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1. General Principles - 2

2. Loan - 3

3. Commodatum - 4

4. Mutuum / Simple Loan - 8

5. Interest - 10

6. Usury - 13

7. Deposit - 14

8. Warehouse Receipts - 13 (ii)

9. Personal Security -

10. Guaranty - 23

11. Real Security

12. Real Estate Mortgage - 41

13. Antichresis - 57

14. Chattel Mortgage - 59

15. Personal Property Security (PPSA) - 75

16. Concurrence and Preference - 65

17. Quasi-contracts - 79

1. General Concepts - 14

2. Contract of Loan - 18

3. Commodatum - 21

4. Mutuum or Simple Loan - 34

5. Usury Law - 51

6. Credit Card - 57

7. Consumer Loans & Other Types - 74

8. Contract of Deposit - 79

9. Warehouse Receipts Law - 107

10. Guaranty - 128

11. Suretyship - 149

12. Common Pledge and Mortgage - 164

13. Real Estate Mortgage - 176

14. Antichresis - 203

15. Financial Lease and Other Financing Transactions - 211

16. Personal Property Security Act - 217

17. Letters of Credit - 249

18. Trust Receipts Law - 269

19. Concurrence and Preference - 285

20. FRIA - 305

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