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According to Ajayi,(2008) defines ICT as diverse set of technological tools and resources used to

communicate, create ,disseminate, store and manage information for example computers, iPad ,tablets
and smart phones.

According to (UNESCO), united Nations Educational scientific and cultural organization also defines ICT
as the form technology that are used to transmit , process , store, create ,display, share or exchange
information by electronic means like tablets, computers , laptops and smart phones .

Teacher Education refers to the policies, procedures and provisions designed to equip teachers with at
(prospective) teacher with knowledge, attitude, and approaches, methodologies skills they require to
perform their tasks effectively in the classroom, school and wider community.

Continuous assessment is a form of Educational examination that evaluates student s progress

throughout a prescribed course .it is a comprehensive, cumulative, diagnostic, formative, guidance –
oriented and systematic in nature.

According to USAID (2003) defines continuous assessment as a classroom strategy implemented by

teachers to certain the knowledge, understanding, skills attained by individual students.

The following are the significance of ICT in education as a tool for assessment in schools and teacher
training institutions as below;

Online-lining, ICT helps in such lesson in order to bridge the gap between students at distance and those
around campus. With the help of ICT, student are able to access their teachers, tutors or lecturers for
consultations online despite the fact that they are far but still learn well with the use of smart phones,
laptops and computers without missing lessons hence getting knowledge and skills, therefore ICT is a
tool of effective continuous assessment in schools and teacher training institutions.

Search for information, for instance the use of smart phones, tablets and computers helps students to
research for relevant information from the internet by use of ICT skills. A lecturer gives assignment and
students are able to get relevant data towards the given task such that at end students are assed
according to the have e searched, interpreted and used the information addressing the question hence
ICT is a tool for effective continuous assessment in schools and tear education training institutions.

Communication, through ICT tools like tablets, phones and iPad help both teachers and students to
actively communicate e to one another because there is information sent the teacher s by students and
there is feedback given immediately to the students to the narrow the gaps of teachers missing lessons
with letting the students to know why because there is effective communication between students and
teachers. This challenge will be sorted out with in a shortest time possible to have a mutual
understanding thus ICT is a tool for effective continuous assessment in schools and teacher training

Reliable source of information for stance the use smart phones students are able to get the information
that one finds relevant for his or her ICT allows everybody to do search according to ones interests that
is to say that u- tube, Google ,Skype and academia apps such that whoever used one of the above is
equipped with knowledge about particular issues that they had concern with in(when one reads one
owns the t information and knowledgeable ) thus ICT is a tool for effective continuous assessment in
schools and teacher training institutions.
Promotes independent learning for students because they are able to do individual search foe data
about their subjects and are able to generate the relevant answers to the questions without the help of
a teacher , tutors or lecturer hence ICT is a tool for effective continuous assessment in schools and
teacher training institutions.

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