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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Division of Iloilo City
Q. Abeto St., Mandurriao, Iloilo City
January 26, 2022

i. objectives
a. Content standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literatures and other
text types serve as vehicles of expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals or groups; also how to use strategies in critical reading, listening,
and viewing, and affirmation and negation markers to deliver impromptu
and extemporaneous speeches.

b. Performance The learner proficiently delivers an argumentative speech emphasizing how

standard to resolve conflicts among individuals or groups.

c. Most Essential
Learning The learner formulate a statement of opinion or assertion.

d. Specific objective
At the end of the 1-hour lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Define assertion and its types or categories, and

2. Distinguish fact, opinion and commonplace assertion.

The lesson objectives are formulated using the SMART approach (specific, measurable,
achievable, relevant and time-bound.

NCOI RPMS indicator 2 Used research-based knowledge and principles of teaching and
learning to enhance professional practice.

ii. content
TOPIC: Quarter 2 – Module 3: Formulating a Statement of Opinion or Assertion

iii. learning resources References:

Grade 10 English Module, SLR in English 10 Quarter 2 Module 3

Support Instructional Materials:

Power Point Presentation, Laptop, Television, Visual Aids


4A’s 4A’s instructional model is anchored on a constructivist

teaching philosophy.

iv. procedure
Teacher’s Activity Annotations
1. Prayer
2. Checking of Attendance Remining students
of safety
3. Reminder of the following: guidelines and
practices like
a) Observance of the Health Protocols health protocols,
wash in school is
b) Location of available handwashing areas
important to
c) School emergency exit plan achieve a safe
d) Maintaining cleanliness in class learning
Indicator 4 Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures.

1. The teacher will show a picture from the web and the students will formulate
sentences that comes into their mind when they see the picture.

President Rodrigo Roa

2.The teacher will ask the students the following questions:
a) What associations did you give Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte?
b) What are your basis in describing Pres. Rodrigo Duterte?

✓ President Rodrigo Roa Duterte is the 16th president of the Philippines. Through the use of
✓ President Duterte is a hero. both verbal and
strategies, open
3. The teacher will process the activity, will verbally and non-verbally compliment the communication
students who answered, and will encourage those who are shy to participated. between teacher
and students is
Indicator 3 Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner encouraged
understanding, participation, engagement and achievement

1. The teacher will ask the students the following:

a) What are the social media platforms you know?

b) How much time do you spend in social media and other online platforms?
c) What online platforms do you often visit?

2. The teacher will process the answers and will constantly remind students to be Supportive and
participative and to observe proper behavior and decorum especially with how they nurturing
interact with their classmates. environment
makes students
Indicator 5 Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage feel accepted
learning . and
encouraged to
1. The teacher will discuss the following:

Do you know that Assertions are so common in social media today? And the distinction
between one another is slowly becoming unclear because of how netizens present
everything as facts? This is why, social media users like me and like you, need to be Making use of
critical and informed readers to be able to verify the truthfulness of the information we pictures during
come across with. To understand these idea let us consider these pictures. discussion and
from one
Note: The teacher will code-switch to Hiligaynon/Filipino if students find hard to
medium to
understand the concepts discussed. another displays
Indicator 2 Display proficient use of Mother tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning
2. The teacher will group the class into three and let each group pick one of the
following pictures:

3. The teacher will then ask each group to show their picture and will ask questions Collaborative
pertaining to the pictures presented. activities make
4. The teacher will play a video for further understanding of the topic. students more
because they
Indicator 6 Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate are given
and collaborate in continued learning. opportunities to
do tasks while
(ENGLISH 10 (Quarter 2-Module 3) _ Formulating a Statement of Opinion or exercising their
Assertion.mp4) cooperative
5. After the video, the teacher will further discuss the following concepts:

Note: The teacher will encourage interaction during the discussion.

ASSERTION - is a term generally used to refer to statements of fact, opinion, belief and

a. A FACT is a verifiable statement. It can be proven objectively by verified

observations or the results of research among others. Because statements of
fact can be double-checked for accuracy, there is general agreement
about the truth they suggest.

For example, with President Rodrigo Duterte, the statement that he is the 16th
President of the Philippines is a fact because there is a general truth to it,
everyone agrees about it and everyone in the country knows that he is really the
16th president of the country. Thus, it is non-debatable.

b. OPINION is a type of assertion which expresses judgment, viewpoint, or

statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective. It is a
personal view; however, it is still based on facts hence, it is debatable and
potentially changeable. In other words, it is an honest attempt to draw a
conclusion from factual evidence, and not a mere statement of one’s belief,
preference, or prejudice.
It can sometimes be distinguished from other constructions because they
often uses qualifying words such as; almost, usually, maybe, probably,
often, some most and in most cases.

Most public schools are ready for distance education.

The word “most” makes the sentence an opinion that is easier to support.

President Duterte is a hero. (It is based on your opinion which is also derived
from what you see in him.)

c. COMMONPLACE ASSERTION - is a stereotype, an oversimplification or a

prejudice, which is a half-baked opinion based on insufficient or unexamined
evidence, but it is presented as if it were a fact. It is often accepted from
others (families, friends, media etc.), making it too common to be questioned
about its truthfulness.

Note: (A video will be played for further discussion about commonplace assertion)
ENGLISH 10 (Quarter 2-Module 3)_ Formulating a Statement of Opinion or Assertion.mp4

For example:
1. Men are stronger than women.
2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Written as declarative sentences, these statements appear to be facts. But let us

analyze each of them.

The first example is a typical stereotype, a statement that many people have
accepted to be true. However, there is no evidence to support this, and there
are many layers of the statement that are ambiguous. For instance, it is not clear
if it is referring only to physical strength. This is why the statement is something
that many women have been trying to disprove.

As for the second example, many people have also accepted this as a fact.
However, it is not clear how an apple can keep someone so healthy that she
wouldn’t need to visit a physician anymore. Moreover, it is still possible that
someone who eats apple everyday could get sick and will need to visit a doctor.
C. ACTIVITY and use of
game make
1. The teacher will group the class again into two. experience to
2. The teacher will open for the class to play an interactive game on fact, construct
opinion and commonplace assertion. concepts based
3. The group that will get the highest score will be declared the winner, on their
Indicator 6 Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate
and collaborate in continued learning.
1. The teacher will ask the following questions:

a) What are the three big concepts that you learned today?
b) How do you evaluate whether the information is based on facts or based on a
person’s opinion?
c) How would you react if you learned that the information you received is a fake
d) As a student, what can you do to help encourage your fellow learners to be Presenting the
responsible in using the social media? lesson in the
e) Give examples of an opinion about Same Sex Marriage. context of real-
life experiences
Indicator1 Apply knowledge of content within and across the curriculum teaching area. allows teachers
to establish
Direction: Read the following statements and distinguish whether each is a FACT, curriculum
_______________ 1. There is not a place in Baguio City with zero record of Covid-19
_______________ 2. The surge in the number of Covid-19 cases in Baguio can be
attributed to expanded testing efforts and heightened contact
_______________ 3. To ease the worsening poverty caused by the pandemic, livelihood
projects for poor families are a better solution than cash subsidies.
_______________ 4. The liquor ban is one of the best policies of the local government in
keeping the corona virus disease under control.
_______________ 5. The only tourists allowed to come to Baguio are those from Region
and nearby provinces with minimal Covid-19 cases.
_______________ 6. Tourism always solves the financial woes of every major city in the
entire country.
_______________ 7. Many poor families have greatly benefited from the two tranches of
the government’s Social Amelioration Program.
_______________ 8. Small business had to close as an effect of the Covid-19 pandemic,
and this is why it is better to have a stable job than to start one’s own
business venture.
_______________ 9. Long quarantine period translates to lower crime rates in every city.
_______________ 10. In times of global crisis, men are better leaders than women.

IT’S FINE TO OPINE: Write an opinion article about any current

social or political issue. Be sure to phrase your opinions and
assertions correctly, and write in no less than 200 words. Be guided
by the following rubric.

Constructivist teaching is based on the belief that learning occurs as learners are actively involved in a
process of meaning and knowledge construction rather than passively receiving information. This particular
teaching philosophy is evident in the crafting of this lesson plan. Not only that the 4A’s instructional model
which is anchored on constructivism was used but as well as the different activities employed where
learners are considered the makers of meaning and knowledge. This teaching philosophy fosters critical
thinking and creates motivated and independent learners.

NCOI RPMS Indicator Applied a personal philosophy of teaching that is learner-centered.

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