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Brief Biography

to decide the future of India. Babasaheb represented the ple—no matter what. Later he visited Gandhi, who was at
‘untouchables’. He said there:—The Depressed Classes of that time in Yeravda jail. Gandhi persuaded Babasaheb that
India also join in the demand for replacing the British Hinduism would change and leave its bad practices behind.
Government by a Government of the people and by the peo- Finally Babasaheb agreed to sign the Poona Pact with
ple... Our wrongs have remained as open sores and have not Gandhi in 1932. Instead of separate electorates, more repre-
been righted although 150 years of British rule have rolled sentation was to be given to the Depressed Classes.
away. Of what good is such a Government to anybody?” However, it later became obvious that this did not amount to
The British had done nothing to alleviate the status of the anything concrete.
depressed classes. He declared that India must have a mini- In the Prime of His Life:Babasaheb had by this time col-
mum of Dominion Status. He pressed for a separate elec- lected a library of over 50,000 books, and had a house
torate for the depressed classes. named Rajgriha built at Dadar in north Bombay to hold it. In
Soon a second conference was held, which Mahatma 1935 his beloved wife Ramabai died. The same year he was
Gandhi attended representing the Congress Party. made Principal of the Government Law College, Bombay.
Babasaheb met Gandhi in Bombay before they went to Also in 1935 a conference of Dalits was held at Yeola.
London. Gandhi told him that he had read what Babasaheb Babasaheb told the conference:—We have not been able to
said at the first conference. Gandhi told Babasaheb he knew secure the barest of human rights... I am born a Hindu. I
him to be a real Indian patriot. At the Second Conference, couldn’t help it, but I solemnly assure you that I will not die
Babasaheb asked for a separate electorate for the Depressed a Hindu.” This was the first time that Babasaheb stressed the
Classes—Hinduism, “he said—has given us only insults, importance of conversion from Hinduism for his people—
misery, and humiliation.” A separate electorate would mean for they were only known as ‘untouchables’ within the fold
that the ‘untouchables’ would vote for their own candidates of Hinduism. During the Second World War, Babasaheb was
and be allotted their votes separate from the Hindu majority. appointed Labour Minister by the Viceroy. Yet he never lost
Babasaheb was made a hero by thousands of his followers contact with his roots—he never became corrupt or crooked.
on his return from Bombay—even though he always said He said that he had been born of the poor and had lived the
that people should not idolise him. News came that separate life of the poor, he would remain absolutely unchanged in
electorates had been granted. Gandhi felt that separate elec- his attitudes to his friends and to the rest of the world. The
torates would separate the Harijans from the Hindus. The All-India Scheduled Castes Federation was formed in 1942
thought that the Hindus would be divided pained him to gather all ‘untouchables’ into a united political party.
grievously. He started a fast, saying that he would fast unto Architect of the Constitution: After the war Babasaheb
death. was elected to the Constituent Assembly to decide the way
The Mahatma’s Fast: Gandhiji felt that separate electro- that India— a country of millions of people—should be
rates would only separate the Harijans from the Hindus. The ruled. How should elections take place? What are the rights
very thought that the Hindu would be divided pained him of the people? How are laws to be made? Such important
much. He started a fast against separate electorates. He said matters had to be decided and laws had to be made. The
he would fast unto death in necessary. There was anxiety in Constitution answers all such questions and lays down rules.
the country because of Gandhiji’s fast. Many Congress lead- When India became independent in August 1947,
ers went to Ambedkar to save Gandhiji. “Muslims, BabasahebAmbedkar became First Law Minister of
Christians and Sikhs have obtained the right of separate Independent India. The Constituent Assembly made him
electorates. Gandhiji did not fast to oppose them. Why chairman of the committee appointed to draft the constitu-
should Gandhiji fast to oppose Harijans getting separate tion for the world’s largest democracy. All his study of law,
electorates?” questioned Ambedkar. “If you are unwilling to economics, and politics made him the best qualified person
give the ‘untouchables’ separate electorates, what other for this task. A study of the Constitutions of many countries,
solution is there? It is essential to save Gandhiji. But just to a deep knowledge of law, a knowledge of the history of India
save him I am not prepared to give up the interests of the and of Indian Society—all these were essential. In fact, he
backward classes,” he declared. He said, reserve a larger carried the whole burden alone. He alone could complete
number of seats for the untouchables’ than the British have this huge task.
given; then I will give up the claim for separate electorates.” On July 15, 1947, the British Parliament passed the act of
Only Babasaheb could save Gandhi’s life—by withdraw- Indian Independence and on August 15, 1947, India became
ing the demand for separate electorates. At first he refused, free. The Constituent Assemble of Independent India
saying it was his duty to do the best he could for his peo- appointed a Drafting Committee with Dr. Ambedkar as its

92 Organiser n Collector’s Edition

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