartphones, faster internet
connectivity and interesting Video Content Have Resulted In 51% Brands Targeting YouTube
For Marketing their brand. It would be interesting to track the growth of newer channels
like Instagram and Snapchat in India for brand marketing in the near future.

Vikas added, “Most of CMOs that took the survey felt that they there is a lot of scope for
improvement in quality lead generation, result tracking and creative campaigns. This presents a
massive opportunity to digital marketers to fill the gap and help leverage the digital medium
more effectively for brands”.

Then and Now: The Evolution and Growth of Digital Marketing:
Digital Evolution: A Quick Look Back

With the advent of Gutenberg’s printing press in Europe in 1450, the ability to mass-
communicate and sell gained such epic momentum that it’s barely slowed down in over 500
years. Magazines first emerged in the 1730s, radio advertising in 1922 and then in 1941,
the world’s first TV ad was broadcast on American screens in one of the most groundbreaking
moments in marketing history.

Getting Connected

In 1965, a computer in Massachusetts connected with another in California via dial-up and in
1973 the first hand-held mobile phone call was made. But it wasn’t until the early 1980s when
the first commercially available desktop PCs started filtering into homes, that a tidal wave of
new marketing possibilities crashed onto the scene with digital. That was around 34 years ago.

Blink and You’ve Missed It

You’ve got to be fast in this industry. Digital evolution happens so rapidly that the operating
system used to write this article will probably be obsolete by the time the last sentence is written.

By The Time Our Agency Launched In 2004:

 Queen Elizabeth had already sent her first royal email

 PhotoShop 6.0 had been released
 Ridley Scott had long since directed and screened the first ever Apple Mac ad
 The first major spamming incidents by marketers had come and gone
 The World Wide Web was already 15-years old
 Everyone was talking about a thing called Facebook
 Businesses were already using AdWords to generate traffic
 SEO was a major buzzword

Digital Marketing Then & Now: Since 2004

Google Got Smarter

Early search engines like Yahoo!, InfoSeek, AltaVista, Lycos and WebCrawler made significant
strides in the digital evolution of search but let’s be honest, the golden years didn’t start until
Google launched in 1998. With the birth of today’s most popular search engine and its
development of tools like AdWords in 2000 and content targeting services in 2003, everything
changed online. In 2004, search engines started using advanced ranking algorithms and browsing
online became more personal. The impact this had on business is immense. Being able to target
browsers and develop strategies based on search patterns led to a whole new way of selling and
communicating. These days a Googlebot crawls and indexes trillions of pages on the web and
makes the most relevant ones instantly accessible via traditional or voice search. A brand can
reach anyone, anywhere at any time, and that’s powerful.

SEO Grew Up

Optimising sites for search engines began to mainstream in the mid-90s and by 2004, SEO had
become an essential marketing tool used on a global scale. In the early days, techniques like
keyword stuffing, article submissions and link spamming were recommended by guys who
mostly just didn’t know better. No one cared about the impact of social media and usability
didn’t even come up in conversation – SEO was an island and keywords were embarrassing. But
you learn. These days SEO is less of a loner and more of an essential cog in a greater machine
powered by other strategies and channels.

Digital PR Became Incredibly Powerful

Back in the day there was no such thing as a traditional or a digital PR agency. There were only
PR agencies. Today all that’s changed, and since the digital evolution PR has had to broaden its
focus. A long time ago traditional PRs would use media tours to do press meetings and secure
exposure for their clients in print, radio and on TV, often sending out reports and questionnaires
afterwards to gather info from the contacts and to find out whether they’d even be featuring their

clients. Today a digital PR specialist can find out everything they need to know about a contact
before even making a pitch. By working with SEO reserach and trends, Digital PRs are able to
back all of their decisions with data, leading to better targeting and more quantifiable results.

Social Media Kept Us Connected

In 2004 people still used MySpace. Little did anyone know at the time that Mark Zuckerberg and
his Harvard roommates would release a colossal giant to crush all that came before. It was the
start of a new era for digital marketing. Social media stopped being a way to just chat with
friends and started becoming a way to connect with brands, complain, spread news, shop and
even influence other shoppers. Businesses took notice and online reputation management became
more important than ever. Today, with channels like Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest,
with billions of users, targeted advertising and a digital landscape that never sleeps, social media
has become one of the most vital parts of any marketing strategy.

Marketing Became Less Aggressive

For the longest time marketers used tactics designed to interrupt potential clients, contacted us
without permission and blindly targeted everyone in the hopes of reaching someone interested. In
short, communicating with potential customers hasn’t always been as sophisticated as it is today.
Fortunately, thanks to better research, statistics and higher quality content and targeting, a new
way of digital marketing began to find its stride. HubSpot co-founder and CEO Brian Halligan
was credited with creating the term, inbound marketing, and later author Seth Godin took it a
step further by introducing the idea of permission marketing. Today’s content marketing is based
on all these principles: understanding the consumer better so you can appeal to their interests and
needs with tailor made content and information. These days, we know we have to earn attention
with great content, conversations, transparency, opt-in email lists, word-of-mouth brand building
and viral marketing. And that’s just one of the ways the internet changed marketing.




GreenAds Global is a Digital Marketing Company, which is dedicated to the task of providing
desired results to our valuable customers established in 2011. We set the highest standards for us
which make our customers trust in us and revert to us for all their marketing needs.

Greenads Global is a complete provider of Online business communication tools on cloud

telephony platform. Greenads Global providing telecom Value Added Services (VAS) in India &
80 other countries around the world .We offers comprehensive and/or customized/personalized
messaging platform. With Enterprise Messaging Services, SMPP/HTTP /API connectivity ,
Voice SMS, two way sms, and we keep “Innovating Communication Technology “ .Our recent
cloud telephony services are Mobile Video Communication and ERCC(Emergency Response
Communication Centre). We connect directly to SMSC gateways with over 800 TPS for
ensuring timely delivery of sms pushed. We have 24* 7 Support number for uninterrupted
communication with our valued customers. Now we have over 5000 plus delighted customers

We provide numerous digital solutions for clients of all sizes across different sectors, ranging
from small businesses to global corporations. Right from the start to the finish, our customized
online solutions and web solutions are targeted towards only one goal: enhancing the online
presence of our customers and making their business thrive to the core.

It is our mission to provide considerable results that turn traffic into business. Our engineers,
who have gained knowledge and expertise under the guidance of Google, know the nuances of
search engines and online marketing. They understand that each and every business is different
and the demands of every client are individualistic and so they tailor their strategies to suit the
needs of the clients with the intention of maximizing the effectiveness of their digital marketing

GreenAds Global does things differently to prove its standard and dedication in the field, when
compared to other digital marketing companies. Here at GreenAds Global, we start our work
right from the beginning, doing in-house market research and customer analysis. We employ

strategies that find the right customers for a business and take steps to make the business stand
unique and thus drive real traffic and real customers to that company's website.

Customer satisfaction is the hallmark of our company. We strive to provide the best and desired
results for every one of our customers and we stand up to their expectations with our customized
solutions. All our clients including small businesses and multinational corporations feel satisfied
with our service and get back to us with more and more demands. A long term relationship
between the clients and the company is a mark of strength for any company and GreenAds
Global stands at its best in this regard. We strive to win the satisfaction of our customers with
more and more innovative solutions.


“To become world’s most trusted Business communication solutions provider for corporate ” We
will achieve this by simplifying yet most effective communication tools through operational
excellence and innovation.


 Innovation - Always search of new ways to add value to our service

 Integrity - Ethical and honest towards our customers,Vendors and to society
 Excellence - All ways think there is better way to do things ,Raise the bar always
 Channel Partners - Support our business partners and grow with mutual trust


Strong technology platform

As a Digital marketing company we believe strong technology platform is the key to success. We
ensure 99.2 % uptime for all our services and implemented a bunch of strong company policies
to maintain it.


As our tag line goes we “Innovate Communication Technology”. Innovation is a continues

process, we believe innovating the way of implementing any service also matters. Our user
friendly Web interfaces for Bulk SMS,M-alert, Mobile video Communication, Android
application download tracker and ERCC(Emergency Response Communication Centre) are
standing proof it.


Support team is a vital element for a technology company. We have a dedicated 24* 7 support


 Bulk SMS, Whatsapp & E-mail

 Google Ads
 Facebook Ads
 Core banking integration solutions
 Voice & IVR Campaign
 Long code & short Code solution
 International SMS platform ( 80 countries)
 Virtual Number solutions
 IVR solutions
 Toll free number solution
 Call centre solutions


3.2.1 Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS messaging is a legacy description for application-to-person SMS messaging services.
It refers specifically to the sending of large number of SMS messages to the mobile phones of a
predetermined group of recipients.

Today the application-to-person SMS messaging services have evolved to include bulk SMS
messaging alongside the sending of single messages (such as one time passwords and delivery
notifications), interactive messaging (such as group messaging services), and incoming number
services (such as mobile marketing campaigns, voting or information lines).

A defining characteristic of bulk SMS messaging is that businesses and organisations can make
use of one or more solutions to send and receive SMS messages, namely; a mobile phone
application, a software programme, a web interface, or integrate an SMS API with their website
or system. These bulk SMS messaging solutions interface with a service providers’ SMS
gateway to ensure the delivery of messages to mobile phone numbers anywhere in the world.

An SMS gateway acts as a relay between the mobile network operators and a wireless
applications service provider. These SMS gateways allow for SMS traffic to distributed via a
direct connection to the SMSC (Short Message Service Centre) of a mobile network operation
and then onto a recipient’s mobile phone number.

The uses of bulk SMS messaging is continually evolving as new business or public benefit needs
are identified. From large scale businesses to small enterprises, community groups to educational
institutions, bulk SMS messaging provides a cost effective solution for managing
communications with small or large contact groups.

Before commencing with the sending bulk SMS messages it is important to note that you must
comply with the regulations specific to your country and the country to which you are sending
SMS messages.

Who can use it and how?

 Marketing Agencies,
 Politicians,
 Communities,
 Radio/TV Stations,
 Retail Shops / B2B Businesses
 and anyone wishing to create a customer list in order to inform them.

Campaign Ideas

 SMS Alerts / Reminders

 Calendar Meeting notifications
 Send Mobile Coupons to your customers
 Send Last minute promotions
 eShop Order Status Notifications
 SMS Invitations Send sms or a map with event's location


What Are Google Ads & How Do They Work?

Every second, there are 2.3 million searches performed on Google, and the majority of search
results pages include Google ads. Paid for by businesses, Google ads can be an extremely
effective way of driving relevant, qualified traffic to your website exactly when people are
searching for the types of products or services your business offers.

In this article, you’ll learn what Google ads are, how Google ads work, and why you should run
your own Google ads.

What Are Google Ads?

Google offers advertisements which appear in search results on google.com with the use
of Google AdWords or advertisements that appear on other websites through the Display
Network and Google’s AdSense program.

Google also offers Display Ads, which appear on the Google Display Network. The Display
Network is an extensive collection of outside, third-party websites that have partnered with
Google and agreed to serve Google ads. Google ads on the Display Network can be in text,
image, video, or rich media format, and can be targeted differently. This
includes remarketing and banner ads.

Why Google Ads Appear

The Google AdWords auction is focused around keywords – advertisers choose a list of
keywords to target that are relevant to their business offerings, the words that people are most
likely to use when searching for their product. They then bid on these keywords, basing each bid
on how much they are willing to pay for a Google user to click on their ad. This bid, combined
with a Quality Score assigned by Google based on the quality of your proposed ad, determines
which Google ads appear on the SERP. When users click the ads, the advertiser pays a certain
cost (the cost per click, or CPC), which is calculated according to the below formula:

CPC Formula

This is where the term Pay-Per-Click (PPC) originates.

The AdWords Auction

AdWords works on an auction system, which takes place every time a user performs a keyword

To “win” the AdWords auctions and see your Google advertisement appear for relevant
keywords, you’ll need to optimize your Quality Score and bid amount. The higher your Quality
Score, in conjunction with your bid amount, the better your ad positioning. The following factors
(among others) affect your Quality Score:

 The relevance of your Google ad to the search query

 The relevance of the Google keyword to your ad group
 The relevance of your ad to its landing page
 The historical click-through rate (CTR) of the ad and its ad group
 Overall historical account performance
 There are also overall benefits to having a high quality score:

 Lower costs– Google rewards advertisers with high Quality Scores by lowering their cost
per click (CPC), helping improve ROI.
 Higher exposure – When you have high Quality Scores, your ads will display more often,
in better positions on the SERP—the top vs. the bottom of the page. This enables you to
get more clicks and conversions without having to raise your bids.

Google Ads Costs

The cost of Google ads varies based on a number of factors, including the competitiveness of
your keywords and industry, your geographic location, the quality of your advertising campaigns
and more.


The Power of Internet

India is the fastest growing online market in the world, and internet usage grew by more than
40% in the yearto July.

Indian netizens also appear to spend a considerable amount of time online each day – up to 8
hours each –which adds extra weight to the basic user numbers.

These users spend plenty of money too; The Times of India reports that Indian youth will spend
more than US$9 billion on mobile internet activities in 2012 alone. That’s more than the GDP of
the Bahamas.

Social Networking continues to be the main driver behind much of India’s increased online
activity, although social media penetration in India remains remarkably low at just 5%.

Facebook continues to dominate India’s social media landscape with more than 60 million active
users, and the world’s most popular platform show no signs of slowing either, adding a new
Indian user every single second.

With social networking use expected to grow by more than 50% in 2012, it’s likely that these
numbers are also on the conservative side; estimates from eMarketer and Global Web Index both
put Indian social networking users above 75 million.

This How it’s getting done

1. Build a Facebook Page

 Add a unique cover photo and use your logo as a profile picture
 Create a post so when people visit your Page they see recent activity
 Make sure to like your Page and share it with your friends
 Create a Page

2. Connect to your fans with ads

 Create multiple ads to help build an audience for your Page

 Use the targeting options to show your ads to only the people you want reach
 See which versions of your ads work best

3. Engage your fans with great content on your Page

 Add a new post to your Page at least once a week

 Pin your most important posts to the top of your Page
 Ask questions, share exclusive news and respond to people when they post or comment
on your Page

4. Influence the friends of your fans

 Encourage check-ins, participation in events or create an offer to encourage more activity

on yourPage
 When people interact with the content on your Page, their friends are eligible to see the
 When people do things such as like, comment or check-in to your Page, you can promote
those activities to their friends

Green Ads Role

We undertake two roles for your brand

a) Manage Fan Page : New posts that can capture fans attentions and make the share. Closely
watch fans traffic in our page through FB statics.

b) Face Book Ads: create paid advertisement in facebook. Understand each business target
customers and avail advertisement on their page.



4.1.1 Age wise classification of respondents

Table4.1 Product Purchased

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Bulk SMS 55 44.0 44.0 44.0
Voice call 25 20.0 20.0 64.0
Misscall 25 20.0 20.0 84.0
Google Ads 10 8.0 8.0 92.0
Facebook 10 8.0 8.0 100.0
125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.1 Product purchase preference


From the above chart, 44% of respondents Prefer to use Bulk SMS, 20% of respondents Prefer to
use Voice call, 20% of respondents Prefer to use Missed call, only 8% of respondents Prefer to
use Google Ads, another 8% of respondents Prefer to use Facebook Ads

4.1.2 Efficiency of response by GreenAds Global
Table4.2 Efficiency of response
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Average 35 28.0 28.0 40.0
Good 46 36.8 36.8 76.8
Excelle3 29 23.2 23.2 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.2 Efficiency of response


From the above chart, 12% of respondents Says the efficiency of response by GreenAds Global is
Fair, 20% of respondents Prefer to use Voice call, 28% of respondents Says the efficiency of
response by GreenAds Global is Average, 36.8% of respondents Says the efficiency of response
by GreenAds Global is Good, another 23.2% of respondents Says the efficiency of response by
GreenAds Global is Excellent

4.1.3 Rating of delivery Performance
Table 4.3 delivery performance
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 5 4.0 4.0 4.0
Average 30 24.0 24.0 28.0
Good 60 48.0 48.0 76.0
Excellen 30 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.3 Delivery performance


From the above chart, 4% of respondents Says the delivery performance of services is Fair, 24%
of respondents the delivery performance of services is Average, 48% of respondents Says the
delivery performance of services is Good, 24% of respondents Says the delivery performance of
services is Excellent

4.1.4 Rating of quality of service provided

Table 4.4 Quality of Service

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Average 30 24.0 24.0 36.0
Good 60 48.0 48.0 84.0
Excellen 20 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.4 Quality of service


From the above chart, 12% of respondents Says the Quality of Service is Fair, 24% of respondents
the Quality of Service is Average, 48% of respondents Says the Quality of Service is Good, 16%
of respondents Says the Quality of Service is Excellent

4.1.5 Accuracy of documentation
Table 4.5 Accuracy of documentation
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 19 15.2 15.2 15.2
Average 38 30.4 30.4 45.6
Good 44 35.2 35.2 80.8
Excellen 24 19.2 19.2 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.5 Accuracy of documentation


From the above chart,15.2 % of respondents Says the Accuracy of documentation is Fair, 30.4%
of respondents the Accuracy of documentation is Average, 35.2% of respondents Says the
Accuracy of documentation is Good, 19.2% of respondents Says the Accuracy of documentation
is Excellent

4.1.6 Overall rating for GreenAds Global
Table 4.6 Rating of GreenAds Global
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 10 8.0 8.0 8.0
Average 25 20.0 20.0 28.0
Good 70 56.0 56.0 84.0
Excellen 20 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.6 Rating of GreenAds Global


From the above chart,8 % of respondents Rate GreenAds Global is Fair, 20% of respondents Rate
GreenAds Global is Average, 56% of respondents Rate GreenAds Global is Good, 16%
respondents of Rate GreenAds Global is Excellent

4.1.7 Likelihood of referring to others
Table 4.7 Likehood of Recommending GreenAds Global
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Strongly 40 32.0 32.0 32.0
Prefer 55 44.0 44.0 76.0
Neutral 25 20.0 20.0 96.0
Doesn't prefer 5 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.7 Like hood of recommending GreenAds Global


From the above chart,32% of respondents Would strongly prefer to recommend GreenAds Global
to others , 44% of respondents Would prefer to recommend GreenAds Global to others, 20% of
respondents are neutral in recommending GreenAds Global to others, 4% of respondents Will
doesn’t prefer to recommend GreenAds Global to others

4.1.8 Easiness of usage of Products
Table 4.8 Easiness of usage of Panel
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Too Easy 10 8.0 8.0 8.0
Easy 60 48.0 48.0 56.0
OK 45 36.0 36.0 92.0
Not 10 8.0 8.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.8 Easiness of usage of Panel

From the above chart,8 % of respondents says its too easy to use GreenAds Global products, 48%
of respondents says its easy to use GreenAds Global products, 36% of respondents says its
somewhat ok to use GreenAds Global products, 8% respondents of says its not good to use
GreenAds Global products

4.1.9 Most interesting Factor about GreenAds Global
Table 4.9 Most interesting fact about GreenAds
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Quality 5 4.0 4.0 4.0
Service 35 28.0 28.0 32.0
Speed 40 32.0 32.0 64.0
Accurac 15 12.0 12.0 76.0
Support 30 24.0 24.0 100.0
125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.9 Most interesting fact about GreenAds Global


From the above chart,4% of respondents says Quality is the most interesting factor, 28% of
respondents says Service is the most interesting factor, 32% of respondents says Speed is the most
interesting factor, 12% respondents of says Accuracy is the most interesting factor, 24%
respondents of says Support is the most interesting factor

4.1.10 Satisfaction level of speed of service
Table 4.10Satisfaction with speed of service
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Strongl 20 16.0 16.0 16.0
Satisfie 65 52.0 52.0 68.0
d 40 32.0 32.0 100.0
Satisfie 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.10 Satisfaction in speed of service


From the above chart, 16% of respondents are strongly satisfied with speed of service, 52% of
respondents are satisfied with speed of service, 32% of respondents Neutral with speed of service

4.1.11 Value gained for price given
Table 4.11 Value gained for price given
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Average 30 24.0 24.0 36.0
Good 55 44.0 44.0 80.0
Excellen 25 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.11 Value gained for price given


From the above chart,12% of respondents says they have fair value for money return, 24% of
respondents says they have Average value for money return, 44% of respondents says they have
good value for money return, 20% respondents of says they have excellent value for money

4.1.12 Souce made to Connect with GreenAds Global
Table 4.12 Source made Customer to buy
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Advertisement 20 16.0 16.0 16.0
Google Ads 30 24.0 24.0 40.0
Reference 35 28.0 28.0 68.0
Internet 15 12.0 12.0 80.0
Justdial 25 20.0 20.0 100.0
125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.12 Source made to buy from GreenAds Global


From the above chart,16% of respondents says through advertisement they came to know about
GreenAds Global, 24% of respondents says through Google Ads they came to know about
GreenAds Global, 28% of respondents says through Reference they came to know about
GreenAds Global, 12% respondents of says through Internal Search they came to know about
GreenAds Global, 20% respondents of says through Justdial they came to know about GreenAds

4.1.13 Factor that makes to Buy from GreenAds
Table 4.13What makes to purchase from GreenAds Global
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Quality 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Service 40 32.0 32.0 44.0
Speed 20 16.0 16.0 60.0
Accurac 20 16.0 16.0 76.0
Support 30 24.0 24.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.13 factor makes to buy product


From the above chart,12% of respondents says Quality makes them buy from greenAds Global,
32% of respondents says Service makes them buy from greenAds Global, 16% of respondents
says Speed makes them buy from greenAds Global, 16% respondents of says Accuracy makes
them buy from greenAds Global, 24% respondents of says Support makes them buy from
greenAds Global

4.1.14 Efficiency of Customer service department
Table 4.14 Effectiveness of customer service
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Fair 10 8.0 8.0 8.0
Average 25 20.0 20.0 28.0
Good 50 40.0 40.0 68.0
Excellen 40 32.0 32.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.14 Effectiveness of customer service

From the above chart,8% of respondents says Effectiveness of customer Service is Fair , 20% of
respondents says Effectiveness of customer Service is Average, 40% of respondents says
Effectiveness of customer Service is Good, 32% respondents of says Effectiveness of customer
Service is Excellent.

4.1.15 Freequency offers provided
Table 4.15 Freequency of special offers
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percen Percent
Valid Sometimes 15 12.0 12.0 12.0
Rarely 70 56.0 56.0 68.0
Never 40 32.0 32.0 100.0
Total 125 100.0 100.0

Chart 4.15 freequency of offers


From the above chart,12% of respondents gets offers sometimes, 56% of respondents gets offers
rarely, 32% of respondents never gets offers


H0 : Business People are well Aware of digital marketing and is using them effectively

H1 : Business People are not well Aware of digital marketing and is reluctant to use them.

Chi-Square Test
Table 4.16 Quality of Service
Observed N Expected N Residual

Fair 15 31.3 -16.3

Average 30 31.3 -1.3
Good 60 31.3 28.8
Excellent 20 31.3 -11.3
Total 125

Table 4.17 Satisfaction in service provided

Observed N Expected N Residual
Strongly Satisfied 20 41.7 -21.7
Satisfied 65 41.7 23.3
Neutral 40 41.7 -1.7
Total 125

Table 4.18 Test Statistics

Quality of with speed of
Service service

Chi-Square 39.000a 24.400b

Df 3 2
Asymp. Sig. .000 .000

a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than
5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 31.3.
b. 0 cells (.0%) have expected frequencies less than
5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 41.7.

Hypothesis 1

Expected Value = (Row Total * Column Total) / Grand Total

Degree of freedom = (r-1)* (c-1)

Asymp sig- .000

Since calculated Value is higher than table value, the null hypothesis is rejected,So that Business
People are happy with the quality of service provided by GreenAds Global Pvt Ltd

Hypothesis 2

Expected Value = (Row Total * Column Total) / Grand Total

Degree of freedom = (r-1)* (c-1)

Asymp sig- .000

Since calculated Value is higher than table value, the null hypothesis is rejected, So that
Business People are satisfied with the service provided by GreenAds Global Pvt Ltd


1) 44% of Respondents use Bulk SMS Service whereas 20% of people uses Voice call and
Missed call services, only 8% uses both Google ads and facebook Ads
2) 60% of Respondents have above average opinion about the efficiency of response by
GreenAds Global
3) 72% of Respondents are having good and excellent opinion about the delivery of
4) 64% of Respondents are having above average opinion about quality of service
5) Accuracy of documentation have different opinions 30.4% respondents says it is
average,35.2% says it is good and 19.2% says it is excellent
6) 72% of respondents justifies that GreenAds is good & excellent which is a good
7) More than 76% of respondents would like to recommend GreenAds Global to their
8) 56% people find it easy to use the products of GreenAds Global where as 36% says it is
ok to use, and the rest 8% opinion is its not good to use.
9) Service, Speed and Support have been voted as the top most interesting facts about
GreenAds Global
10) 68% of respondents are satisfied with the speed of service provided by GreenAds Global
11) About 64% of people are happy with the value they got for the money they spend
12) Reference, Google Ads, justDial, Advertisement, Internet Search this is the order of
sources through which business people comes to know about GreenAds Global
13) Service and Support are the major reasons why respondents keep on buying from
GreenAds Global
14) 72% respondents are quite satisfied with the effectiveness of customer service.
15) GreenAds Global is very reluctant to give offers.


1. The company should try to focus more on Google Ads and facebook Ads, also try to
make business people aware of these services which have a large scope in coming days.

2. Most of the customers are having good opinion about efficiency of response of GreenAds
global, So they must continue the same. At the same time they should also try to give a
little more attention to increase the efficiency of response as some of their clients are
having a little disappointment.

3. 72% of respondents are satisfied with delivery performance of services provided by the
company. So they should try to keep the same for the satisfied respondents. They should
also find the reason for dissatisfaction of other respondents and try to rectify it as soon as

4. More than 60% people are having good response about quality of service provided by the
company. So GreenAds Global should keep an eye on improving their quality of service.

5. The area where the company lacks compared to all other aspects is accuracy of
documentation. So they should give more focus into this area in order to improve the

6. It’s a positive response by respondents that most of them rates greenAds Global as a good
company to do business with. So the future plans should be like improving the rating to

7. 76% respondents would like to prefer GreenAds Global to their friends or known
companies as they are satisfied with the service given by the company. This is a good
thing as far as a startup company like GreenAds global is concerned

8. About 46% of respondents doesn’t find it easy to use panels of GreenAds Global. So the
company should find a solution to make their software panels more user friendly.

9. Service, speed and support are doing good for GreenAds Global as per respondents
opinions. So company should check whether there is any problem with other 2
parametersquality and accuracy

10. 68% respondents are satisfied with speed of services of GreenAds Global Which is a
good percentage. Still in order to keep on competing with competitors, company should
try to improve it.

11. 64% respondents thinks GreenAds Global products gives good value to the price,
whereas 24% thinks its average and 12% thinks its just fair, so GreenAds Global should
make a study on the people who said average and fair to know why they thinks so, and
take measures to make up the weak areas.

12. As the company is having several Satisfied clients the major source of new business leads
are through reference itself, GoogleAds and justdial contributes the other major parts of
new leads. Lead through advertisements are too low, So the company should keep an eye
on advertising well to generate new leads and to make branding of company.

13. Service and support are the major competitive abilities of GreenAds global, While
maintaining these qualities steps should be taken to increase other features like quality
speed and accuracy.

14. Customer Service of GreenAds Global is good as per 72% respondents opinion. So
continue the same way of customer service taking measures to make it much better as
customer service is a very important factor as far as a service providing company is

15. The major drawback seen for GreenAds Global is that they are very reluctant to provide
offers to their clients. So the suggestion is to give offers to new clients atleast so that they
can feel the services and thus company can make a new loyal customer.


This study aims to find out the perception, preference and satisfaction in digital marketing,
through the digital marketing company GreenAds Global. This study helps to know the
awareness of business people about the upcoming marketing technologies , also to find out
which type of digital marketing are they preferring and also their satisfaction level compared to
traditional methods. This study revealed that most of the business people are aware of digital
marketing tools, but at the same time most of them prefer to use promotions like Bulk SMS
campaigns, as it is more cost effective. Large scale business people like Real Estate and Textiles
only go for Google ads & Facebook ads like methods. Major part of the clients are satisfied with
the digital marketing tool they used. The most important factor that attracts them to digital
marketing is its measurability. Reports are available for every digital marketing tool.

This study gives an in-depth analysis of the digital marketing industry influence in kerala
business. This study helped the company to find out their strengths and weaknesses from the
feedback of their clients, it will help them further increase their work performance. This study
helps to gain advantage over competitors by offering consumers greater value, either through
Better Service.


1) David Meerman Scott (2007), The New Rules of Marketing & PR: How to Use Social
Media, Online Video
2) Damian Ryan (2008)Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies
for Engaging the Digital Generation
3) Dave Chaffey, Fiona Ellis-Chadwick (2012), Digital Marketing:
Strategy, Implementation and Practice
4) Ekaterina Walter, Jessica Gioglio (2014), The Power of Visual Storytelling: How to
Use Visuals, Videos, and Social

5) Ryan Deiss, Russ Henneberry (2016), Digital Marketing For Dummies

6) Guy Kawasaki, Peg Fitzpatrick (2014), The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for
Power Users
7) Simon Kingsnorth (2016), Digital Marketing Strategy: An Integrated Approach to
Online Marketing

 www.greenadsglobal.com
 blog.hubspot.com
 www.marketo.com
 www.sas.com
 www.wikipedia.com


DATE OF SURVEY:…………………………….


Company name : ……………………………………………..

Industry : …………………………………………………………..

E-mail ID : …………………………………………………………

Company Number : ………………………………………….

1. Which products do you purchase from GreenAds Global?

Bulk SMS Voice call Misscall Google Ads Facebook Ads

2. When you have contacted GreenAds Global, how rapid and efficient was
the response?
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
3. How do you rate delivery performance?
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
4. Compared with your expectations, how do you rate the quality of Service
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
5. How do you rate the accuracy of our documentation?
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
6. Overall, how do you rate GreenAds Global?
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent

7. What is the likelihood of your recommending GreenAds Global to other
Strongly satisfied satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied strongly Dissatisfied

8. How easy was it for you to use site?

Too easy Easy Ok Not good Worse
9. What did you find most interesting about the GreenAds Global?
Strongly satisfied satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied strongly Dissatisfied
10. How satisfied are you with the speed of service of your order?
Strongly satisfied satisfied Neutral
Dissatisfied strongly Dissatisfied
11. Overall, how did the value you gained from this product compare to the
price you paid?
Poor Fair Average Good Excellent
12. Which source made you to buy product of GreenAds Global?

Advertisement Google Ads Reference

Internet Search Just dial

13. Why do you make purchase of products from GreenAds?

Quality Service Speed Accuracy support

14. How is the customer service department , is it effective in providing


Poor G Ex
Fair Average ood cellent
15. will GreenAds Global offer any special, discount on prices?

Always Freequently sometimes Rarely Never


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