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-Their main function is that of building the froth which serves as the buoyant
medium in the separation of the floatable from the non-floatable minerals. Frothers
accomplish this by lowering the surface tension of the liquid which in turn permits
air rising through the pulp to accumulate at the surface in the bubble form.
-the main function of a promoter is to increase the floatability of minerals in order
to effect their separation from the undesirable mineral fraction, known as the
gangue. The inherent difference in wettability among minerals is increased and as a
result the floatability of the more non-wettable minerals is increased to the point
they have an attraction for the air bubbles rising to the surface of the pulp. The
common promoters for metallic floatation are xanthates, aerofloats, minerec and
-Activators are used to render floatable those minerals which normally do not
respond to the action of promoters. They also serve to render floatable again
minerals which have been temporarily depressed in selective floatation. For
example, Sphalerite depressed with cyanide and zinc sulphate can be activated
with copper sulphate and it will respond to treatment like normal sulphides.
-The main function of depressants is to prevent, temporarily or sometimes
permanently, the floatation of certain minerals without preventing the desired
mineral from being readily floated. Depressants are also known as inhibitors. For
example lime, sodium sulphite, cyanide and dichromate are common depressants.

-Dewatering is a solid-liquid separation process that processes a relatively

- It is a mineral processing technique that combines the three processes such as
sedimentation, filtration and thermal drying.
- Dewatering is a technique that exploits the physical properties of a substance
namely density, particle size and boiling points.
-Sedimentation is most efficient when there is large density difference between the
solid and the liquid.
-Filtration is most efficient where the carrier liquid may be high-grade leach liquor
having a density approaching that of solids.
-Thermal drying is most useful when the liquid amount is not sufficient enough to
create stream or flow.
-Dewatering by sedimentation utilises the phenomenon the rapid setting of solid
particles in a liquid producing a clarified liquid which can be decanted leaving
thickened slurry.
-The settling of particle is governed by Stroke’s law of drag and the Newton’s law
of inertia.
-Alternatively particles may be agglomerated into larger lumps that may settle out
more rapidly.
-Filtration separates the solids from liquids using a porous medium which retains
the solid but allow the liquid to pass through.
-Drying is the last operation of the dewatering process by means of heat which
causes the liquid matter to vaporise leaving the dried concentrate to a certain
extent. Thermal dryers are often can be used directly or indirectly.


-is a versatile mineral processing technique for both use and application. It is a
selective process that can be used to achieve specific separations from complex
-it manipulates and exploits the differences in physical-chemical surface properties
of particles of various minerals. By treating with floatation reagents the difference
in properties become more pronounced and more apparent and hence the
separation can take place.
-For floatation to occur an air bubble must attach itself to a particle and raise it to
the water surface.
-Material to which the floatation is applied must be of fine particles so that the
weight does outwork the action of the air bubbles.
-The major properties exploited are hydrophobic and hydrophilic which refer to the
nature of surface being water repellant and the nature of the surface being water
avid respectively.
-In floatation concentration, the mineral is usually transferred to the froth or float
fraction, leaving the gangue in the pulp or tailing, thus the mineral being
hydrophobic and the mineral being hydrophilic.
-The floatability of the mineral can be enhanced by the use of reagents which
render them more aerophilic, thus having higher affinity for air than water.
-The floatation technique also takes into account the chemical properties of
polarity which influence the affinity of the surface to water or air, whereby polar
surfaces react strongly with water making them hydrophilic and vice versa.

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