SPE 23434 Fracturing Net Pressure Analysis For Variable-Rate Injection

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SPE 23434

Fracturing Net Pressure Analysis for Variable-Rate Injection

O.K. Poulsen, Halliburton Services
SPE Member

Copyright 1991, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting held in Lexington, Kentucky, October 22-25, 1991.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(sl. Contents of the paper,
as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(sl. The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect
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of Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous acknowledg-
ment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Wrne Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A. Telex, 730989 SPEDAL.

ABSTRACT instantaneously reach the design value when pumping

starts, but increases continuously, albeit quickly, from zero
Using various graphical techniques to observe net fracturing to the design rate with fracture growth initiating before the
pressure behavior can be invaluable in diagnosing fracture design rate is attained. Although this most especially
growth behavior, often providing the engineer with affects the early-time behavior on Iog(Ap)-log(t) plots, it may
information that allows him to take corrective action as the also affect the interpretation of the entire plot. In addition,
treatment is proceeding. Techniques previously presented brief shut-in periods for calibrating perforation frictions, etc.,
for plotting net pressures and methods for interpreting the may be inserted into the treatment schedule. Rate
plots were developed under the implicit assumption of variations may also occur as equipment is brought off and
constant injection rate. New, more general graphing on line dUring the course of a treatment. And even when
techniques are shown to be less affected by variations in the rate is held constant, mechanically induced variations in
injection rate, extending net pressure analysis to a wider the injection rate exist.
variety of situations.
It is of interest to develop methods for interpreting net
IMTRODUCTION fracturing pressures that are less dependent on variations
in injection rate. This paper presents and demonstrates
The log-log plot of net fracturing pressure versus injection new, more general methods of graphing net pressures
time was introduced as a tool for diagnosing fracture growth based on injected volume rather than injection time and
behavior in 1981 1 and has been widely and successfully shows that most guidelines previously developed for time-
used since then. Various guidelines have been presented1-7 based plots may be applied to these volume-based plots.
for interpreting these graphs and additional, related plotting Under the condition of constant injection rate, many of the
techniques have since been developed.7·8 developed methods, in fact, reduce to previously presented
One assumption implicit in most, if not all, of the guidelines
given for explaining the curves on these graphs is tha~ the MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT
injection rate is constant. Typically, slurry injection rates
are held more or less constant throughout hydraulic For constant height fracture models such as those based
fracturing treatments. In a strict sense, though, injections on the Khristianovic and Zhelto~11 or Sneddon12-14 width
rates are never constant. For example, rate does not equations (the former of which will be referred to as KZ-
type models and the latter as PK-type models), the volume
References and illustrations at end of paper. of the fracture is simply the product of the total length, the


height, and the average width; for a radial fracture,12,13 the

volume is proportional to the square of the radius times the

(KZ-typ6) (6)
(PK-typ6) (1)

From the geometry of the fraclure, a proportionality

constant between the maximum width of the fracture at the From Eq. 6, we car1 see that for fracture length or radius to
wellbore and the average fracture width can be found for remain constant (restricted extension). which may be
each of the geometries. indicative of proppant bridging, the net pressure must
remain in proportion to fracture volume, assuming, of
7r course, that fracture height is unchanging for the KZ and
4 PK models. This translates to a slope of 1 on a logarithmic
w: (2) plot of Ap versus V,. Since, by definition
w- :!!l2n+2)
4l2n+3 "*
2 V.
TI - -..!. (7)
3 It,
Substituting Eq. 2 into Eq. 1 gives the relationships between
fracture volume and maximum fracture width: and, for a constant injection rate,

It, '" at (8)

it can be seen that the interpretation is the same as that for
v, = 7r(.J!!!...)HL
w:"* (3)
a slope of 1 on a Iog(Ap)-Iog(t) graph generated under the
27r R2 condition of constant rate of increase in fracture volume.
3 011.1-3.8
The fracture width equations for the various geometries Also from Eq. 6, it can be seen that for fracture length or
are9,12 radius to decrease as fracture volume increases (i.e.• for
length to be a monotonically decreasing function of V,).
either the Iog(Ap)-log(V,) slope must be greater than 1 or
(4) the fracture height must increase. This reveals that a slope
greater than 1 on such a plot may indicate that the fracture
length is decreasing. Because the rock cannot heal, this
may be best described as an effective decrease in length
Solving the fracture width equations (4) for Ap. we obtain or radius, caused most likely by proppant packing off the
fracture increasingly nearer to the wellbore. The analogous
1 guideline for a Iog(Ap)-Iog(t) plot was presented by
2L Poulsen.8
E' 1 (5)
IJ.p - -w: H Nolte3 claimed that a slope of 2 on a Iog(Ap)-log(t) plot
indicates that "half the prior fracture area [becomes]
- 7r restricted to flow [possibly resulting] from one wing of the
fracture becoming blocked to flow." Poulsen8 showed this
Solving Eq. 3 for W~ and substituting the result into Eq. 5 interpretation to be in error and using an analogous
shows that argument here, we can see that complete blockage of flow
into one fracture wing would result in a doubling of flow into
the remaining wing. assuming injection rate remained
constant. The doubled rate into the single wing would
result in a correspondingly higher pressure. such as would


be seen if the injection rate into two unrestricted wings had

been doubled. This would result in an increase in slope on -1
a cartesian plot of L\p versus V, or -reduced time; 11t,7 but, o (10)
on a log-log graph of either sort, the curve would simply
EV'" 1
exhibit a vertical shift similar to that shown on Fig. 1. In 2
other words, slopes on 1og(L\p)-log(V,) graphs or those on
Iog(L\p)-log(11t) graphs when rate is constant are Slopes lower than these would indicate that the fracture
independent of the value of rate for well-eonfined and radial width is narrowing. This could be indicative of less
fractures. This is contrary to the contention that blockage restricted height growth resulting from penetration into a
of flow into one of the fracture's wings (presumably with zone of lower least principle stress. It could also indicate
growth of the other wing restricted) would result in a log-log fracture penetration, vertically or horizontally, into an area
slope of 2. of higher fluid-loss rate. Again, this is in agreement with
guidelines developed for Iog(L\p)-log(t) graphs.1.3.6
As illustrated in Fig. 1, under most circumstances a flow
restriction would not occur instantaneously, but would result Besides being less dependent on injection rate, the
from a gradual packing of the fracture. For certain advantage of plotting Iog(l1p) versus log(V,) is that such a
circumstances, the degree of shift accompanying a flow plot would be, to a large extent, independent of fluid
restriction or a change in rate may be determined through efficiency as will be demonstrated in the next section. This
relationships presented in the Fluid Mechanics should make the plot applicable to shut-in and flowback
Considerations section below. conditions as well as injection. For constant rate injection,
using the logarithm of reduced time, 11t,7 as the abscissa
As pointed out above, a slope greater than 1 could indicate variable can be seen from Eqs. 7 and 8 to be equivalent to
a continuous, but possibly rapid, blocking process of one or using log(V,) .
both fracture wings. By substituting 11Vj for V, in Eq. 6, we
can see, very similarly to what Martins et al.5 pointed out for Of course, since it is not possible, using current technology,
a Iog(L\p)-log(t) plot, that after tip screenout has occurred, to determine fracture volume, and thus fluid efficiency, with
the increase in fluid efficiency resulting from having a any accuracy, developing guidelines for interpreting 10g(L\p)
constant or decreasing fracture area will result in an even vs. log(V,) or 109(11t) plots is, to some extent, just an
larger slope on a log-log net pressure versus injected intellectual exercise. To bring things to a more practical
volume plot, assuming injection rate is constant, or at least level, the relation of Eq. 7 allows us to substitute 11Vj for V,
not decreasing rapidly enough to counteract the decrease in the above equations. If we can then assume that fluid
in fluid-loss rate. efficiency is constant, or nearly so, as was implicitly done in
earlier works1.U , then the derived guidelines remain valid
To obtain further guidelines, we can solve Eq. 1 for length when we create a 10g(L\p) vs. Iog(VJ graph or one of the
or radius and substitute the result into Eq. 6 to get alternate forms discussed in the Plotting Techniques section
below. This is not an unreasonable assumption for, when
2WZH there is no fluid loss the efficiency is identically 1, and as
V, has been shown elsewhere 15 for high fluid loss, constant
injection rate, and normal fracture growth
Ap= EI(2n+3~-
-- (9)
n n+1 H n
3(nW)312 t- 2(n+1)
1+2n (11)
16~fl 11 .. t - 4(n+1)
From Eq. 9, we can see that for fracture width to remain t - 8(n+1)
constant, l1p must be inversely proportional to V, for KZ
geometry, constant for PK geometry, and inversely Equation 11 shows that for a Newtonian fluid (n=1),
proportional to the square root of V, for radial geometry.
Stated in terms of slope, £y, on a logarithmic plot of L\p
versus V" .

H~ 2(""')
'I,..,. (12) 3 3n+2 1
lip • Q 4("..') H 2("..1) ~4(""1)

_n_ .-!!L..
Q I(n+1) ~ 8(""1)
and for the (unattainable) lower bound on the flow behavior
index (n=O), Although Eqs. 14 and 15 were derived using certain
assumptions about rate behavior, several interesting
observations can be made from these equations.
Equation 14 and Appendix A show that, if logarithm of net
pressure could be plotted versus logarithm of fracture
volume for a true constant height or radial fracture, the
slope of the resulting curve would be largely independent of
demonstrating that, in most instances, fluid efficiency is not the amount of fluid loss. In addition, for KZ-type or radial
a strong function of time. fractures, the predicted slopes on this type of plot are
Fluid Mechanics Considerations
Another observation is that the predicted slopes for a log-
By considering fluid mechanics, it is possible to derive log net pressure vs. injected volume plot are identical to
ranges on the Iog(~)-log(V) slope in a manner similar to those for a log-log net pressure vs. time plot 1,3 under the
that of Ref. 3. constant rate condition. The reason for this can be seen by
substituting the product at for Vi in Eqs. 14 and 15 to get
If we assume the functions gL and gR' defined in Appendix the net pressure-time relationships.
A as the ratio of flow rate at a given position to the injection
rate, are approximately independent of injection rate, then And, although the behavior of data plotted on a Iog(Ap)-
Eqs. A-10, A-11, and A-21 of Appendix A show that, Iog(Vj) graph is not completely independent of variations in
independently of fluid-loss rate injection rate, with the possible exception of KZ geometry
at low efficiencies, it is, in many cases, affected less by any
n .-!!- such variations. This can be seen by comparing the
Q "..2 \', n+2
magnitudes of the exponents on a in Eqs. 14 and 15 to
n 3n+3 1
(14) those in the relationships obtained when at is substituted
lip· Q 2n+3 H- 2n+3 v,2n+3 for Vj' Using the limiting n values of 0 and 1, it can be seen
-!!- .-!!- in ten of the resulting twelve comparisons that the absolute
Q"..2V, n+2 values of the rate exponents in the volume relationships are
less than or equal to those in the time relationships.
Relationships between net pressure and injected volume for
minimal fluid-loss conditions may be obtained by The slope on a 10g(Ap)-log(Vj) graph and that on a 10g(Ap)-
substituting Vj for VI in Eq. 14. Iog(t) graph are related by

Appendix B shows that under conditions of high fluid loss

and constant injection rate, net pressure is related to the
injected volume through

From this we can see that if the instantaneous injection rate

is greater than the average injection rate up to the point n
under consideration, then the slope on the time graph will n+2
be larger than that on the volume graph and vice versa. It 1 (20)
E1 ""
also reveals the greater dependency of f, on the prior rate 2n+3
history. n
Plotting Techniques
If the fracture behaves as predicted by the assumed model,
As has been mentioned, one method for facilitating the the normalized slope will have a value of 1 when the
interpretation of net f~acturing pressures is to plot the efficiency is 1 and a value of 0 when the efficiency is O. Be
logarithm of net pressure versus the logarithm of injected cautioned, however, that although the normalized slope and
volume, from which the slopes exhibited by the data provide the fluid efficiency correspond at these two values, the
the primary source for data interpretation. Using this relationship between slope and efficiency is not necessarily
method, however, requires some measurement and linear. An empirical relationship between these values has
calculation if precise slope values are desired. A more been developed for PK-type geometries. 18 Of course, to
direct, and thus quicker, determination of fracture behavior use the normalized slope plot, one must assume that the
can be made from a plot having the log-log slope as the fracture behaves according to a particular fracture growth
ordinate value. The slope is calculated as model. One must also assume the value of the fluid's flow
behavior index, n.
E ~ t(Iog(AP)] ~ ~ dAp ~ ~ dp. (17)
v c(log(~1 lAp dV, lAp dV, A more practical alternative to creating an actual
"normalized slope" graph is to plot horizontal lines
corresponding to the limits given in Eqs. 19 and 20 on the
Several numerical techniques exist for calculating the derivative plot. In doing so, the actual slope values are
derivative values. retained and comparisons to the behavior predicted by each
of the models can be realized. This is illustrated in the
The abscissa value may be any of several variables; examples below.
however, to allow direct comparison with the 10g(Ap) versus
log(V) graph, plotting log(Vi) on this axis is the most Recently, Ayoub at al.8 introduced the technique of plotting
practical choice. The use of a graph of 1og(l1p)-Iog(t) slope Iog(tldPJdt]) vs. log(t). This graph will yield, as is noted in
vs. log(t) has been previously introduced? that paper, the same slope as the Iog(Ap) vs. log(t) graph,
but only when a power-law relation holds between l1p and
As can be noted from Eqs. 14 and 15, the log-log slope t; i.e., when the Iog(Ap)-log(t) slope is constant.
varies with fluid efficiency; thus, at least theoretically, a
relative indication of fluid efficiency may be obtained by From Eq. 17, it can be seen that
plotting a normalized slope,

~~ ... E.,AP (21)

and thus, relationships between Vi(dPJdV) and Vi may be

as the ordinate value, where obtained by multiplying both sides of those equations (6,
14, and 15) relating Ap and Vi by £yo Through reasoning
n similar to that presented earlier, this implies that plots of
2(n+1) Iog(Vi[dPJdVJ) vs.Iog(V) will be less sensitive to variations
1 (19) in Injection rate than will the plots of Ayoub and therefore
Eo"" 4(n+1) be applicable over a greater range of conditions.
8(n+1) A major shortcoming of both of these plots Is that they
cannot handle constant or decreasing pressures. A partial
and remedy Is to plot pressure decreases on a graph having
Iog(-VJdpJdVJ) on the ordinate. Unfortunately since


pressure increases and decreases commonly occur within Figure 3 shows the Iog(Ap)-log(VJ plot of the data and Fig.
the same treatment, this will require two graphs or two 4 shows the Iog(Ap)-log(t) plot. It can be seen from the
distinct curves on a graph with a IoglVldPJdVJI ordinate graphs and Table 1 that the slopes on the injected volume
scale. plot are somewhat more shallow than those on the time"
plot. As will be verified with the derivative plots, they are
Most any other valid guidelines for interpreting graphs smoother as well.
based on injection time at constant injection rate can be
shown to be valid for interpreting graphs based on injected As discussed previously, after shut-in, the curve on the time
volumes. These include, but are not limited to, guidelines plot decreases gradually and that on the injected volume
for creation of multiple parallel fractures," intersection with plot becomes vertical. As also noted above, because no
natural fractures, and intersection with bounding faults. 8 diagnostic value has been placed on this portion of the
curve on a log-log plot, this presents no problem.
Figures 5 and 6 are the corresponding derivative plots. In
One instance in which using a graph based on injected addition to the derivative curves, these graphs contain
volume does not provide the information that a graph based horizontal lines indicating the maximum and minimum
on fracture volume would is during a period when the slopes predicted by each of the three fracture geometries
fracture is shut in. By definition, Vi does not change when (Eqs. 14 and 15). From the top down, these lines are (1)
a well is shut in, but the volume that has leaked-off, and high efficiency PK geometry, (2) low efficiency PK
thus the fluid efficiency continues to change, invalidating the geometry, (3) low efficiency radial geometry, (4) low
assumption of near proportionality between injected and efficiency KZ geometry, and (5) high efficiency KZ and
fracture volumes. More simply put, because Vi is not radial geometries.
changing during a shut-in period but Ap is, a Ap versus Vi
plot will display a vertical line and a -00 value will be Examining the derivative curves and Table 1 shows that
calculated for a slope or derivative plot. However, in there is less variation in the slopes on the injected volume
reference to a Ap versus t plot, little is lost because no plot than on the time plot and that the slopes are, in most
value has been demonstrated for the shut-in portion of cases, noticeably shallower.
these graphs.
Noting the relationship of the curves to the slopes predicted
EXAMPLES by the three fracture models, they fall within the predicted
ranges of any of the models for only brief durations.
Example 1-SFE3 Mlnlfrac Although these lines were drawn using a given value of n,
using a different n value might increase the amount of data
The first test example is Mini-Frac No. 2 of GRI's Staged falling within the range of a given model, but would still
Field Experiment NO.3 (SFE3).17 Downhole pressure data leave much of the data outside that range. This implies
were obtained through a 9001 ft dead string containing fluid that actual fracture behavior falls, for the most part, outside
of specific gravity 1.077 with hydrostatic pressure calculated that assumed in devising any of these models.
to a depth to top of perforations of 9225 ft. Perforation
frictions, determined by comparing surface pressures Figure 7 is a graph of Iog(VldpJdVJ) vs.Iog(Vj). This figure
immediately before and after sudden changes in rate (e.g., illustrates that in an instance such as this, where for even
shut-ins), gave an average perforation discharge coefficient short periods log-log slopes become very shallow or even
of 0.685 for the 72 0.330 in. perforations (which is very negative, this type of graph may appear very erratic and be
comparable to the 52 open perforations with Cd=0.95 difficult to interpret. Its sensitivity to changes in slope also
assumed in Ref. 17). A reported closure pressure (amiJ serves to illustrate the earlier point that the log-log slope
value of 5250 psi was used. As shown in Fig. 2, in this must be very nearly constant for this type of graph to
example, where total injection into the fracture lasted clearly show growth trends.
approximately 371h min, the injection rate followed a
somewhat erratic upward trend for about the first 111h min Example 2
of the treatment until stabilizing at approximately 48.4
bbVmin. The treatment was performed with a 40 Ib/1000 The second example uses data from a fracturing treatment
gal linear CMHPG gel with a reported n value of 0.56. performed in the san Andres formation of west Texas.
Pressure was measured through a live annulus. As can be
seen in Fig. 8, excepting the very early portion of the job


and subsequent minor fluctuations, the rate was held near C "" fluid-loss coefficient
12 bbVmin.
Cd "" perforation discharge coefficient
Figure 9 displays the 1og(L\p)-Iog(Vi) graph and Fig. 10 the
Iog(L\p)-log(t) graph. As can be seen from these two DH "" hydraulic diameter
graphs, slopes are more shallow on the volume plot, most
especially in the early portion of the job when the rate is E "" Young's modulus
changing most dramatically. Although not very obvious on
these graphs, it is slightly more noticeable on the slope E' "" plane strain modulus "" EI(111~
graphs of Figs. 11 and 12 that there is some moderation to
the slopes in the near-constant rate portion of the H = fracture height
treatment. The horizontal lines on these figures represent,
as in the Figs. 5 and 6, the maximum and minimum slopes K = power-law consistency index
predicted by the various models, but for n equal to 0.57.
L "" fracture half length
The moderation in slope is brought out even more clearly
in Table 2, which presents the results of a linear regression n "" power-law flow behavior index
on the 10g(L\p)-log(Vi) and 1og(L\p)-log(t) data for the time A

span from 2 to 10 min of injection, during which no unusual P "" wetted perimeter
pressure behavior was noted.
p "" pressure
Pw = pressure adjacent to the wellbore
1. Methods of plotting net fracturing pressure based
on injected volume have been shown to be less dependent L\p "" net fracturing pressure "" Pw - a min
on variations in injection rate than those based on injection
time. The effects of changing rate are not eliminated, but Q = injection rate
reduced, giving more correct slope values.
a .. average injection rate
2. Most guidelines previously presented in the
literature for interpreting injection time-based graphs may q "" flow rate
be used to interpret the injected volume-based graphs.
When injection rate is constant or very nearty so, the R = fracture radius
Iog(L\p) vs. log(t) plot is equivalent to a 10g(L\p) vs. Iog(VJ
plot, with corresponding equivalencies when t is substituted r "" radial distance from wellbore
for Vi in any of the other plots.
t "" injection time
3. More ideal than plots based on time or injected
volume would be plots based on fracture volume; however, VI = fracture volume
such plots cannot, at present, be accurately created
because current technology does not allow direct and Vi .. slurry volume injected
accurate determination of the fracture dimensions or of the
total rate at which fluid is lost to the formation. v • average velocity

4. An equation, more theoretically sound than that VI .. apparent fluid-loss velocity

used by Perkins and Kem13 or Nordgren,14 for calculating
pressure drop through a fracture of elliptic cross section has W "" fracture width at a given length or radius from the
been developed and is presented in Appendix C. wellbore

NOMENCLATURE W. =average fracture width at a given length or radius

from the wellbore
A • cross-sectional area
Wmu = maximum fracture width


7. Nolte, K. G.: "Fracturing-Pressure Analysis for

W ... average fracture width Nonideal Behavior," JPT (Feb. 1991) 210-218.

x ... distance from wellbore 8. Ayoub, J. A., Brown, J. E., Barree, R. D., and
Elphick, J.: "Diagnosis and Evaluation of Fracturing
Et ... 1og(~)-1og(t) slope Treatments," paper SPE 20581 presented at the
1990 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
£y ... Iog(~)-Iog(VJ or Iog(~)-log(Vf) slope Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 23-26.

11 ... fluid efficiency 9. Khrlstlanovlc, S. A. and Zheltov, Y. P.: "Formation

of Vertical Fractures by Means of Highly Viscous
A ... dimensionless distance along fracture length Liquid," Proc., Fourth World Pet. Cong. (1955) II,
~ = Poisson's ratio
10. Geertsma, J. and de Klerk, F.: "A Rapid Method of
G min ... least principle stress Predicting Width and Extent of Hydraulically
Induced Fractures," JPT(Dec. 1969) 1571-1581.
11. Daneshy, A. A.: "On the Design of Vertical
I thank Halliburton Services for the opportunity to present Hydraulic Fractures," JPT (Jan. 1973) 83-93.
this paper.
12. Sneddon, I. N.: "The Distribution of Stress in the
REFERENCES Neighborhood of a Crack in an Elastic Solid," Proc.,
Roy. Soc. (1946) A, 187, 229.
1. Nolte, K. G. and Smith, M. B.: "Interpretation of
Fracturing Pressures," JPT(Sept. 1981) 1767-75. 13. Perkins, T. K. and Kern,l. R.: "Widths of Hydraulic
Fractures," JPT(Sept. 1961) 937-949.
2. Conway, M.W., et a/.: "Prediction of Formation
Response From Fracture Pressure Behavior," 14. Nordgren, R. P.: "Propagation of a Vertical
paper SPE 14263 presented at the 1985 SPE Hydraulic Fracture," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Aug. 1972)
Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las 306-314; Trans., AIME, 253.
Vegas, Sept. 22-25.
15. Nolte, K. G.: "Determination of Proppant and Fluid
3. Nolte, K. G.: "Fracturing-Pressure Analysis," Recent SChedules From Fracturing-Pressure Decline,"
Advances in Hydrau/ic Fracturing, J. Gidley et a/. SPEPE (July 1986) 255-265.
(eds.), Monograph series, SPE, Richardson, TX
(1989), Chap. 14. 16. Nolte, K. G.: "Fracturing Pressure Analysis:
Deviations From Ideal Assumptions," paper SPE
4. Nolte, K. G.: "Discussion of Influence of Geologic 20704 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual
Discontinuities on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation," Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans,
JPT(Feb. 1987) 998. Sept. 23-26.

5. Martins, J. P. et a/.: "Tip SCreenout Fracturing 17. "Staged Field Experiment No.3: Application of
Applied to the Ravenspurn South Gas Field Advanced Technologies in Tight Gas Sandstones-
Development," paper SPE 19766 presented at the Travis Peak and Cotton Valley Formation, Waskom
1989 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Field, Harrison County, Texas Reservoirs," Report
Exhibition, San Antonio, Oct. 8-11. No. GRI-91/0048 (Feb. 1991).

6. Poulsen, D. K.: "Net Pressure Fracture Design," 18. Cleary, M. P.: "Comprehensive Design Formulae
paper CIMISPE 90-42 presented at the Petroleum for Hydraulic Fracturing," paper SPE 9259
Society of CIMISPE International Technical presented at the 1980 SPE Annual Technical
Meeting, Calgary, June 10-13, 1990. Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Sept. 21-24.


19. Meyer, B. R.: "Design Formulae for 2-D and 3-D

Vertical Hydraulic Fractures: Model Comparison
and Parametric Studies," paper SPE 15240
presented at the 1986 SPE Unconventional Gas (A-7)
Recovery Symposium, Louisville, May 18-21.


Pressure Response from Idealized Fractures Substituting into Eqs. A-1 and A-2 and rearranging gives

KZ- and PK-Type Fractures Ap. -fO tip. xK(4)>(O)n_L _ f, n

[gL(1.0l cA
For laminar flow of a power-law fluid between parallel 6p H W:;' 0(W:)2n+1
plates, it is known that

_El!. = J4n+2)n-KJ.!l.)n (A-1)
ax \ n wz,,+1lH
For an elliptical fracture with an eccentricity of 1, Appendix
C shows that

_El!. = (.!.)2n+1(3n+1)n-KJ!l..)n (A-2)

ax 1t 4n~1lH By considering Eq. A-8, the width equation (Eq. 4), and Eq.
3, it can be shown that
Somewhat similarly ~o what Nordgren14 presented, the
continuity equation for incompressible flow in a fracture can
be expressed as

(A-3) for KZ geometry, and

which, when reformulated in integral terms, becomes Ap = [...,.K4,.f,..("'fr(~)]..:.. Yo":" (A-11)

a at
q(1.0 = q(0.0 -HL v,+_a cA
for PK geometry where
7f.H3n+S '

where f. Irf} = f' [gL(1.0l cA (A-12)
KZ\ 2n+1
1 =- (A-S) 0(1-12)-2-
Applying a no-flow boundary condition at the fracture tip,

o = q(1.0
= q(O.O-HL v,+_a
o at
cA (A-6)

Radial Fractures
Taking the ratio of q(A.,t) (Eq. A-4) to q(O,t) (Eq. A-6) gives
For radial flow, the pressure drop due to the flow of a


power-law fluid between parallel plates is given by

_ W~ = K(4n+2--!l-)n (A-14)
2 ar n 1EWZr
The continuity equation for incompressible flow in a fracture
can be expressed as

.:::..3. + 21Etv, +
aw .. 0
21Er-- (A-15)
ar at
which, when reformulated this in integral terms, becomes
Injected Volume-Pressure Relationship for High Fluid

It has been shown 10,14 that under conditions of high fluid

loss and constant injection rate
A. = - (A-17)
for KZ and PK geometries, and
Applying a no-flow boundary condition at the fracture tip,
=.!~ Q 2t
gives 2
R (B-2)
1E 0

for radial geometry. Solving Eqs. B-1 and B-2 for t and
substituting into Eq. 8, which says that, for a constant
Taking the ratio of q{A.,t) (Eq. A-16) to q{O,t) as determined injection rate the injected volume is the product of the
from Eq. A-18 gives injection rate and the pumping time, gives


Considering the fracture width relationship of Eq. 4 and

Eqs. A-8 for KZ and PK geometry and Eq. A-20 for radial
Substituting into Eq. A-14 and rearranging gives geometry, it can be easily shown that
6.p = - [dp (B-4)
lop (A-20)
2K(4n+2 ~(t»)n R1-n [1 [gRCA..t)]n dA.

n 1E W:;1 0 A. ';:)2n+1

By considering the width equation for radial geometry (Eq.

4) and Eq. 3, It can be shown that


HV, 2(n+1)
_El!. '" 32(4n+2)n---.!S..-J.!l..)n (C-7)
ax 3n n ~lH
S Sn+2 _,_
I1p. Q 4(n+1) H - 2(n+1) v,4(n+1)
and which was obtained by modifying the equation for
n .--!!!- power-law flow between parallel plates (Eq. A-1) with a
Q I(n+1) V, 1(n+1)
correction factor for Newtonian flow through an ellipse of
near-zero eccentricity (H-W). As well as being used in
most implementations of PK-type geometry, Eq. C-7 has,
APPENDIX C with the incorporation of additional factors, been used in
other, subsequently developed models.18•19 Nordgren14
Pressure Drop for Flow Through an Elliptical Fracture used the Newtonian form of Eq. C-7.

It is well known that flow of a power-law fluid through a pipe

can be modeled by the equation

The average velocity for flow through an elliptical fracture



To generalize Eq. C-1 for other than perfectly circular

condUits, it is necessary to substitute the hydraulic
diameter, DH, for D. Hydraulic diameter is defined as


For an elliptical fracture with an eccentricity approaching 1


and thus

DH •
i nWH
) '" ~W

Substituting Eqs. C-2 and C-5 into Eq. C-1 gives

_El!. '" (!)2n+1(Sn+1)n---.!S..-J.!)n (C-6)

ax n 4n ~+1~H

Compare this to the equation used by Perkins and Kem,13

which may be written as

Table 1
Linear Regression Results for Example 1

Time Interval Average Slope Coefficient of

(min) Determination
Ap VS. VI Ap vs. t Ap vs. VI Ap vs. t

3.1 - 11.5 0.054 0.080 0.9699 0.9696

11.5 - 37.4 0.146 0.187 0.9898 0.9792

Table 2
Linear Regression Results for Example 2
Time Interval Average Slope Coefficient of
(min) Determination
Ap vs. VI Ap vs. t Ap vs. VI Ap vs. t

2.0 - 10.0 0.080 0.093 0.8958 0.8760

~ -=~I--------""jI;P=====: ......:---11

S0) --_/
c """"

-o cJ

o I
10° 10 102
10g(Vt) or 109(11t) t, min
Fig. 1 - Net pressure behavior for arrested Fig. 2 - Injection rate vs. log(time), Example 1
growth in one wing

~ 104 ::)------------------

"iii 3
0.. lO-

1d-\ I I i I I I III I I I I i 1III I I I i I I III

~ ~ ~ 1d
V.,I bbl
Fig. 3 - Log-log plot of net pressure vs. injected
volume, Example 1
10 r------


.[ 103 - >
iN 0 I \\ r/ 'v-"": \CIlIlV
'f v ' ' ' 1111 I
J ::::::·::::::::\~2LD[~~~;;~~:2~J7-7:::::::::::::::·:::l::::.:::-:_::
\ ,.,,"oc, ~y

1d I I I I I I I III
I I j I I I III II 1 ,11111111 I IIIIII11 1111111"
10° 10 1cf 2 3 4
10 10 10 10
t, min
V.,I bbl
Fig. 4 - Log-log plot of net pressure vs.
injection time, Example 1 Fig. 5 - Injected volume log-log slope plot, Example 1


iN... 0 I \ II v VlJY, • I 11/ I

::::::.:::.. . \. J::-:_:::-:------ ----
~J ~::~:~:::,~37="E:=,=

II 11111"" 111111111
10° 1d 10
t, min
Fig. 6 - Injection time log-log slope plot,
, Example 1
=Jr------ I ~--,


\ c

°E co

~ 10


101 ~ I I I I I I f II I I I I I I III I I I j I I I I I I 0-1 - I I I I I I III I I I I I iii I I I I \I I I Ii I

~ ~ ~ ~
1 1
10 10° 10
VI bbl
o '

t, min
Fig. 7 - Log-log plot of VI dPw/dVI vs. injected volume,
Example 1 Fig. 8 - Injection rate vs. log(time), Example 2
CD 4
10 =l I

OR 103

102 II I I I I I I I II I I I I f I I II I I I IIi I I
~ ~ ~ ~
VJ bbl

Fig. 9 - Log-log plot of net pressure vs. injected

volume, Example 2
10 3"""1- - - - - - I N I .1 II.



.~ 103 > ci :=:=:=:=:=~~=~~~~:~;~~:=:=._._:=:=:=:=:_.=:

'V 0
1---------- " "lDw EFFICIENCY PJIoIAL
ci l
, I


1cf I I' I I I I I II I I I , I Iii I I I I I I I I II NI I I I I I I I I II I I 1 I I II II I II I I I I I I I

~ ~ ~ rl 10° 10
102 103
t, min Y.,I bbl
Fig. 10 - Log-log plot of net pressure vs.
Fig. 11 - Injected volume log-log slope plot, Example 2
injection time, Example 2
N I I, L I

ci ~ ._._._:=:=~~~~~~~~~~=:=: .
'0- 0 ::-_-=::__-_-=:=:.-_-~-~=;;:::===:-:===:-:::- :===:-:====-:====:===:-:=:
l{) l----------~"



NI II 1111\1111 111111111 11111111 I

1 1 2
10- 10° 10 10
t, min
Fig. 12 - Injection time log-log slope plot, Example 2

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