I Like Maths

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Well, I like mathematics and even more, I love it.


I like it because I am able to understand the various topics in mathematics well. I am able to
conceptualize various geometrical figures and visualize the concepts. I am able to follow the logic of the
derivations, laws and theorems. Mathematics does not require a lot of memorizing of paragraphs.
Mathematics allows us to learn many techniques and then practice them on the basis of those we have

Mathematics is a subject which is fundamental to every other subject and field in the world. It is
basically part of any knowledge. However, some times, going too deep, mathematics becomes inhuman
and the world of symbols. This is where many persons will start hating mathematics and then start
loving pure sciences or arts.

Mathematics is needed to make any engineering method, fabrication of a product. Nowadays, even
subjects like entertainment is based on many complicated and recently developed computer based
techniques. Those are entirely mathematical.

Mathematics and creation of currency has allowed trading of food, and articles in the society. The
trade terms are based on appropriate value determination. This is mathematics. Nowadays, health
conscious person even count the number of calories in their food.

Mathematicians had learnt various sciences and enriched them by finding new laws and theorems.
They form the basis for us to live comfortably and work for better life in future. The mathematicians
and scientists have done a great job and their lives and work are inspiring for all of us.

Mathematics can be explained visually, with examples in an interesting way. Then all persons will like
it. In fact, the first lessons a child learns are the alphabet and counting of numbers. Such is the
importance of mathematics. So I like it because it interestingly solves many practical problems in real
life in various fields.

However, when it becomes inhumanly symbolic matter, I do not like that. It is the application of
mathematics I like, rather than the mathematics itself.

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