Thapanat Boonying

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620610063 Thapanat Boonying

466321 Critical Thinking in Listening and Speaking English

Final Examination

1. Thinking critically is method of thinking which needed the skill of applying, analyzing,

synthesizing or evaluating information. So, it is the ability to think clearly and rationally about

what to do or what do believe so that people can make better judgements and decisions. No need

to believe all information you hear or see, so you have to think of everything, personal view or

even yourself before you decide to believe that information.

2. As modern teachers, they need to teach how to reach to the information. They shouldn’t teach

only facts because facts don’t need any kind of explanation, illumination, analogy or variety of

contexts to understand them. In old school system, students need to learn a lot of facts. They know

many things but they don’t know how to apply or what to do with these. The modern teacher

should provide contexts which are surround them to help students understand the related

information or correct them. So, the real learning will be appeared when students begin to explore

or create the things they can do with the information. Teachers should provide discussion or

challenge activity which is between students and students.

3. Bears like honey.

Winnie is a bear.

So. Winnie like honey

From looking at the pattern of reasoning, we see that the pattern is quite clear. So, we can look at

it and conclude what the pattern is going to be next.

620610063 Thapanat Boonying

4. The informal logic also known as critical thinking is a method of analyzing and evaluating

arguments in everyday life. It’s quite different from the formal logic which has only deconstruction

stage, but the informal logic has deconstruction and reconstruction stages. The deconstruction

stage is solving once a problem, then the case is ended. But for the reconstruction stages is to

question, challenging the solution, synthesizing and, finally, build something new on the remain

of the old problem and solution.

5. Pros

1. The helpful effect you get will help treat your symptoms such as easing pain.

2. It helps preventing a range of diseases.


1. It might increase risk of bleeding or liver damage.

2. Time-consuming for regularly taking medicine for several days.

6. Our knowledge + Our past + The society we grew up in = our perspective.

7. The data is the pieces of facts which gathering from observing. Then, Data is categorized in

our brain and turn into pieces of information. Finally, when we make connections between make

sense of and use these pieces of information, it would turn into knowledge which embedded in

our brain. So, we could use our knowledge to create new idea and correct things.
620610063 Thapanat Boonying


9. I totally agree with the following analogy that is correct. It’s true that life is like a box of

chocolates because we don’t really know what a chocolate tases like until you open and bite it.

And the end, you’ve tasted and think whether you liked it or not. For your life, you also never

know what life is going to be until you experience it. It would be a great or bad experience which

is waiting for you to taste it.

10. The school life is like a prison. It actually refers to the lack of freedom at school. Students

don’t have any choices because the rule keep forcing student to do everything like going to school

every day, begin the class, have lunch and end the class when bells ring. Moreover, the students

are forced to wear a school uniform and have a short haircut in the school. Also, they can’t choose
620610063 Thapanat Boonying

the subject which they would like to learn by their own. For example, in P.E. subject, whole-class

has to play the same sport.


The Plato’s “Cave Allegory” is about 2 prisoners who see the shadow in the cave and

believe that it is the real world. And they think that it is really life. But one day, they can leave the

cave and see the real word outside the cave. It makes their perspective which the shadow world

they think it’s real is changed. It is related to the language that if you know just your own language,

you would know only people you talk with. Learning language helps you learn new people. When

we have a new way to talk about the world, we also have a new way to see the world too.

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