Review of Clinical Practice Guidelines On The Use of Procalcitonin in Infections

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Review of clinical practice guidelines on the use of

procalcitonin in infections

Benita Tujula, Sari Hämäläinen, Hannu Kokki, Kari Pulkki & Merja Kokki

To cite this article: Benita Tujula, Sari Hämäläinen, Hannu Kokki, Kari Pulkki & Merja Kokki
(2019): Review of clinical practice guidelines on the use of procalcitonin in infections, Infectious
Diseases, DOI: 10.1080/23744235.2019.1704860

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Published online: 20 Dec 2019.

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2019; VOL. 0,
NO. 0, 1–8


Review of clinical practice guidelines on the use of

procalcitonin in infections

Benita Tujulaa,b , Sari H€am€al€ainenc, Hannu Kokkib, Kari Pulkkid,e and Merja Kokkia,b
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; bSchool of Medicine, University of
Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland; cDepartment of Medicine, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland; dLaboratory Division,
Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland; eDepartment of Clinical Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Turku,
Turku, Finland

Background: Procalcitonin is a biomarker that can be used to diagnose bacterial infection and monitor treatment. Clinical
practice guidelines are evidence-based recommendations by experts that aim to aid decision-making. In this systematic
review, we searched for clinical practice guidelines and evaluated recommendations given regarding use of procalcitonin.

Methods: Four biomedical databases (PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Database and Web of Science) and various national med-
ical sites were searched for clinical practice guidelines. Guidelines that mentioned procalcitonin were included in
the review.

Results: Seventeen guidelines were included. The earliest were published in 2009 and the latest in 2018. A majority
(12/17) recommended use of procalcitonin or stated that it can be useful. One national guideline did not recommend pro-
calcitonin, stating that there is no need for any biomarkers in diagnostics of community-acquired pneumonia in adults.
Four guidelines stated no evidence to recommend or not recommend procalcitonin use. Thirteen of the guidelines com-
mented on other concomitant or alternate biomarkers, mainly C-reactive protein. Five guidelines suggested decision limits
for procalcitonin. None took a stand on how often procalcitonin should be analysed, and if it should be used as a single or
as multiple measurements.

Conclusions: One international and 11 national clinical practice guidelines endorse the use of procalcitonin in differential
diagnosis of bacterial infections and/or to monitor antibiotic therapy. However, the evidence for or against the use of pro-
calcitonin is weak.


Procalcitonin Received 6 September 2019 Merja Kokki
clinical practice guideline Revised 4 December 2019
C-reactive protein Accepted 9 December 2019 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive
Care, Kuopio University Hospital, PO Box 100,
FI-70029 KYS, Kuopio, Finland

ß 2019 Society for Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases


Introduction from other countries were searched for guidelines

regarding PCT.
Procalcitonin (PCT) is a serum prohormone released
First, we searched PubMed with the search: (procalci-
from various tissues after induction by proinflammatory
tonin OR PCT) AND (infection OR sepsis OR septic) and
mediators and endotoxins. Clinically, PCT is most com-
filters: Guideline, Consensus Development Conference,
monly measured in serum and is used as an indicator of
NIH, Practice Guideline, Systematic Reviews, Meta-
severe bacterial infection such as sepsis, bacterial menin-
Analysis. The PubMed search yielded 132 results, which
gitis and pneumonia [1].
were limited by the researcher to 111 articles that had
PCT has been used as a biomarker for severe infec-
the words guideline, meta-analysis or systematic review
tions for over 25 years [2]. However, there is no consen-
in the title. After the initial limitation, the abstracts were
sus on the use of PCT in clinical practice. It seems
read and two were recorded as guidelines on the use of
superior for diagnosis of bacterial infection compared to
PCT [9,10].
the common biomarker C-reactive protein (CRP). Yet,
Second, a Scopus search was performed with the
like other biomarkers, PCT has relatively low sensitivity
search: (procalcitonin OR PCT) AND (infection OR sepsis
and specificity [3]. Traditionally, PCT has been used in
OR septic) AND (guideline) AND NOT INDEX (medline)
situations where differential diagnostics is needed.
AND (LIMIT-TO (DOCTYPE, ‘re’)). This resulted in 566
Recent research has indicated that PCT is valuable when
articles, of which 44 included the words guideline, meta-
monitoring antibiotic treatment, and that PCT can be
useful to reduce antibiotic use in several severe bacterial analysis or systematic review in the title. After browsing
infections [4,5]. PCT may be better used as a serial the abstracts eight articles were recoded as guidelines
(delta-PCT) than a single measurement [6]. [11–18]. One guideline in Spanish was also found, but its
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are evidence-based English version was archived by the publisher as it was
recommendations designed to aid in decision-making from 2006 and it was discarded from the current review.
regarding treatment, but adherence is not compulsory Third, a Cochrane Database search was performed
[7]. To be adopted by physicians, CPGs should be devel- with the search: (procalcitonin OR PCT) AND (infection
oped by independent and unbiased committees of OR sepsis OR septic) with five results. Only one included
experts, provide the best available evidence, be regularly the words guideline, meta-analysis or systematic review
updated, and the process should be transparent [8]. in the title, but had already been included to the
To the best of our knowledge, there are no data on Scopus search.
how PCT is presented in CPGs and whether it is advo- Fourth, a Web of Science search was performed with
cated. Thus, we designed this systematic review to the search: (procalcitonin OR PCT) AND (infection OR
evaluate if CPGs comment on the use of PCT and if so, sepsis OR septic) AND (guideline) with 410 results. Out
whether PCT use was recommended. The aim was to of these articles, 27 included the words guideline, meta-
assess (i) in which clinical context the use of PCT was analysis or systematic review in the heading. After
considered and (ii) if other biomarkers were recom- browsing the abstracts no article was identified as an
mended and, if so, were they recommended dominantly, additional guideline.
concomitantly or secondary to PCT. The hypothesis of The National Guideline Clearinghouse (USA) was
this study was that only a limited number of guidelines searched with the search term ‘procalcitonin’. Five
consider the use of PCT. We assumed that the guidelines guidelines were found, three of which included a recom-
on sepsis were most likely to comment on the use of mendation on PCT use [19–21].
PCT. It was not known if guidelines regarding other clin- The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) guide-
ical contexts could be identified, although PCT can be lines were searched with the search term ‘procalcitonin’
used in various bacterial infections. and three additional guidelines were found [22–24].
Last, several known European websites (K€ayp€a Hoito,
Finland; Socialstyrelsen, Sweden; Den Norske
Material and methods Legeforening, Norway; Sundhedsstyrelsen, Denmark;
The CPGs regarding PCT were searched for in February Embaetti landlaeknis, Iceland; Zorginstituut Nederland,
2019. A systematic search was performed to four bio- the Netherlands; The National Institute for Health and
medical literature databases without language restric- Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom; The Scottish
tion. Additionally, 12 European national medical sites, Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN), Scotland;
two American medical databases and three medical cites Haute Autorite De Sante, France; Arbeitsgemeinschaft

der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften the use of PCT to monitor antibiotic treatment [22]. Four
(AWMF), Germany; Ministero della Salute, Italy; Direç~ao out of five sepsis guidelines advocated the use of PCT
Geral da Sau de, Portugal) with medical guidelines, the [9,11,18,25] whereas one stated that there is a lack of
Malaysian Ministry of Health guidelines, the Australian evidence for routine use [19]. In two guidelines regard-
Clinical Practice Guidelines and the New Zealand ing COPD, the use of PCT was not recom-
Guidelines Group were searched and guidelines, that mended [16,21].
included recommendations regarding the use of PCT in PCT use was recommended for decision about anti-
English or that had an English abstract, were included. biotic discontinuation in five guidelines [9,17,18,22,23].
Two further guidelines were found but one was consid- Twelve of the 17 guidelines did not comment on PCT
ered withdrawn by SIGN as it was over 10 years old. decision limits. One guideline suggested that PCT
Thus, only one additional guideline was included in the 1.5 ng/mL predicts development of septic shock in
review [25]. febrile neutropenia [11]. One guideline found no need
for antimicrobial treatment in COPD exacerbation with
Results PCT <0.1 ng/mL [12]. One guideline commented on the
association between PCT >150ng/mL and high mortality
Seventeen guidelines were included in this systematic risk in paediatric patients with invasive meningococcal
review (Table 1). The earliest guidelines were from 2009 disease (IMD) [20]. One guideline claimed that PCT
[12,17] and the most recent from 2018 [11,16,17]. There <0.5 ng/mL may help differentiate bacterial HAP/VAP
were 16 national guidelines and one international from non-infectious aetiologies and may guide in deci-
CPG [19]. sions on antibiotic cessation [15]. One guideline stated
Six of the 17 guidelines considered patients with that systemic infection is unlikely when PCT <0.5 ng/mL,
pneumonia or other respiratory tract infections [10,12, probable when PCT 2ng/mL, and that PCT
14,15,17,22], five patients with sepsis [9,11,18,19,25], two 2.99 ng/mL and clinical pulmonary infection score
patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (CPIS) enhances diagnostic accuracy for VAP [18].
(COPD) [16,21], two patients with cancer and neutro- Concomitant or alternate use of other biomarkers was
penia [11,13], one patients with meningococcal infection evaluated or mentioned in 13 guidelines [10–16,18–20,
[20], one patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) 22,24,25]. Three commented on the higher specificity of
[23] and one patients with central nervous system (CNS) PCT compared to CRP and other biomarkers [18,19,24].
infections [24]. One CPG concerned only paediatric In three guidelines, CRP was advocated as an alternative
patients [14]. to PCT [11,12,25] whereas in three, use of other bio-
Eight of the guidelines evaluated the use of PCT for markers than PCT was not recommended [14,15,22].
diagnosis [10–13,15,20,24,25], three for treatment moni- Two guidelines did not recommend any biomarkers
toring [9,21,23] and six for both purposes [14,16–19,22]. [10,13]. One guideline stated that CRP is the gold stand-
Twelve guidelines recommended the use of PCT or ard [16], and one mentioned that CRP can be used
stated that PCT can possibly be useful [9,11,12,14,15,17, instead of PCT but that PCT in serum rises earlier and
18,20,22–25]. Four guidelines stated that there is a lack faster than CRP in IMD [20].
of evidence for recommending PCT, or did not recom- All but two guidelines defined the method of grading
mend the use of PCT, or recommended against PCT use evidence [10,19]. However, five that stated the method
[13,16,19,21]. One national guideline recommended of grading evidence did not grade the evidence and rec-
against using any biomarkers for initial evaluation of ommendation regarding PCT [11,13,16,17,21]. The most
community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) [10]. popular method of grading evidence was Grading of
Out of the five guidelines on patients with pneumo- Recommendations Assessment, Development and
nia, four recommended use of PCT [12,14,15,22], and Evaluation (GRADE) scale used in six guidelines [9,18,
one was against any biomarkers in the initial evaluation 21–24].
of CAP [10]. One advised against using PCT in CAP, but
stated, that PCT may be helpful in hospital-acquired
pneumonia (HAP) and ventilator-associated pneumonia
(VAP) [15]. One of the CPGs on pneumonia recom- Contrary to the hypothesis, 17 guidelines were included
mended against using PCT for the decision of antibiotic in the present review. Twelve out of 17 advocated the
treatment initiation in patients with HAP or VAP but for use of PCT [9,11,12,14,15,17,18,20,22–25], of which two

Table 1. Guidelines.
Diagnostic or
Guideline Publishing institution Year Focus group Recommendation for the use of PCT Recommendation Grading treatment monitoring
Cancer patients with DGHO 2018 Sepsis 1. 1.5 ng/mL predictive for septic shock in Evidence not graded Diagnostics
neutropenic sepsis [11] febrile neutropenia Guideline graded
International Guidelines for Surviving Sepsis Campaign 2016 Sepsis 1. Antibiotic cessation 1. and 2. Weak recommendation, Treatment monitoring
Management of Sepsis and 2. Cessation of empiric antibiotics when limited low quality of evidence

Septic Shock [9] clinical evidence of infection Guideline graded; GRADE

PCT-testing for diagnosing and NICE 2015 Sepsis Insufficient evidence for routine clinical use Not stated Diagnostics and
monitoring sepsis [19] treatment monitoring
Sepsis (adults) [25] Current Care Guideline 2014 Sepsis 1. Sepsis diagnostics 1. Moderate evidence Diagnostics
2. Decreasing PCT in the first 3 days ! 2. Weak evidence
favourable prognosis Guideline graded
Prevention, diagnosis, treatment, DSG and DIVI 2010 Sepsis 1. PCT > CRP 1–4. Grade C, evidence IIb Diagnostics and
and follow-up of sepsis; first 2. PCT <0.5 ng/mL systemic infection unlikely, Guideline graded; CEBM treatment monitoring
revision of the S2k 2 ng/mL probable and GRADE
guidelines [18] 3. PCT 2.99 ng/mL þ CPIS in VAP diagnostic
accuracy "
4. Antibiotic cessation
Management of adults with HAP IDSA and ATS 2016 Pneumonia 1. Antibiotic initiation: clinical 1. Strong recommendation, Diagnostics and
and VAP [22] criteria > PCT þ clinical criteria moderate quality of evidence treatment monitoring
2. Antibiotic cessation: PCT þ clinical 2. Weak recommendation, low
criteria > clinical criteria quality of evidence
Guideline graded; GRADE
Management of CAP in SADI 2015 Pneumonia Not recommended for initial evaluation Not stated Diagnostics
adults [10]
Diagnosis and management of ICS and NCCP(I) 2012 Pneumonia 1. No need for routine use in CAP 1. Moderate evidence, strong Diagnostics
CAP and HAP [15] 2. PCT <0.5 ng/ mL may help in HAP/VAP recommendation
diagnostics 2. Moderate evidence, weak
Guideline graded
Diagnosis, prevention and Working group of South Africa 2009 Pneumonia 1. Diagnosis of VAP in children 1. and 2. Expert opinion, Diagnostics and
treatment of paediatric 2. Treatment monitoring inconsistent or lacking evidence treatment monitoring
VAP [14] Guideline graded
Patients with lower respiratory Paul-Ehrlich-Society of 2009 Lower respiratory 1. PCT <0.1 ng/mL in acute exacerbation of 1. B Diagnostics
tract infections and CAP [12] Chemotherapy, DGP, German tract infections COPD, antibiotic initiation not needed 2. A
Infectious Diseases Society and pneumonia 2. CAP: clinical criteria þ CRP or PCT Guideline graded; Oxford Centre
and CAPNETZ of Evidence-Based
Medicine grading
Diagnosis and treatment of DGP, German Atemwegsliga 2018 COPD Insufficient evidence Evidence not graded Diagnostics and
COPD patients [16] and ASP Guideline graded treatment monitoring
Management of COPD [21] NGC 2014 COPD Insufficient evidence for acute COPD Evidence not graded Treatment monitoring
exacerbations Guideline graded; GRADE
‘Rhinosinusitis’ – DEGAM and DGHNOKHC 2018 Rhinosinusitis Can be used for initiation or cessation of Evidence not graded Diagnostics and
Langfassung [17] antibiotic treatment Guideline graded treatment monitoring
Healthcare-associated IDSA 2017 Ventriculitis 1. Healthcare-associated bacterial ventriculitis 1. Weak recommendation, moderate Diagnostics
ventriculitis and and meningitis and meningitis: CSF-PCT ± CSF-lactate evidence
meningitis [24] 2. Differential diagnosis: bacterial infection vs. 2. Weak recommendation, low
surgery vs. haemorrhage evidence
Guideline graded; GRADE
Implementing an antibiotic IDSA and SHEA 2016 ICU Antibiotic cessation in adult ICU patients with Weak recommendation, moderate- Treatment monitoring
stewardship program [23] suspected infection quality evidence
Guideline graded; GRADE

recommended use of PCT in one situation but not in

Evaluation,; HAP: hospital-acquired pneumonia; ICS: Indian Chest Society; ICU: intensive care unit; IDSA: Infectious Diseases Society of America; IMD: invasive meningococcal disease;
ur Allgemeinmedizin und Familienmedizin; DGHNOKHC: Deutschen
ur Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin; DIVI:
ASP: Austrian Society of Pneumology; ATS: American Thoracic Society; CAP: community-acquired pneumonia; CAPNETZ: Competence Network; CEBM: The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine; COPD: chronic obstructive

NCCP(I): National College of Chest Physicians, India; NGC: National Guideline Clearinghouse; NICE: The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; PCT: procalcitonin; SADI: Sociedad Argentina de Infectologı; SHEA:
ur Intensivund Notfallmedizin; DSG: Deutschen Sepsis-Gesellschaft e.V.; GCP: good clinical practice; GRADE: Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and
treatment monitoring
another [15,22]. One CPG on CAP, published in 2015,
Diagnostic or

concluded that no biomarkers are of value in diagnostics

[10]. Four guidelines concluded that there is a lack of
evidence for recommendation for or against the use of

PCT [13,16,19,21], three of which were published in 2010
[13], 2014 [21] and 2015 [19]. The three most recent
CPGs were published in 2018, of which two recom-
3. Recommendation C, evidence III

mended use of PCT [11,17], while one CPG on COPD did

Recommendation Grading

not [10]. Research on optimal use of PCT has been

1. and 2. No evidence, GCP

Guideline graded; SIGN

active and, thus, more recent evidence might have had

ur Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde, Kopf: und Hals Chirurgie e.V.; DGHO: German Society of Hematology and Medical Oncology; DGP: Deutsche Gesellschaft f€
Evidence not graded
Guideline graded

an impact on the conclusions.

None of the guidelines took a stand on how often
PCT should be measured and if it should be used as a
single or multiple measurement. Only five guidelines
suggested decision limits for interpretation of PCT
pulmonary disease; CPIS: Clinical Pulmonary Infection Score; CRP: C-reactive protein; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; DEGAM: Deutsche Gesellschaft f€

[11,12,15,18,20]. The relation of kinetics, especially early

Insufficient evidence for initiation of antibiotics
origin and fever, or history of fever: either
2. Children with petechial rash of unknown

rise of PCT, to the timing of clinical decision may be

Recommendation for the use of PCT

variable and, thus, repeated measurements have been

PCT >150 ng/mL ! high mortality

Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America; SIGN: Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network; VAP: ventilator-associated pneumonia.
1. Early phase: PCT faster than CRP

advocated. Some data have indicated that PCT may be

3. Paediatric patients with IMD:

more useful when measured repeatedly [6].

In recent years, new evidence has emerged to sup-
in neutropenic cancer

port the use of PCT, especially regarding antibiotic treat-

ment [26,27]. These studies have shown that both ICU

patients and patients with various acute respiratory tract

infections benefit from PCT-based decision-making when
initiating and de-escalating antibiotic use as PCT guid-
ance is associated with decreased antibiotic use and
2010 Neutropenic cancer

lower mortality.
Focus group
2013 Meningococcal

Most PCT studies enrolled patients with sepsis, pneu-


monia or patients in the ICU. These three patient popu-

lations compromised 11 of the 17 CPGs in this
systematic review. However, data indicate that PCT

could be a feasible diagnostic aid in patients with sus-

pected severe infections of bacterial aetiology, such as
respiratory tract infections, abdominal infections like
Publishing institution

peritonitis, postoperative infections, meningitis, necrotiz-

ing fasciitis and neonatal infections [28–30].
In 2018, an international expert workshop constructed
a PCT algorithm for patients with sepsis and CAP [31].
Deutschen Interdisziplin€aren Vereinigung f€

Based on the Delphi method, the group concluded that,


for optimal use, PCT should be evaluated together with

clinical assessment of the severity of illness and the
meningococcal disease [20]

probability of bacterial infection. They proposed that in

neutropenic patients with

patients with mild disease and low probability of bacter-

Management of invasive
Table 1. Continued.

Antimicrobial agents in

ial infection, a low PCT, <0.25 ng/mL in non-ICU patients

and <0.5 ng/mL in ICU patients should advise against
Gesellschaft f€
cancer [13]

the use of antibiotics. In patients with moderate or high


severity of infection, empiric therapy may be used, but

can be discontinued if PCT declines from the peak by

>80% and/or below the proposed cut-off values. They sepsis, but there is wide variation in PCT usage between
proposed that PCT should be tested every 24–48 h to hospitals [38]. During 2015, one of Finland’s five tertiary
monitor antibiotic treatment [31]. care hospitals did not use PCT at all, whereas another
In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) performed over 5600 PCT measurements. Furthermore,
approved PCT for the guidance of antibiotic therapy in the purpose of PCT use, diagnostics or treatment moni-
lower respiratory tract infections and for discontinuation toring, varied between hospitals [38]. However, it must
of antibiotic treatment in patients with sepsis. In both be noted that this Finnish guideline was published in
patient groups, PCT guidance is associated with lower 2014, and it is possible that clinical practices in Finland
mortality. Lower respiratory tract infections include CAP, were not fully adjusted to the guideline in 2015.
acute bronchitis, and acute exacerbations of COPD [32]. Adherence to institutionally-set local rules on PCT
Earlier in 2007, PCT was approved by the FDA for use in guided antibiotic treatment was evaluated by Hohn and
combination with other laboratory findings and clinical colleagues. They noted that the PCT sampling protocol
assessments in critically ill patients with suspected was followed in less than 50% of patients, and that in
severe sepsis and septic shock [33]. The FDA concluded only one-third of patients, the recommended PCT sam-
that sufficient clinical data indicate that PCT is a useful pling and antibiotic discontinuation were performed
biomarker when making decisions on initiation of anti- [39]. Low adherence to other CPGs in this context has
biotic treatment in patients with suspected bacterial been observed. In the Surviving Sepsis Campaign com-
infections. The FDA stated that appropriate use of PCT pliance to the guideline was only 36% [40].
could be useful as a tool to combat increased antimicro- The strength of this systematic review is the wide
bial resistance since clinical data indicates that PCT- search of databases and other sites. Nevertheless, it
guided management leads to fewer antibiotic initiations must be noted that some guidelines regarding this sub-
and shorter courses of treatment. Patients may, further- ject may not have been found. The limitation of a CPG
more, benefit by experiencing a decrease of one-fourth review is that guidelines do not necessarily correspond
in antibiotic-related adverse effects. to actual clinical practice [38,41]. Moreover, PCT has limi-
A guideline is only as good as the studies it is based tations as a biomarker for bacterial infection as it is
on, and therefore, grading studies are essential [34]. In released in inflammatory responses to other causes.
the present review, two guidelines did not report grad- However, when measured in severely ill patients with
ing of the studies. As new data is emerging rapidly, suspected bacterial infections, needing differential diag-
applying these data on guidelines is challenging and nostics, PCT can be useful in decision-making.
may weaken adherence to guidelines. However, the ben- Furthermore, PCT can aid antibiotic stewardship [26,27],
efits of CPGs are recognized. Increased adherence to which is important as we face the threat of multidrug-
guidelines has been associated with reduced mortality resistant bacteria.
[35] as patient care can be optimized and resources may In conclusion, 12 of the 17 CPGs endorse use of PCT
be assigned where needed. in differential diagnosis and/or in guidance of antibiotic
In medicine, adherence and compliance are often therapy. Four guidelines conclude that there is not
used synonymously with the degree to which patients enough evidence to support recommendations for or
correctly follow medical advice. Adherence may be against PCT use. One national guideline did not recom-
described as doctors’ and patient’s willingness to follow mend use of any biomarkers for diagnosis of CAP. The
the recommended treatment, and compliance combines evidence on PCT in CPGs is of low to moderate quality,
willingness with ability to follow the recommendations. and CPGs disagree on PCT use even when considering
However, poor adherence to clinical algorithms and identical clinical situations.
study protocols has been recognized as a factor that
may cause controversial results in studies concerning
Disclosure statement
PCT use for the discontinuation of antibiotic therapy. If a
study protocol is inadequately followed in one study The authors have no conflicts of interest that are relevant to
this work.
and adequately in another, the results may be contro-
versial [36,37].
It is unlikely that actual use of PCT correlates fully to Funding
the guidelines. In Finland, the Current Care guideline This work was supported by Suomen Laboratoriol€a€aketieteen
[25] suggests that PCT can be useful for diagnosis of Edist€amiss€a€atio
€, Helsinki, Finland.

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