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Homework 1

First Semester

Session 1441/1442 AH

Student Name :

Student ID : 1

Student Signature :

Department : Department of Computer Science Total Marks

Course Code : COCS 311

Course Name : Computer Architecture

Deadline :
Time : 14:00 - 15:00

Number Pages : 10

NB! Only Handwritten assignment will be evaluated.
Outcome 1 /05
(05 Marks)

Outcome 2 / 01
(01 Marks)

Total Marks
(In Figure)  /06 Marks

Total Marks
(In Words)

Outcome 1 &2 [6]

1 of 10
a. Illustrate mathematically how to convert the following Binary number into Decimal Number system.
(10111)2 = ?10
(11.10)2 = ?10
(100011.011)2 = ?10
b. Illustrate mathematically how to convert following decimal number into binary Number system.
(345)10 = ?2
(45.25)10 = ?2
c. Illustrate mathematically how to convert the following Octal number into Decimal Number system.
278 = ?10
308 = ?10
d. Illustrate mathematically how to convert the following Hexadecimal number into Decimal Number system.
(2F)16 = ?10
(BCC)16 = ?10
(2F. A2)16 = ?10
e. Illustrate mathematically how to convert following Binary number into Octal Number system .
101012 = ?8
(11100.11)2= ?8
f. Illustrate mathematically how to convert the following Binary number into Hexadecimal Number system.
101012 = ?16
(11100.11)2= ?16
(100011.011)2 = ?16
g. Solve and write the result of sum for given hexadecimal number

+ AA B


Solve and write the result of subtraction for given hexadecimal number
2 of 10
- AA B


-AF 4

Q2. Draw the logic circuit

A̅ B̅ + C̅ D̅
C̅ D̅ + E F̅
( �̅ + �)̅ ( �̅ + �)̅ �̅
A̅ ( �̅ + �)̅
Q3. Solve to simplify the Boolean equation using Boolean algebra

(A+B)( A̅ +B)(A+B̅ ),
�̅ �̅ Z + �̅ Y Z + X Y
Y= A̅ B C̅ + A̅ B̅ C + A B̅ C̅ + A̅ B̅ C̅
Q4. Draw K-map for solving the equation and then draw logic circuit.

�̅ �̅ �̅ + �̅ B �̅ + �̅ �̅ C, A �̅ �̅ + A B �̅ + �̅ �̅ C + � ̅ �̅ �̅
�̅ �̅ �̅ + �̅ B �̅ + �̅ �̅ C + A B �̅ + A �̅ �̅
�̅ B + A B + A �̅
Q5. Solve and write the designation of Min term

A̅ B C̅ and B̅ A̅ C̅
Solve and write designation of Max term

A̅ + B̅ + C and A̅ + C̅ + B

Best of Luck

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